Introduction to the Nervous System Flashcards
nervous system is structurally divided into ___ & ___
central nervous system (CNS) - brain (encased in skull) & spinal cord (encased within vertebral column)
peripheral nervous system (PNS) - cranial nerves (12) & spinal nerves (31)
nervous system is functionally divided into ___ & ___ & is found throughout the ___ & ___ nervous systems
somatic nervous system (body wall) - innervates structures derived from embryonic somites or branchial arches (ex. skin & body wall, skeletal muscles, skeletal system, joints, etc.)
visceral nervous system (internal organs) - innervates visceral structures of body (ex. heart & blood vessels, digestive systems, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, glands, smooth muscle, etc.)
central & peripheral
somatic & visceral nervous systems are both divided into ___ & ___, & further into ___
motor (efferent)
sensory (afferent)
visceral motor: autonomic nervous system –> sympathetic & parasympathetic
neuron (definition)
structural & functional unit of nervous system that’s specialized for rapid communication
neuron (components)
cell body
dendrites - carry impulses toward cell body (often, not always)
axon (fiber) - carries impulses away from cell body, neurons always have one and only one axon
neuron (communication)
neurons communicate w/ each other at synapses
communication occurs by means of chemical agents called neurotransmitters secreted by one of the neurons
neurotransmitter may either excite or inhibit another neuron
multipolar cell
contains many processes (dendrites & axons)
peripheral nervous system
consists of nerve fibers & cell bodies outside central nervous system
peripheral nerve
bundle of nerve fibers (axons) in PNS
collection of nerve cell bodies in PNS
cranial nerves
originate from brain & exit cranial cavity through foramina (openings in skull bones)
12 sets of cranial nerves
spinal nerves
arise from spinal cord & exit through intervertebral foramina in vertebral column
31 sets of spinal nerves
typical spinal nerve
two roots: ___ & ___
arises from spinal cord by rootlets which converge to form two nerve roots
dorsal (sensory) root
ventral (motor) root
dorsal root:
carries ___ (___) impulses ___
sensory neuron cell bodies located in ___ located in ___
sensory neurons have a ___ process that ___, & these cells are termed ___
sensory, afferent, toward CNS
a swelling on the dorsal root called the dorsal root ganglion, intervertebral foramen
single, emanates from the cell body which splits in a t-like fashion into a peripheral & a central process, pseudounipolar neurons
central root:
carries ___ (___) impulses ___
motor neuron cell bodies located in ___
motor neurons have ___ processes & these cells are termed ___
motor, efferent, away from CNS toward some peripheral structure (muscle, gland, etc.)
central horn of spinal cord
many (numerous dendrites & one axon), multipolar neurons
immediately after the dorsal & ventral roots join forming the ___, it splits into a ___ & ___
both of these have ___ components
mixed (sensory & motor) spinal nerve
dorsal ramus - supplies skin & muscles of back
ventral ramus - supplies skin & muscles of anterior side of body & limbs
sensory & motor