what are hte 2 psychological therapies
family therapy
cbt used to trewat people with schizo it usually takes place over a period of
5-20 sessions, in grup or on an individual basis
which is longer than for other condiitons
cbt aims to dela wiht
thoughts (cognitions)
cbt can help a clien tmake sense of
how their irrational cognitions
Such as delusinos and hallucinations
impact their feelings and behaviour
what can be hugely heplgul to schixo patinets in terms of CBT
just understanding where symptoms come from can be hugely helpful for those with symptoms like auditory hallucinations
explin how just simply understanding hwere symptoms come from can be hugely helpful for those with symptoms like auditry hallucinations
if e.g client hears voices and beleives htem to be demonic forces theyll be afraid naturallly
if a hterapist can convince them that voice actually comes form malfuncitonign speech centre of their own brian and it cannot hurt them if they ignore it
this is much less firghtening and therfore less debilitaitng
cbt wont … but can … which in turn …
eliminate symptoms of schizophrenia
but can help people to better be able to cope with symptoms
WHICH in turn reduces their stress and imporves their ability to funciton adequatley
in tems of cbt how cna people hearing voices be helped
by teahcing them that voice hearing is n extenison of ordinary experience of thinking in words
- this is normalisatin
in terms of cbt delusinos can be hint REBT
how can delusions be challenged
by a process of relaity testing
in whihc perosn with schizo and their therapist jointly examine the likelihood that beliefs are true
in some cases where delusions are resistant to relaoty testing CBT can still be used to
tackle the anxiety and depression thata result from living with schizophrenia
family therapy
family therapy takes place with who
families as well as idneitified patient
what does fmaily therapy aim to improve
the quality of communciation and interactino between family members
true or false theres a range of approaches to family therapy for schizophrenia