issues and debates : ethical iplications of research studies and theory Flashcards
what do ethical implciations consider
impact /consequences psych research has on the rights of other people in a wider context
not just participants taking part in the research
what is social sensitityvyt
stdies and theroies
where there are potential ssocial consequences for the participants and group of people represented in the research
what are researhc studies and theories with ethicak implication
milgram obedience study
bowlby theory of attahcment
explain milgtam study ethical implciations
although many ethical issues such as deceit and right to withdraw harmed
but debriefed and took part in a follow up interview where they ssaid they didnt suffer lt effects
cna be argued the findings did justify the way research was conducted as the research is useful to society in detemrining and understanding factors that affect obedience ot authoruty
so ethical imicatins actually good
explain ethical implicatino of bowlby theory
suggets kids form special atachment bonds with person usually hteir mother that must take place within a critical period
bowlby also suggetsd this attachment affcets future reationships thorugh an iwm
while this theory contributed to development of childcare practices it also encouraged the idea a womans place is at home with her kids which could make some mums feel guilty for wanting to return to work following childbirth q
how was milgrma obedience study socially senesitive
results could be used to ensure people obey orders even those they dont wish to follow
expain how bowlby theory of attahcment is socially sensitive
could be used ot coerce mothers to stay at home and look after their kids
what did seiber and stanley do
put forward 4 consideratinos researchers should take into mind before conucting reseearch
if researchers follo the 4 consierations waht is likely to happen
research is less liekly to have social conseqeucens on pt involved and people they represnt
what ar ehte 4 things to consider
research question
methodology used
insititutional context
interpretation and application of findings
explain conidering the resarch question
researchers should consider research question carfully na dhow its pheased
asking q such as are ther racial difernces in IQ may be damaign to memeber of ptclr races who are thought ot have low IQ
it shuldnt add to previailing prejudices and sterotypes e.g intelligence is inherited os some grousp dumber th others
explain methodology used
researcher should consider treatment of pt and their right to ocnfidentiaility and anonymtiy
e.g not saying names of a school or pupils
explain institutional context
shoul be mindful of how findings and data will be used
who is funding it - if priv org what are their motives how do they intend to use it
e.g insurance company sponsoring researhc into which gender drives better may use it to justify bumping up prices
researchers must ensure interpretatino of data and findings is not missued in anwyas
explain interpretaion and application of findings
researcehrs must consider how findigns may b einterpreted and applied in the real wolrd
e.g could it be used to inform polciy/law
to prevent negative impacts on pt involved and group of people pt represent
give na exmaple of social sensiityv
burt used studies of id twin o support his view intelligence largely genetic
twins were seprated at birth and found diidnt matter where they were raised they typically had a similar IQ LEADING HIM TO BELEIVE INTELLIGENCE IS INHERITED
his views greatly infleunced hadlow report whihc brought aout creation of 11+ used from 1944-1976
deermingi grmamar or comprehensive school education
meant gen of kids affected by 11+ exma - how
later trnaspire his data was falsified - allegedly made up some names of reporting researchers
how can we evluate burt research in terms of considerations before conducting research
research q - shoudl have considered it carefully as exaing intelligence could have serious implicaitons and lead to further reseaarch where psychologists try ot discover intelligent genes
methodology used - used twin studies but data was fabricated?
institutional context - working for Uni of Liv at time but also worked for london ocunty council and oter institutions
so he shoud have been mindful of the intedne use of his reeach following its publicaiton
intepreation and applciaitn of findings - shoudl have cinsidered seer implications of findings whic were used to inform policy - as it infleunced hadlow report
whats our 16 mark plan
a01 ethical impication + socila sensiitivyt definiton
a01 outline seiber and stanleys 4 consideratinos for socially seneitive research
a03 - issues of discriminainot - racial diff in IQ (yerkes)- eugenics law poor blck women
a03 - real world appliation - kids ewt flin et al - imporved ewt
a03- shoudl we conduct socially sensitive research - no issues above - yes would be trivial
extra a03 for jsut socially seneitive = provide mechnism for safeguarding individuals
a03 issues of discrimination
SSR can LEAD to issue of xxx therfore some x argue against condducitng this kind of research
e.g 19xx-19xx xx,000 individuals were x x under x x in xx in 19xx
also revelaed at least xxxx poor x x had been x x without any x of it happening to them or x
this kind of x could be justifird by x x x e.g x who argued x americans had low xx scores in x to x americans
which highights x with xxx
SSR can eld to sisue of discrimiantion therfore som epsych argue against condducitng this kind of research
e.g 1907-1963 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterisied under eugeenics legisaltion in US in 1972
also revelaed at least 2000 poor black womne had been involuntary sterilised without any knwoledge of it happening to them or consent
this kind of activities could be justifird by flawed research findings e.g yerkes who argued blakc americans had low IQ scores in comparison to white americans
which highights issues with SSR
a03 real world application -
its X to X not all socially sensitive research is X and some is X and X to society
e.g research exmaining XXX X use of X witnesses found X X can be X X if questioned in an X and X manner
in this areas SSR has resulted in a good x x between x and x x to help imporve hte x and x of childrens xxx
its important to recognise not all socially sensitive research is controversial and some is desirable and beenficia to society
e.g research exmaining EWT ep use of kid witnesses found young kids can be reliable witnesses if questioned in an appropraite and timely manner
in this areas SSR has resulted in a good working relationshi between psychologists and legal professions to help imporve hte accuracy and validity of childrens EWT
a03 - should we conduct socially sensitive research
Issues with SSR are X some psychs suggests we shouldnt X such X and x x of x topic such as x and x as such research can have x x as shown x
but this would proabill leave psychoogists with nothing but x questinos to x
a more x solution may be for psych to engage more x with x x after the x of findigns to x x data is x and to ensure x x x is used n a x x x
Issues with SSE are why some psychs suggests we shouldnt conduct such reserch asn steer clear of sensitive topic such as gender and race as such research can have negative impacts as shown above
but this would proabill leave psychoogists with nothing but trivial questinos to investigate
a more accpetable solution may be for psych to engage more activley with policy mkaers after the publication of findigns to reduce lieklihood data is misues and to ensure evidence based research is used n a socially senisitve way
a03 - safeguarding stuff
considerations outlined bu X and X provide X to x individuals who are x affected by psychological reaearch
becuase of problems associated with SSR its x to simply saafeguard x of particants x x in research
e.g current x x dont require researchers to x how finding may be used by x to shape x x x
considerations outlined bu seiber and stanley provide mechanisms ot safeguard individuals who are indirectly affected by psychological reaearch
becuase of problems associated with SSR its insufficient ot simply saafeguard interests of particants taking part in research
e.g current ethical guidelines dont require researchers to consider how finding may be used by institutions to shape public social policy