Klinefelter’s syndrome is an example of an
atypical sex chromosome pattern
klinefelters syndrome affect whats in every male
1 in 600 males
so explain what klinefelter’s syndrome is
a biological male
with the anatomical appearance of a male
that has an additional X chromosome
what is the sex chromosme structure of one with klinefelter’s syndrome
What gender does Klinefelters syndrome affect
What % of klinefelters cases are diagnosed prenatally
although 10% of klinefelters syndrome are are identified by prenatal diagnosis . What is the fraction of people who have the syndrome but are not aware of it
diagnosis of kleinefelters syndrome may come about accidentally thorugh
medical examination for an unrelated condition
an effect of the additional X chrmosome is reduced… when compared to
reduced body hair
when compared to an XY male
in klinefelter’s syndrome there may be what in the booby area at puberty + contours
2 marks
breast development at puberty
and a rounding of body contours
describe the limbs individuasl with kleinfelters syndrome may have
describe genitals sufffere of klinefelters syndrome may have
underdeveloped genitals
describe klinefelters suffreres in terms of coordination and clumsiness
may have problems with coordination
may have general clumsiness
what types of health problems are Klinefelters sufferes susceptible to
health problmes more commonly found in females such as breast cancer
in terms of psychological and behavioural charcteristics what is klinefleters syndronme linked to hint skl
poorly developed language skills
reading ability