4D 2.1 Muscles of facial expression, neck Flashcards
Q58. Name the nerves of their respected divisions.

Q35. How many branches of the facial nerve is there?
Q31. There are 5 layers to the scalp, name the layer marked green

Non-vascular layer

Q15. Name the muscle marked in blue.

Q7. What is the function of the frontalis?
Helps raise eyebrows and contributes to scalp

Q11. There are 3 layers within the deep cervical fascia made up of connective tissue, what are the names of these three marked layers?

Q27. Name the marked muscle red.

Q56. Which spinal nerve branch is located within the face?
Great auricular nerve

Q10. The common facial vein is formed by the merging of two veins what is their name and where are they located?

Q41. Name the facial nerve branch marked in black.

Q45. Name the artery marked green

Q17. Name the muscle marked in green

Q50. Name the vein marked purple

Q9. The external jugular vein is formed by the merging of two veins what is their name and where are they located?

Q13. There are two parts to the pretracheal layer, what are they and their functions?

Q4. What is present in the superficial fascia?

Sensory nerves
Platysma muscles
Blood vessels – superficial veins
Lymphatic vessels and superficial lymph nodes
Q14. These three marked muscles are responsible of depressing the lips. Name the individual muscles.

Q53. Name the sinus marked blue

Q33. All muscles of facial expression are innervated by facial nerve (CN VII). How can you clinically test motor function of CN VII?
Ask patient to frown
Ask patient to close eyes tightly
Ask patient to smile
Ask patient to puff out cheeks

Q37. Name the facial nerve branch marked in blue

Q26. Name the marked muscle blue.

Q44. Name the artery marked blue.

Q12. Name the muscle marked red.

Q30. There are 5 layers to the scalp, name the layer marked yellow.

Generally, holds wound open

Q25. Name the muscle marked green

Q34. Describe the journey of the facial nerve from the brain to the face.
Facial nerve starts at the pons
Makes its way through the internal acoustic meatuses
Then passes through the stylomastoid foraminae
The name stylomastoid comes from where the foraminae sits: between the styloid and mastoid.

Q16. Name the muscle marked in red.

Q20. Name the muscle marked in green

Q14. What does the prevertebral layer enclose?
Postural muscles and the cervical vertebrae
Q13. Name the muscle marked blue

Q22. Name the structure marked yellow.

Q23. What is and where is the modiolus located.
The modiolus is a chiasma of facial muscles held together by fibrous tissue, located lateral and slightly superior to each angle of the mouth

Q57. Name the divisions of the trigeminal nerve.

Q11. Name the muscle marked yellow.

Q1. How does deep fascia on the face compare to other parts of the body where fascia is found?
There is very little amount of deep fascia
Q55. Which nerve supplies sensory innervation to the face?
Trigeminal nerve
Q5. Name the marked structures and their function.

Q6. Of the buccal region what sits deeper the buccinator or the buccal fat pad
The buccal fat pad sits deeper to the buccinator

Q40. Name the facial nerve branch marked in purple.

Q46. Name the artery marked purple.

Q29. There are 5 layers to the scalp, name the layer marked red

Connective tissue layer is highly vascularised

Q10. Name the muscle marked green

Q18. Name the muscle marked in blue.

Q12. What is the function of the deep cervical fascia?

Surrounds the entire back immediately deep to the superficial fascia
Contain the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius
Protective capsules for the submandibular and parotid salivary gland

Q32. There are 5 layers to the scalp, name the layer marked purple

Very fine membranous layer
Responsible for ossification of the skull

Q21. Name the structure marked yellow.

Q54. Name the structure marked white.

Q28. There are 5 layers to the scalp, name the layer marked blue.

Q4. How do wrinkles form?
Wrinkles form at 90° to muscle fibre direction
Q7. What is the nerve point of the neck?
This is where the cervical plexus nerves go deep, posterior to the middle of sternocleidomastoid muscle’s posterior border

Q15. What is enclosed in the carotid sheaths?

Q51. Name the vein marked green.

Q52. Name the veins marked black

Q6. sensory nerves leave the skin and superficial fascia and pierce the deep fascia to reach the spinal cord. Name the 4 sensory nerves of the cervical plexus

Q8. Superficial veins drain in to the deep veins which make up the jugular venous system. Name the marked superficial jugular veins.

Q43. A viral infection of the facial nerve results in to what condition?
Bells’ palsy
Good recovery after a course of corticosteroids

Q3. Name the structures of the facial skin

Q24. Name the structure marked blue.

Q3. What is the benefit of having deep fascia compartments in relation to infection?
Prevents the spread of infection

Q8. The orbicularis oculi have two parts, what are the names and their functions?

Orbital (external) – forceful closure
Palpebral (internal/eyelid) gentle closure blinking

Q9. The quadratus superioris is responsible for lifting the lips superiorly.
The muscle is made up of 4 individual muscles, name the individual muscles.

Q49. Name the vein marked yellow.

Q16. What is the name of the space in between the pretracheal fascia and the prevertebral fascia?

The retropharyngeal space.
Q5. Where is the vermillion border located?

The vermillion border sits between the lips and facial skin

Q42. Name the facial nerve branch marked in yellow

Q39. Name the facial nerve branch marked in green.

Q38. Name the facial nerve branch marked in red.

Q48. Name the vein marked red

Q1. Structures in the neck are ……………….. by deeper layers (tubes) of bandaging: the deep fascia

Q47. Name the artery marked black.

Q36. Which region of the face does the facial nerve divide?
Facial nerve exits the stylomastoid foramen and then splits within the parotid gland.

Q59. How would you test that the sensory component of the trigeminal nerve?
Ask patient to close their eyes
Gently brush the skin in each dermatome with a fine tip of cotton wool.
Ask the patient to tell you when they feel their skin being touched.
Q2. These “tubes” of deep fascia run between, & connect, the …………………….. to the base of the……………
Superior mediastinum
Q19. Name the muscle marked in red

Q2. Where are muscles of facial expression found in?
They are found in the superficial fascia