RESEARCH METHODS 2 : Choosing a stat test (part 1 ) Flashcards
What are statisictical tests
test to determine whether a difference or association/corelation found in a particular investigatino is statistically singnificant
and consequently whether null hypothesis should be rejected/retained
statistically insignificant means
difference or association / correlation more than could have occured by chance
The outcomes of stat test have what implciations
whether we accept or reject null hypothesis
three factors in deciding what stat test to use
whether resercher looking for diff or correlation
in case of a differnce what xp design is being used
level of measurement
first thing to consider when deciding what stat test to use
aim of purpose of investigation:
is researcher looking for a difference or correlation
how can we tell whether researchers looking for a diff or correlation
wording of hypothesis
when looking at differences v correlation
in this context correlation can include investigations looking for
an association
second step to consider when choosing stat test
Experimental Design
in terms of step 2 : Xp design what happesn if researcher looking for a correlation
than a difference
xp designs not an issue
state three types of xp design
independent groups
repeated measures
matched pairs
repeated measures and matched pairs are referred to as
related designs
in repeated measure desing same pt are used
in all conditions
so are related as do same conditions
explain what happens in matched pair design
pt in each condition not same but been matched on some vairbale imp for invesitgation making them related
explain why independent group design are unrelated
participants in each condition are different
so in terms of step 2 experimental design what ar ethe two alt researcher can choose from
related or unrelated
What is the third descision researcher must make when deciding stat tets
level of measurement
levels of measurement on diff deck
draw table of choosing a stat test