The Inguinal Region Flashcards
inguinal canal
3-5 cm oblique passageway occurring in the inguinal region of the anterior body wall
formation of inguinal canal:
inguinal canal is formed during ___ when the ___ (___) descend form the posterior abdominal wall
in prenatal males, the ___ will pass through the inguinal canal & come to rest in the ___
the ___ contains vasculature & the ___, which traverse the inguinal canal & connect the testes to structures within the pelvis
in females, the ___ traverses the inguinal canal
fetal development, gonads (testes or ovaries)
testes, scrotum
spermatic cord, ductas (vas) deferens
round ligament of the uterus
descent of the testes:
the testes start in the ___
they are situated on the ___
they are covered with a ___ & are termed ___
upper lumbar region
posterior abdominal wall
peritoneum, retroperitoneal
descent of the testes:
during embryonic week 7, the ___ (___) condenses along the posterior abdominal wall
the paired ___ connect the inferior surface of each testis to the ___
gubernaculum (a ligamentous cord)
gubernacula, scrotum
descent of the testes:
growth of the __ & shortening of the ___ results in peritoneum & testes being pulled ___ & the formation of the ___ (___)
embryo, gubernaculum, inferiorly, processus vaginalis (outpouching of peritoneum)
descent of the testes:
the ___ forms immediately anterior to the gubernaculum & precedes the ___ as it moves toward the scrotum
this results in the ___ pushing through the ___ fascia, the ___ muscle, & the ___ muscle & the formation of the ___ canal
processus vaginalis, testis
processus vaginalis, transversalis, internal oblique, external oblique, inguinal
descent of the testes:
the opening produced by the processus vaginalis in the transversalis fascia becomes the ___
the opening in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique becomes the ___
the processus vaginalis carries extensions of the layers of the ___ fascia, the ___ muscle, & the ___ muscle as it descends
deep inguinal ring
superficial inguinal ring
transversalis, internal oblique, external oblique
descent of the testes:
in the male, the transversalis fascia, the internal oblique muscle, & the external oblique muscle contribute layers to form the ___ & testes
the testis continues its descent & comes to lie on the ___ of this processus vaginalis
the testis then embeds itself into the processus vaginalis & thus obtains two layers of peritoneum known as the ___: the ___ (on the tesits) & the ___
coverings of the spermatic cord
inferior extent
tunica vaginalis, visceral, parietal layer
descent of the testes:
the testes is at the deep inguinal ring at about ___ of intrauterine life
the descent of the testes is virtually concluded by the ___ of intrauterine life
the processus vaginalis obliterates shortly after birth leaving only the ___
the gubernaculum remains in the adult male as the ___ or “___” (this ligament secures the testis to the most inferior portion of the scrotum)
7 months
8th month
tunica vaginalis
gubernaculum testis, “scrotal ligament”
usually, the tests have descended into the scrotum at birth, but occasionally one or both may remain in the pelvic cavity or inguinal canal
cryptorchidism = “hidden testis”
this can be remedied surgically
coverings of the spermatic cord:
the spermatic cord is covered by ___ layers derived from the anterior abdominal wall
these layers form as the ___ evaginated the abdominal wall & carried part of each of its layers into the ___
3 concentric
processus vaginalis, scrotum
coverings of the spermatic cord:
internal spermatic fascia:
forms as the ___ evaginates the transversalis fascia
the ___ covering of the spermatic cord
processus vaginalis
filmy innermost
coverings of the spermatic cord:
cremasteric muscle & fascia:
the ___ covering of the spermatic cord which contains ___
as the processus vaginalis w/ its covering of ___ evaginates the internal abdominal oblique muscle, it acquired a few of the muscle fibers & some ___ of this muscle
the cremasteric muscles are not usually under ___ control but are ___ muscles & when contracted raise the ___ (particularly in the cold)
middle, loops of cremaster muscle
internal spermatic fascia, investing fascia
voluntary, skeletal, testis
coverings of the spermatic cord:
cremasteric muscle & fascia:
the ___ is a contraction of cremasteric muscle after stroking the inner thigh results ina lifting of the scrotum & testis on the side stroked
the nerve is ___
the artery is ___
cremasteric reflex
genitofemoral nerve - efferent fibers
cremasteric artery - from the inferior epigastric artery
coverings of the spermatic cord:
external spermatic fascia
the ___ covering of the spermatic cord
as the processus vaginalis evaginates the ___ & forms the ___ it carries an extension of this aponeurosis which becomes the ___
it is attached superior to the ___
it is continuous w/ the fascia covering the ___ muscle
thin outermost
external oblique aponeruosis, superficial inguinal ring, external spermatic fascia
crura of the superficial inguinal ring
external abdominal oblique
descent of the ovaries:
ovaries start in the ___
they are covered with a ___ & are termed ___
during embryonic week 7, the ___ (___) condenses along the posterior abdominal wall
the paired ___ connect the inferior surface of each ovary to the ___
upper lumbar region
peritoneum, retroperitoneal
gubernaculum (a ligamentous cord)
gubernacula, bottom of the labia majora
descent of the ovaries:
ovaries migrate from the ___ to a point just below the ___
they do not pass through the ___
the ___ becomes incorporated into the wall of the uterus
the remnants of the gubernaculum in the female are the ___ & the ___
the ___ passes through the inguinal canal & continues on to the ___
lumbar region, pelvic brim
inguinal canal
round ligament of the uterus, ligament of the ovary
round ligament of the uterus, labia majora
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
deep (internal) ring
an opening in the transversalis fascia
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
superficial (external) ring
an opening in the aponeruosis of the external oblique msucle
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
anterior wall:
___ abdominal oblique ___
___ abdominal oblique ___
external, over entire length (aponeurosis of)
internal, on lateral one-third
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
posterior wall
___ fascia ___
___ tendon ___
___ ligament of the ___ oblique ___
transversalis, over entire length
conjoint, on medial one-third
reflected inguinal, external abdominal, on medial one-third
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
arched fibers of the internal abdominal oblique muscle & transversus abdominis muscle
boundaries of the inguinal canal:
___ ligament of the ___ oblique
___ ligament of the ___ oblique
inguinal, external
lacunar, external
direct & indirect inguinal hernias:
a hernia is a protrusion of ___ (___) through an ___, or a weakened ___
the inguinal canal is the point where the ___ is weakened
tissue (internal organ), abnormal opening, anterior abdominal wall
inguinal canal, anterior abdominal wall
direct & indirect inguinal hernias:
indirect inguinal hernia:
may occur when the ___ remains patent, & an internal organ (e.g. a loop of intestine) passes through the ___
occurs ___ to the ___ vessels
an internal organ may pass completely through the ___ (i.e. through both ___ & ___ inguinal rings) & lie in its ___
processus vaginalis, deep inguinal ring
lateral, inferior epigastric
inguinal canal, (deep & superficial), scrotum
direct & indirect inguinal hernias:
direct inguinal hernia:
occurs when an internal organ pushes directly through the ___ w/o traversing the ___
occurs ___ to the ___ vessels, & lies in a small area known as ___
produces a bulge deep to the ___
when abdominal contents put pressure on transversalis fascia (& subserous fascia & peritoneum), an internal organ may traverse the ___
superficial inguinal ring, inguinal canal
medial, inferior epigastric, Hesselbach’s triangle
conjoined tendon
posterior wall of inguinal canal
direct & indirect inguinal hernias:
direct inguinal hernia:
the contents of the hernia will enter the inguinal canal along side the ___ distal to the origin of the ___
contents of the hernia are located between the ___ & the ___ layer
this is an acquired condition due to the weakness of the ___ of the ___
more common in ___
spermatic cord, internal spermatic fascia
internal spermatic, cremasteric fascia
posterior wall, inguinal canal
older men
the scrotum:
an extension of the ___
on its surface, the scrotum is divided by a ___ into right & left havles
the scrotum is a ___ sac that consists of ___ & ___
anterior abdominal wall
scrotal raphe
pendulous, skin, superficial fascia
layers of the scrotum (2)
superficial fascia
layers of the scrotum:
the skin in this area is dark in color & wrinkled (rugosa)
layers of the scrotum:
superficial fascia:
devoid of ___ & contains ___ muscle called ___
this muscle is an ___ muscle that inserts in the skin & causes scrotum to ___ when cold
muscle is innervated by ___ fibers
fat, smooth, dartos muscle
involuntary, wrinkle
sympathetic nerve
layers of the scrotum:
superficial fascia:
continuous w/ the membranous layer of ___ of the abdomen (___) & the ___ (___)
forms an incomplete ___ that divides the scrotum into a right & left half
superficial fascia, scarpa’s fascia, perineum, colle’s fascia
scrotal septum
contents of the scrotum:
the testis
an ___ gland
produce ___
secrete ___
sex hormones
contents of the scrotum:
the coverings of the testis (5)
external spermatic fascia
cremasteric muscle & fascia
internal spermatic fascia
tunica albuginea
contents of the scrotum:
the coverings of the testis:
tunica vaginalis testis
derivative of the ___
composed of 2 layers:
___ layer next to ___
___ layer
- adherent to the ___ & ___ (the coiled structure that houses the sperm)
- laterally passes b/n the above two structures to form the ___
processus vaginalis
parietal, internal spermatic fascia
- testis, epididymis
- sinus of the epididymis
contents of the scrotum:
the coverings of the testis:
tunica albuginea
a ___ layer of ___ tissue surrounding the testes which is found deep to the ___ layer of the ___
extensions of the tunica albuginea form ___ within the testes thus subdividing the testes into ___
dense, connective, visceral, tunica vaginalis
septa, lobules
contents of the scrotum:
the testis:
seminiferous tubules
- within ___ formed by the ___ in the testes
- it’s within these tubules that ___ are produced
- join to form the ___
efferent ductules
- number: ___
- connect the ___ to the ___
lobules, septa
rete testis
rete testis, head of the epididymis
contents of the scrotum:
the epididymis:
a ___ that’s about ___ long which connects the ___ to the ___
forms on the ___ & ___ surface of the testis
can be divided into three regions: ___, ___, & ___
tightly-coiled tube, efferent ducts, vas deferens
superior, posterolateral
body, tail, head
contents of the scrotum:
the epididymis:
consists of ___
separated from testes by the ___
the highly convoluted duct of the epididymis
sinus of the epididymis
contents of the scrotum:
the epididymis:
continuous w/ the vas deferens (ductus deferens)
contents of the scrotum:
the epididymis:
connects to testes efferent ductules
contents of the scrotum:
vas deferens or ductus deferens (vas deferens):
transports ___ to the ___
___ enters the vas deferens at time of ___
the vas deferens travels through the ___ to the ___ & into the ___
sperm, ejaculatory duct
sperm, ejaculation
superficial inguinal ring, deep inguinal ring, abdomen
contents of the spermatic cord:
all the structures attached to the testes before its descent ___
remain attached to the testis after its descent
contents of the spermatic cord:
the vas deferens (ductus deferens):
this is a ___ of the testes
it lies in the ___ of the spermatic cord
it can be easily ___ in the ___ of the scrotum
it carries ___ from ___ to the ___
large duct
posterior part
palpated, upper part
sperm, epididymis, urethra
contents of the spermatic cord:
testicular artery:
a ___ vessel arising from the front of the ___
supplies the ___ & ___
goes through the ___
long slender, aorta
testis, epididymis
inguinal canal
contents of the spermatic cord:
artery of ductus deferens:
arises from the ___
follows the ___ through its course
anastomoses with the ___ near the testes
inferior vesical artery (artery of the bladder)
ductus deferens
testicular artery
contents of the spermatic cord:
cremasteric artery
arises from the ___
supplies the ___ muscle & other ___
inferior epigastric artery
cremasteric, coverings of the cord
contents of the spermatic cord:
___ veins from the ___ surface anastomose to form a ___*
surrounds the ___ & ___
ends in the ___
drains into the ___ on the left side
drains into the ___ on the right side
12, posterior, pampiniform plexus
ductus deferens, arteries
testicular vein
left renal vein
inferior vena cav
contents of the spermatic cord:
ilioinguinal nerve: ___
fibers on arteries: ___
fibers for ductus deferens (pain & sickening sensation when testis is hit): ___
genitofemoral nerve: ___
skin of scrotum & labia major
sympathetic & parasympathetic
passes into the spermatic cord & supplies the cremaster & skin, scrotum, & labia
contents of the spermatic cord:
lymph vessels
drain the ___
pass ___ in the spermatic cord to drain into the ___
upward, lumbar nodes