module 16 antiresorptive agents, bone anabolic agents Flashcards
antiresorptive agents
Antiresorptive agents MOA
suppression of osteoclasts
- prevents or slows bone loss
No inc. in bone mass
- little initially because mineralization of resorption cavities
HRT drug
estrogen MOA
suppresses transcription of genes encoding cytokines that induce osteoclasts
estrogen use
maintain bone mass
stop bone loss
estrogen AE
CV disease
breast cancer
endometrial cancer
estrogen EDU
take with progestin to dec. risk of endometrial cancer
Risks outweigh benefit
selective estrogen Rc modulator (SERMs) med
raloxifene MOA
binds to estrogen Rc
- agonist in bone
- antagonist in endometrium/breast
raloxifene use
prevent/tx osteoporosis
inc. BMD
dec. vertebral rx risk
raloxifene AE
inc. risk venous thromboembolism
raloxifene EDU
dec. LDL
bisphosphate meds
alendronate risedronate ibandronate pamidronate zoledronate
bisphosphate MOA
localize to bone reabsorption sites and inhibit osteoclast activity
concentrated in bone matrix, when bone reabsorption occurs -> bisphosphonate release
bisphosphate use
prevent/tx osteoporosis - inc. spine and hip BMD - dec. spine fx risk hypercalcemia metastatic bone disease paget's
bisphosphate AE
osteoblast/osteoclast activity coupled - dec. osteoclast = dec. osteoblast reflux esophagitis esophageal ulcers LT: hypermineralization and structure changes osteonecrosis of jaw
bisphosphates Admin
low oral bioavailability: 1-5% - take on empty stomach before 1st meal - 30 minutes before other meds 70% renally excreted 30% absorbed to bone
bisphosphates EDU
remain upright 30 min. after taking
have meal before lying down
Bisphosphates med admin
Alendronate: PO: daily or weekly
risedronate: PO: daily, weekly, monthly
ibandronate: PO: monthly, IV: q3 months
pamidronate: IV
zoledronate: IV: once a year
Calcitonin MOA
binds and activates calcitonin Rc on osteoclasts
-> dec. activity
calcitonin use
dec. vertebral bone loss/fx
calcitonin admin
slow clearance
peptide: SubQ, IM, nasal
- no PO
calcitonin EDU
derived from salmon
- 40x higher affinity for calcitonin Rc
at high concentrations inc. trabecular bone mass
- unclear whether effective in prevention fx
PTH, bone anabolic agent, med
teriparatide MOA
intermittent stimulation by exogenous PTH
-> anabolism/formation of bone
teriparatide use
inc. BMD
for pts w/ large bone loss: BMD > 3 below nml
teriparatide admin
daily dosing
peptide: no PO absorption, given SubQ
denosumab MOA
human monoclonal antibody: inhibits RANKL
-> inhibits osteoclast formation, function, and survival
denosumab AE
preg. category X
- back pain
- extremitiy pain
- inc. cholesterol
- musculoskeletal pain
- cystitis
Hormone albation r/t CA:
- arthralgia
- musculoskeletal pain
denosumab admin
SubQ: q6 month
produced by osteoblast, binds to osteoclast
- > reabsorption
inc. after menopause
denosumab monitoring