Endodontics L4: Clinical examination and history Flashcards
Q19: a class 1 for mobility would indicate what?
Bucco-lingually mobility less than 1mm
Q7: when recording information regarding pain history, what information should we be recording?
Location: where, localised/diffused, referred, radiating to.
Commencement: when it first started.
Duration: of symptoms (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and intermittent/constant.
Onset: stimulation required, spontaneous.
Q17: what is the BPE score; probing depths of 6 mm or more present?
BPE score 4
Q13: what is the BPE score; no probing depths >3.5 mm, no calculus/overhangs, but bleeding after probing?
BPE score 1
Q18: a class 0 for mobility would indicate what?
Normal physiological mobility
Q15: what is the BPE score; no probing depths >3.5 mm, no calculus/overhangs, no bleeding after probing?
BPE score 0
Q4: which phase would you start doing special test to determine a diagnosis?
Phase three
Q24: if a patient were to exhibit a mild to moderate response to a percussion test, what would this indicate?
Periodontal inflammation/periodontal disease.
Q21: a class 3 for mobility would indicate what?
Vertical mobility
Q10: what must be updated at every visit by the patient?
Medical history
Q12: if there is swelling present what characteristics must we identify of the swelling?
Diffused/localised and firm/fluctuant
Q26: what does pulp sensibility testing stimulate?
Sensory nerve fibres.
Q30: if a patient cannot identify the region of the pain and you do a IANB, and you see that the patient feels no pain, what can you determine? .
You can determine that the pain is in the lower mandible
Q28: if the inflammatory mediators have not yet reached the periodontal ligaments, it would make it difficult for the patient to identify the location of the pain. What special investigation can you do to help determine the location of the pain?
Selective anaesthesia
Q22: what would a percussion examination on a tooth determine?
Periapical inflammation
Q27: which special investigation test involves cutting a test cavity?
Direct dentine stimulation
Q23: if a percussion test exhibits a severe response such as sharp pain and the patient withdrawing, what would this indicate?
Periapical inflammation
Q2: which two periapical tests would you do to determine a diagnosis involving the periapical?
Percussion and palpation.
Q16: what is the BPE score; probing depths of 3.5 – 5.5 mm present?
BPE score 3
Q6: what must you do when writing patients complaints in the notes?
Write in patients own words.
Q1: the clinical examination is broken down to two parts what are they?
Subjective and objective parts.
Q3: which two periodontal examinations would you do to determine a diagnosis involving the periodontal?
BPE and mobility
Q25: what would a palpation test determine?
Determines if inflammation has extended periapically
Q8: if a patient is in intense pain and is not getting any relief from analgesics, is it most likely to be recent onset or long-standing pain?
Recent onset
Q5: what must a working diagnosis include?
Both pulpal and periapical.
Q20: a class 2 for mobility would indicate what?
Bucco-lingually mobility 1-2 mm
Q9: if a patient is in intense pain, with no relief from analgesics what are the likely cause?
Irreversible pulpitis or acute apical abscess
Q14: what is the BPE score; no probing depths >3.5 mm, but supra- or sub-gingival calculus/overhangs present?
BPE score 2
Q11: after how many years must a new medical history form be completed?
2 years.
Q29: which special investigation technique can help determine cracks and fractures?