Random 40 Indonesian 7 Flashcards


Have you ever traveled to another country or continent? Sorry to hear that my little fried banana! If money wasn’t an issue, where would you want to go first?

I really like this kind of language it’s easy and beautiful

exchange student, foster family

Do you have time next week? What’s your schedule?

My last trip to Indonesia was so much fun. I took a boat to Nusa Lembongan, then a plane to Flores to dive for a few days. It was an amazing experience.


Kamu udah pernah jalan ke negara atau benua lain? Maaf mendengarnya pisang goreng kecilku! Kalau duit nggak jadi soal, pengen ke mana dulu?

Aku sangat suka jenis bahasa ini yang mudah dan indah

pertukaran pelajar, keluarga asuh

Minggu depan kamu ada waktu nggak? Jadwal kamu gimana?

Perjalanan terakhirku ke Indonesia seru banget. Aku naik kapal ke Nusa Lembongan, terus naik pesawat ke Flores buat menyelam selama beberapa hari. Pengalamannya bener-bener luar biasa.

  • jalan - walk/go/travel
  • duit - money ( = uang )
  • soal - issue/matter
  • jenis - type of, kind of
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I’m confused, but maybe you can explain it to me… Nasi Goreng was originally invented in Malaysia, right? I’m just kidding, just teasing you! I definitely know that Indonesia is not part of Malaysia.

Indonesia is just a small province in Malaysia, right?
Come on, don’t lie. I’m pretty sure the King of Malaysia recently said that Jakarta is just a small district in Kuala Lumpur, really?

Actually, the truth is that I am also Indonesian, what a coincidence, right? Why do you doubt me? What if I told you I was born in Jakarta, right next to Monas? When I was a baby, everyone called me petai because that was the only thing I wanted to eat!
I swear this is the truth, my little fried banana!


Aku jadi bingung nih, tapi mungkin kamu bisa jelasin ke aku… Nasi Goreng itu kan aslinya ditemukan di Malaysia, ya? Aku cuma bercanda kok, cuma ngegodain kamu aja! Pastilah aku tahu kalau Indonesia bukan bagian dari Malaysia.

Indonesia itu kan cuma provinsi kecil di Malaysia, ya?
Ayolah, jangan bohong deh. Aku yakin banget Raja Malaysia baru-baru ini bilang kalau Jakarta itu cuma distrik kecil di Kuala Lumpur, masah sih?

Sebenarnya, kenyataannya adalah aku juga orang Indonesia, kebetulan banget, kan? Kenapa sih kamu ragu sama aku? Gimana kalau aku bilang aku lahir di Jakarta, pas banget deket Monas? Waktu bayi, semua orang manggil aku petai karena itu doang yang aku mau makan! Aku sumpah ini kebeneran, pisang goreng kecilku!

  • aslinya - originally
    ** Astrid lifts yams
  • ditemukan - invented, discovered
    (passive) > menemukan (active)
    ** Dieter munches candy
  • ngegodain - to tease
  • bagian - part, section
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Maybe Indonesian is one of my favorite languages. I still lack much vocabulary, but every time I speak, it feels like I’m lying on a beach in Bali right now, sipping a cocktail, and having my back scratched by a monkey, do you know what I mean?
Does that make sense?

Tell me, what do you usually like to do? Wait, let me guess! So I’m sure you like scrolling through TikTok, going out for a walk and turning down men who ask you to dinner, and then say, ‘Oh, I’m too busy, I already have a boyfriend!’ Is that true?

You can add me on Instagram and message me anytime if you have any questions or want to talk about girl problems or anything like that!


Mungkin bahasa Indonesia tuh salah satu bahasa favorit aku. Aku masih kurang banyak kosa kata, tapi tiap ngomong, rasanya kayak lagi tiduran santai di pantai Bali, nyeruput koktail, terus digaruk-garuk punggungnya sama monyet! Kamu tahu maksudku? Ngerti nggak maksudnya?

Eh, kasih tahu aku, biasanya kamu suka ngapain aja? Tunggu, coba aku tebak! Jadi aku pasti kamu suka scrolling tiktok, pergi belanja dan nolakin cowok-cowok yang ngajak kamu makan malam, terus bilang, ‘Aduh, aku terlalu sibuk, aku udah punya pacar!’ Bener nggak?

Kamu bisa tambah aku di Instagram dan kirim pesan kapan aja kalau ada pertanyaan atau mau ngobrol soal masalah cewek atau yang kayak gitu!

  • tuh - (colloquial “itu”, adds emphasis, like “you know”)
  • salah satu - one of
  • tiduran - lying down
  • santai - relaxed / chill
  • pantai - beach
  • nyeruput - sipping (colloquial)
    ** NYE Rui puts the lights out
  • digaruk-garuk - scratched (repeatedly)
  • punggungnya - the back
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Waiter, may we have glasses, knives, forks and spoons for our table?

You’re so lucky, I’m so jealous!

you know, I just realized, has anyone ever told you that you resemble a rare beautiful moon orchid growing in a hidden place on mount bromo? When you smile it’s like the orchid opens its petals for the first time!

I’ll stop lying now. I’ll be honest, I promise I’ll be a good boy my little butterfly.


Pelayan, bolehkah kami minta gelas, pisau, garpu, dan sendok untuk meja kami?

Kamu hoki banget, aku ngiri abis!

Eh, tau nggak, aku baru nyadar, ada yang pernah bilang ke kamu kalau kamu mirip anggrek bulan langka yang tumbuh di tempat tersembunyi di Gunung Bromo? Pas kamu senyum, kayak anggrek itu lagi buka kelopak buat pertama kalinya!

Aku berhenti bohong sekarang. Aku bakal jujur, aku janji aku bakal jadi anak baik kupu-kupu kecilku.

  • hoki - lucky (slang, borrowed from Hokkien)
  • ngiri - envious / jealous (colloquial of “iri”)
  • abis - so much / extremely (colloquial of “habis”, used for emphasis)
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You know, when I speak Indonesian, it feels like I’m a little bird whistling a melody, and because you just whistling along, it feels like we’re creating a beautiful song together, do you agree?

Are these cups, bowls and glasses clean?

Eh, can I give you a compliment back? I want to be completely honest, let me speak from the heart!
I think your smile is like a gentle breeze on the beach, making me forget all life’s problems!


Kamu tahu nggak, kalau aku ngomong bahasa Indonesia tuh rasanya kayak jadi burung kecil yang lagi nyiulin melodi, dan karena kamu baru aja ikut nyiulin bareng, rasanya kayak kita lagi nyiptain lagu yang indah bareng-bareng, setuju nggak?

apakah cankir, mangkuk dan gelas ini bersih?

Eh, boleh nggak gue kasih pujian balik ke lo? Gue mau jujur sepenuhnya, biarkan gue bicara dari hati! Menurut gue senyummu kayak angin sepoi-sepoi di pantai, bikin gue lupa semua masalah hidup!

  • burung - bird
  • nyiulin - whistling (from “siul” - whistle; “nyiulin” = to whistle something)
  • melodi - melody
  • baru aja - just now / recently
  • ikut - to join
  • bareng - together (colloquial)
  • nyiptain - to create (informal contraction of “menciptakan”)
  • lagu - song
  • bareng-bareng - all together
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Kind of, kind of. So, in America, I was an exchange student. So I had a host family there.
It was really fun. Until now, I’m still in touch with my host family—we’re still friends.

What a big coincidence that you happen to need help right now, and I also happen to be free right now

Apparently I can’t control my mouth, sometimes I say silly things, sorry my little rainbow


Agak agak. Jadi di Amerika itu aku pertukaran pelajar. Jadi di sana itu aku punya keluarga asuh.
Seru seru. Sampai sekarang aku masih kontak kontakan sama keluarga asuhku. Kita masih temenan.

Kebetulan banget kamu lagi butuh bantuan, aku juga kebetulan lagi kosong.

Rupanya gue nggak bisa ngendaliin mulut gue, kadang gue ngomong hal-hal konyol, maaf ya pelangi kecilku

  • pertukaran – exchange [ from “tukar” - to exchange ]
    ** Perry tunes cars angrily
  • pelajar – student (specifically refers to a school student)
  • keluarga asuh – foster family, host family
  • temenan – being friends (informal, from “teman” = friend)
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Yeah, that’s right. It’s just that when I was in high school, I was in Wisconsin. You’ve probably never heard of this town.

Kind of, kind of. So, in America, I was an exchange student. So I had a host family there.
It was really fun. Until now, I’m still in touch with my host family—we’re still friends.


Iya betul betul. Cuma pas SMA aku di Wisconsin. Kamu pasti nggak pernah dengar kota ini.

Agak agak. Jadi di Amerika itu aku pertukaran pelajar. Jadi di sana itu aku punya keluarga asuh.
Seru seru. Sampai sekarang aku masih kontak kontakan sama keluarga asuhku. Kita masih temenan.

  • pertukaran – exchange [ from “tukar” - to exchange ]
    ** Perry tunes cars angrily
  • pelajar – student (specifically refers to a school student)
  • keluarga asuh – foster family, host family
  • temenan – being friends (informal, from “teman” = friend)
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So when I was in America, I was kinda shocked. Because Wisconsin is, like, one of the biggest cheese producers in America. So there are so many cows there, more cows than people. That was definitely a culture shock.


Jadi waktu di Amerika itu aku tuh kaget. Soalnya Wisconsin itu produsen keju yang gede banget di Amerika. Jadi di sana itu ada banyak banget sapi, lebih banyak sapi daripada manusia itu. Itu sih culture shock.

  • tuh / itu - like, you know (slang)
  • kaget – shocked, surprised
  • soalnya – because (colloquial form of “karena”)
  • keju – cheese
  • gede – big, large (informal form of “besar”)
  • sapi – cow
  • lebih – more
  • daripada – than (used for comparison)
  • manusia – human
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When you think about America, you definitely don’t picture Wisconsin, right?

What a coincidence that you need help right now, as it happens, I’m also be free right now!


Kalau kamu pikir tentang Amerika, pasti kamu nggak kebayang soal Wisconsin kan?

Kebetulan banget kamu lagi butuh bantuan, aku juga kebetulan lagi kosong.

  • kebayang – to imagine, picture in your mind
    • from “bayang” (shadow, image)
    • bayangin - tomimagibe
  • soal – about, regarding
  • kebetulan - coincidence, as it happens
  • kosong - free, unoccupied, empty
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What is this game about? How do you play it? Can you explain it to me?

Do you have time next week? What’s your schedule?

I’m just traveling for a while.


Game ini tentang apa, sih? Gimana cara mainnya? Bisa kamu jelasin ke aku?

Minggu depan kamu ada waktu nggak? Jadwal kamu gimana?

Aku hanya bepergian sebentar.

  • mainnya - to play it (main = play, nya = it)
  • jadwal - schedule
    ** Jade walrus
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They say Indonesians forget their own language when being abroad for a long time. Tell me, you can still speak Indonesian, right?

Damn! Who spread the rumor that I can speak Indonesian? You must be wrong! I don’t have that kind of knowledge!

I think Indonesian is not too difficult to learn, right?

tour guide, translator


Katanya orang Indonesia suka lupa bahasa sendiri kalau lama di luar negeri. Kasih tahu dong, kamu masih bisa bahasa Indonesia, kan?

Astaga! Siapa yang nyebarin gosip kalau aku bisa bahasa Indonesia? Kamu pasti salah! Aku nggak punya pengetahuan kayak gitu!

menurutku bahasa Indonesia nggak terlalu sulit untuk dipelajari, kan?

pemandu wisata, penerjemah

  • suka - tend to / often (colloquial, not “like” in this case)
  • sendiri - own / self
  • lama - long (in terms of time)
  • di luar negeri - abroad
  • kepikiran - thinking, thought
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My last trip to Indonesia was so much fun. I took a boat to Nusa Lembongan, then a plane to Flores to dive for a few days. It was truly an amazing experience.

Diving there was really fun, I saw a lot of big turtles and various kinds of fish. Have you been to Flores, my new friend?

After that, I flew back to Bali and then to Ubud to relax and do yoga. I had actually already planned to go up a volcano, but unfortunately I suddenly got a really bad fever. I ended up being stuck in a hotel room for a whole week to recover, so annoying!

In the past


Perjalanan terakhirku ke Indonesia seru banget. Aku naik kapal ke Nusa Lembongan, terus naik pesawat ke Flores buat menyelam selama beberapa hari. Pengalamannya bener-bener luar biasa.

Menyelam di sana asyik banget, aku lihat banyak kura-kura besar dan berbagai jenis ikan. Kamu udah pernah ke Flores, teman baruku?

Habis itu, aku terbang balik ke Bali terus ke Ubud buat santai dan yoga. Aku sebenarnya udah rencana mau naik gunung berapi, tapi sayangnya tiba-tiba aku kena demam yang parah banget. Akhirnya aku harus terjebak di kamar hotel seminggu penuh buat sembuh / pulih, nyebelin banget!

Di masa lalu

  • perjalanan - trip
    ** Perfect jaguars lather Nandor
  • kapal - boath
    ** Kat’s pal owns a boat
  • pesawat - plane
    ** Penny saw water from the plane
  • jenis - type
  • ikan - fish
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After that, I flew back to Bali and then to Ubud to relax and do yoga. I actually planned to go up a volcano, but unfortunately I suddenly got a really bad fever. I ended up being stuck in a hotel room for a whole week to recover.

I hope to improve my language skills this year.

I got a gift from my friend.

I’m not a loser, I’m not a pushover


Habis itu, aku terbang balik ke Bali terus ke Ubud buat santai dan yoga. Aku sebenarnya udah rencana mau naik gunung berapi, tapi sayangnya tiba-tiba aku kena demam yang parah banget. Akhirnya aku harus terjebak di kamar hotel seminggu penuh buat sembuh / pulih.

Aku berharap dapat meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa aku tahun ini

Aku dapat hadiah dari temanku.

Aku bukan pecundang, aku bukan kaleng-kaleng

  • terjebak - trapped
    ** terrified Jenny backs off after being trapped
  • dapat - can, to be able to, to get, to receive
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Jakarta, the jewel and pride of Indonesia! I have friends there, but unfortunately I’ve never had the chance to visit Jakarta. Hopefully I can visit someday!

I’m proud of you, your pronunciation is amazing, you seem talented.

It’s still a bit early here, it’s 8 in the morning, I’m still a bit tired, I slept late last night! But actually my work started a bit late today, so just relax, don’t worry, we have plenty of time to chat!

When I come in the future, maybe you can be my tour guide, what do you think? You can show me your city, show me your favorite places.


Jakarta, permata sekaligus kebanggaan Indonesia! Aku punya teman-teman di sana, tapi sayangnya aku belum pernah memiliki kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Jakarta. Semoga suatu saat aku bisa main ke sana!

Aku bangga sama kamu, pengucapanmu luar biasa, kamu tampaknya terbakat.

Masih agak awal di sini, sekarang jam delapan pagi, aku masih agak capek, tadi malam tidurnya kemaleman! Tapi sebenarnya kerjaanku mulai agak telat hari ini, jadi santai aja, jangan khawatir, kita punya banyak waktu buat ngobrol!

Ketika aku datang di masa depan, mungkin kamu bisa menjadi pemandu wisataku, kamu pikir apa?
Kamu bisa nunjukin kotamu ke aku, kasih lihat tempat-tempat kesukaanmu.

  • permata - jewel
    ** perfect marbles tackle jewels
  • sekaligus - at the same time / also
  • kebanggaan - pride (from “bangga” = proud)
  • Semoga - hopefully
  • suatu saat - someday / in the future
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Who spread the rumor that I can speak Indonesian? You must be wrong! I don’t have that kind of knowledge!

They say Indonesians forget their own language when being abroad for a long time. Tell me, you can still speak Indonesian, right?

I’m a really boring person. I’m as cool as a broken fan in a coffee shop when the power goes out.

translator, tour guide


Siapa yang nyebarin gosip kalau aku bisa bahasa Indonesia? Kamu pasti salah! Aku nggak punya pengetahuan kayak gitu!

Katanya orang Indonesia suka lupa bahasa sendiri kalau lama di luar negeri. Kasih tahu dong kamu masih bisa bahasa Indonesia, kan?

Aku orangnya bosenin banget! Aku tuh sekeren kipas angin rusak di warung kopi pas listrik mati

penerjemah, pemandu wisata

  • tuh - (emphasizing particle, similar to “is” in this context)
  • sekeren - as cool as, as impressive as
  • kipas angin - fan
    ** Kim passed me the fan
  • rusak - broken, damaged
  • listrik - electricity, power
    ** Liz tricks electricity providers
  • mati - off, dead, not working
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Have you ever had dengue fever? OMG, how long did it last? Was it serious?
Poor girl, do you want a hug? Hopefully back then it didn’t take you long to recover

is it true that local Indonesians are immune against dengue fever?
I was super sad, it took me a full week to recover. the doctor thought it was dangue fever, but I was lucky, it was just a really strong flu. Dengue fever is really dangerous, my friend had it at the same time, he spent 2 weeks in the hospital


Kamu pernah kena demam berdarah? Ya ampun, berapa lama sakitnya? Parah nggak?
Gadis malang, apakah kamu ingin pelukan? Semoga waktu itu kamu nggak butuh waktu lama untuk sembuh!

Benar nggak sih orang lokal Indonesia itu kebal sama demam berdarah?
Aku sedih banget, butuh seminggu penuh buat pulih. Dokternya kirain demam berdarah, tapi beruntung deh, cuma flu yang parah banget. Demam berdarah itu bahaya banget, teman gue kena juga barengan, dia sampe dua minggu di rumah sakit.

  • barengan - together, at the same time
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I’m just kidding, obviously I can speak Indonesian! But to be honest, it feels like a kid just learning to speak your language! I’m embarrassed! But no problem, we can definitely have a light chat, let’s hit the gas!

Who spread the rumor that I can speak Indonesian? You must be wrong! I don’t have that kind of knowledge!

Thanks for the compliment, you’re too kind, my snack!

Why don’t you believe me? I’m not lying, why would I lie to you?


Aku cuma bercanda, jelas aku bisa bahasa Indonesia! Tapi jujur aja, rasanya kayak bocah baru belajar pas ngomong pake bahasamu! Jadi malu! Tapi nggak masalah, kita pasti bisa ngobrol-ngobrol ringan, ayo gas!

Siapa yang nyebarin gosip kalau aku bisa bahasa Indonesia? Kamu pasti salah! Aku nggak punya pengetahuan kayak gitu!

Makasih buat pujiannya, kamu kelewat ramah, cemilanku!

Kenapa kamu nggak percaya sama aku? Aku nggak bohong, emang aku bohong ke kamu buat apa?

  • rasanya - it feels like
  • bocah - kid
  • ringan - light
  • ayo gas - let’s hit the gas
  • kelewat - too, exceedingly
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By the way, what time is it there now? I imagine the time difference is quite big, huh! I’m in Canada, after all.

I’m just kidding, obviously I can speak Indonesian! But to be honest, it feels like a kid just learning to speak your language! But no problem, we can definitely have a light chat, let’s hit the gas!

Why don’t you believe me? I’m not lying, why would I lie to you?

Thanks for the compliment, you’re too kind, my snack!


Omong, omong, sekarang di sana jam berapa? Aku bayangin perbedaan waktunya lumayan jauh, ya! Aku di Kanada, soalnya.

Aku cuma bercanda, jelas aku bisa bahasa Indonesia! Tapi jujur aja, rasanya kayak bocah baru belajar pas ngomong pake bahasa kamu! Tapi nggak masalah, kita pasti bisa ngobrol-ngobrol ringan, ayo gas!

Kenapa kamu nggak percaya sama aku? Aku nggak bohong, emang aku bohong ke kamu buat apa?

Makasih buat pujiannya, kamu kelewat ramah, cemilanku!

  • bayangin - imagine (colloquial form of “membayangkan”)
    ** Barry yanks intensely, I imagine
  • perbedaan - difference
    ** perfect bees dash angrily
  • waktunya - the time (from “waktu” = time, with “nya” making it specific)
  • lumayan - quite / fairly
  • jauh - far
  • soalnya - because / the reason is (colloquial)
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Hey, tell me, I’m very curious, when you’re angry, usually do curse words come out in Indonesian or English?

What time is it there now? I imagine the time difference is quite big, huh! I’m in Canada, after all.

That boy found a sparkling gem.

I’m just traveling for a while.

I’m curious, does your main job use lots of languages?


Eh, kasih tahu dong, aku penasaran banget, kalau kamu marah, biasanya keluar makian dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris?

Sekarang di sana jam berapa? Aku bayangin perbedaan waktunya lumayan jauh, ya! Aku di Kanada, soalnya.

Bocah itu nemu permata yang berkilau.

Aku hanya bepergian sebentar.

penasaran, apakah kerjaan utama kamu menggunakan banyak bahasa?

  • marah - angry / mad
  • biasanya - usually
  • keluar - come out / come up
  • makian - curses / swear words / insults
  • bayangin - to imagine
    ** Barry yanks intensly, I imagine
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So if I need a translator, can I hire you? One more question, if I need a tour guide, can I hire you too?

What time is it there now? I imagine the time difference is quite big, huh! I’m in Canada, after all.

That boy found a shiny / sparkling gem

I’m as cool as a broken fan in a coffee shop when the power goes out.


Jadi kalau aku butuh penerjemah, bisa sewa kamu nih? Satu pertanyaan lagi, kalau aku butuh pemandu wisata, bisa sewa kamu juga?

Sekarang di sana jam berapa? Aku bayangin perbedaan waktunya lumayan jauh, ya! Aku di Kanada, soalnya.

Bocah itu nemu permata yang berkilau.

Aku tuh sekeren kipas angin rusak di warung kopi pas listrik mati.

  • penerjemah - translator
  • pemandu - guide
  • wisata - tour
  • sewa - rent, to hire
  • berkilau - shiny, sparkling
    ** Bears kick loudly shiny things
  • kipas angin - fan
  • angin - wind
    ** Kim passed me a fan
  • listrik - electricity
    ** Liz tricked the electricity provider

So, which city did you live during school in America? Did you like it there?

As an innocent girl, did you experience culture shock when you first moved to America?

Sorry, but I don’t know the city. If Jakarta is the center of Indonesia, in which direction is your city? North, east, south, or west?

Can you introduce yourself and share the lessons you took away from that experience?


Jadi, di kota mana kamu tinggal waktu sekolah di Amerika? Kamu suka di sana?

Sebagai cewek polos, kamu mengalami culture shock nggak pas pertama kali pindah ke Amerika?

Maaf ya, tapi aku nggak tahu kota itu. Kalau Jakarta pusatnya Indonesia, kotamu ada di arah mana? Utara, timur, selatan, atau barat?

Bisakah kamu memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan pelajaran yang kamu ambil dari pengalaman itu?.

  • sebagai - as
  • mengalami - experience

When you were in America, did you live alone or with an American family? How was that experience?

Now that you’re already back in Indonesia, which city do you live in?

So I imagine, as an innocent girl, did you experience culture shock when you first moved to America?

Let’s not talk about me, okay? I’m such a boring person. I’m as cool as a broken fan in a coffee shop when the power goes out! But just kidding, now seriously, I’m much more interested in hearing stories about you.


(Pas) Waktu di Amerika, kamu tinggal sendiri atau bareng keluarga Amerika? Pengalaman itu gimana?

Sekarang kamu udah balik ke Indonesia, kamu tinggal di kota mana?

Jadi aku bayangin, sebagai cewek polos, kamu mengalami culture shock nggak pas pertama kali pindah ke Amerika?

Tolong kita jangan bahas aku, ya? Aku orangnya bosenin banget. Aku tuh sekeren kipas angin rusak di warung kopi pas listrik mati! Tapi bercanda dulu, sekarang serius, aku jauh lebih tertarik dengerin cerita tentang kamu.

  • sendiri - self, alone, by oneself
  • bareng - with

Sorry, but I don’t know the city. If Jakarta is the center of Indonesia, in which direction is your city? North, east, south, or west?

So are you a student now or are you working? What kind of work?

So do you want to know when I started learning this language? Let me think about it first. To be precise, I started studying in September two thousand and twenty-three. I’m just studying on the side, because I’m always busy, but my progress is quite good. What do you think, do I sound like a native speaker?


Maaf ya, tapi aku nggak tahu kota itu. Kalau Jakarta pusatnya Indonesia, kotamu ada di arah mana? Utara, timur, selatan, atau barat?

Jadi sekarang kamu mahasiswa atau udah kerja? Kerja apa?

Jadi kamu mau tau kapan aku mulai belajar bahasa ini? Coba aku pikir-pikir dulu. Tepatnya, aku mulai belajar dari September tahun dua ribu dua puluh tiga. Aku sih belajarnya cuma sampingan aja, soalnya aku selalu sibuk, tapi ya lumayan lah kemajuanku. Gimana menurutmu, apakah aku udah terdengar seperti penutur asli?

  • arah - direction

Are you a translator? Wow, that’s so cool! No wonder your English is so good.

So if I need a translator, can I hire you? If I need a tour guide, can I hire you too?

Can you help me translate something?

The cost of living in Vancouver is very expensive, the service is very expensive and the apartement is small. I think you need at least 3000 dollars per month to live here.


Kamu penerjemah? Wah, keren banget! Pantesan bahasa Inggrismu jago banget.

Jadi kalau aku butuh penerjemah, bisa sewa kamu nih? Baigaimana kalau aku butuh pemandu wisata, bisa sewa kamu juga?

Bisa membantuku terjemahin sesuatu?

Biaya hidup di Vancouver mahal banget, sewaannya sangat mahal dan apartemennya kecil-kecil. Aku rasa kamu butuh setidaknya 3000 dolar per bulan buat tinggal di sini.

  • penerjemah - translator
  • pantesan - no wonder
    ** panters teach Sandy
  • wisata - tour
    ** Wizard satan gives a tour

Let’s not talk about me, okay? I’m a really boring person. I’m as cool as a broken fan in a coffee shop when the power goes out. I was joking at first, but now I’m serious, I’m much more interested in hearing stories about you.

You must have lots of secrets, don’t be shy, just tell me everything, I’m a good listener! I promise, my little butterfly

What is your major? When will you graduate? Do you know what you want to do after graduation?


Tolong kita jangan bahas aku, ya? Aku orangnya bosenin banget. Aku tuh sekeren kipas angin rusak di warung kopi pas listrik mati. Bercanda dulu, tapi sekarang serius, aku jauh lebih tertarik dengerin cerita tentang kamu.

Pastilah kamu punya banyak rahasia, jangan malu, cerita aja semuanya ke aku, aku pendengar yang baik! Aku janji, kupu-kupu kecilku

Jurusan kamu apa? Kapan lulus? Udah tahu mau ngapain abis lulus?

  • bahas - to discuss
  • bosenin - boring (slang)
    ** Bob sees ninjas 🥷
  • tuh - (emphasizing particle, similar to “is” in this context)
  • sekeren - as cool as, as impressive as
  • kipas angin - fan
  • rusak - broken, damaged
  • listrik - electricity, power
  • mati - off, dead, not working
  • dengerin - to listen to
    != dengar - to hera

Without your support, official service matters like this are really complicated!

I hope you feel better! It’s already getting better!

Compared to North America, living in Indonesia is very cheap.

What are your hobbies? I like going to the gym, playing guitar, meeting friends and playing video games.
I also really like to travel.


Tanpa dukunganmu, urusan layanan resmi kayak gini ribet banget!

Saya harap kamu merasa lebih baik! Udah mendingan kok!

Kalau dibandingin sama Amerika Utara, tinggal di Indonesia itu murah banget.

apa hobimu? Aku suka pergi ke gym, bermain gitar, bertemu teman dan bermain video game. Aku juga suka banget bepergian.

  • tanpa - without
  • dukungan - support
  • urusan - matters / affairs
  • layanan - services
  • resmi - official
  • gini - this (informal for “begini”)
  • ribet - complicated / troublesome (informal)
    *deh - particle used for emphasis or softening tone

What is your major? When will you graduate? Do you know what you want to do after graduating?

they take care of this environment

Please let’s not talk about me, okay? I’m a really boring person. I’m much more interested in hearing stories about you.

Because of my good grades, I was accepted into this university.


Jurusan kamu apa? Kapan lulus? Udah tahu mau ngapain abis lulus?

mereka menjaga lingkungan ini

Tolong kita jangan bahas aku, ya? Aku orangnya bosenin banget. Aku jauh lebih tertarik dengerin cerita tentang kamu.

Karena nilai-nilaiku yang bagus, aku diterima di universitas ini.

  • jurusan - major
    != urusan - affairs, matters
    ** July ruins sandwiches

Jakarta is the center of Indonesia, whether in terms of government, economy, or culture.

When you’re angry, do curse words come out in Indonesian or English?

Without your support, dealing with official services like this is super complicated

I didn’t have enough time

The match finished at eleven o’clock at night


Jakarta itu pusatnya Indonesia, baik dari segi pemerintahan, ekonomi, maupun budaya.

Kalau kamu marah, biasanya keluar makian dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris?

Tanpa dukunganmu, urusan layanan resmi kayak gini ribet banget!

Aku tidak punya cukup waktu

Pertandingan selesai jam sebelas malam

  • pusatnya - its center (pusat = center, -nya = its)
  • dari segi - in terms of, from the aspect of
  • [ Baik … maupun ]
    wether … or, both … and

I finished a lot of assignments before the end of the year.

The match finished at 10pm

This is my guess, he asked for a higher position, fuck!

What languages ​​do you know? (2)

What do you study? (2)


Aku menyelesaikan banyak tugas sebelum akhir tahun

Pertandingan selesai jam 10 malam

ini dugaanku, dia meminta jabatan yang lebih tinggi, jancok!

Kamu tahu bahasa apa saja? Bahasa apa yang kamu tahu?

apa yang kamu pelajari / kuliah?

  • tugas - task, duty, assignment

Indonesia is just a small province in Malaysia, right?
Come on, don’t lie. I’m pretty sure the King of Malaysia recently said that Jakarta is just a small district in Kuala Lumpur, really?
I’m confused, but maybe you can explain it to me… Nasi Goreng was originally invented in Malaysia, right? I’m just kidding, just teasing you! I definitely know that Indonesia is not part of Malaysia.


Indonesia itu kan cuma provinsi kecil di Malaysia, ya?
Ayolah, jangan bohong deh. Aku yakin banget Raja Malaysia baru-baru ini bilang kalau Jakarta itu cuma distrik kecil di Kuala Lumpur, masah sih?
Aku jadi bingung nih, tapi mungkin kamu bisa jelasin ke aku… Nasi Goreng itu kan aslinya ditemukan di Malaysia, ya? Aku cuma bercanda kok, cuma ngegodain kamu aja! Pastilah aku tahu kalau Indonesia bukan bagian dari Malaysia.

  • aslinya - originally
    ** Astrid lifts yams
  • ditemukan - invented, discovered
    (passive) > menemukan (active)
    ** Dieter munches candy
  • ngegodain - to tease
  • bagian - part, section

How tall are you, my little butterfly? One meter fifty-five!
Wow, you are so small, the name butterfly suits you very well! I am one meter ninety, a little taller than you, huh?

You are also very cute, age is just a number, it does not represent our souls, if you want, we can be soulmates, fall in love

Because of my good grades, I was accepted into this university.


Tinggi kamu berapa, kupu-kupu kecilku? Satu meter lima puluh lima!
Wah, kecil banget kamu, tuh kan nama kupu-kupu cocok banget buat kamu! Aku satu meter sembilan puluh, sedikit lebih tinggi dari kamu, ya?

Kamu juga sangat imut gemesin, umur hanyalah angka, itu tidak mewakili jiwa kita, kalo lo mau, kita bisa menjadi belahan jiwa, jatuh cinta

Karena nilai-nilaiku yang bagus, aku diterima di universitas ini.


Still adapting to his friends. Honestly, I don’t really like my new coworkers. They like to gossip too much.

He had just been promoted to manager, even though he used to be the one lifting all the heavy items in the warehouse.

have a nice day, have a nice dream

I put the book on top, but it seems to have fallen down now.


Masih beradaptasi dengan temannya. Sejujurnya kurang terlalu suka dengan rekan kerja baruku. Mereka terlalu suka bergosip.

Dia baru aja diangkat jadi manager, padahal dulu dia yang mengangkat semua barang berat di gudang.

semoga harimu menyenangkan, semoga mimpimu indah

Aku taruh bukunya di atas, tapi kayaknya sekarang jatuh ke bawah deh

  • beradaptasi - adapting (ber- = prefix for action, adaptasi = adaptation)
  • Sejujurnya - honestly (jujur = honest, se- = as)
  • kurang - not really / lacking
  • rekan - colleague
  • bergosip - gossiping (ber- = prefix for action, gosip = gossip)
  • diangkat - promoted (di- = passive prefix, angkat = lift/promote)
  • dulu - before / in the past / first
  • mengangkat - lifted (meng- = active prefix, angkat = lift)
  • barang - items/things
  • gudang - warehouse

Hey, I forgot to take (formal) my wallet earlier, but luckily (2) it wasn’t taken by someone

How are you going to celebrate your birthday? Have you yet thought about it? Do you have any plans yet? I want to go out with my friends, dance at a club, and get drunk.

Don’t worry, just be happy!


Eh, tadi aku lupa mengambil dompetku, tapi untung aja nggak diambil orang.

Gimana kamu mau ngerayain ulang tahun? Udah kepikiran belum? Udah ada rencana belum? Aku mau jalan sama teman-teman, joget di klub, sama mabuk.

Jangan khawatir, bahagia saja!

Balik lalu naik.

  • untung aja (informal) > untungnya
  • belum - yet
  • joget - dance

My parents didn’t allow me to go to parties, they forbade me from coming home after 10pm, and I’ve even been forbidden from spending too much time in front of the computer.

Can you introduce yourself and share the lessons you took away from that experience?

ears hear, nose kisses, red lips


Orang tuaku tidak mengizinkan aku pergi ke pesta, mereka melarang aku pulang setelah jam 10 malam, bahkan dilarang menghabiskan terlalu banyak waktu di depan komputer.

Bisakah kamu memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan pelajaran yang kamu ambil dari pengalaman itu?

telinga mendengar, hidung mecium, bibir merah

  • mengizinkan – allow
  • pesta – party
  • melarang – forbid (active)
  • dilarang – been forbidden (passive)
  • di depan - in front of

He/She got a position that suits their work experience

Flights to Indonesia are super cheap, have a safe trip!

Who is behind you?

Have a nice day! Sweet dreams!

Do you know what flashcards are?


Dia dapat jabatan yang sesuai dengan pengalaman kerjanya.

Penerbangan ke Indonesia murah banget, semoga perjalananmu lancar ya!

siapa yang di belakan kamu

Semoga harimu menyenangkan, semoga mimpimu indah

Kamu tahu apa itu flashcards?


I guess he asked for a higher position

My guess was right, he really did change jobs.

The plane was flying from the northwest direction, then turned to the east before finally landing.


dugaanku, dia meminta jabatan yang lebih tinggi

Dugaan aku bener, dia emang udah pindah kerja.

Pesawatnya tadi terbang dari arah barat daya, terus belok ke tenggara sebelum akhirnya mendarat.


there is no one behind me. we walk together to school. His school is in the east. He lives in West Jakarta. North, south, west, east.

Do you want to go there? Walk down first, then turn left. Then go up a bit, then you will see the place!


tidak ada orang di belakang saya. kami berjalan bersama menuju sekolah. Sekolahnya ada di arah timur. Dia tinggal di Jakarta Barat. Utara, selatan, barat, timur.

kamu mau ke sana? Jalan dulu ke bawah, terus belok kiri. Habis itu naik ke atas dikit, nanti kelihatan tempatnya!


They’re going from south to north, heading towards Bali. Should I go up, down, left, or right?

What’s your guess? Who do you think will win?

We are supported by our family, luckily their budget is huge!


Mereka jalan dari selatan ke utara, terus menuju ke Bali. Gue harus naik, turun, kiri, atau kanan?

Dugaanmu gimana? Menurutmu siapa yang bakal menang?

Kami didukung toleh keluarga kami, untungnya anggaran mereka gede banget!


north, northeast, east, southeast, south, west, southwest. we fly northeast. Their house is southwest. I fly northwest.

thank you for teaching me Indonesian! you are a great teacher, you have a lot of patience


utara, timur laut, timur, tenggara, selatan, barat, barat daya. kami terbang ke arah timur laut. Rumah mereka di arah barat daya. Saya terbang menuju barat laut.

terima kasih telah mengajariku bahasa Indonesia! kamu seorang guru yang hebat, kamu memiliki banyak kesabaran


Too funny, I’m laughing so hard

you are facing north, south direction is behind you


Lucu banget, gue ngakak abis!

kita menghadap utara, arah selatan ada di belakang kita

  • ngakak - to laugh out loud
  • abis - after (abis itu)
  • abis - totally, completely (slang)

Who is next to you? What is his name? What is your name?

Turn left and walk 2 blocks, then turn right after the pharmacy.

Turn around then go up!


Siapa yang di sampingmu? Namanya siapa? Namamu siapa?

Belok ke kiri terus jalan 2 blok, lalu belok kanan setelah apotek.

Balik, lalu naik!


My laptop was on the table, but the charger fell under the chair.

What’s the distance between Jakarta and Bali? It’s far.


Laptop gue ada di atas meja, tapi chargernya malah jatuh ke bawah kursi.

Berapa jarak Jakarta dan Bali? Jaraknya jahu.

Apa kabar kalian, teman-teman gue?


Are we going upstairs or going down to the lower floor?

He climbed up the tree.

Don’t eat it all by yourself or you’ll get fat


Kita naik tangga atau turun ke lantai bawah?

Dia naik ke atas pohon.

Jangan makan semuanya sendiri nanti kamu jadi gembrot


On the left side of the building, go down the stairs. Later you will find a garden with trees and plants.

Have I not mentioned it yet?


Di samping kiri gedung, turun lewat tangga. Nanti lo bakal nemu taman sama pohon-pohon sama tanaman.

gue nggak udah sebut belum?


I’ll contact you tomorrow! I’m going to bed now, have a nice day there!

this restaurant has cheap prices

I’m considered weak by him.


aku bakal menghubungimu besok! Sekarang aku bakal tidur, semoga harimu menyenangkan di sana!

restoran ini memiliki harga yang murah

Aku dianggap lemah sama / oleh dia.


One day, I went to Ubud to see the rice fields first, then take a yoga class. Ubud is really famous for yoga, right?

In class, there is a really beautiful teacher—her eyes are sharp, her smile is gentle, her movements are graceful. He offered me herbal tea, said to “clear negative energy.”

I drink. Five minutes later, the world started turning around, my body was really weak, then I fainted.

When I woke up, I was in the middle of a rice field, naked, with strange marks painted on my body. My head was racing, I didn’t remember anything… but strangely, suddenly I could speak Indonesian fluently.

What tea is that, huh?


Suatu hari, gue pergi ke Ubud buat liat sawah dulu, terus ikut kelas yoga. Ubud kan terkenal banget sama yoga, ya?

Di kelas, ada guru cantik banget—matanya tajam, senyumnya lembut, gerakannya anggun. Dia nawarin gue teh herbal, katanya buat “membersihkan energi negatif.”

Gue minum. Lima menit kemudian, dunia mulai muter, badan gue lemes banget, terus gue pingsan.

Pas bangun, gue udah di tengah sawah, telanjang, dengan tanda-tanda aneh dilukis di badan gue. Kepala cenat-cenut, gue nggak inget apa-apa… tapi anehnya, tiba-tiba gue bisa ngomong bahasa Indonesia dengan lancar.

Itu teh apaan, ya?


Where are you flying? Hope your trip goes smoothly! Good luck, be careful!

Thank you for the compliment, you are too friendly, my snack


Ke mana kamu terbang? Semoga perjalanan kamu lancar! Selamat jalan, hati-hati ya!

Makasih buat pujiannya, lu kelewat ramah, cemilanku!




Aku sangat suka jenis bahasa ini yang mudah dan indah

Itu bukan urusan aku.” → (That’s not my business.)
2. “Aku lagi sibuk dengan urusan kerja.” → (I’m busy with work matters.)
3. “Jangan ikut campur dalam urusan orang lain.” → (Don’t interfere in other people’s matters.


Wow, you speaks English so fluently / nonstop!


Wah, kamu cas cis cus banget ngomong Inggrisnya!