Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System Flashcards
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
motor (efferent) component of visceral nervous system
concerned w/ automatic & involuntary regulation of all visceral structures of body
ANS regulates visceral activities by balancing ___ actions of two systems ___ & ___
sympathetic system
preparation of body for quick action
“fight or flight”
ex. increased heart rate elevation of blood pressure increased blood flow to skeletal muscles dilation of pupils of eyes inhibition of digestive system & other nonessential activities
parasympathetic system
conservation of energy
“rest & digest”
ex. decreased heart rate decreased blood pressure decreased blood flow to skeletal muscles constriction of pupils of eyes increased activity of digestive system & other viscera
opposing effects of sympathetic & parasympathetic systems possible b/c of ___ released at target tissues
sympathetic: ___
parasympathetic: ___
exception: ___
sweat glands of skin are innervated by sympathetic fibers which release acetylcholine instead of norepinephrine (no parasympathetic counterpart)
stimulation of sympathetic nervous system leads to ___
stimulation of parasympathetic system leads to ___
widespread & long lasting effects (fibers connected all over the place)
more localized & shorter lasting effects
both sympathetic & parasympathetic portions of ANS consist of ___ chains
first (___) has its cell body ___
second (___) has its cell body ___
preganglionic neuron, in brain stem or spinal cord
postganglionic neuron, outside of CNS often in a collection of nerve cells called a ganglion
preganglionic fibers of both sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems are ___ & release ___ at their terminals
postganglionic fibers of both sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous systems are ___ & release ___ for sympathetic & ___ for parasympathetic (exception: ___)
postganglionic sympathetic fibers innervating sweat glands of skin release acetylcholine at terminals (no parasympathetic fibers go to sweat glands)
sympathetic system:
preganglionic neurons are located in the ___ of the spinal cord from ___ to ___ (___)
lateral gray horns
T1 - L2/L3
thoracolumbar outflow
sympathetic system:
preganglionic axons (fibers) traverse the ___ roots of the spinal nerves & enter the ___ of a spinal nerve
the preganglionic axons then exit the ___ as a bundle called the ___ and enter the ___
ventral, ventral ramus
ventral ramus, white communicating ramus, sympathetic trunk
sympathetic system:
the sympathetic trunks consist of ___ (___) connected by bundles of intervening ___, the structure appearing like beads on a string
the trunk extends from ___ to ___ where they’re connected by a slight enlargement, ___
sympathetic ganglia (paravertebral ganglia), preganglionic sympathetic fibers
C1 - tip of coccyx, ganglion impar
sympathetic system:
each sympathetic trunk consists of 3 ___ sympathetic ganglia (___, ___, ___), 11-12 ___ ganglia, 4-5 ___ ganglia, & 5 or less ___ ganglia
the ___ cervical ganglion is often fused w/ the ___ forming the ___
cervical - superior, middle, inferior
inferior, thoracic, stellate ganglion
sympathetic system:
preganglionic fibers originating in the thoracolumbar portions of the spinal cord can do several things after entering the sympathetic trunk: (1)
synapse in corresponding ganglia at ___ level
postganglionic fibers then rejoin spinal nerve via ___ that consist of ___ postganglionic sympathetic fibers
gray communicating ramus
sympathetic system:
preganglionic fibers originating in the thoracolumbar portions of the spinal cord can do several things after entering the sympathetic trunk: (2)
___ or ___ the trunk & synapse at a ___ level
source of preganglionic fibers for ganglia above ___ or below ___
ascend, descend
T1, L2