Page Thirty Flashcards
dixerunt quinque viri qui prius missi fuerant ad considerandam terram Lais ceteris fratribus suis nostis quod in domibus istis sit ephod et therafin et sculptile atque conflatile videte quid vobis placeat
The five men, who were earlier sent (quinque viri qui prius missi fuerant—missi is sent) to examine the land of Lais, said to the rest of their brothers (ad considerandam terram Lais…dixerunt…ceteris fratribus suis), you know (nostiS) that in these houses of yours (quod in domibus istis) there is an ephod and therafin and an engraved and cast idol (sit ephod et therafin et sculptile atque conflatile). See what is pleasing to you (videte quid vobis placeat).
et cum paululum declinassent ingressi sunt domum adulescentis Levitae qui erat in domo Micha salutaveruntque eum verbis pacificis
And when they diverted a little (et cum paululum declinassent) they entered the house of the youth, the Levite (ingressi sunt domum adulescentis Levitae), who was in the house of Micha (qui erat in domo Micha), and they hailed him with words of peace (salutaveruntque eum verbis pacificis).
sescenti autem viri ita ut erant armati stabant ante ostium
Six hundred men, however (sescenti autem viri) so that they were armed (ita ut errant armati), stood before the doorway (stabant ante ostium).
at illi qui ingressi fuerant domum iuvenis sculptile et ephod et therafin atque conflatile tollere nitebantur et sacerdos stabat ante ostium sescentis viris fortissimis haut procul expectantibus
At that, they who were entering the house of the youth (at illi qui ingressi fuerant domum iuvenis), advanced to remove/take (tollere nitebantur) the engraved and the ephod and the therafin and the cast idol (sculptile et ephod et therafin atque conflatile) and the priest stood before the doorway (et sacerdos stabat ante ostium), the six hundred mighty men (sescentis viris fortissimis) waiting (expectantibus) not at all far off (haut procul—haut is not at all).
tulerunt igitur qui intraverant sculptile ephod et idola atque conflatile quibus dixit sacerdos quid facitis
They took, therefore, who were entered (tulerunt igitur qui intraverant—awkward sounding), the engraved, the ephod and the idol and the cast idol (sculptile ephod et idola atque conflatile) at which the priest said (quibus dixit sacerdos) what are you doing (quid facitis)?
cui responderunt tace et pone digitum super os tuum venique nobiscum ut habeamus te patrem et sacerdotem quid tibi melius est ut sis sacerdos in domo unius viri an in una tribu et familia in Israhel
Who responded, be silent (cui responderunt tace) and put a finger upon your mouth (et pone digitum super os tuum) and come with us that we may have you as father and priest (venique nobiscum ut habeamus te patrem et sacerdotem). What is better for yourself (quid tibi melius est), that you be priest in the house of one man (ut siS sacerdos in domo unius viri) or (an) in one tribe and family in Israel (in una tribu et familia in Israhel)?
quod cum audisset adquievit sermonibus eorum et tulit ephod et idola ac sculptile et cum eis profectus est
Who, when he heard [this] (quod cum audisset), he acquiesced to their words (adquievit sermonibus eorum) and took the ephod and idols and engraved (et tulit ephod et idola ac sculptile) and with them (et cum eis) he departed (profectus est).
qui cum pergerent et ante se ire fecissent parvulos et iumenta et omne quod erat pretiosum
Who, when they were proceeding (qui cum pergerent) and they made the small children (et…fecissent parvulos) and mules (et iumenta) and all that was precious (et omne quod erat pretiosum), walk before themselves (ante se ire),
iamque a domo Michae essent procul viri qui habitabant in aedibus Michae conclamantes secuti sunt
And were at a distance now (iamque… essent procul) from the house of Michas (a domo Michae), the men who lived in the houses of Michas (viri qui habitabant in aedibus Michae), crying out (conclamantes), followed [them] (securi sunt),
et post tergum clamare coeperunt qui cum respexissent dixerunt ad Micham quid tibi vis cur clamas
And after the back (et post tergum—after them?) they began to cry out (clamare coeperunt). Who, when they looked back (qui cum respexissent), they said to Michas (dixerunt ad Micham). What do you wish (quid tibi viS)? Why do you cry out (cur clamaS)?
qui respondit deos meos quos mihi feci tulistis et sacerdotem et omnia quae habeo et dicitis quid tibi est
Who responded (qui respondit), you have taken my gods (deos meos…tulistis), which I have made to me (quos mihi feci—to me? It’s the only thing that sort of makes sense), and the priest and all that I have (et sacerdotem et omnia quae habeo) and you say what is yourself (et dicitis quid tibi est—it feels like a word is missing here, like “what is wrong”)?
dixeruntque ei filii Dan cave ne ultra loquaris ad nos et veniant ad te viri animo concitati et ipse cum omni domo tua pereas
And the sons of Dan said to him (dixeruntque ei filii Dan) beware you speak not further to us (cave ne ultra loquaris ad nos), and/or they will come to you (et veniant ad te), men of passionate souls (viri animo concitati) and you yourself, with all your house, will pass away/be ruined (et ipse cum omni domo tua pereas)
et sic coepto itinere perrexerunt videns autem Micha quod fortiores se essent reversus est in domum suam
And so (et sic) they proceeded on the journey begun (coepto itinere perrexerunt). Micha, however, seeing that they were stronger than himself (videns autem Micha quod fortiores se essent), turned back into his own house (reversus est in domum suam).
sescenti autem viri tulerunt sacerdotem et quae supra diximus veneruntque in Lais ad populum quiescentem atque securum et percusserunt eos in ore gladii urbemque incendio tradiderunt
The six hundred men, however, took the priest (sescenti autem viri tulerunt sacerdotem) and that we spoke of before (et quae supra diximus—supra is before), and they came into Lais, to a people at rest/peace (veneruntque in Lais ad populum quiescentem), and secure and they beat them in the face with swords (atque securum et percusserunt eos in ore gladii) and the cidi was surrendered to fire (urbemque incendio tradiderunt).
nullo penitus ferente praesidium eo quod procul habitarent a Sidone et cum nullo hominum haberent quicquam societatis ac negotii erat autem civitas sita in regione Roob quam rursum extruentes habitaverunt in ea
No one inside brought protection to them (nullo penitus ferente praesidium eo—penitus=inside, ferente=brought), because they lived far off from Sidon and (quod procul habitarent a Sidone et) with no man did they have any (cum nullo hominum haverent quicquam) society and work (societatis ac negotii). The city, however, was positioned in the region of Roob (erat autem civitas sita in regione Roob), which again building [it] up (quam rursum extruentes—rursum is again—sense is “they rebuilt it), they lived in it (habitaverunt in ea).
vocato nomine civitatis Dan iuxta vocabulum patris sui quem genuerat Israhel quae prius Lais dicebatur
Calling the name of the city “Dan” (vocato nomine civitatis Dan), just as the name of his father (iuxta vocabulum patris sui), who was born of Israel (quem genuerat Israhel), which in earlier times was called Lais (quae prius Lais dicebatur).
posueruntque sibi sculptile et Ionathan filium Gersan filii Mosi ac filios eius sacerdotes in tribu Dan usque ad diem captivitatis suae
And they put the engraved to themselves (posueruntque sibi sculptile—uh, what? They kept it for themselves maybe? The engraved what? Is this an adjective standing for a noun? Engraved idol?) and Jonathan, son of Gersan, son of Moses and his sons [were] priests in the tribe of Dan (et Ionathan filium Gersan filii Mosi ac filios eius sacerdotes in tribu Dan) all the way to the day of their captivity (usque ad diem captivitatis suae).
mansitque apud eos idolum Michae omni tempore quo fuit domus Dei in Silo in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel
And the Idol of Michas remained near them (mansitque apud eos idolum Michae) all the time that the house of God was in Silo (omni tempore quo fuit domus Dei in Silo). In those days, there was no king in Israel (in diebus illis non erat rex in Israhel).
fuit quidam vir Levites habitans in latere montis Ephraim qui accepit uxorem de Bethleem Iuda
There was a certain man of the Levites living (fuit quidam vir Levites habitans) in hiding/on the side of Mount Ephraim (in latere montis Ephraim) who took a wife of Bethlehem Juda (qui accepit uxorem de Bethleem Iuda).