Unit 5 Topic 12 Flashcards
What is the informal economy?
Economic activities and jobs that are not regulated or protected by the government. Examples: Street vendors, domestic work, unregistered small businesses
What is the GII?
Gender Inequality Index (GII): Measures the imbalance in health, empowerment, and labor market work women have compared to men. A lower GII shows less imbalance
What are obstacles for gender equality?
Lack of access to resources: land, credit, education, etc.
Social and Cultural Barriers: Less decision-making power, gender roles, stereotypes, etc.
Legal and Policy Frameworks: Discrimination against women, limiting resources, etc.
Lack of infrastructure: Lack of roads, transportation, storage facilities, etc.
Natural Disasters: Floods, droughts, hurricanes; damage in crops and livestock
Limited opportunity in the market, education, healthcare, etc. are also obstacles
What are facts about women across the world?
Less economically developed countries tend to have more traditional gender roles
In LDCs, women are less likely to be in politics and are more likely to become malnourished
More economically developed countries tend to allow more roles for women
Women are still pushing for equality across the world