Page Fourteen Flashcards
dixitque Ietther primogenito suo surge et interfice eos qui non eduxit gladium timebat enim quia adhuc puer erat
And he said to Jether, his own first born son (dixitque Ietther, primogenito suo), rise and kill them (surge, et interfice eos). He did not lead out/draw sword (qui non eduxit gladium). He was, in fact, afraid (timebat enim) because to this point, (quia adhuc) he was a boy (puer erat).
dixeruntque Zebee et Salmana tu surge et inrue in nos quia iuxta aetatem robur est hominis surrexit Gedeon et interfecit Zebee et Salmana et tulit ornamenta ac bullas quibus colla regalium camelorum decorari solent
And Zebee and Salmana said: you rise and run in on us (Zebee et Salmana dixeruntque: tu surge et inrue in nos), because the resolve/strength of men is (quia robur hominis est) near (according to?) age (iuxta aetatem). Gedeon tose up and killed Zebee and Salmana (Gedeon surrexit et interfecit Zebee et Salmana) and he carried off (et tulit) ornaments and papal bulls (ornamenta ac bullas) which the necks of the camels of royalty/kings (quibus colla camelorum regalium) are accustomed to be decorated/adorned (solent decorari).
dixeruntque omnes viri Israhel ad Gedeon dominare nostri tu et filius tuus et filius filii tui quia liberasti nos de manu Madian
And all the men of Israel said to Gedeon (Omnes viri Israhel dixeruntque ad Gedeon): You be master to us (tu dominare nostri) and your son, and the son of your son (et filius tuus, et filius tui filii), because you have freed us from the hand of Madian (quia liberasti nos de manu Madian).
quibus ille ait non dominabor vestri nec dominabitur in vos filius meus sed dominabitur Dominus
Who said that/to them (quibus ait ille): I will not be your master (non dominabor vestri), nor will my son be master to you (nec meus filius dominabitur in vos), but the Lord will be master/rule (sed Dominus dominabitur).
dixitque ad eos unam petitionem postulo a vobis date mihi inaures ex praeda vestra inaures enim aureas Ismahelitae habere consuerant
And he said to them (dixitque ad eos): I demand one petition (request?) of you (postulo unam petitionem a vobis): Give to me the ear rings out of your pillage (date mihi inaures ex praeda vestra).
Indeed, the Ismaelites were accustomed (Enim Ismahelitae consuerant) to have golden ear rings (habere aureas inaures).
qui responderunt libentissime dabimus expandentesque super terram pallium proiecerunt in eo inaures de praeda
They responded (qui responderunt): we will most gladly give [them] (dabimus libentissime), and spreading out over the land a cover/Greek cloak (expandentesque super terram pallium), they threw down on it (proiecerunt in eo) the ear rings from the pillage (inaures de praeda).
et fuit pondus postulatarum inaurium mille septingenti auri sicli absque ornamentis et monilibus et veste purpurea quibus Madian reges uti soliti erant et praeter torques aureos camelorum
And the weight (et pondus) of the ear rings he demanded (inaurium postulatarum) was (fuit) a thousand seven hundred (mille septingenti) of gold shekels (auri sicli), apart from (absque) the ornaments, and necklace and purple garment (ornamentis et monilibus et veste purpurea), which kings of Madian (quibus reges Madian) were accustomed to use (soliti erant uti), and besides (et praeter) the collars of gold (torques aureos) of the camels (on the camel’s necks? camelorum).
fecitque ex eo Gedeon ephod et posuit illud in civitate sua Ephra fornicatusque est omnis Israhel in eo et factum est Gedeoni et omni domui eius in ruinam
And Gedeon made out of it an ephod (Gedeon fecitque ex eo ephod—ephod is an article of clothing of a Jewish priest), and he put that in his own city, Ephra (et posuit illud in civitate sua Ephra). And all Israel committed fornication in/with it (omnis Israhel fornicatusque est in eo) and it caused (et factum est) to Gedeon and all his house (Gedeoni et omni domui eius) a catastrophe (in? ruinam).
humiliatus est autem Madian coram filiis Israhel nec potuerunt ultra elevare cervices sed quievit terra per quadraginta annos quibus praefuit Gedeon
Madian was humbled, however (Madian humiliatus est autem) before (coram) the children of Israel (filiis Israhel), nor were they able to lift up (nec potuerunt elevare) their necks (heads? cervices) besides (ultra). But the land was quiet for the forty years (sed terra quievit per quadraginta annos) which Gedeon was in charge (quibus Gedeon praefuit).
abiit itaque Hierobbaal filius Ioas et habitavit in domo sua
And so (itaque) Jerobaal, son of Joas, went (Hierobaal, filius Ioas, abiit) and lived in his own house (et habitavit in domo sua)
habuitque septuaginta filios qui egressi sunt de femore eius eo quod plures haberet uxores
And he had 70 sons (habuitque septuaginta filios) who came out from his thigh (qui egressi sunt de femore eius), because (quod) he had several wives (eo haberet plures uxores).
concubina autem illius quam habebat in Sychem genuit ei filium nomine Abimelech
A concubine, however, that he had in Sichem (concubina autem illius habebat in Sychem—no idea what quam is doing here. Nothing makes sense) gave birth to his son (genuit ei filium), named Abimelech (nomine Abimelech).
mortuusque est Gedeon filius Ioas in senectute bona et sepultus in sepulchro Ioas patris sui in Ephra de familia Ezri
And Gedeon, son of Joas, died (Gedeon, filius Ioas, mortuusque est) in good old age (in bona senectute) and was buried (et sepultus) in the tomb of Joas, his father (in sepulchro Ioas patris sui), in Ephra, of the family of Ezri (in Ephra, de familia Ezri).
postquam autem mortuus est Gedeon aversi sunt filii Israhel et fornicati cum Baalim percusseruntque cum Baal foedus ut esset eis in deum
After Gedeon was dead, however (postquam Gedeon mortuus est autem), the children of Israel turned away (filii Israhel aversi sunt) and fornicated with Baalim (et fornicati cum Baalim) and they struck (percusseruntque—interesting use of this word) with Baal a treaty (cum Baal foedus) in order that he would be (ut esset) their god (eis in deum?)
nec recordati sunt Domini Dei sui qui eruit eos de manu omnium inimicorum suorum per circuitum
Nor did they remember (nec recordati sunt) the Lord, their God, who plucked (Domini Dei sui qui eruit) them out of the hands of all their enemies (eos de manu omnium suorum inimicorum) through the circle (around them? per circuitum).
nec fecerunt misericordiam cum domo Hierobbaal Gedeon iuxta omnia bona quae fecerat Israheli
Nor did they make mercy (nec fecerunt misericordiam) with the house of Jerobaal Gedeon (cum domo Hierobbaal Gedeon) next to/compared to all the good which he had done to Israel (iuxta omnia bona quae fecerat Israheli).
abiit autem Abimelech filius Hierobbaal in Sychem ad fratres matris suae et locutus est ad eos et ad omnem cognationem domus patris matris suae dicens
However, Abimelech, the son of Jerobaal, went to Sichem (abiit autem Abimelech filius Hierobbaal in Sychem), to his mother’s brothers (ad fraters matris), and he spoke to them (et locutus est ad eos), and to all the blood relations of the house of his mother’s father (et ad omnem cognationem domus patris matris suae), saying (dicens):
loquimini ad omnes viros Sychem quid vobis est melius ut dominentur vestri septuaginta viri omnes filii Hierobbaal an ut dominetur vobis unus vir
simulque considerate quia os vestrum et caro vestra sum
Speak to all the men of Sichem (loquimini ad omnes viros Sychem): Which is better for you (quid vobis est melius), that seventy men, all sons of Jerobaal (ut…septuaginta viri omnes filii Hierobbaal), should be your ruler (dominentur vestri), or that (an ut) one man should be your ruler (unus vir dominetur vobus)?
And at the same time (simulque), consider carefully (considerate), because I am (quia…sum) your face/bone (os vestrum) and your flesh (et caro vestra)