ISSUES AND DEBATES : - gender bias Flashcards
what is universality
when an idea can be applied to all people equally irrespective of gender and culture
psych like all sciences aims to create theories that can be
universally applied across entire world
universlaity theories that show similarites/differences between males and females without
devaluing either
if research is fender biased researchersc ant claim
what is a bias
distorrted view of the world
what is gender bias
theory/research that offers a view that doesnt justifiably represent the eperience/behaviour of men and women
why is gender bias quite important
if research study suffers from GB it can get in the way of theories claim to universality
what is alpha bias
differencces are exaggerated between sexs
alpha bias is most likely to devalue who
give an example of alpha bias
sociobiological thiery of relationship means men can be sexually promiscous as theyre predetermined by thier genes therefore its normal , but women shouldnt as its abnormal and goes againsg thier nature and deemed as a bad thing
what is beta bias
when the differnce betwen males and feales is minimised/ignored in theories and research
give an example of beta bias
fight/flight research is based on male animals but assumed to be universal
but research shows females have evolved biologically to inhibit f/f tend and befriend
wahat is the consequence of beta bias
what is androcentrism
theories which are centred on/dominated by males
androcentrism can be what 2 things
conscious - indi knows they behaving this way
unconcious - indi dont know they behaviong this wway
give an example of a theory that suffers from androentrisism
asch conformity study had 123 male pt - which shows findigns for conformity dominated from a male pov
assumed at end of study his results would apply equally to females which is androcentric
in the past what were most psychologists and particpants
cause in the past most psych and pt wwere makes waht does this mean for thoeries, conclusions and what does this mean for women
theories produced represent a male POV of teh world
conclusions drawn from all amle sampe - classed as normal therefore anyhting that deviated from it would be considered abnormal
lead to femae behaviour being misunderstood/pathologised
evals -explain solution to gender bias
by developing x of GB means psych put x a number of x
e.g psycholgiist have developed x that emphasise the x & x of women
x et al e.g research found women are x at learning as their more x and x
which emphasies x attribute and x of us women
which helps x/x gender x which is x in reducing gender bias
by developing understanding of GB means psych put forward a number of solutions
e.g psycholgiist have developed thoeriiesthat emphasise the imp & value of women
cornwell et al e.g research found women are better than learning as their more attentive and organised
which emphasies positive attribute and value of us women
which helps reduce/challenge gender stereotypes which is imp in reducing gender bias
strenght of gender bias - avoiding beta bias
another x reason for avoiding x bias is it has x for women
on the xve side x treatment under the law has allowed women greater x to x and x opps
but arguing for equality between men and women draw x away form womens x needs and from differnces in x between men and x
in a society wehre x group holds x of the power , seemingly x actions end up benefiting the group with x
e.g equal x leave ignores x demands of x (childbirth, x) as ewll as x needs of women whihc therfore x them as got to keep pushing themselves and operating in the way men would which can cause x harm as well as x distress
another important reason for avoiding beta bias is it has consequnces for women
on the +ve side equal treatment under the law has allowed women greater access to edcuational and coocupational opps
but arguing for quality between men and women draw atetntion away form womens special needs and from differnces in powere between men and women
in a society wehre one group holds th emost of power , seemingly neutral actions end up benefiting the group with power
e.g equal parental leave ifnoe biological demands of pregnancy (childbirth, breastfeeding) as ewll as special needs of women whihc therfore disadvantages them as got to keep pushing themsleves and operatig in the way men woudl which can cuase physiological ham as well as distress
limitaiton of gender bias - sexism in research
gender bias promotes x in research
women remain x in uni departments , particularly in x
although psych x intake is mainly x
lectureers in psych departments are more liekly ot be x
thi means researhc is more likely to be conducted by x and this may disadvantgae x who arex
e.g a male researcher may x women to be x and unable to omplete x x
such expectationa re likelt ot mean x x in research x
this means institutional x and x of psych may produce findinfs rhat are x biased
gender bias promotes sexism in research
women remain unerrepresented in uni departments , particularly in science
although psych undergrafuate intake is mainly women
lectureers in psych departments are more liekly ot be men
thi means researhc is more likely to be conducted by men and this may disadvantgae pt who are women
e.g a male researcher may expect women to be irratinoal and unable to omplete complex tasks
such expectationa re likelt ot mean women underperform in research studies
this means institutional structures and methods of psych may produce findinfs rhat are gender biased