some men and women feel a mismatch between
thioer biological sex and the gender they feel they are
individuals who have gender disphoria do not what
identify as their sex given at birth
gender dysphoria can be a source of
stress and discomfort
as gender dysphoria can be a sopurce of stress and discomfort what is it recognised as
a psycholigical disorder IN the DSM 5
In its categorisation of gender dysphoria what does the DSM 5 specifically exclude
intersex conditions that have abiological basis such as KLINEFELTERS SYNDROME
Even though DSM5 specifically excludes intersex conditions that have abiological basis such as KLINEFELTERS SYNDROME nevertheless its plausible that gender dysphoria may be subject to
some biological influence
one biological explantion suggests that gender dysphoria has a basis in
brain structure - the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
what is the BST involved in
emtional responses as well male sexual behaviour in rats
which gender is the BST larger in
in what type of individuals apart from female , has the BST found to be female sized
transgender females
what suggestion does the brain sex theory threfore lead to
those with gender dysphoria have a BST which is the size of the gender they identify with , not their biological sex
the dimorphism ( what does this mean) in the BST fits with the report made by people who are transgender that they feel
(report made by people who are transgender that they feel )
froma n early age they were born the wrong sex
in a folow up study waht did 6 transgender individuasl show
an avg BST neuron number in the female range
what did coolidge et al 2000 assess and why
157 twin pairs for evidence of gender dysphoria
how many of the 157 twin pairs where dyozygotic and monozygotic
96 MZ
61 DZ
62% of variance could be accoutned for by genetic factors
researchers found 62% of variance could be accoutned for by genetic factors - what does this suggest
theres a strong heritable component to gender dysphoria
what did heylens et al 2012 compare and why
MZ and DZ
23 MZ twins
21 DZ twins where one of each pair was diagnosed w gender dysphoria
what did heylens et al find and what does this indicate
39%of MZ twins were concordant for gender dysphoria copmared to non of the DZ
indicates tje role for genetic factors in the development of gender dysphoria
what does the social cosntructisim perspective argue
2 points
gender identity doesnt reflect the underlying biological differences between people
and isntead tehse concepts are invented by societiees !
in terms of the social constructisim POV why do individuals with gender dysphria get gender confusion
society forces people to be man or woman they must pick a side and act accordingly
according to the social constructism argument gender dysphoria is not a
pathological condition as described by the DSM5
According to the social constructism argument gender isnt a pathological condition but a
social phenomenon whihc arises when people are required to choose one of two particular paths
what did MCCLINtock 2015 cite
the case of indi witha gentic condiiton in the sambia of new guinea
(5 alpha reductase deficiency)
what does 5 alpha reductase casue
some bio males to be categorised as females at borth cuase got labia and a clitoris
during 5 alpha reductase what happens ot boys during puberty
genitals change casue of a larg eincreases in testosterone
testes descend and clitoris enlarges into a penis
the genetic variation is common among the sabia and what ahs it led to eb routinley accepted
some people are men
some women
and others kwolu aatmwol - femlaes then males
since the sambia cultre have come into contact w otehr cultures what are kwolu aatmwol now judged as
having a pathological form of gender dysphoria
in teh psychoanalytical theory OVESEY and PERSON 1973 emphasise what as the cuase of gneder dysphoria ….
social relationships within the family
what does the psychoanlaytical theory / ovesey and person argue that gender dysphoria in males is cuased by
a boy xp extreme seperation anxiety before gender identity ahs been establsihed
during the extreme seperation how does boy cope
fantasises of a symbiotic fusion with his mum to relieve the anxiety and the danger of seperation is removed
what is the consequence of xp extreme seperation anxiety and symbiotically fusion with a mother
boy becomes mother and apopts a woman’s gender identity
the theory of psychoanalytical theory has support from
Stroller 1973
explain how the psychoanalytical theory of gender has support from stroller. he reported that…
and what did this suggest
he reports that in interviews GenderDysphoried biological males dispalyed overly clsoe relationships with their mothers
suggesting stronger female identification and thus conflicted gender identity in the long term
It is claimed that the BSTc is fully formed at the age of 5, and therefore cannot be affected by hormone treatment that the transgender person may be given as part of their transgender therapy.
- If this is true, then it would support the view that the BSTc plays a causal role in GID.
- However, Pol et al (2006) found that transgender hormone therapy did affect the size of the BSTc.
- This means that we cannot rule out the possibility that the size of the BSTc is a result of treatment, rather than being the cause of the condition.
- Twin studies only partially support a genetic link in GID.
- This is because the concordance rate is much below 100% for MZ twins (39% in Heylens’ study)
- Therefore this suggests that even if there is a genetic element to GID, there must be other environmental factors involved for the condition to be triggered (*CHECK this is a problem as it reduced the strength of biological explanations for GD)
- Additionally , the research typically involves very small samples, so generalisation is an issue as we cant apply these results and findings to a wider population
LIMITATION - BIOLOGICAl expl is reductionist
- The explanation reduces GID to simple biological factors, which is too simplistic a view to allow us to fully understand the origins of GID.
- There is no account taken of how environmental, social or cultural factors may play a part.
- The fact that incidence of GID has increased in recent years would suggest a social/cultural element.
- Therefore, the interactionist approach is likely more suitable an explanation.
- Doesn’t offer an adequate explanation of GID in females.
- In addition, Rekers’ research suggests that gender disturbance in boys is more likely to be associated with the absence of the father, rather than fear of separation from the mother.
- Furthermore, the assumption that GID is caused by separation anxiety is very hard to test.
- The fantasies that trigger the condition are thought to exist at an unconscious level and are therefore inaccessible to the conscious mind.
- This means that evidence is limited and the theory is little more than speculation.
LIMITATIO - not accounting for biological factors pose a limitation for PSYCHODYNAMIC explanation
- Evidence increasingly suggests that the influences of hormones and genetics is the main cause of GID, but there is little evidence to suggest a totally biological explanation.
- Therefore, social psychological explanations of GID may be useful in understanding the factors that contribute towards the development of GID, but are unlikely to be sufficient as a stand alone explanation.
LIMITATINO - lack of research support
psychodynamic explanation research support
verifying males acceptance unconsciously
gender dysphoria difficult mother unconscious level
scientific criterion falsifiability pseudo science
P: One limitation of the psychodynamic expl of gender dysphoria is that it lacks research support
E: there is no way of verifying is females believe if they become male they may gain acceptance from their father as this occurs …
E: This assumption that … … is caused by separation is also … to test as fantasies about the … occur at an … …
L: As a result this theory does not meet the … … of … this affords it the status of …-…