RESEARCH METHODS - analysis and interpreaion of correlations Flashcards
what is a correlatino
math technique which emasures relationship /association between two continous variables (co variables)
two continous varibale properly called
co varibales
correlatins are plotted on a
for correlations in a scattergram whats on the x and y axis
one of co variables beeing investigated
statistical tests of correlation when calculated produces numerical value of
-1 to +1
what is a correlation co efficent
number between -1 and +1 that represents direction and strenght of arelationship between co variables
what does a correlatino co effiient of +1 represent
perfect positive correlatin
what does correlaiton co efficient of -1 represent
perfect negatove correlatino
the closer the correlation co efficient between + or -1
the stronger the relationship between co variables
the closer to 0 the correlation co efficent is
the weaker the relationship is
true or fasl +.50 and -.50 both as strong relaitonship as each other
sign just indnicates direction
co efficents that can appear ot indicate a weak correlation can be
statistically signifinat
depedsn on size of data set
what do descriptive statistics refer to
graphs , tables, summary stats (such as measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion)
what are descriptive statistics used to identify and analyse
identify trends
analyse sets of data
inferential statsitics refer to use of
stat test whihc tells researcehrs whether differnce or relationships are found are statistically significant
strenght of correlaitons in psycholgiical research
measure strenght and direction of a correaltion
and thers no manipulation of variables
so theyre useful when manipulation is practically or ehtically impossible
limitainos of correlatinos in psycholgical research
no manipulation of variables therefore , impossible to establish casue and effect between two variabels uner investigation - only a realtnoship
variables have to be quanitifed to be measured which can affect the construct vaidity of the findings w
what is construct validity
whether a measure successfully measures the concept it is supposed to