Chapter 8 (Section F) Flashcards
Trace mineral; Its presence in the body is extremely small, but it is nevertheless recognized as an essential nutrient and required by the body for maintenance
of good health. This mineral is present in enzymes such as xanthine oxidase, sulfite
oxidase, and aldehyde oxidase. These compounds are involved in energy production, nitrogen metabolism, and uric acid formation
(Molybdenum)The DRI for adult males and females is __ mcg per day, while pregnant and lactating females are recommended to intake __ mcg per day
The UL for molybdenum is _______ mcg per day in adults over the age of 19.
Conversely, those with a deficiency in __________ ________or dysfunction in __________ _________ may be at an increased risk of
molybdenum toxicity
nutritional copper; copper intake
can cause cardiac arrest and prove fatal
excessive potassium intake
acute hyperkalemia
Has a major role in oral health, namely enamel strength and prevention of dental
cavities (caries).
There is
some evidence that maintaining efficient fluoride intake may help reduce ____________ later
in life. The primary source of fluoride for those in developed countries is the ______ _________.
osteoporosis; water supply
The DRI for fluoride is __ mg per day for adult males and __ mg per day for adult females.
4, 3
Deficiency in fluoride has been linked to
increased tooth decay and
The UL of fluoride is __ mg per day
Established as an essential mineral in humans due to its role in bone growth, tissue healing, inflammation, and the body’s use of estrogen, testosterone and several other vitamins
Athlete studies are in progress to examine the effect of boron supplementation on ________ _________ ________
and how this mineral can be a safe performance-enhancing
substance for athletes of all levels
endogenous steroid hormones
Substances creating either a cation (positive) or an anion (negative) in the body
and regulating fluid balance, blood pressure, blood pH, and muscle contraction
The main function of electrolytes is
maintenance of the balance of fluids in the
body between cells and the bloodstream.