what does it focus on
cognitive factors that may influence offending behaviour
what did novaco suggest about cognitive factors
trigger the emotional arousal which generally precede aggressive acts
what was novacos argument about anger in some people
quick to surface
especially in situations that are percievved to be anxiety inducing or threatening
in behaviourist terms how is beocming angry reinforced
by the individuals feelings of control in the situation
anger managment programmes are a form of
explain how anger m programmes are a form of CBT
individuals taught to recognise cognitive factors that trigger their anger and loss of contorl
then they encouraged to develop techniques which bring about conflict resolution w/o need for violence
what are the 3 stages
cognitive preparation
skill acquisition
applicatio practice
what does cognitive preparation require offender to do
reflect on past experience and consider the typical pattern of their anger
cognitive preparation - what does the offender learn to identify
and what is a therapists role here
ID situations which acts as triggers to anger
if the way in which offender interprets the events is irrational , the therapists role is to make this clear
give example of cognitive preparatoin
someone looking at them as an act of confrontaton
in redefinig situation as non theratening
therapist is attempting to breka what may be an auto resposne for teh offender
what is skill acquisition
offenders intro to range of techniques and skills to help them deal with anger provoking situations more rationally and effectivley
skill aquisiton techniques may include
what is cognitive techniqr in skill acquisiotn
positive self talk to enocurage calmeness e.g couting to 10 to temper our reaction to a stressful event
what are behavioural techniques in skill acquisiotn
assettiveness traing ni how to communicate more effectivley which will become an auto response if practised regularly
what are phsyiological skills in skill acqusioitn
deal with the phsyical reaction to anger such as relaxation trainign or mediration
aim is to contrl ones emotions rather than being controlled by htem
application to practice what is it about
in this final stage offenders given opportunity to practise skills within a carefully contorlled environemnt
role play
what is applicaiton practice / role play likely to involve
offender and therapist re enacting scenarios that may have escalated feelings of anger and violent acts in the past
application practices requires what from the offender
a certai amount of commitment
they must see the scenario as real
application practice requires what from the therapist
why does application practice require a certain amount of bravery
cuase they got to wind up offender to assess their progres
if offender succesfully dels with role play what happens
their given positive reinforcemnt by the therapist
progress mad ewith young offendes between ages 17-21 who took part ina nationally recognised anger managment programme
POSITIVE OUTCOMES WITH YOUNG OFFENDERS - what was the nationally recognised anger managment programme called and who and who was it developed by
national anger managment package
england and wales prisons service
POSITIVE OUTCOMES WITH YOUNG OFFENDERS - what did the national anger managment package consist of
eight 2 hour sessions
POSITIVE OUTCOMES WITH YOUNG OFFENDERS - explain the outcomes of keen et als study
intial issues such as offender not taking the course seriously
individuals forgot routines such as reuirement to ring their diary
final outcomes were generally positive
offenders reported increased cawareness of tehir anger managment difficulties and an increased capacity to excersise self control
eval points
individual differncecs
better than behaviour modification
issue and debate ?