The Autonomic Nerve Supply of the Abdomen & Pelvis Flashcards
the visceral organs of the abdomen & pelvis are innervated by the ___ system
the system consists of two ___ divisions:
- sympathetic (___ division)
- parasympathetic (___ division)
the two systems innervate 3 things: ___
autonomic nervous
- thoracolumbar
- craniosacral
smooth muscle, glands, arteries
the sympathetic system is generally involved in the ___
the parasympathetic system is generally involved in the ___
mobilization of the body’s energy for quick response
conservation of energy
the abdominopelvic viscera are supplied w/ ___ sympathetic fibers by the ___, ___, & ___ ___ nerves
the lower ___ & ___ ___ nerves contain a variable number of ___ sympathetic fibers arising from lower levels of the sympathetic trunk
preganglionic, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, splanchnic
lumbar, sacral, splanchnic, postganglionic
___ of the preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the abdominopelvic viscera originate from preganglionic sympathetic neurons in the ___ ___ horns from levels ___ to ___
all, lateral gray, T5, L2/L3
the preganglionic sympathetic fibers in the ___, ___ & ___ ___ nerve synapse in ganglia on the anterior aspect of the aorta ___ (___ ganglia) & the ___ plexuses
thoracic, lumbar, sacral, splanchnic
prevertebral (collateral), hypogastric
these named ganglia are situated at the root of the major branches of the abdominal aorta & receive the same names (4)
celiac ganglion
superior mesenteric ganglion
aorticorenal ganglion
inferior mesenteric ganglion
the named ganglia are interconnected in front of the aorta by a delicate ___ ___
the entire network of ganglia & interconnecting nerve fibers is called the ___ plexus (___ plexus)
nerve plexus
aortic, prevertebral
the aortic plexus contains ___ sympathetic fibers, ___ parasympathetic fibers, & ___ ___ fibers
preganglionic & postganglionic
visceral afferent
regional concentrations of the aortic plexus around the origins of the ___, ___, ___, & ___ arteries from correspondingly named plexuses & proceed along the respective vessels
renal –> aorticorenal
superior mesenteric
inferior mesenteric
distribution of the plexuses:
celiac plexus:
___ sympathetic fibers of the plexus follow the branches of the celiac trunk to supply all of the derivatives of the ___:
- distal 1/3 of the ___
- ___
- 1st & 2nd parts of ___
- ___ & ___
- ___
- ___
postganglionic, foregut
- esophagus
- stomach
- duodenum
- liver & gallbladder
- pancreas
- spleen
distribution of the plexuses:
superior mesenteric plexus:
___ sympathetic fibers of the plexus follow branches of the superior mesenteric artery to supply all of the derivatives of the ___:
- 3rd & 4th parts of the ___
- ___
- ___
- ___ & ___
- ___ ___
- proximal 2/3 of ___ ___
postganglionic, midgut
- duodenum
- jejunum
- ileum
- cecum & appendix
- ascending colon
- transverse colon
distribution of the plexuses:
aorticorenal plexus:
___ fibers of the plexus follow the ___ arteries to supply the ___ & the proximal ___
distribution of the plexuses:
inferior mesenteric plexus:
___ fibers of the plexus follow branches of the inferior mesenteric artery to supply all of the derivatives of the ___:
- distal 1/3 of the ___
- ___ ___
- ___ ___
- ___
- superior 1/3 of the ___ ___
postganglionic, hindgut
- transverse colon
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
- rectum
- anal canal
distribution of the plexuses:
intermesenteric plexus:
the intermesenteric plexus is the part of the ___ plexus between the ___ & ___ plexuses
superior & inferior mesenteric
sympathetic supply to the pelvis:
fibers for the most part do not follow the ___ root
the organs are supplied by the ___ plexuses