The Meninges & Dural Venous Sinuses Flashcards
the brain & spinal cord are surrounded by three membranes or ___ (3)
- dura mater
- arachnoid
- pia mater
the meninges:
protect the ___
provide a framework for ___ supply
enclose the ___ space containing ___ fluid which is vital for normal brain functioning
vascular supply
subarachnoid space
cerebrospinal fluid
dura mater:
pachymeninx - meaning ___ membrane
two layers (2)
endosteal layer meningeal layer (dura mater proper)
dura mater:
endosteal layer:
ordinary ___ covering inner surface of the skull bones
does not extend through the ___ to become continuous w/ the dura mater of the ___
it is continuous w/ the ___ on the outside of the ___ around the margins of all the foramina of the ___
foramen magnum
spinal cord
dura mater: meningeal layer (dura mater proper):
dense, strong, fibrous layer covering the ___ & is continuous w/ the dura mater surrounding the ___
sends inward four ___ (___) which separate the regions of the brain from each other
which restrict rotatory ___ of the brain
spinal cord
dural infoldings (septa)
dura mater: dural reflections (4)
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebelli
diaphragma sellae
dura mater:
dural reflections:
falx cerebri:
___-shaped fold of dura mater that lies at the ___ separating the two ___
cerebral hemispheres
dura mater:
dural reflections:
falx cerebri:
attached in the median plane to the inner surface of the skull from the ___ crest & ___ anteriorly, to the ___ protuberance posteriorly
inferiorly, it blends at the midline w/ the ___
frontal crest
crista galli
internal occipital protuberance
tentorium cerebelli
dura mater:
dural reflections:
tentorium cerebelli:
___-shaped fold which separates the ___ lobes of the brain from the ___
contains a gap anteriorly called the ___ for the passage of the midbrain
occipital lobes
tentorial notch
dura mater:
dural reflections:
tentorium cerebelli:
attached to the ___ processes of the ___ bone, the superior borders of the ___ bones, & the margins of the grooves for the ___ sinuses on the ___ bones
the ___ is attached to the upper surface of the tentorium & holds it up
clinoid processes of the sphenoid bone
petrous temporal bones
transverse sinuses on the occipital bones
falx cerebri
dura mater:
dural reflections:
falx cerebelli:
small, ___-shaped fold lying inferior to the ___
attached to the inferior surface of the ___ & the ___
partially separates the ___
tentorium cerebelli
internal occipital crest
cerebellar hemispheres
dura mater:
dural reflections:
diaphragma sellae:
small ___ fold of dura mater that forms the roof for the ___
a small opening in its center allows the passage of the ___ of the ___
circular fold
sella turcica
infundibular stalk of the hypophysis
dural venous sinuses:
___ lined spaces b/n the ___ & ___ layers of the dura where the ___ attach
periosteal & meningeal layers
dural septa
dural venous sinuses:
receive blood from: (4)
all blood from the brain eventually drains through them to the ___ veins
internal ear
internal jugular veins
dural venous sinuses: major sinuses (6)
superior sagittal sinus inferior sagittal sinus straight sinus transverse sinuses sigmoid sinuses cavernous sinuses
dural venous sinuses:
superior sagittal sinus:
occupies the upper attached border of the ___
begins anteriorly at the ___ & ends at the ___ near the ___ protuberance
falx cerebri
foramen cecum
confluens of hte sinuses
internal occipital protuberance
dural venous sinuses:
superior sagittal sinus:
the confluens of the sinuses is the meeting place of four sinuses (4)
superior sagittal
dural venous sinuses:
superior sagittal sinus:
communicates through small openings on each side w/ several irregularly-shaped ___
___ (collections of arachnoid villi) protrude through the ___ layer of the dura into the dural venous sinuses & especially the ___ & effect transfer of ___ fluid to the venous system
venous lacunae
arachnoid granulations
lateral lacunae
cerebrospinal fluid
dural venous sinuses:
inferior sagittal sinus:
occupies the free inferior margin of the ___
continues as the ___ sinus after union w/ the ___ vein of ___
falx cerebri
straight sinus
great cerebral vein of galen
dural venous sinuses:
straight sinus:
occupies the line of junction b/n the ___ & the ___
joins the ___
falx cerebri
tentorium cerebelli
confluens of the sinuses
dural venous sinuses:
transverse sinuses:
paired structures which begin at the ___ protuberance & course along the attached margins of the ___
the trasnverse sinuses drain the ___
internal occipital protuberance
tentorium cerebelli
confluens of the sinuses
dural venous sinuses:
sigmoid sinuses:
direct continuations of the ___ sinuses forming s-shaped grooves in the ___ & ___ bones
continue in the ___ foramen as the ___ vein
transverse sinuses
temporal & occipital bones
jugular foramen
internal jugular vein
dural venous sinuses:
cavernous sinuses:
situated on each side of the ___ of the ___ bone
the two sinuses communicate w/ each other via ___ sinuses
sella turcica
sphenoid bone
dural venous sinuses:
cavernous sinuses:
receive blood from:
- ___ & ___ veins
- ___ sinuses
- ___ veins
superior & inferior opthalmic veins
sphenoparietal sinuses
cerebral veins
dural venous sinuses:
cavernous sinuses:
drained by the:
- ___ & ___ sinuses
- ___ plexus
superior & infeiror petrosal sinuses
pterygoid venous plexus
the ___ membrane & ___ mater develop from a single embryonic membrane, the ___
arachnoid membrane
pia mater
arachnoid membrane:
delicate, impermeable membrane separated from the dura by a potential space (the ___ space) & from the pia mater by the ___ space
the latter space is filled w/ ___ fluid which is produced by the ___ plexuses
subdural space
subarachnoid space
cerebrospinal fluid
choroid plexuses
arachnoid membrane:
in certain areas, the arachnoid projects into the ___ sinuses to form ___
aggregations of these are called ___
venous sinuses
arachnoid villi
arachnoid granulations
arachnoid membrane:
arachnoid villi & granulations are most numerous along the ___ sinus & ___ lacunae
arachnoid villi serve as sites where ___ fluid diffuses into the ___
supeiro sagittal sinus
lateral venous lacunae
cerebrospinal fluid
pia mater:
delicate, ___ layer which closely invests the ___
brain supply of the dura mater:
the arteries supplying the dura mater are small w/ the exception of the ___ artery
the dense fibrous composition of the dura mater needs little blood supply & all of the ___ arteries serve to supply the ___ bones more than the underlying dura mater
middle meningeal artery
meningeal arteries
cranial bones
innervation of the dura mater: three fossas (3)
anterior cranial fossa
middle cranial fossa
posterior cranial fossa
innervation of the dura mater:
anterior cranial fossa:
meningeal branches of the ___ nerve from the ophthalmic nerve (CN V1) supply the floor & anterior parts of the ___
additionally, another branch of the opthalmic nerve (___ branch) turns & runs posteriorly supplying the ___ & posteiror part of hte ___
anterior ethmoidal nerve
falx cerebri
tentorial branch
tentorium cerebelli
falx cerebri
innervation of the dura mater:
middle cranial fossa:
supplied (medially/laterally) by meningeal branches of the ___ nerve
supplied (medially/laterally) by the meningeal branch of the ___ nerve which follows the distribution of the ___ artery
medially maxillary nerve (CN V2)
mandibular nerve (nervous spinosus, CN V3)
middle meningeal artery
innervation of the dura mater:
posterior cranial fossa:
supplied by meningeal branches of the ___ nerves, which enter the fossa through the ___, the ___, & the ___
the nerve fibers passing through the ___ & ___ pass along the ___ nerve & ___ nerves, respectively
firs tthree cervical nerves
foramen magnum
jugular foramen
hypoglossal canal
jugular foramen & hypoglossal canal
vagus nerve & hypoglossal nerves
innervation of the dura mater:
all meningeal nerve branches carry (pre/postgang) (symp/parasymp) fibers originating in the ___ ganglion
postganglionic sympathetic fibers
superior cervical ganglion
innervation of the dura mater:
the brain itself, the pia mater, & the arachnoid mater do not contain (sensory/motor) nerve endings
these endings are restricted to the dura mater & are especially abundant along the courses of the ___ sinuses & the ___ artery
stimulation along these nerve endings gives rise to pain that may be “referred” perceived as coming from the ___ or ___ region
dural venous sinuses
middle meningeal artery
face or neck region
clinical correlations:
the cavernous sinuses:
the cavernous sinus is clinically important
the ___ artery & ___ nerve pass through the sinus
the ___ nerve, ___ nerve, & ___ & ___ divisions of the ___ nerve lie in its lateral wall
internal carotid artery
abducens nerve
oculomotor nerve
trochlear nerve
ophthalmic & maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve
clinical correlations:
the cavernous sinuses:
the cavernous sinuses communicate anteriorly w/ the ___ vein via the ___ veins
they also communicate inferiorly w/ the ___ plexus (both directly & indirectly) & posteriorly w/ the ___ plexus which in turn communicates w/ the ___ plexus
facial vein
ophthalmic veins
pterygoid venous plexus
basilar plexus
internal vertebral plexus
clinical correlations:
the cavernous sinuses:
there are no ___ in any of the communicating vessels
hence, any infection in any of the regions can spread into the cavernous sinuses & result in ___ & ___
clinical correlations:
epidural hematoma:
this results form injuries to the ___ arteries
the most common artery to be damaged is the anterior division of the ___ artery
a comparatively minor blow to the side of the head in the region of the ___ may sever the artery
middle meningeal artery
clinical correlations:
epidural hematoma:
the pterion is the junction region of the ___ bone, ___ bone, ___ bone, & the greater wing of the ___ bone
frontal bone
parietal bone
temporal bone
sphenoid bone
clinical correlations:
epidural hematoma:
blood collects b/n the ___ layer of the dura mater & the ___
intracranial pressure rises & the enlarging blood clot may exert pressure on the (sensory/motor) area of the cerebral cortex
periosteal layer
clinical correlations:
subdural hematoma:
this results from tearing of the ___ veins at their point of entrance to the ___ sinus
the cause is usually a blow to the front of the back of the ___ causing excessive anterior-posterior displacement of the ___
blood form the torn veins begins to accumulate in the potential space b/n the ___ mater & the ___ membrane
superior cerebral veins
superior sagittal sinus
brain within the skull
dura mater
arachnoid membrane
clinical correlations:
epidural hematoma:
subarachnoid hemorrhage:
this condition results from leakage of blood (usually arterial) into the ___ space
they often result from a leakage or rupture of a ___ aneurysm on the ___
subarachnoid space
congenital aneurysm
circle of willis