The Extensor Forearm & Hand II Flashcards
muscles of the hand: thenar muscles (3)
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens pollicis
muscles of the hand:
thenar muscles:
abductor pollicis brevis:
median nerve
abducts thumb
muscles of the hand:
thenar muscles:
flexor pollicis brevis:
median nerve
flexes thumb
muscles of the hand:
thenar muscles:
opponens pollicis:
median nerve
opposes thumb
muscles of the hand: adductor compartment (1)
adductor pollicis
muscles of the hand:
adductor compartment:
adductor pollicis:
ulnar nerve
adducts thumb
muscles of the hand: hypothenar muscles (3)
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi
opponens digiti minimi
muscles of the hand:
hypothenar muscles:
abductor digiti minimi:
ulnar nerve
abducts little finger
muscles of the hand:
hypothenar muscles:
flexor digiti minimi:
ulnar nerve
flexes little finger
muscles of the hand:
hypothenar muscles:
opponens digiti minimi:
ulnar nerve
opposes little finger
deepens palm
muscles of the hand:
lumbrical muscles:
median nerve
ulnar nerve
flexes metacarpophalangeal joints (knuckle)
extends interphalangeal joint
muscles of the hand: interosseous muscles (2)
palmar interosseous muscles
dorsal interosseous muscles
muscles of the hand:
interosseous muscles:
palmar interosseous muscles:
ulnar nerve
flex metacarpophalangeal joints
extend interphalangeal joints
adduct fingers toward center of middle finger
(palmar adduct - PAD)
muscles of the hand:
interosseous muscles:
dorsal interosseous muscles:
ulnar nerve
flex metacarpophalangeal joints
extend interphalangeal joints
abduct fingers from cetner of third finger
(dorsal abduct - DAB)
muscles of the hand:
insertion of the long flexor tendons:
pairs of superficial & deep flexor tendons must undergo ___ to reach their respective insertion sites
the ___ tendons split into two slips over the ___, then spiral around the sides of the ___ phalanges tendons & come together again dorsal to these tendons
this creates a tunnel for the ___ tendons
superficialis tendons
proximal phalanges
profundus tendons
profundus tendons
muscles of the hand:
insertion of the long flexor tendons:
the ___ tendons split again into two slips which insert into the sides of the ___ phalanges
each ___ tendon passes through the tunnel formed in the ___ tendon & inserts into the base of the ___ phalanx
superficialis tendons
middle phalanges
profundus tendon
superficialis tendon
distal phalanx
muscles of the hand:
there is a ___ & ___ vinculum for each tendon
the vinvula provide routes for ___ to reach the tendons from the ___
short & long
blood vessels
muscles of the hand:
insertion of the long extensor tendons:
strong ___ bands connect tendons of the ___ digits restricting their individual movement
the tendon to the index finger is joined medially by the ___ tendon
oblique bands
medial four digits
extensor indicis tendon
muscles of the hand:
insertion of the long extensor tendons:
tendon to the little finger (when present) is joined medially by the double tendon of the ___
all tendons broaden over the knuckles to form the ___
the sides of the tendons beyond the knuckle joint receive the insertions of the:
- ___ muscles (proximally)
- ___ muscles (distally)
extensor digiti minimi
dorsal extensor expansion
interosseous muscles
lumbrical muscles
muscles of the hand:
insertion of the long extensor tendons:
the dorsal extensor expansion splits into three slips over the ___ phalanx
the middle slip inserts into the base of the ___ phalanx
the lateral slips unite beyond the middle slip insertion & insert into the base of the ___ phalanx
proximal phalanx
middle phalanx
distal phalanx
arteries of the palm (2)
ulnar artery
radial artery
arteries of the palm:
ulnar artery:
enters the hand superficial to the ___ & lateral to the ___ nerve & ___ bone
gives off the ___ branch which passes b/n the ___ & ___
flexor retinaculum
ulnar nerve
pisiform bone
deep ulnar branch
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi
arteries of the palm:
ulnar artery:
the main trunk continues as the ___
this is completed on the lateral side by the ___ branch of the ___ artery
superficial palmar arch
superficial palmar branch
radial artery
arteries of the palm:
ulnar artery:
the superficial palmar arch supplies branches to all sides of the fingers except:
- ___
- ___ side of the ___ finger
the deep branch of the ulnar artery joins the ___ artery to complete the ___
radial side of the index finger
radial artery
deep palmar arch
arteries of the palm:
radial artery:
gives off the ___ branch just before entering the ___
passes deep b/n the two heads of the ___ muscle
continues as the ___ which is completed on the medial side of the hand by the ___ branch of the ___ artery
superficial palmar branch
anatomical snuff box
first dorsal interosseous muscle
deep palmar arch
deep branch of the ulnar artery
arteries of the palm:
radial artery:
gives off two other important branches before continuing as the deep plamar arch (2)
radialis indicis artery
princeps pollicis artery
arteries of the palm:
radial artery:
radialis indicis artery - supplies the lateral side of the ___
princeps pollicis artery - splits into two for the two sides of the ___
index finger
nerves of the palm (2)
median nerve
ulnar nerve
nerves of the palm:
median nerve:
enters the palm by passing (superficial/deep) to the flexor retinaculum within the ___
carpal tunnel
nerves of the palm:
median nerve:
- ___ muscles
- ___ muscles
- (medial/lateral) palm
- ___ aspect of the (medial/lateral) ___
thenar muscles
first two lumbrical muscles
lateral palm
palmar aspect of the lateral 3 & 1/2 fingers
nerves of the palm:
ulnar nerve:
enters the palm by passing (superficial/deep) to the flexor retinaculum immediately lateral to the ___ bone
pisiform bone
nerves of the palm:
ulnar nerve:
- ___ muscles
- ___ muscles
- ___
- ___
- all ___ muscles
- (medial/lateral) palm
- ___ aspect of the ___
hypothenar muscles third & fourth lumbrical muscles adductor pollicus palmaris brevis all interossei muscles
medial palm
palmar aspect of the medial 1 & 1/2 fingers