issues and debates - nature nurture Flashcards
what is the debate
centres on teh relative contribution sof genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental factoes (nurture) on humand evelopment
what is nature
the view behaviour is a product of innate biological or genetic factors
what is heredity
process in whihc traits are passed down from one generation to the next (gentic inheritance process)
what is nurture
view that behaviour is the product of environental influences
wht are nevironmentla infleunces
anthing that occurs outside human body e.g people, events, phsyical world
what is teh interactionist approach
the view nature and nurture work together to shape human behaviours
what is our nature exmaple
explanation of attachment bowlby theory
what is our nurture exmaple
behaviour psychologist explantion of atrahcment
explaon nature example
boelby proposed kids come into the orld biologically programmed to forma ttchments as this will help them to survive
this suggest sattahcment behaviour are naturally selected and passed on as a result of heredity mechanims
sum up the nature example
behviour : attahcment
cause : innate biological facotrs
explan nurture example
behavioural pscyhologist explain attahcment in tems of CC where food UCS is associated with mother NS and through many repeated pairings the mother becomes a CS who elicits CR in child
therfore child forms an attahcment based on pleasure exeprienced as a reusl tof being fed
sum up nurture example
behaviour : attahcmnt
cause : classical conditioning whihc is learning environemtnal influence
what is exmaple of interacitnosit approach
PKU phenylketonuria
explain interactionsiat approach example
PKU cuased by inheritance of 2 recessive genes - cant brea down amino acid which builds up in blood and brain causng emtal retardation
but if kid put on low protein diet for first 12 years they would potetntially acoid serious lifelong disorder
nature (gentic inheriting genes) and nurture (hihg protein) got to work together for someone to experince the -ve effects of disorder
what are our 3 eval poitns for 16 marker
nn debate has become a meaningless distinction - interaciotns approach maguire - neural plasticity - biopsych
interactionsist approach twin studies
diathesis stress model - real world application t treatmnets/models
explain interactionist approach maguire
research sugegst the xx debate has become a x x and there is a x x of research which x the x of an x x
research examining x plasticity topic in biopsych suggests x x (nurture) shape our x (nature)
e.g maguire et al investigated hte x x of london taxi drivers compared ot xx drivers
x maguire conclided x x x (x) actually had an effect on the size of the x (x ) demonstraing the x of an x x and represenitng x where x can affect x
research sugegst the nn debate has becom e amenaigless distinction and there is a growing body of research which highlights the importance of an interactionsit appriach
research examining neural plasticity topic in biopsych suggests life expericnes (nurture) shape our biology (nature)
e.g maguire et al investigated hte hippocampi volume of london taxi drivers compared ot non taxi drivers
consequently maguire conclided driving a taxi (nurture) actually had an effect on the size of the hippocampi (nature) demonstraing the importance of an interactionsit approach and rpesenitng evidence where nurture can affect nature
explain interactionist appriach twin studes and ocd
while x x are often used to provide x for the x argument x x twin studies highlight ehe need for an x x
a piece of research from psychoppthology topic by x et al examined x x x in relation to xxx
found an x x x of x% in xx twins and xx% in xx twins
highlighting a x x component
the results provide evidence of a strong x x as the CR of x twins is x x thna x twins which suggests behaviour is partly attributed to x cause xx twins share 100% of x x
x results also highlight hte x of x as xx not xxx% highlighting the x of taking an x x
explain interactionist appriach twin studes and ocd
while twin studies are often used to provide support for the nature argument nearly all twin studies highlight ehe need for an interactionsit approach
a piece of research from psychoppthology topic by nestadt et al examined previous twin studies in relation ot ocd
found an avg oncordance rate of 68% in MZ twins and 31% concordance rarte in DZ twins
highlighting a singifcna tgenetic ocmponent
the results provide evidence of a strong genetic compeont as the CR of MZ twins is significantly higher thna DZ twins which suggests behaviour is partly attributed to nature cause MZ twins share 100% of genetic relatedness
however results also highlight hte rile of nurture as CR not 100% highlighting the importance of taking an interactionist approach
diathesis stress model point
most psychs beloeve we should consider x&x and therfore x an xx
one example is the x x x suggesting even though individuals can be born with x x e.g x for x it will only x if x by an xx
x has x not everyone with a x for x goes on to develop it suggsting x ones x is only x under x x of x
the interactinosiat approach has led to x of x and x taht ve x x our x and x of many x and x illnesses
most psychs beloeve we should consider n&n and therfore adopt an interactionsiat approahc
one example is the diathesis stress model suggesting even though we individuals can be born with biological vunerabilities e.g gene for depression it will only deelop if triggered by an environetal stressor
researhc has demonstrated note veryone with a gene for depression goes on to develop it suggsting instead ones nature is only expressed under certain conditions of nurture
the interactinosiat approach has led to developmtn of theories and models taht ve helped imporve our understanding and treatment of many phsyical and psychological illnesses