issues and debates - free wiill and detemrinsims Flashcards
what is the debate
are people able to decide for themselves if they shoudl act in a certain way
or is behaviour the resut of forces iver which we have no contorl
what is free will
idea humans are essentially self determining
free to choose own thoughts and actions at all time
in terms of free will talk about other forces
e.g biological and environmental can influence our behaviour
but we can choose to ignore/reject them
e.g humansitic psychology
what approach has free will as a fundamnetal belief
humanistic approach
determnism is the opposite of
free will
what is determinism
internal (hormones) or external forces(rewards)
view that an individuals behaviour is shaped/controlled by internal or external forces rather than an indi will to do something
what are the 2 main types of determinism
what os ahrd determinsim
view all behaviour is caused by something (internal or externla factors) so free will is an illusion
an assumption of hard deterinsim is that free will is nothing but an illusion therfore
everything is predetermined
how do we rember hard determinism
lamb going into slaughter
pick left / right
still gonna get saliughtered regardless
soft determinsims is less extreme than
hard determinism
what is soft detemrinims
idea all human behaviour has a cause
but room for flexibiilty
people got certain degree of control over the way they behave , but only in the realms of what they know
how do we rember soft determinism
guy has choice over which direction train is gonn ago but either way gonna hit someone
which approaches sually advocate soft determinsm
cogntive elemnt e.g SLT learn thoguh obsv but hve choice whther or not to carry out bhaviour
what are the 3 subtypes of hard determinism