ISSUES AND DEBATES - reductionsim and holism Flashcards
Analysing behaviour by breaking it down into its constituent parts
what principle is reductinosim based on
scientific principle of parsimony
what is parsimony
the idea all phenomena should be explained using the simplest principle
what are Levels of explanation
the idea theres several ways to explain behaviour
what does the lowest level of explanatin consider
physiological/biological explanations
what does the middle level of explanation consider
psychological expanations
what does the highest elvel of explanation consider
social and cultural expaantion
whats the cornym ass acronym we use to remeber the 6 levels of explantion
sarah - cunch
erica /balegdes
state the levels of explanation from least to most reductionsit
-socio cultural level
- psychological level
- physical level
- environmental/behavioural level
- physiological level
- neurochemical level
in terms of OCD give me an example of the socio cultural level
OCD interrupts social relationhips
in terms of OCD give me an exmaple of how it may be stood at a psychological level
the persons experience of anxiety
int erms of OCD give me an exmaple of how it may be understood at a physical elvel
movements e.g washing ones hands
give me an exmaple of how something may be understood at the environmental/behavioural level
learning experiences
give me an example of how the physioligical level may be understood in terms of OCD
abnormal functioning in frontal lobes
give me an example of how ocd may be understood at the neurochemical level
Underproduction of serotonin
which of the level of explanations provides the best explanation is a matter of
each level goign down is more
reductionsit than the one before
psychology can be placed in a hierachy of science how would researchers who favour reductionsm see psychology
being replaced by explanations derived from those sciences lower down the hierarchy(natural sciences)
define biological reductionism
a form of reductionsim which attempts to explain behaviour at the lowest biological level
(in terms of the actions of genes, hormones etc)
what does biologicla reductionism include
neurochemical and physiological levels
Also evolutionary and genetic influences
iologicla reductions is based on the premise we are
biological organisms
biological reductionsim is based on the premise we are biological organims therefore
all behaviour is at some level biological
biological reductionism arguments often work
bioligicla reductionim arguments often work backwards give me an expantion of this using an example
last oint : we’ve reduced OCD to
drugs that increase serotonin been found to be effective in reating OCD
so working backwards low serotinin may be a casue of OCD
weve reduced ocd to the level of neurotransmitter activiy
define environemntal reductionisim
attempt to explain all behaviour in terms of stimulus response links that have been learned thorugh experience
environemtnal reductionism aka
stimulus repsposne reductionism
what approach is built on environemtnal reductionsim
behavioural approach
the behavioursit approach is built on environemtnal reductionsim , proposing that
all behaviour is learned and acquired through interactinos with the environment
behaviourst explain behaviour in terms of conditioning which is focused on
stimulus resposne links , reducing behaviour to these basic elements
give an example of environemtnal reductionism fro attachment
learning theory of attahcment
reduces the idea of love between babay and feeder
to a learned association between the person doing the feeding (NS) and food (US) resulting in pleasure (CR)
WHAT ARe the evaluations for this spread
Limitation - holism : may lack practical value
Strenght of Reductionist Approach (limtation of holism )- often form basis of scientific approach
Counter - accused of oversimplifying complex phenomena
Strength - reductionsim - some behaviours can only be understand at higher level
explain limitaiton of holsitic approach may lack value
May lack x value
Holistic accounts of human behaviour tend to become x to use as they become more x .
This can present researchers with a practical x
E.g if we accept from a x perspective there are many x factors that to depression such as the persons x,presnet x , job then it becomes x to knw which is most x
It then becomes x to know what to x as the basis of therapy , for instance
This suggests holistic accoutns may lack x value wherease x accounts may be better
May lack practical value
Holistic accounts of human behaviour tend to become hard to use as they become more complex .
This can present researchers with a practical dilemma
E.g if we accept from a humanistic perspective there are many different factors that contribute to depression such as the persons past ,presnet relationships , job then it becomes difficult to knw which is most influential
It then becomes difficult to know what to prioritis as the basis of therapy , for instance
This suggests holistic accoutns may lack practical value wherease reductionsit accounts may be better
strenght of the reductionsit pproach / limitation of holsitic - scientific approach
is they often form x of a x approach
To conduct well x research we need to x the variables to be x - to break x behaviours down into x parts
This makes it x to conduct x / record x in ways thats x and reliable
E,g research on attachment (xx) operationalised x behaviours such as x anxiety
This scientific approach gives psychology greater x
placing it on x terms with other x sciences
is they often form basis of a scientific approach
To conduct well controlled research we need to operationalise the variables to be studied - to break target behaviours down into constituent parts
This makes it possible to conduct experiments / record observatinos in ways thats objective and reliable
E,g research on attachment (strange situation) operationalised component behaviours such as separation anxiety
This scientific approach gives psychology greater cerediblity
placing it on equal terms with other natural sciences
counterpoint of scientifc approach - oversimplifying
Reductionsit approaches accused of x copmlex x lading to x vaiddity
Explanations that x at teh level of the gene/ x dont include an x of the social x within which the behaviour x - which is x the behaviour may x its meaning
E.g x process involved in pointing ones x will be the same regardless of x
However an analysis of x wont tell us why the finger is x - it might be an act of x
This suggests redctionsit explanations can only ever form x of an explanation
Reductionsit approaches accused of oversimplifying copmlex pehenima lading to reduced vaiddity
Explanations that operate at teh level of the gene/ nt dont include an analysis of the social context within which the behaviour occurs - this is where the behaviour may derive its meaning
E.g physiological process involved in pointing ones finger will be the same regardless of context
However an analysis of these wont tell us why the finger is pointed - it might be an act of aggression
This suggests redctionsit explanations can only ever form part of an explanation
higiher level - limtation of reductionism
Limitation some behaviour can only be understood at a x level
Often theres x of x behaviour that only emerge within a x context and canot be therefore x in terms of x group members
E.g the effects of conformity to x roles in the x and x in the x prison study could not be understood by x the particpants as x
It was the x between x and the behaviour of teh group that was x
Theres no conformity x that we know of so x processes liek conformity can only be explained at the x in whihc they x
This suggests for some x , higher level x or even holistic x provide a more x account
Limitation some behaviour can only be understood at a higher level
Often theres aspects of social behaviour that only emerge within a group context and canot be therefore understood in terms of indi group members
E.g the effects of conformity to social roles in the in the prisoner and guards in the stanford prison study could not be understood by observing the particpants as individuals
It was the interaction between people and the behaviour of teh group that was important
Theres no conformity gene that we know of so social processes liek conformity can only be explained at the level inwhihc they occur
This suggests for some behaviours , higher level explanations or even holistic ones provide a more valid account