genetic explanations of crime suggest
would be offenders ingerit a gene, or combo of genes taht predispose tehm to commit a crime
importance of genes illustrated through
twin studies
in terms of Twins and adoption studies who did christiansen study
over 3.5k twin pairs
in denmark
what did christinasen find in his twin strudies
3 points
concordance rates for offender behaviour 35% MZ males
13% for DZ males
slightly lower rates for females
CHristiansens study included tqwins born between
in a region of denamrk
in christeansesn study the offender behaviour was checked against
danish police recvords
offender behaviour was checked against poli records what did the data indicate
not jst behaviour that may be inherited
but the underlying predisposing traits
what did crowe find in his adoption study
adopted kids , bio mother , have criminal record, 50% risk of having a crimnal record by 18
adopted kid , mum no crim record , got 5 % risk
CANDIDATE GENES - genetic anlysis of * finnish offender found
two genes may be associated with violent crime
CANDIDATE GENES - what were teh two genes thought to be associated with violent crim in the genetic analysis
CANDIDATE GENES - what does MAOA gene do and has been linked to
regulate serotonin in brain
aggressive behaviour
CANDIDATE GENES - what has CDH13 been linked to
substance abuse
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
CANDIDATE GENES - what did the genetic analysis find
5-10% of all sever violent crime in findland is attributed to MAOA and CDH13 genotypes
DIATHESIS STRESS MODEL - if genetics have influence on offending , it seems likely this may be partly moderated by
effects of the enviro
DIATHESIS STRESS MODEL - how may a tendency towards offending behaviour come about
combo of genetic predisposition and a biological or psychologial trigger such as growing up in a dysfunctional enviro / ahving criminal role models