what have psychologists attempted to link
schizo to chilhood and adult xp of living in a dystfucntional family
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - What type of explanation did Frieda Fromm Reichmannpropose
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - What was the basis did psychodynamic explanation did Frieda Fromm Reichmann propose for schizo based on
accounts she heard from patients about their childhoods
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - fromm reichmann noted many of ..
her patients spoke of a particular type of parent called schizopregenic mother
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - schizopregenic literraly means
schizoprenia cuasing mother
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - describe the schizo mother according to fromm reichmann
overly involved
crazy making qualities
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - what do the characterisitcs of the schizo mother create
added stress by creating family climate charcaterised by tension and secrecy
SCHIZOPREGENIC MOTHER - the tension and secrecy climate leads to
develops into paranoid delusions
and ultimatley schizo
DOUBLE BIND THEORY - Baetson greed family cliamte is important in development of schizo but emphasised
role of communication style within a fmaily
DOUBLE BIND THEORY - where situation does the devceloping child normally find themselves in
trapped in situations where fear doing wrong thing but reciev mixed messages about what the wrong thing is
and feel unable to comment on unfairnss and seek clarification
DOUBLE BIND THEORY - what happens when child inevitably does wrong thing /
punished by withdrawal of love
DOUBLE BIND THEORY - what happens when developing child is punished by a withdrawal from love
and what is this reflected in
left with understanding of world : confusing and dangerous
reflected in(+Ve) symoptioms such as disorganised thinking and paranoid delusions
DOUBLE BIND THEORY - What was Bateson clear about
this was not the main type of comm (withdrawal of love) in family of someone with schizo
, just a risk factor
level of emotion (particularly negative emotion) expressed toward someone with schizo by carers who are often family members
what are the 3 elements expressed emotion contains
verbal criticism of the person, occasionally accompanied by violence
hostility towards the perosn including anger and rejection
emotional overinvolvemetn in the life of the person including needless self sacrifice
high levels of expressed emotion directed towards the indiviudl are a seriosu sort of what for them
serious source of stress
expressed emotion is an expalantion for what in schizophrenia
primary explanation for relapse in people with schizo
as well as being a primary explaantion for reapse in people with schizo expressed emotion is also suggested to be
a source of stress that can trigger onset of schizophrenia in a perosn already vulnerable e.g due to theri genetiv mkaeup
- stress diathesis model
What are the 2 cognitive explanation
metarepresentation dysfuntion
central control dysfunction
DYSFUNCTIONAL THINKING - cognitive explanations for any phenomenon are ones which
focus on role of mental processes
DYSFUNCTIONAL THINKING - t/f schizo is associated with several types of dysfuncitonal though processing and they can provide explantion sof rschizphrenia as a whole
DYSFUNCTIONAL THINKING - schizo ccan be characterised by
disruption ot normal thought processing
we can see this in many of its symptoms
2 types of dysfuncitnoal thought processing
METAREPRESENTATIO DYSFUNCITON - what is meta represntatino
congitive ablity to reflect on our thoughts and behaviour
METAREPRESENTATIO DYSFUNCITON - what does metarepresntation allow us to do
insight into our own intentions and goals
interpret the actinos of others
METAREPRESENTATIO DYSFUNCITON - dysfunciton in metarepresentation would disrupt our ability to
what would it explain
recognise our own actions and thoughts as being carried out by oursleves rather than someone else
this would explain hallucinations of hearing voices and delusions liek thought insertion
the cognitive ablity to supress automatic repsonses while we perform deliberate actions
CENTRAL CONTORL DYSFUNTION - speech poverty and thought disorder could result from
inability to supress auto thougths and speech trigerred by other thoughts
CENTRAL CONTORL DYSFUNTION - for example people with schizo tend to experience …. becuase
derailment of thoughts becuase each word triggers associations and the perosn cannot supress automatic repsonses to these
evals family dysfuntion
supporting evidence for role of family dysfunctino
parent blaming
evals cognitive explanatinos
research support stroop task
only provide proximal explanation
support for role of family dysfucntion
strenght of these explantions is evidence linking family dysfuntion to schizpphrenia
x of fmaily dysfunciton include x attachment and x to childhood x especially x
according to a x by x , adults with schizophrenia are x likely ot have x attahcment , particularly type x or x
x et also reported x% of women and x% of men w schizo have a history of x and or x abuse
this strongly x family x makes peole more x to schizo
strenght of these explantions is evidence linking family dysfuntion to schizpphrenia
indicatos of fmaily dysfunciton include insecure attachment and exposure to childhood trauma especially abuse
according to a review by read , adults with schizophrenia are disporoportionatley likely ot have insecure attahcment , particularly type c or d
read et also reported 69% of women and 59% of men w schizo have a history of physicla and or sexual abuse
this strongly suggests family dysfunciton makes peole more vulnerable to schizo
limitation - family - parent blaming
research into the linke between family dysfunciton and schizophrenia can pose quite a moral dilemaa
although x explanations for the x schizophrenia x have no x x
research in this area may be x in showing how x attahcment and the x of childhood x may affect x x to schizophrenia
on the other hand this area of research is very x x as it can lead to x blaming and adds x to x for parents who are having to see their child x symptoms of x
however psych should x x away from investigating x x topics
with correct x and x taken such a s the x x, the x of this research will hugely x the x and will have x real world x in x , chilcare social owrk and more
research into the linke between family dysfunciton and schizophrenia can pose quite a moral dilemaa
although early explanations for the damily schizophrenia link have no reserch support
research in this area may be useful in showing insecure attahcment and the experience of childhood truaam may affect individual vulnerability to schizophrenia
on the other hand this area of research is very socially sensitive as it can lead to parnt blaming and adds insult to injury for parents who are having to see their child xp symptoms of schixophrenia
however psychshould not shy away from investigating socially sensitive topics
with correct precautions and considerations tkenn such a s the research question, the beenfits of this research will hugely outwieigth the costs and will have ocuntless real world applicatins in attahcment , chilcare social owrk and more
support for dysfunctional thought processing
strenght is supporting evidence ofr congitive dysfunciton
x et al compred the x on a range of x tasks in x people with schizo and a x group of x peoplew/o schizophrenia
tasks included x task - patients name x x of coloured words , so have to x automatic x to read words out x
as x by x et al’s x x x , people with schiophrenia took x - 2x on x to x the font colours
this suggests x processes of pepole w schiizophreina are x
strenght is supporting evidence ofr congitive dysfunciton
striling et al compred the performance ona a range of congitive tasks in 30 people with schizo and a control group of 30 peoplew/o schizophrenia
tasks included stroop task - patients name font colours of coloured words , so have to supress tendency to read workds out loud
as predited by firth et al’s central contorl theory , people with schiophrenia took longer - 2x on average to anme the font colours
this suggests cognitive processes of pepole w schiizophreina are impaired
limitation - only a proximal explanation
they only expain x orgiins of x
cog exlp for schizo are x explanatinos becuase they explain whats happening x now to produce x but cannot explain what x x the condition such as x and x dysfunctional explanations
x is currently x and not well x is how x variation or x x may lead to probelms of x or x x
this menas cogn thoeries on their own only provide x explanations for x
they only expain proximal orgiins of symptoms
cog exlp for schizo are proximal explanatinos becuase they explain whats happening right now to produce symtoms but cannot explain what intiially uasaed the condition such as genetic and family dysfunctional explanations
ehat is currently unclear and not well addressed is how genetic variation or childhood truama may lead to probelms of metarepresentation or central contorl
this menas cogn thoeries on their own only provide partial explanations for schizophrenia