Lec 3-4 - Staph Flashcards
three important staphs
staph aureus, staph epidermidis, staph saprophyticus
staph size
.7-1.2 microns
s aureus are usually blank color and blank hemolysis
off white or yellow, beta
s epidermidis are usually blank color colonies
opaque white
staph is not blank so it can grow on bunch of agars
do staph form spores
do staph move
nutrients created by staph
facultative anaerobe
staph is catalase blank
positive usually
coagulase positive means blank
pathogenic staph
s aureus and intermedius is coagulase blank
s epidermidis is coagulase blank
peptidoglycan makes up this much of cell wall weight, teichoic acid makes up this much, protein a makes up this much
50, 40, 5
s aureus is resistant to blank but susceptible to blank
lysozyme, lysostaphin
teichoic acid binds to blank in the host