what is restorative justice
dealing with offending behaviour
focuses on rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with their victims
what does restorative justice enable offender to see
and do to survivors
impact of their crime and serves to empower survivors by giving them a voice
what are the 4 subheadings
changing the empahsies
key features of the programme
sentencing and restitution
restirative justie council
chagning the emphasis
historically a perosn convicted of a criminal offence would have been regarded as commiting a crime against teh
in constrast restorative justice programmes do what
switch teh emphasis from needs of the state (to enforce the law and punish)
to the needs of the individual victim( to feel compensated in some way and come to terms with the crime
restorative justice seeks to be a x process
restortive justice is less about x and more about x
what is retribution
punishing the offender
what is reparation
repairing the harm teh offender has caused
due to aims et out above what doesrestorative justice seek to focus on
(2 things)
survivor of crime and their recovery
the offender and their rehabilitation process
how many key features of the programme are there
what is key feature of the programme 1(supervision)
trained mediator supervises the meeting
what is key feature of the programme 2 (locaiton)
non courtroom setting hwere offenders voluntarily meet with survior/s
what is key feature of the programme 3 (tech)
can be a face to face meeting or conducted remotley via video link
what is key feature of the programme 4( survivor)
survivor is given the opportunity to confornt th eoffender and explain how the incident affected them
key feature of the programme 4 - what does giving the survivor the opportunity to ocnfornt he offender and explain enable
offender to understand the consequences of their actinos
including the emotional distress it caused
what is key feature of the programme 5 (tenses)
its important that their is active rather than passive involvement of all parties in process wherever possible
what is key feature of the programme 6 - focus
focus is on positive outcomes for both surviviors and offenders
what is key feature of the programme 7 - others
other relevant community members may have role in the process e.g family
they may al wish to explain the effects of the crime
snetencing and restitution
restoratie justice mmay occur
pre trial
restorative jsutie can function alongside …
or as an alternative
or as an incentive
a prsion sentence
as an alternative to prison (Especially if young)
as an incentive to reduce the length of a sentence
in a traditional sense how is restitution seen
as a monetary pament by offendr to surviror for harm resulting fromteh offence
in trad sense restituion is seen as a monetary payment so what may an offender do
make some financial resittutino to the surviror which may reflect psycholgical damage caused or actual physical damage cuased in the case of a break in for instance
what another variation of resitution inr estorative justice
offender repairing damaged property tehmselves
resitution or paying back can also be seen in what type of sense
how can restitution be seen in an emotional sense
offender can support healing process by repairing and rebuilding survivors confifednce
restorative justice council
what is restorative justice council
independent body - establish clear standards for the use of restorative justice
and support survirors in and specialist professsionals in the field
what does the RJC advocate
the use of restorative practice beyond dealing with crime
RJC advoates restoratie jsutice beyond practice of dealinf with crime how can it be used elsewhere then
preventing and managing conflict in many areas e.g schools and workplaces