Random 23 Farsi Alphabet 4 Flashcards
tasadof - accident
Written as ت and ص and ا and د and ف
makhsus - special, specific
Written as م and خ and ص and و and ص
sobh - morning
Written as ص and ب and ح
امروز صبح زود با صدای باران از خواب بیدار شدم
Emrooz sobh-e zood ba seda-ye baran az khaab bidar shodam
- Today, early in the morning, I woke up to the sound of rain.
- Emrooz - today
- sobh - morning
- zood - early
- ba - with
- seda-ye - sound of
- baran - rain
- az - from
- khaab - sleep
- bidar shodam - I woke up
hefdah - seventeen
Written as ه and ف and د and ه
chahardah - fourteen
Written as چ and ه and ا and ر and د and ه
bāghāli - grocer, grocery store
Written as ب and ق and ا and ل and ی
همین طور
hamin tor - likewise
Written as ه and م and ی and ن and ط and و and ر
mareez - sick, ill
Written as م and ر and ی and ض
hazer - ready
Written as ح and ا and ض and ر
zed - against
Written as ض and د
faza - space, atmosphere
Written as ف and ض and ا
رضا در فروش ماشین ضرر کرد
Reza dar forooshe mashin zarar kard
- Reza took a loss in the sale of his car.
- Reza - Reza
- dar - in
- forooshe - sale
- mashin - car
- zarar - loss
- kard - did
tanab - rope
Written as ط and ن and ا and ب
hayat - backyard, garden
Written as ح and ی and ا and ط
vasat - middle, center
Written as و and س and ط
khat - line
Written as خ and ط
tayer - tire
Written as ت and ا and ی and ر
gatre - drop
Written as ق and ط and ر and ه
مدرسهی طاهره حیاط بزرگی دارد
Madrese-ye Tahere hayat bozorgee darad
- Tahere’s school has a large yard.
(Tahere = girl’s name)
- Madrese-ye - School of (مدرسهی)
- Tahere - Tahere (طاهره)
- hayat - yard (حیاط)
- bozorgee - large (بزرگی)
- darad - has (دارد)
Ghat’an - definitely
Written as ق and ط and ع and اً
The character at the end which looks like an aleph with two lines above it, is actually the Arabic letter Alpeh but with a diacritical mark called “tanween.” This mark indicates a doubling of the ‘n’ sound at the end, often used in Arabic to denote indefiniteness or in certain stylized writing. In this word, it adds a nuance of emphasis and is read as “an” in “Ghat’an.”
Masalan - for example