Page Five Flashcards
obtulitque munera Eglon regi Moab erat autem Eglon crassus nimis
And he offered/presented (obtulitque) the gifts/duty (munera) to Eglon, king of Moab, Eglon, however (autem) was (erat) exceedingly (nimis) fat/thick (crassus).
cumque obtulisset ei munera prosecutus est socios qui cum eo venerant
And when (cumque) he had offered/presented (obtulisset) these gifts to him (munera ei—ei is dative?) he pursued/escorted (prosecutus est) his companions (socios) that with him came (qui cum eo venerant).
et reversus de Galgalis ubi erant idola dixit ad regem verbum secretum habeo ad te o rex et ille imperavit silentium egressisque omnibus qui circa eum errant
And returning from Galgal (et reversus de Galgalis), where idols were (ubi errant idola), he said to the king (dixit ad regem): I have a private word (habeo verbum secretum) to you, O king (ad te o rex). And he ordered/commanded (et imperavit) that [they] be silent (ille silentium), and all going out/departing (egressisque omnibus) who were being around him (qui errant circa eum)
ingressus est Ahoth ad eum sedebat autem in aestivo cenaculo solus dixitque verbum Dei habeo ad te qui statim surrexit de throno
Aod advanced/entered to him (Ahoth ingressus est ad eum): he was sitting, however (sedebat autem), in a summer garret alone (in aestivo cenaculo solus), and he said (dixitque), I have a word (habeo verbum) from God to you (Dei ad te), who (qui—the king) at once (statim) rose from the throne (surrexit de throno).
extenditque Ahoth manum sinistram et tulit sicam de dextro femore suo infixitque eam in ventre eius
And Aod stretched [out] (extenditque Ahoth) his left hind (manum sinistram) and brought (et tulit—tulit is the 3rd princ.Part of Fero) the dagger (sicam) from his own right thigh (de suo dextro femore) and implanted it (infixitque eam) into his stomach/belly (in ventre eius),
tam valide ut capulus ferrum sequeretur in vulnere ac pinguissimo adipe stringeretur nec eduxit gladium sed ita ut percusserat reliquit in corpore statimque per secreta naturae alvi stercora proruperunt
So (tam—sense is “to such an extent”) strongly (valide) that (ut) the hilt (capulus) was followed (sequeretur–passive) by the sword (ferrum) into the wound (in vulnere), and (ac) was drawn tight (closed up? Stringeretur—passive) with the fatty tissue (adipe) and highest amount of fat (pinguissimo—superlative). So that (ut) he drew not out (nec eduxit) the sword (gladium), but left it thus (sed reliquit ita) in the body (in corpore) he had hit (percusserat??). And at once (statimque), by means of the secrets of nature (per secreta naturae), the defacations (stercora) of the bowel (alvi) rushed forth (proruperunt).
Ahoth autem clausis diligentissime ostiis cenaculi et obfirmatis sera
Aod, therefore (Ahoth autem), carefully shutting (diligentissime clausis) the doorways (ostiis) of the garret (cenaculi), and securing them (obfirmatis) with a bar (sera),
per posticam egressus est servique regis ingressi viderunt clausas fores cenaculi atque dixerunt forsitan purgat alvum in aestivo cubiculo
Set out by means of the rear [door?] (egressus est per posticam). And the servants of the king, entering (servique Regis ingressi), they saw the doors (viderunt fores) of the garret closed (cenaculi clausas), and they said (atque dixerunt): perhaps (forsitan) he is cleansing (purgat) a bowel movement?? (alvum) in his summer bedroom (in aestivo cubiculo).
expectantesque diu donec erubescerent et videntes quod nullus aperiret tulerunt clavem et aperientes invenerunt dominum suum iacentem in terra mortuum
And waiting all day (expectantesque diu), until (donec) the were ashamed (erubescerent) and seeing (et videntes) that nobody (quod nullus) opened [the door] (aperiret), they brought a key (tulerunt clavem), and opening (et aperientes), they discovered (invenerunt) their own lord (suum dominum) lying down (iacentem) on the ground, dead (in terra mortuum).
Ahoth autem dum illi turbarentur effugit et pertransiit locum Idolorum unde reversus fuerat venitque in Seirath
Aod, however (Ahoth autem), while (dum) they (illi—literal “those [men]”) were thrown into confusion (turbarentur—passive), fled and passed right through (effugit et pertransiit) the place of the idols (locum idolorum) from whence (unde) he had returnedreversus fuerat). And he came (venitque) into Seirath.
et statim insonuit bucina in monte Ephraim descenderuntque cum eo filii Israhel ipso in fronte gradiente
And at once (et statim) he made a loud noise with a trumpet (insonuit bucina) in Mount Ephraim: and the sons of Israel descended with him (filii Israhel descenderuntque cum eo), he himself (ipso) walking (gradiente) in the front (in fronte)
qui dixit ad eos sequimini me tradidit enim Dominus inimicos nostros Moabitas in manus nostras descenderuntque post eum et occupaverunt vada Iordanis quae transmittunt in Moab et non dimiserunt transire quemquam
And he said to them (qui—not a literal translation, but it’s the only thing that makes sense—dixit ad eos): follow me (sequimini me), for the Lord has indeed (enim) delivered our enemies (Dominus enim tradidit nostros inimicos), the Moabites, into our hands (in manus nostras). And they went down after him (descenderuntque post eum) and seized/occupied (occupaverunt) the fords of Jordan (vada Iordanis), which (quae) go across (transmittunt) into Moab. And they did not abandon (et non dimiserunt) anyone to cross (quemquam transire—sense seems to be that they allowed nobody to cross, but I don’t really see much in the way of a literal translation of dimiserunt that would show that).
sed percusserunt Moabitas in tempore illo circiter decem milia omnes robustos et fortes viros nullus eorum evadere potuit
But they beat/slew of the Moabites (sed percusserunt Moabitas) in that time (in tempore illo) around (circiter) ten thousand (decem milia), all hardy and strong men (omnes robustos et fortes viros): None of them (nullus eorum) was able to escape (potuit evadere).
humiliatusque est Moab die illo sub manu Israhel et quievit terra octoginta annis
And Moab was humbled/humiliated (Moab humiliatusque est) that day under the hand of Israel (illo die sub manu Israhel) and the land rested/was peaceful for 80 years (et quievit terra octoginta annis).
post hunc fuit Samgar filius Anath qui percussit de Philisthim sescentos viros vomere et ipse quoque defendit Israhel
After this was Samgar, son of Anath (post hunc fuit Samgar, filius Anath), who beat/slew of the Philistines (qui percussit de Philisthim) six hundred men (sescentos viros) with a ploughshare (vomere), and he himself (et ipse) likewise defended Israel (quoque defendit Israhel).
addideruntque filii Israhel facere malum in conspectu Domini post mortem Ahoth
And the children of Israel (filii Israhel) again (addiderunt? Did added evil?) did evil in the sight of the Lord (facere malum in conspectu Domini) after the death of Aod (post mortem Ahoth):
et tradidit illos Dominus in manu Iabin regis Chanaan qui regnavit in Asor habuitque ducem exercitus sui nomine Sisaram ipse autem habitabat in Aroseth gentium
And the Lord delivered them up (et illos Dominus tradidit) into the hands of Jabin, king of Chanaan (in manu Iabin Regis Chanaan), who reigned in Asor (qui regnavit in Asor): and he had (habuitque) a general of his own army named Sisara (ducem exercitus sui nomine Sisaram), and he himself however lived (ipse autem habitabat) in Haroseth of the Gentiles (in Aroseth gentium).
clamaveruntque filii Israhel ad Dominum nongentos enim habebat falcatos currus et per viginti annos vehementer oppresserat eos
And the children of Israel cried to the Lord (clamaveruntque filii Israhel ad Dominum): for he in fact had (enim habebat) nine hundred chariots (nongentos currus) armed with scythes (falcatos) and for twenty years (et per viginti annos) he had oppressed them (oppresserat eos) vigorously (vehementer).
erat autem Debbora prophetis uxor Lapidoth quae iudicabat populum in illo tempore
There was, however (erat autem), Debbora, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth (uxor Lapidoth), who judged the people (quae iudicabat populum) in that time (in illo tempore).