Page Thirty Three Flashcards
omnesque anguli populorum et cunctae tribus Israhel in ecclesiam populi Dei convenerunt quadringenta milia peditum pugnatorum
And all the apex (heads?) of the people (omnesque anguli populorum) and all the tribes of Israel (et cunctae tribus Israhel) convened in the church (in ecclesiam…convenerunt) of the people of God (populi Dei), four hundred thousand fighting foot soldiers (quadrigenta milia peditum pugnatorum).
nec latuit filios Beniamin quod ascendissent filii Israhel in Maspha interrogatusque Levita maritus mulieris interfectae quomodo tantum scelus perpetratum esset
Nor did it escape the notice (nec latuit) of the sons of Benjamin that the sons of Israel had ascended into Maspha (filios Beniamin quod ascendissent filii Israhel in Maspha). And the Levite, husband of the woman killed (Levita maritus mulieris interfectae) was asked (interrogatusque), how so great a crime (quomodo tantum scelus) had been accomplished/perpetrated (perpetratum esset).
respondit veni in Gabaa Beniamin cum uxore mea illucque deverti
He responded, I came into Gabaa, of Benjamin, with my wife (respondit veni in Gabaa Beniamin cum uxore mea), and there I diverted/lodged (illucque deverti).
et ecce homines civitatis illius circumdederunt nocte domum in qua manebam volentes me occidere et uxorem meam incredibili libidinis furore vexantes denique mortua est
And behold, the men of that city (et ecce hominess civitatis illius) surrounded at night the house in which I remained/stayed (circumdederunt nocte domum in qua manebam), wishing to kill me (volentes me occidere) and, with an incredible desire to madness (et incredibili libidinis furore), vexing my wife (uxorem meam…vexantes), and finally she was dead (denique mortua est).
quam arreptam in frusta concidi misique partes in omnes terminos possessionis vestrae quia numquam tantum nefas et tam grande piaculum factum est in Israhel
Who I seized, cutting [her] into crumbs/morsels (pieces?) (quam arreptam in frusta concidi), and sent the parts into all the borders of your possessions (misique partes in omnes terminus possessionis vestrae), because never had so great a sin (quia numquam tantum nefas) and so large a crime (et tam grande piaculum) been done in Israel (factum est in Israhel).
adestis omnes filii Israhel decernite quid facere debeatis
You are all near/in attendance (adestis omnes), sons of Israel. Decide what you ought to do (decernite quid facere debeatis).
stansque omnis populus quasi unius hominis sermone respondit non recedemus in tabernacula nostra nec suam quisquam intrabit domum
And all the people, standing as if one man (stansque omnis populus quasi unius hominis), responded with the words (sermone respondit): we will not withdraw into our tents (non recedemus in tabernacula nostra), nor will anyone enter (nec…quisquam intraBit) his own house (suam…domum).
sed hoc contra Gabaa in commune faciemus
But we will do this (sed hoc…faciemus) in common against Gabaa (contra Gabaa in commune).
decem viri eligantur e centum ex omnibus tribubus Israhel et centum de mille et mille de decem milibus ut conportent exercitui cibaria et possimus pugnantes contra Gabaa Beniamin reddere ei pro scelere quod meretur
Ten men will be picked out of a hundred out of all the tribes of Israel (decem viri eligantur e centum ex omnibus tribubus Israhel), and a hundred from a thousand and a thousand from ten thousand (et centum de mille et mille de decem milibus) that will carry rations (ut conportent…cibaria) to the army (exercitui). And we will be able, fighting against Gabaa of Benjamin (et possimus pugnantes contra Gabaa Beniamin), to pay them back (reddere ei) for their crimes (pro scelere), which is deserved (quod meretur).
convenitque universus Israhel ad civitatem quasi unus homo eadem mente unoque consilio
And all Israel came together (convenit universus Israhel) to the city just as one man (ad civitatem quasi unus homo), with the same mind (eadem mente) and one intention (unoque consilio).
et miserunt nuntios ad omnem tribum Beniamin qui dicerent cur tantum nefas in vobis reppertum est
And they sent messengers to all the tribes of Benjamin (et miserunt nuntios ad omnem tribum Beniamin), who would say, why has so much sin been discovered in you (qui dicerent cur tantum nefas in vobis reppertum est)?
tradite homines de Gabaa qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt ut moriantur et auferatur malum de Israhel qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israhel audire mandatum
Deliver the men of Gabaa who carried out/perpetrated this shame (tradite hominess de Gabaa qui hoc flagitium—shame–perpetrarunt), that they might die and (ut moriantur et) evil may be removed from Israel (auferaTUR malum de Israhel). They were unwilling to hear the command/mandate (qui noluerunt…audire mandatum) of their own brothers, the sons of Israel (fratrum suorum filiorum Israhel).
sed ex cunctis urbibus quae suae sortis
erant convenerunt in Gabaa ut illis ferrent auxilium et contra universum Israhel populum dimicarent
But out of all the cities which were of their fate (sed ex cunctis urbibus quae suae sortis erant), they assembled/convened in Gabaa that they might bring help to them (convenerunt in Gabaa ut illis ferrent auxilium) and they would fight against all the people of Israel (et contra universum Israhel populum dimicarent).
inventique sunt viginti quinque milia de Beniamin educentium gladium praeter habitatores Gabaa
And they found/discovered twenty five thousand [men] of Benjamin (inventique sunt viginti quinque milia de Beniamin), drawing out the sword before (educentium gladium praeter) the inhabitants of Gabaa (habitatores Gabaa),
qui septingenti erant viri fortissimi ita sinistra ut dextra proeliantes et sic fundis ad certum iacientes lapides ut capillum quoque possent percutere et nequaquam in alteram partem ictus lapidis deferretur
Who were seven hundred most powerful men (qui septingenti erant viri fortissimi), thus fighting with the left [hand] as the right [hand] (ita sinistra ut dextra proeliantes—sense is “fighting as well with left as with right”?), and in another way (et sic) slinging stones (fundis…lapides) to a fixed/certain [place] (ad certum) that, hurling, they were also able (iacientes…ut…quoque possent) to strike a single hair (capillum), and not any man (et nequaquam) in another part striking (in alteram partem ictus) [his] stone being conveyed (lapidis deferretur).
virorum quoque Israhel absque filiis Beniamin inventa sunt quadringenta milia educentium gladios et paratorum ad pugnam
Of the men of Israel also (virorum quoque Israhel), without/apart from the sons of Benjamin (absque filiis Beniamin), there were discovered four hundred thousand (inventa sunt quadringenta milia) drawing up swords (educentium gladios) and preparing to fight (et paratorum ad pugnam).
qui surgentes venerunt in domum Dei hoc est in Silo consulueruntque eum atque dixerunt quis erit in exercitu nostro princeps certaminis contra filios Beniamin quibus respondit Dominus Iudas sit dux vester
Who, rising, they came into the house of God (qui surgentes venerunt in domum Dei) that is in Silo (hoc est in Silo). And they consulted Him and said (consulueruntque eum atque dixerunt), who in our army will be leader (quis erit in exercitu nostro princeps) in the battle against the sons of Benjamin (certaminis contra filios Beniamin)? At which (quibus) the Lord responded, let Juda be your leader (respondit Dominus Iudas sit dux vester—Sit is subjunctive).