Klinefelter’s syndrome is an example of an
atypical sex chromosome pattern
klinefelters syndrome affect whats in every male
1 in 600 males
so explain what klinefelter’s syndrome is
a biological male
with the anatomical appearance of a male
that has an additional X chromosome
what is the sex chromosme structure of one with klinefelter’s syndrome
What gender does Klinefelters syndrome affect
What % of klinefelters cases are diagnosed prenatally
although 10% of klinefelters syndrome are are identified by prenatal diagnosis . What is the fraction of people who have the syndrome but are not aware of it
diagnosis of kleinefelters syndrome may come about accidentally thorugh
medical examination for an unrelated condition
an effect of the additional X chrmosome is reduced… when compared to
reduced body hair
when compared to an XY male
in klinefelter’s syndrome there may be what in the booby area at puberty + contours
2 marks
breast development at puberty
and a rounding of body contours
describe the limbs individuasl with kleinfelters syndrome may have
describe genitals sufffere of klinefelters syndrome may have
underdeveloped genitals
describe klinefelters suffreres in terms of coordination and clumsiness
may have problems with coordination
may have general clumsiness
what types of health problems are Klinefelters sufferes susceptible to
health problmes more commonly found in females such as breast cancer
in terms of psychological and behavioural charcteristics what is klinefleters syndronme linked to hint skl
poorly developed language skills
reading ability
in terms of psychological charcteristics indis with kleinfelters syndrome tend to be what 3 things
lack interest in sexual activity
in terms of psycho chatctersitcis those w kleinfelters syndrome tend not to respond well to
stressful situations
those with kleinfelters syndrome may often exhibit problems with executive functinos such as
& problem solving
what gender does turners syndrome affect
what is the proprotion of femlaes with turners syndrome
1 in 5k
what is turners syndrome and whats is caused by
a chromosomal disorder where a female has an absence of one of the two allotted X chromosomes
an absence of one of the tow alloted X chromosomes is refered to as
Turners syndrome means the affected have how many chromosomes
45 instead of 46
in terms of physical charcteristics what do those with turnrs syndrome not have
a menstrual cycle
why do do those with turners syndrome not have a menstrual cycle
ovaries do not develo and therefore they are infertile
what do those with turners not develop what at puberty
what do those with turners syndrome have instead of breasts
a broad shield chest
turners syndrome is also associated with what two things body wise
low set ears
webbed neck
describe wais to hip ratio of turner sufferes
what does turner sysndrome individuls having a high hip to waist ratio mean
hips are not that much bigger than the waist
generally adfults with turners syndrome are physically …
and retain the appearance of..
physically immature
retain appearance of prepubescent girls
in terms of psychological characteristics those with tunrners syndrome have what in contrast t those with kleinefelter’s syndrome
higher than average reading ability
in terms of psychological characteristics those in contrast to kleinfelters syndrome , girls with tunrer syndrome performance on what kind of tasks is lower than average
visual memory
mathemtical tasks is
lower than on average
in terms of psychological characteristics as well as immature appearance true or fals those w turners syndrome tend to be socially immature
they tend to be socially immature
why are people with turners syndrome socially immature
2 points
have trouble relating to their peers
and experience difficulty fitting in
P: One limitation of research into atypical sex chromosome patterns is that conclusions about characteristics has been drawn from research on a very small sample
E: Klinefelter’s syndrome only affect 1 in 600 males and Turner’s syndrome only affects 1 in 5000 females
E: Furthermore, not all people with these conditions are even aware they have the condition and significantly fewer have been subject of psychological research
L: This limits the extent to which generalisations can be made that suggest their biology is rather responsible for their behaviour
P: A benefit of the research into atypical sex chromosome patterns is that it has helped to increase the likelihood of earlier diagnosis
E: This is important as treatment in early childhood can help to prevent the physical symptoms which may help to avoid teasing and bullying
E: Atypical chromosome research has also increased understanding of the issues faced by those with with the syndromes
L: This enhanced insight is a strength as it will help to reduce the negative stigma associated with these conditions
check the ethical implications bit
P: A further strength of the research into atypical chromosome patterns is the ethical implications it has on the nature nurture debate
E: By comparing people who have these conditions with chromosme typical individuals it becomes possible to see phsyical and psycholgoical differences between the two groups
E: It might be logically inferred that these difference have a basis of gender and are a direct result of abnormal chromosome structures
L: this would suggest that innate ‘nature’ influences have a powerful effect on gender behaviour