who was an important figure in persomality and intelligence research during the middle of 20th century
eysenck proposed behaviour could be represented along
two dimensions
what were the two dimesnsions eysenck proposed behaviour could be represeanted along
introversion - extraversion (E)
neuroticism - stability (N)
the two dimensions E N combine to form a variety of
personality charctersitics or ytraits
what did eysenck later add
third dimension :
psychoticism - sociability (P)
BIO BASIS - according to eysenck our personality traits are what in origin
bio - eysneck says our personality traits are biological in orgin , how do they come aobut
throguh type of nervous system we inherit
bio - as eysenck says our personality traits are biological in anture and come about through types . therfore all personality types including the criminal have a
innate biological basis s
what type of nervous system do extraverts have
extraverts have an underavtive NS therefore what do they constantly seek what and are likely to engage in
seek - excitement, stimualtion
likely engage - risk taking behaviour
extraverts tend not to
and therfore
condition easily
dont learn from their mistake
what do neurotic have in their sympathetic nervous system
high level of reactivity
neurotics have a hig leve of reactivity in their sympathetic nervous systetm - how do they react to situations of threat(fight/flight)
respond quickly
since neurtoics react quickly to situations of threat , they tend to be
neurotic indi - their general instability means behaviour is often
difficult to predict
psychotic indi suggested to ahve
and are
higher levels of testosterone
prone to agression
psychotism is the result if
excess dopaminergic neurons
in psychotism - excess dopmainergic neurons which cause an
leading to
overproduction of dopamine by nervous system
less of an inhibtion of impulses
what is the criminal personality type
neurotic - extravert- psychotic
criminal personality type - neurotics are what and therfore
overact to situations of threat
extarverts seek more
extraverts seek more arousal and therfore enageg in
dangerous activities
extraverts seek more arousal and therfore enageg in
dangerous activities
psychotics are * and lack
lack empathyb
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - in eysencks theroy, peosnality si linekd to
offending behaviour via socilasisation processes
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - eysenck saw offnding behaviours as
developmentally immature in that it is selfish and concerned with immediate gratification
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - relating to immediate gratification . offenders are
imaptient and cannot wait for things
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - what is the process of socialsiation
chidlren taught to become more able to delay gratification and are more socially oriented
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - eysenck believed people with high N and E scores had nervous systems that made them what
difficult to condition
ROLE OF SCOIALISATION - hose with N and E scores got NS that are difficult to condition therfore less liekly to
and consequently
learn anxiety resposnes to antiscoial impulses
would be more liekly to act antiscoailly in situations where opportunity rpesented itself
MEASURING CRIMINAL PERSONALITY - Whats a notion central to eysenck’s theory
personality can be measured
what did eysenck develop
what is EPQ
Form of psychological test
locates respondents along the E,N,P dimensions
to determine eprsonality type
why is measurement of eprosnality a very important part of eysencks theory
enabled him to conduct research relating perosnality avriabels to toher behaviours such as criminality
limitation - reductionist x out of date
personlaity traits unlikely to be accounted for by only using 3dimensions and measured by a single #
furthermore these traits liekly to change depending on who we interact with and under waht circumnstances thus not always being stable
+ theory can be considered outdated
digman 5 factor model of personality suggests alongside e&n thers additional dimensions e.g openess
therfore many combo of what can be ,ade in terms of a personality type and that high levels of e&n doesnt mean offedning is inevatible
overall presents a more compex pic of fofending and suggest e thoery is out of step with modern theories and through its reductionism doesnt offer an accurate account of personality
limitation - cutural factors
cultural factors werent taken into account
researchers studied hispanic and african american offenders
6 groups were created based on offences and offending history
all 6 scored lower on E than non offeders controls
this was suggested to be due to teh fact sample was culturally different to eysenck
this questions how far criminal personality can be generalised and suggest it may be a culturally relative concept
strength research support - criminal personality
eysenck and eysenck compared 2017 male prisoners scores on EPQ with 2422 male controls
found across all age groups sampled, prisoners recorded hihger than average score in terms of ENP than controls
therefore agrees with prediction of the theory that offenders
coutner point research support