What is the function of the GDC?
Protect patient safety and maintain public confidence in dental service
Who are the three categories in the register for the GDC?
Dentist, dental care professionals and specialist.
Registration for dentists runs on a calendar year basis, when must you pay the fee by to be on the register?
31st of December each year.
What are the three things that you must do be placed on the dental register?
- Pay the fee before 31st of December
- Declare enhanced CPD hours
- Fill in an indemnity declaration
Written consent form is not the actual valid consent itself. It is simply evidence that an attempt at consent has been undertaken. What Anaesthesia procedure do you need written consent to perform?
General anaesthesia.
Offering your arm for blood samples, is an example of which type of consent?
Implied consent.
At which age in Scotland is age of legal capacity?
Buckman proposes the communication protocol?To break bad news
What does spikes stand for?
S – setting and listening skills
P – patients’ perception of condition and seriousness
I – invitation from the patient to give information
K – knowledge, giving the facts
E – explore emotions and empathise as patient responds
S – strategy and summary
Goal setting can be tailored in to two groups, what are they?
A – Appropriate
R – Realistic
M – Measurable
P – Positive
I – Important
T – Time – related
S – Specific
S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Relevant
T - Time-bound
Aggression is said to exist in two forms, what are they?
Active aggression and passive aggression
What are the four forms of passive aggression?
- Sulking
- Withdrawing
- Being stubborn
- Being resentful
Injuries from needles, instruments, bone fragments, or bites which break or penetrate the skin is known as a?
percutaneous injury (sharps injury)
A significant exposure is one where the source is known to be?
BBV infected
An injury with a non-contaminated sharps, is not classified as a significant exposure but should it still be reported?
What qualifies as a sharp in the dental setting?
- Needles
- Human teeth
- Bone fragments
- Instruments
The transmission of infection depends on a number of factors, including?
- The persons natural immune system
- The depth of the injury
- The type of sharp used e.g. hollow/solid bore
- Where the sharp enters the body
- If the source, if known, has BBV
Which BBV has the greatest risk of transmission?
Hepatitis B (1 in 3)
Which BBV has the second greatest risk of transmission?
Hepatitis C 1 in 30
Is there a vaccination against Hep C?