4D 2.2 Anatomy of the skull Flashcards
Q35. Annotate the nasal cavity

Q104. Name the marked feature

Condylar process
Q65. Name the marked feature

Temporal lines
Q83. What vein passes through the foramen cecum?
The emissary veins: connect the extracranial venous system with the intracranial venous sinuses.

Q20. Name the structure of the skull.

Q34. What is highlighted?
Perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone

Q109. Name the marked feature

Body of mandible
Q8. The skull can be subdivided in two parts, what are they?
Neurocranium and Viscerocranium

Q38. Name the bones

Q11. The hyoid and larynx are part of the thorax, true or false?
False they are part of the Viscerocranium.
Q45. Name the suture

lambdoid suture
Q3-Q7. Skulls are viewed from 5 standard perspective using FH. What is this perspective?
norma basalis

Q86. Which nerves passes through the superior orbital fissure
Oculomotor nerve (CNIII) - This nerve is responsible for eyeball and eyelid movement
Trochlear nerve (CNIV) - The trochlear nerve is a motor nerve, and it controls the superior oblique muscle of the eye
Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (CNV1) - It provides sensory innervation to the skin, mucous membranes and sinuses of the upper face and scalp
Abducent nerve (CNVI) - controls the movement of the lateral rectus muscle in humans, responsible for outward gaze
Ophthalmic veins – provides drainage for the ethmoidal veins.

Q106. Name the marked feature

Mandibular notch
Q77. Name the foramen

Foramen lacerum
Q15. The fusing of the flat bones of the skull cap occur through ossification, what is the name of this type of ossification?
Intramembranous ossification
Q95. What passes through the foramen magnum?
Brainstem/spinal cord
Vertebral arteries
Ascending portion of the spinal accessory nerve (CNXI)
Q123. Name the marked feature

Zygomaticofacial foramen
Q118. Name the marked feature

Foramen spinosum
Q14. Bones of base of skull such as ethmoid, sphenoid, occipital, frontal and temporal are part of which subdivision of the neurocranium?
Cartilaginous neurocranium
Q44. Name the suture

Sagittal suture
Q42. The adult skull is broken down to 3 segments, the BASE, CALVARIA and FACE. Bones of the skull or located on each segment. What bones are found in the face?
Maxilla x2
Nasal x2
Zygomatic x2
Lacrimal x2
Q57. Name the suture

Sphenofrontal suture
Sphenoparietal suture
Sphenotemporal suture
Q12. The Neurocranium can be subdivided in to two groups what are they.
Membranous neurocranium (dermatocranium)
Cartilaginous neurocranium (chondrocranium)
Q64. Name the marked feature

Styloid process
Q78. Name the foramen

Carotid canal
Q73. Name the foramen

Superior orbital fissure
Q114. Name the marked feature

Mylohyoid line
Q21. Name the bones and structure of the skull.

Q105. Name the marked feature

Coronoid process of the mandible
Q96. Name the marked features

Inferior nasal concha and inferior meatus
Q48. Name the suture

Zygomatico-temporal suture
Q17. Of the subdivisions of the neurocranium, which bone is more protective?
Membrane bone
Q111. Name the marked feature

Mandibular foramen
Q40. The adult skull is broken down to 3 segments, the BASE, CALVARIA and FACE. Bones of the skull or located on each segment. What bones are found in the base?
Temporal x2
Q94. What passes through the hypoglossal canal?
Hypoglossal nerve (CNXII) - provides motor control of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue

Q41. The adult skull is broken down to 3 segments, the BASE, CALVARIA and FACE. Bones of the skull or located on each segment. What bones are found in the calvaria?
Parietal x2
Temporal x2
Q3-Q7. Skulls are viewed from 5 standard perspective using FH. What is this perspective?

Q93. What passes through the jugular foramen?
Glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX) – is a mixed nerve supplies the pharynx, ear, posterior 1/3 of the tongue.
Vagus nerve (CNX) - It plays a major role in regulating the heart rate and keeping the gastrointestinal tract in working order. The vagus nerves also carry sensory information from the internal organs back to the brain
Descending portion of the spinal accessory nerve (CNXI) - which controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
Internal jugular vein – transfer deoxygenated blood from the brain and face back to the superior vena cava

Q2. The Frankfurt Horizontal plane is defined by three points, what are they and where are they located?
Right and left porion points (located at top of each external acoustic meatus)
Left orbitale (located at bottom of left orbit)

Q3-Q7. Skulls are viewed from 5 standard perspective using FH. What is this perspective?
norma ocipitalis

Q1. Skulls of different individuals are compared in the same orientation, what is the name of this orientation?
The Frankfurt Horizontal (FH) Plane

Q116. Name the marked feature

Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Q67. Name the marked feature

External acoustic meatus
Q92. What passes through the internal acoustic foramen?
Facial nerve (CNVII) - he nerves of the scalp, face, and side of neck. It emerges from the pons of the brainstem, controls the muscles of facial expression, and functions in the conveyance of taste sensations from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CNVIII) - The vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for both hearing and balance and brings information from the inner ear to the brain. A human’s sense of equilibrium is determined by this nerve

Q113. Name the marked feature

Oblique line of mandible
Q28. The ethmoid bone is made up of three parts, what are the name of the parts?
Cribriform plate
Perpendicular plate
Ethmoidal labyrinth
Q22. What is the name of the muscle markings found on the posterior side of the skull.

The nuchal lines represent the most superior point at which muscles of the neck attach to the skull

Q84. What passes through the pores of the cribriform plate?
Olfactory nerve (CNI)

Q63. Name the marked feature

Temporal fossa
Q108. Name the marked feature

Masseteric tuberosity
Q76. Name the foramen

Foramen spinosum
Q97. Name the marked features

Middle nasal concha and middle meatus
Q3-Q7. Skulls are viewed from 5 standard perspective using FH. What is this perspective?
norma frontalis

Q3-Q7. Skulls are viewed from 5 standard perspective using FH. What is this perspective?
norma vertacalis

Q30. Projecting superiorly from the cribriform plate is the ……….?
Crista galli

Q39. Where is the lacrimal bone located?

Q119. Name the marked feature

Greater wing of sphenoid bone
Q31. What is the name of the projection of bone that descends from the cribriform plate?
The perpendicular plate – it forms the superior two-thirds if the nasal septum.

Q36. Annotate the nasal cavity

Q70. What is this muscle attached to?

Neuchal lines
Q98. Name the marked features

Superior nasal concha and superior nasal meatus
Q27. What cranial nerve passes through the cribriform plate?
The olfactory nerve has numerous nerve fibres that pass through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, to innervate the nasal cavity, with the sense of smell.

Q58. What has been marked?

Q87. What passes through the foramen rotundum
Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve (CNV2) - Its primary function is sensory supply to the mid-third of the face.

Q26. Which cavity is the ethmoid bone located in?
Nasal cavity
Q69. Name the marked feature

External occipital protuberance
Q80. Name the foramen

Jugular foramen
Q29. What forms the roof of the nasal cavity?
Cribriform plate

Q61. Name the marked feature

orbital sutures
Q103. Name the marked feature

Alveolar process of maxilla
Q23. What is the name of the highlighted structure and what is its function?

the name of the structure is the mastoid process and the sternocleidomastoid muscle is a long, bilateral muscle of the neck, which functions to flex the neck both laterally and anteriorly, as well as rotate the head contralaterally to the side of contraction

Q16. The fusing of the bones of the base of skull occurs through ossification, what is the name of this type of ossification?
Endochondral ossification
Q68. Name the marked feature

Infratemporal fossa
Q107. Name the marked feature

Ramus of mandible
Q54. Name the process

Odontoid process on C2
Q25. Name the structures

Q75. Name the foramen

Foramen rotundum
Q10. The Viscerocranium – the upper part forms the orbits and nose, and the lower part, together with the mandible, constitutes the jaws. What is the functions of the Viscerocranium
Breathing and eating
Q82. Name the foramen

Foramen magnum
Q90. What passes foramen lacerum
Greater petrosal nerve - is a nerve in the skull that branches from the facial nerve; it forms part of a chain of nerves that innervate the lacrimal gland.

Q124. Name the marked feature.

Q81. Name the foramen

Hypoglossal canal
Q19. Name the marked bones.

Q115. Name the marked feature

Digastric fossa
Q59. Name the marked feature

Supraorbital foramen/notch
Q71. Name the foramen

Foramen caecum
Q99. Name the marked feature

Sphenoethmoidal recess
Q60. Name the marked feature

Supraorbital margin
Q74. Name the foramen

Foramen ovale
Q62. Name the marked feature

Zygomatic arch
Q56. Where is the metopic suture found?
found in children; on the midline of the frontal bone
Q43. Name the suture

Coronal suture
Q51. Name the joints

- Atlantooccipital joint
- Atlantoaxial joint
Q102. Name the marked feature

Palatine process of maxilla
Q121. The petrous part is the hardest part of the temporal bone. What passes through this part?
Main artery to the brain.
Q101. Name the marked feature

Frontal process of maxilla
Q79. Name the foramen

Internal acoustic meatus
Q72. Name the foramen

Optic canal
Q18. Of the subdivisions of the neurocranium, which bone is more supportive?
Endochondral bone
Q53. Name the suture

Basilar suture
Q88. What passes through the foramen ovale
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CNV3) - The motor root of the trigeminal nerve joins the sensory component distal to the trigeminal ganglion and distributes its axons to the muscles of mastication.
Lesser petrosal nerve - is the general visceral efferent component of the glossopharyngeal nerve carrying parasympathetic pre-ganglionic fibres from the tympanic plexus to the parotid gland.

Q91. What passes through the carotid canal?
Internal carotid artery – supplies blood to the structures inside the skull.
Q47. Name the suture

Zygomatico-frontal suture
Q50. Name the feature

Occipital condyles
Q49. Name the suture

Zygomatico-maxillary suture
Q85. What passes through the optic canal
Optic nerve (CNII) and ophthalmic artery

Q112. Name the marked feature

Mental foramen
- Name the bones of the skull

Q110. Name the marked feature

Alveolar process of mandible
Q55. Name the suture

Frontonasal suture
Q46. Name the suture

Squamosal suture
Q122. Name the marked feature

Greater palatine foramen
Lesser palatine foramen
Q117. Name the marked feature

Foramen ovale
Q32. Where would you find the ethmoidal sinuses?
The ethmoidal sinuses are in the ethmoidal labyrinths.
Q13. Flat bones of skull cap such as temporal, parietal, frontal and occipital bones are part of which subdivision of the neurocranium?
Membranous neurocranium
Q9. The Neurocranium – consists of a base and a vault whose side walls and roof (calvaria) complete the bony covering. What is the function of the neurocranium?
supports & protects the brain
Q100. Name the marked feature

Zygomatic process of maxilla
Q120. Name the 3 marked features.

Medial pterygoid process
Lateral pterygoid process
Pterygoid hamulus
Q52. Name the joint

Temporomandibular joint
Q37. Where does the dural venous sinuses lie?

Q89. What passes through the foramen spinosum
Middle meningeal artery – supplies the dura mater and the calvaria. The anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery runs beneath the pterion.