what are hte 2 psychological therapies
family therapy
cbt used to trewat people with schizo it usually takes place over a period of
5-20 sessions, in grup or on an individual basis
which is longer than for other condiitons
cbt aims to dela wiht
thoughts (cognitions)
cbt can help a clien tmake sense of
how their irrational cognitions
Such as delusinos and hallucinations
impact their feelings and behaviour
what can be hugely heplgul to schixo patinets in terms of CBT
just understanding where symptoms come from can be hugely helpful for those with symptoms like auditory hallucinations
explin how just simply understanding hwere symptoms come from can be hugely helpful for those with symptoms like auditry hallucinations
if e.g client hears voices and beleives htem to be demonic forces theyll be afraid naturallly
if a hterapist can convince them that voice actually comes form malfuncitonign speech centre of their own brian and it cannot hurt them if they ignore it
this is much less firghtening and therfore less debilitaitng
cbt wont … but can … which in turn …
eliminate symptoms of schizophrenia
but can help people to better be able to cope with symptoms
WHICH in turn reduces their stress and imporves their ability to funciton adequatley
in tems of cbt how cna people hearing voices be helped
by teahcing them that voice hearing is n extenison of ordinary experience of thinking in words
- this is normalisatin
in terms of cbt delusinos can be hint REBT
how can delusions be challenged
by a process of relaity testing
in whihc perosn with schizo and their therapist jointly examine the likelihood that beliefs are true
in some cases where delusions are resistant to relaoty testing CBT can still be used to
tackle the anxiety and depression thata result from living with schizophrenia
family therapy
family therapy takes place with who
families as well as idneitified patient
what does fmaily therapy aim to improve
the quality of communciation and interactino between family members
true or false theres a range of approaches to family therapy for schizophrenia
how fam therapy helps - what did Pharaoah et al identify
range of strategies tha family therapists use to try to imporve funcitoing of a family tahta has amember with schizophrenia
how fam therapy helps - what are 2 ways it helps
reduces negative emotions
improves family’s ability to help
how fam therapy helps - explain reduces negatove emotions 3 oints
and why is reducing stress importnat
aims to reduce lvls of expressed emotion
by reducing the level of emotion generally but especially negative emotions such as anger and guilt which create stress
reducing stress is important to reduce the likelihood of relapse
explain imporvs familiys ability to help 3 points
therapist encourages fam meers to form a therapeutic alliance whereby they all agree on aims of therpay
therapist also tries to imporve families beliefs about and behaviours towards schizophrenia
a further aim is to ensure family memeber aachieve a balance between caring for individual with schizo and maintaining own lives
model of practice
what did burbach propose
model for working with families dealing with schizophrenia
how many stages does the model of practice have
what is phase 1 of the model of practice
sharing basic info and providing emotional and practical support
then it develots through progressivley deeper levels
what is phase 2 of the model of practice
involves identifiying resources including what different family meber can and cannot offer
what is phase 3 of model of practice
it aims to encourage mutual understanding , creating a safe space for all famo meber to express their feelings
what does phase 4 involve
identifying unhelpful patterns of interaction
what is phase 5 about
skills traing such as learning stress managment techniques
what does pahse 6 look at
relapse prevention plannign
what is phase 7 about
miantanenace of rthe future
strenght of cbt - non invasive
One strength of CBT is that it is non-invasive. This means that it does not involve
anything entering the body and therefore there are no side effects from the treatment. This is not the
case with antipsychotics which may lead to side effects and subsequently mean that patients stop
taking their medication. As CBT has no side effects, it is less likely patients will refuse to adhere to the
treatment. This in turn, increases the chances of the treatment working and relapse rates reducing.
strenght of cbt - supprotign resech nice
Supporting research – Support for the effectiveness of CBT for the treatment of schizophrenia comes
from Nice (2014). They found that when compared to antipsychotics, CBT was effective in reducing
rehospitalisation rates up to 18 months following the end of treatment. There was also evidence of
improved social functioning in those receiving CBT compared to those receiving medication. This
supports the use of CBT as it shows that it can relieve the symptoms of schizophrenia.
limitation of cbt - costly
Cost: One limitation is that CBT may not be an appropriate treatment as it is expensive. In order for it to
work it requires trained therapists, which cost the NHS money. The NHS is currently having difficulties
with funding and therefore it may be that antipsychotics are more likely to be prescribed for
schizophrenic patients as they cost less money than CBT whilst still treating the symptoms. This
matters because if less money is spent on it, it will reduce the number of trained therapists available to
deliver CBT.
strenght of family therapy - no side effects
No side effects: One strength of family therapy is that it is non-invasive. This means that it does not
involve anything entering the body and therefore there are no side effects from the treatment. This is
not the case with antipsychotics which may lead to side effects and subsequently mean that patients
stop taking their medication. As family therapy has no side effects, it is less likely patients will refuse to
adhere to the treatment.
limiatation of amily therapy - requires commitment + costly if thy as for 2 limtiaiton s
A problem with family therapy is that it requires commitment from a number of
individuals. This includes the patient, immediate family members, but it can also include extended
family members who do not live with the patient. It may be difficult to logistically find a regular time
where all relevant family members can attend, and even if this can be arranged it requires all family
members to be motivated to want to take part in the therapy. The family may see the disorder as solely
being needed to be treated at the individual level and therefore may not attend or engage fully in the
sessions. This therefore means that individual therapies such as CBT or art therapy may be more