lombroso wrote a book calleed
the criminal man
what did lombroso suggest in the criminal man about criminals
were genetic throwbacks
what are genetic throwbacks
aprimitive subspecies that are biologically different from non criminals
by rodays standards lombrosos theory of …..
would be described as
atavistic form
offenders were seen as lacking what by lombroso
lacking evolutionary develoment
expand on offender being seen by lomroso as lacking evolutionary development :
their x and x nature mean they would find it x to x to demands of a x society and would x turn to crime
their savage and untamed nature meant they would find it impossible to adjust to demands of a civilised society and would inveitably turn to crime
in terms of lacking evolutionary development lomroso saw offending behaviour as what
a natural tendency rooted in genes of those who engage in it
bio approach at time lombroso was writin ghe proposed a new perspective -
and in this ways his ideas were
offending behaviour was innate and therefore an offender was not to blame for his aciotns
in this way his odeas were revolutionary
why was lomrosos ideas seen asrevolutionary
this new perspective proposed offenders werent to blame for their actions
lombroso argued offender subtypes could be identified as being in
possesion of particular phsyiological marker that were linked to particular types of offence
these are biologically determined atavistic charactersitics
DEFINITION : atavistic charctersitics
mainly features of the face and teh head that amke offenders physically differnt from teh rest of us
atavistic charcateristics apart from face and head can include
other features
what are the 4 cranial characteritstics the atavistic form includes
narrow sloping brow
stroong prominnet jaw
high cheekbones
facial asymmetry
what are the 4 other physical markers of atavistic form
dark skin
existence of extra
beside physical traits lombroso suggested there were other aspects of teh born offender including (4)
insentitivity to pain
use of slang
lobrosos went on to categorise particulr types of offenders in terms of their
facial and phsyical charcateristics
murderers were described as having (3)
bloodhsot eyes
curly hair
long ears
seual deviangs were described as having (3)
glinting eyes
swollen fkeshy lips
projecting ears
how were the lips of fraudsters
thin and reedy
what did lombroso meticulously exxamine in his research
the facial and cranial features of hundreds of italian convicts
both living and dead
what did he conclude from his research
there was an atavistic form
these features were key indicators of criminality
how many skulls of dead convicts did he examine
how many skulls of living convicts did he examine
what did he (finally) conclude from his research nunber wise
40% of criminal acts are commited by people with atavistic charcatersitics
one strength of Lombroso’s work is it changed the X of the study of X
Lombroso has been hailed as the ‘father of X X’.
He is also known for X the emphasis in crime research away from a X X towards a more X position
also, Lombroso’s theory in many ways paved the way for the beginning of X X , in trying to describe how particular types of people are likely to commit X X X X
suggests that Lombroso made a major contribution to the science of criminology
one strength of Lombroso’s work is it changed the face of the study of crime
Lombroso has been hailed as the ‘father of modern criminology’.
He is also known for shifting the emphasis in crime research away from a moralistic discourse (example )towards a more scientific position
also, Lombroso’s theory in many ways paved the way for the beginning of offender profiling, in trying to describe how particular types of people are likely to commit particular types of crime
suggests that Lombroso made a major contribution to the science of criminology
however, several critics including X have questioned whether Lombroso’s legacy is entirely X
attention has been drawn to the X undertones within Lombroso’s work
many of the features that Lombroso identified as atavistic (XX, XX ) are most likely to be found among people of X descent - basically suggesting that Africans are more likely to be offenders - Whihc was a view that fit 19th century xx
suggest that some aspects of his theory were highly x rather than objective, influenced by racial prejudices
however, several critics including DeLisi have questioned whether Lombroso’s legacy is entirely positive
attention has been drawn to the racist undertones within Lombroso’s work
many of the features that Lombroso identified as atavistic (curly hair, dark skin) are most likely to be found among people of African descent - basically suggesting that Africans are more likely to be offenders - Whihc was a view that fit 19th century eugenics attitudes
suggest that some aspects of his theory were highly subjective rather than objective, influenced by racial prejudices
limitations of lobroso work : contradictory evidence
one limitation of Lombroso’s methods is there’s evidence that contradicts the link between atavism and crime
Goring, like lombrosos set out to establish whether there was naything x xabout offenders
after conducting a comparison between x offenders and 3000 x x he concluded that there was no evidence that offenders are a x x with unusual x and x characteristics though suggested that many people who commit crime have x xx x
challenges the idea that offenders can be x x from the rest of the population and are therefore to be a unlikely to be a x
one limitation of Lombroso’s methods of investigation is there’s evidence that contradicts the link between atavism and crime
Goring, like lombrosos set out to establish whether there was naything physically atypical about offenders
after conducting a comparison between 3000 offenders and 3000 non-offenders he concluded that there was no evidence that offenders are a distinct group with unusual facial and cranial characteristics though suggested that many people who commit crime have lower than average intelligence
challenges the idea that offenders can be physically distinguished from the rest of the population and are therefore to be a subspecies
one limitation is that Lombroso’s methods of investigation were poorly controlled
Lombroso failed to control X X within his research
FOR EXAMPLE he didn’t compare his X sample with a XX XX(which Goring did)
this could have controlled for a number of X X that might have explained higher crime rates in certain groups of X
for instance, research has shown links between crime and XX such as X and XX outcomes (Hay and Forest) - links that would explain why offenders were more likely to be unemployed, for example
suggest that Lombrosos’s research doesn’t meet modern x x and therfore his results lack x
one limitation is that Lombroso’s methods of investigation were poorly controlled
Lombroso failed to control important variables within his research
he didn’t compare his offender sample with a non-offender control group (which Goring did)
this could have controlled for a number of confounding variables that might have explained higher crime rates in certain groups of people
for instance, research has shown links between crime and social conditions such as poverty and poor educational outcomes (Hay and Forest) - links that would explain why offenders were more likely to be unemployed, for example
suggest that Lombrosos’s research doesn’t meet modern scientific standards and therefore his results lack validity
Lombroso’s wokr raises the question of whether criminals are X or X
the atavistic form is detetministic as suggest that crime has a X cause - X determined
( cCAN I SAY THIS CAN BE CONSIDERED A LIMITATION ) This deterministic and as doesn’t consider other factors environmental however, even if there’re criminals who have some features which Lombroso suggested, this doesn’t mean this is the X of their X X
as well as this, there’s a possibility that X and X differences are influenced by factors such as X or X X
Lombroso’s wokr raises the question of whether criminals are born or made
the atavistic form suggest that crime has a biological cause - genetically determined
however, even if there’re criminals who have some features which Lombroso suggested, this doesn’t mean this is the cause of their offending behaviour
as well as this, there’s a possibility that facial and cranial differences are influenced by factors such as poverty or poor diet