Health Care Financing - HMPD Flashcards
What is one of the main factors contributing to the rising cost of health care globally?
An ageing population.
How does an ageing population contribute to increasing healthcare costs?
Older individuals typically require more medical care, thus increasing healthcare costs.
What impact does increased population coverage have on healthcare costs?
Increased population coverage expands the demand for healthcare services, driving costs up.
How do technological advancements contribute to the rising cost of healthcare?
Technological advancements introduce expensive equipment and treatments, increasing costs.
What is meant by “growing health expectations” and how does it influence healthcare costs?
As populations demand better healthcare and more advanced treatments, costs rise.
How does a change in disease patterns (epidemiological transition) contribute to healthcare cost increases?
Changing disease patterns mean more complex or chronic conditions, increasing healthcare costs.
How do economic factors affect healthcare costs globally?
Economic instability can reduce government funding for health, shifting costs to individuals.
How do political factors play a role in rising healthcare costs?
Political decisions affect the allocation of funds and support for healthcare services.
What does the term “healthcare budget allocation” refer to?
It refers to how much of the government budget is dedicated to healthcare spending.
What is the proportion of the federal budget allocated to health between 1996 and 2006?
The federal budget allocated 7.1% to health in 1996, decreasing to 3.5% in 2006.
What percentage of the federal budget was allocated to health in 2006?
3.5% of the federal budget was allocated to health in 2006.
What health expenditure percentage does Nigeria allocate to its GDP?
Nigeria allocates 4.1% of its GDP to health expenditure.
What factors determine how health resources are distributed?
Decisions about which level of care (primary, secondary, or tertiary) and which programmes or interventions receive funding.
What is the bulk of healthcare spending typically allocated to in most countries?
Curative care typically accounts for the largest share of healthcare spending.
What proportion of Nigeria’s health expenditure was spent on preventive care in 2002?
Preventive care accounted for only 1% of health expenditure in 2002.
What are the key factors influencing health policies and priorities?
Health policies are influenced by priorities of decision-makers and external factors.
What does equity in healthcare financing focus on?
Equity focuses on fairness in who pays and who benefits from healthcare.
How is efficiency measured in healthcare systems?
Efficiency is about maximizing the productivity and output of healthcare systems.
What is meant by effectiveness in healthcare systems?
Effectiveness refers to the actual outcomes, such as improvements in health status.
What does sustainability refer to in the context of healthcare?
Sustainability ensures that healthcare funding is viable in the long term.
What is the difference between out-of-pocket payments and third-party payments?
Out-of-pocket payments are made directly by individuals, while third-party payments are made by an external party (e.g., insurance).
How do out-of-pocket payments contribute to healthcare financing?
Out-of-pocket payments require individuals to pay for healthcare services directly, making access dependent on their ability to pay.
What is a third-party payment system in healthcare financing?
A third-party payment system involves an external entity, such as the government or insurance companies, covering healthcare costs.
What are some examples of out-of-pocket payments for healthcare services?
Examples include private consultations, over-the-counter drugs, and co-payments.
What role does out-of-pocket payment play in healthcare spending in developing countries?
In Nigeria, out-of-pocket payments contributed 63% of health expenditure in 2006.
What is the general characteristic of healthcare financing in developed countries?
Developed countries typically rely on third-party financing mechanisms like insurance.
What is the Bismarck model of healthcare financing?
The Bismarck model involves compulsory insurance, where funds are pooled for healthcare services.
What are the advantages of third-party financing in healthcare systems?
Advantages include risk-pooling, stronger bargaining power with providers, and resource mobilization.
What are the disadvantages of third-party financing in healthcare systems?
Disadvantages include moral hazard, adverse selection, and administrative costs.
What are the key principles of Community-Based Health Insurance (CBHI)?
The key principles of CBHI include autonomy, prepayment, risk sharing, and transparency.