aim of bottom up approach
generate pic of offender
expand on whats meant by pic of the offender
likely charcteriistics ,
routine behaviour
social background
how do we get pic of offender
systematic analysis of evidence at the crime scene
what ethnicity is bottom up approach
unlike a US top down approach an investigation using the british bottom up model doesnt begin with
fixed typologies
in the bottom up approach how is the profile
data driven
emerges as investigator engages in deeper and more rigorous scrutiny of details of offence
the BUA is much more what that TDA
grounded in psychological theory
what is the attempt of investigative psychology
apply statistical procedures
alongside psycholiogical theory to the analysiss of crime scene evidence
what is teh aim of investigative psychology in relation to offender profiling q
establish patterns of behaviour that ar elikely to occur or co exost across crime scenes
now you know aim of investigative psychology what is its purpose
to develop a statsitical database whihc acts as a baseline for comparison
through developing a stasistical database - specific details of offence or related offences canbe
matched against this databse to reveal important details about the offender
e.g personal history
family background
what can database in investiatigative psychology hepl us to detremine
whether series of offences are linked , in that they’re likely to have been committed by the same person
central to investigative psychology is concept of
interpersonal coherence
what is interpersonal coherence
way an offender behaves at the scene , including how they interact with the victim may reflect their behaviour in more everyday situations
give an example of interpersonal coherenfe reflecting behaviour in everyday situations
some rapists may want to maintain in control and humiliate their victims others are more apologetic (dwyer 2001)
may tell police about how the offender relates to women more generally
what is another key avriabl of investigative psycholgy
significance of time and place
what does signfifcane of time and place indicate
as in geogrpahical profling ,where offender is livng
what is the 3rd key variable of investigative psychology
forensic awareness
what does forensic awareness describe
individuals who have been subject of police interrogation before , their behaviour may denote how mindful they are of ‘covering their tracks’
what is geogrpahical profiling
it uses …
uses info about location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home or operational base of the offender - know as crime mapping and based on pricipal of spatial consistency
what is spatial consistency
people commit crimes within a limited geographical space
geo profiling can be used in conjunction with
psychological theory (such as that informed by investigative psychology
geo profiling can be used in conjunction with psycholigical theory to create * about how…
how offender is thinking as well as their modus operandi
the assumption serial offenders will restrict their work to certain geographical areas theyre familair with and os understanding the spatial pattern of their behavior provides investigators with a
centre of gravitt
(+ basis of canters circle thoery )
centre of gravity is likely to include
offenders base (often in middle of spatial pattern)
basis of canters scircle thoery is because the pattern of offending forms
a circle around offenders home base
the distribution of offences leads us to describe an offender in what two ways
where does maurader operate
close proximity to their own home base
what is commuter likely to do
travelled a distance away from usual residence
spatial descision making can offer investigative tema
important insight into nature of the offence
explain how spatial descion making can offer investigative teams important insight inot natre of offence
e.g planned or oportunisitc
reveals other important info bout offeder e.g mental maps , mode of transport , approx age