What is schizoprenia
severe mental disorder - where contact with reality and insight -are impaired,
an example of psychosis
schizoprenia is experienced by what % of the world
give the three types of people its normally diagnosed in
city dwellers
lower socio economic groups
the symptoms of schizophrenia can intervere severley with
everyday tasks
as the symptoms of schizoprenia interve severley with everyday tasks many people with schizoprenia can end up
homeless or hospitalised
D&C - diagnosis and clarification are
D&C - according to the medical approach how do we diagnose a specific disorder
through distingushing one disorder from another
D&C - how do we distingush one disorder from another
2 parts
identifying clusters of symptoms that occur together and classifying this as one disorder
D&C - after identifying clusters of symptoms that occur together and classifying this as one disorder how is diagnosis then possible
by identifying symptoms and deciding what disorder a person has e.g ocd
D&C - what are the two major sytems for classification of mental disorder
International Classification of disease (ICD 10)
D&C - What is the difference between ICD 10 and DSM 5
Differ slightly in the classification of schizo
D&C - Give an example of how ICD 10 and DSM5 classification of schizo are different
dsm 5 - one positive symptoms present for diagonsis
ICD 10 - two or more negative symptoms needed
D&C - revious editions of DSM 5 and ICD 10 recognised
subtypes of schizophrenia
D&C - give an example of subtypes of schizo
paranoid schizo
involving powerful hallucinations and delusions
D&C - explain why dsm 5 and icd 10 drop subtypes
tended to be inconsistent
e.g someone with diagnosis of paranoid schizo wont necesarily show same symptoms few year later
PS - what are positive symptoms
atypical symptoms xp in addition to normal xps
PS - give examples of postive symptoms
PS - What are hallucinations
unusual sensory xp
PS - some hallucinations are related to
events in the enviro
PS - some hallucinations related to events in enviro whereas others bear no
relationship to waht senses are picking up from the enviro
e.g voices heard
PS - give example of hallucination
voices heard talking to or commenting on person , usually criticising them
PS - hallucinations can be experienced in relation to any
PS - give example of how hallucinations can be xp in relation to any sense
person see distorted facial xp
occasionaly people and animals not there
PS - delusions aka
PS - what are delusions
irrational beliefs
PS - delusions can take a
range of forms
PS - what do common delusions involve
believe you are important historical, political or religious figure e.g jesus
PS - delusions commonly involve being
3 parts
persecuted by gov , aliens or having superpowers
PS - another class of delusion concerns the
PS - regarding delusions a person may believe they are
under external control
PS - Delusions can make a perosn behave in ways
that make sense to them but seem bizarre to others
NS - what are negative symptoms
involve loss of usual abilities and xp
NS - Give example of negative symptoms
speech poverty
NS - Give example of negative symptoms
speech poverty
NS - schizoprenia also characterised by
part of speech poverty
changes in patterns of speech
NS - explain why speech poverty is seen as a negative symptom
part of speech poverty
cuase emphasis is on the reduction in amount and quality of speech in schizo
NS - speech poverty is sometimes accompanied by
delay in persons verbal responses during the conversation
NS - nowadays more emphasis is placed on
speech poverty
speech disorganisation
NS - what is speech disorganisation
speech becomes incoherent or speaker changes topic mid sentence
NS - speech disorganisation is classified in dsm 5
positive symptom of schizo
NS - avolition is sometimes called
NS - what is avolition
finding it difficult to begin or keep up with a goal orineted activity
NS - what is avolition
finding it difficult to begin or keep up with a goal orineted activity
NS - people with schizo often have sharply reduced ..
motivation to carry out a range of activities
who identified the three symptoms of avolition
andreasen 1982
what are the 3 symptoms of avolition
poor hygiene and grooming
lack of persistence in work or edu
lack of energy