Summary of the Motor Supply to the Head & Neck Flashcards
all extraocular muscles, including the levator palpebrae superioris, are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ nerve
oculomotor nerve
superior oblique muscle
trochlear nerve
lateral rectus muscle
abducens nerve
all muscles of the palate are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ nerve
vagus nerve
tensor veli palatini mucsle
all pharyngeal muscles are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ msucle: ___ nerve
vagus nerve
stylopharyngeus muscle
glossopharyngela nerve
all intrinsic & extrinsic muscles of the tongue are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ nerve
hypoglossal nerve
palatoglossus muscle
vagus nerve
all muscles of facial expressoin, including the epicranius (occipitofrontalis), buccinator & platysma, are supplied by the ___ nerve
in addition, this nerve supplies three muscles (3)
facial nerve
stapedius muscle
posterior belly of digastric muscle
stylohyoid muscle
all four muscles of mastication are supplied by the ___ nerve
this nerve supplies four muscles (4)
mandibular nerve (V3)
tensor veli palatini
tensor tympani
anteiror belly of digastric
all intrinsic muscles of the larynx are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ nerve
recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve
cricothyroid muscle
superior laryngeal branch of the vagus
all infrahyoid muscles are supplied by the ___ nerve
except the ___ muscle: ___ that continues w/ the ___ nerve
this also supplies the ___ muscle
ansa cervicalis (C1-3)
thyrohyoid muscle
direct branch of C1 that continues w/ the hypoglossal nerve
geniohyoid muscle
the sternocleidomastoid & trapezius are supplied by the ___ nerve
spinal accessory nerve
the scalenes are supplied by direct branches of the ___ of the ___ nerves
ventral rami of the cervical spinal nerves
(pre/postgang) (symp/parasymp) fibers from the superior cervical ganglion supply three muscles (3)
postganglionic sympathetic
dilator of the pupil
smooth muscle fibers in the levator palpebrae superioris
(pre/postgang) (symp/parasymp) fibers supply two muscles (2)
they also supply the glands of the ___ cavity, ___ glands, & ___ glands
constricotr of the pupil muscle
ciliary muscles
glands of the nasal cavity
salivary glands
lacrimal glands