Quantititative data can be divided into
different levels of measurement
state the 3 lvls of measurement
Nominal Data is
data represented in the form of categories
as nominal data is data in categories it’s also referred to as
categorical data
Give an example that helps clarify nominal data
ask everyone in class if they liek psych
people who say yes are in one group
people who say no are in another group
Nominal data is described as
nominal data being described as discrete means
one item can only appear in one of the categories
give an example to clarify nominal data being discrete
if you ask people to name fav football team vote only appears in one category
vote cant be in chelsea and liverpool
nominal data can have more than
two groups
Ordinal Data is
data order in some way
Give an example of Ordinal Data
ask everyone to rat ehow much like psych on a scale from 1 -10
1- dont like psych at all
10 - love psych
Ordinal data doesnt have
equal intervals between each unit
unlike interval
explain why ordinal data doesn’t have equal intervals between each unit
not make sense to say someone who rated pscyh an 8 enjoys it twice as someone who rates it 4
Ordinal Data lacks
Why does ordinal data lack perscision
based on subjective opinions rather than objective measures
give an exmaple to explain why ordinal data lacks perscions
as in relatd to subjectvivity
what constitutes a 4 or an 8 for people doing the rating may be quite different
in the case of IQ test questions derived from a view of what constitutes
still talking about ordinal data
intelligence rather than any universal measurement
questionnaires and psych tests dont measure something
not observable physical entities whereas reaction times& height are real
Questionnaire etc measure
Like before not considered real
psychological constructs
since questionniares etc measure psychological constructs ordinal data sometimes referred to as
unsafe data
Why is ordinal data referred to as unsafe data
lacks precision
due to its unsafe nature ordinal data’s not used as
part of statistical testing
as ordinal data is deemed unsafe datta and therfore not used in stat testing what happens instead
raw scores converted to ranks (e.g 1st , 2nd ,3rd)
and ranks (not scores) are used in the calc
interval data is based on
numerical scales that include units of equal, preciscley defined size
in this sense ID better than what data and why
ID : numerical scales that include units of equal, precise def size
more detail is preserved
ordinal is ‘better’ than
nominal level
things we use to take measurements like stopwatch, thermometer, weighing scales are descirbed as
public scales of measurement
what do public scales of measurement produce data based on
accepted units of measurement
time temperature weight
using ideas about public measurements and how they produce data based on accepted unit sof measurement give an example of qhen we would have collected interval data
recording how long took eahc student to complete written recall test in psych
interval data is descirbed as the most
precise and sophisticated form of data in psychology
interval data is descirbed as the most
precise and sophisticated form of data in psychology
as well as being descirbed as most precise and sophisticated form of data in psych INterval data is a neccesary criterion for use of
parametric tests