Random 13 Various Flashcards
what do you want? Put down that phaser! (Klingon)
nuqneH! Pu’vetlh yIroQ
Hi, well met, my name is … (Elvish)
A, mae g’ovannen, I eneth nîn
Do you speak Valerian? Dragon Fire! (High Valerian)
Ydra ji Valyre? Dracaris!
do you speak English? (JP)
yes, just a little
- Eigo hanasemasu ka?
- Hai, sukoshi dake desu.
英語 (Eigo) - English
話せます (Hanasemasu) - can speak (polite)
か (ka) - question marker
はい (Hai) - Yes
少し (Sukoshi) - a little
だけ (Dake) - just
です (Desu) - is (polite)
or do you speak Chinese? (JP)
No I don’t!
No I don’t speak Chinese
- Soretomo, Chūgokugo hanasemasu ka?
- Iie, hanasemasen!
- Iie, Chūgokugo wa hanasemasen
それとも (Soretomo) - or
中国語 (Chūgokugo) - Chinese (language)
話せます (Hanasemasu) - can speak (polite)
か (Ka) - question marker
いいえ (Iie) - No
話せません (Hanasemasen) - cannot speak (polite)
は (Wa) - (topic marker, pronounced “wa” in this context)
Are you here to practice English? Maybe we can practice together! (Farsi)
آیا تو اینجا هستی تا انگلیسی تمرین کنی؟ شاید بتونیم با هم تمرین کنیم!
- Āyā to injā hasti tā engelisi tamrīn koni? Shāyad betūnīm bā ham tamrīn konīm!
āyā - آیا - Are (formal start for a question, but still used informally)
to - تو - you (informal)
injā - اینجا - here
hasti - هستی - are (informal)
tā - تا - to
engelisi - انگلیسی - English
tamrīn koni? - تمرین کنی - practice (informal question)
shāyad - شاید - maybe
betūnīm - بتونیم - we can (more colloquial form of بتوانیم)
bā ham - با هم - together
tamrīn konīm! - تمرین کنیم - practice (informal plural suggestion)
Can you please say that again? (Tagalog, RU, Indo)
Pwede mo bang ulitin yun?
Можешь повторить это, пожалуйста?
- Mozhesh’ povtorit’ eto, pozhaluysta?
Bisa ulangi itu lagi?
(ulangi = repeat)
why can you speak Tagalog so well?
why can you speak English so well?
bakit ang galing mong mag-tagalog?
Bakit ang galing mong mag-Ingles?
bakit - why
mong - you (formal)
do you speak any other languages? (Farsi)
زبان دیگهای هم صحبت میکنی؟
- Zabān digeh-i ham sohbat mi-koni?
digeh-i - another (with “-i” being an ezāfeh, indicating possession or connection)
• ham - also
• sohbat - talk/speak
• mi-koni? - do you do? (present tense verb conjugation for “to do”)
I’m much older than you, why don’t you call me daddy? (RU)
much, by far
Я намного старше тебя, почему бы тебе не называть меня папочкой?
- Ya namnogo starshe tebya, pochemu by tebe ne nazyvat’ menya papochkoy?
awesome (Tagalog)
that’s so cool
I love Filipinos
kahanga-hanga (soft G)
ang galing naman
Mahal ko ang mga Pilipino
do you speak English or Chinese?
Yes, a speak a little Chinese! (JP)
- Eigo ka Chūgokugo hanasemasu ka?
- Hai, sukoshi Chūgokugo ga hanasemasu!
英語 (Eigo) - English
か (Ka) - or
中国語 (Chūgokugo) - Chinese (language)
話せます (Hanasemasu) - can speak (polite)
か (Ka) - question marker
はい (Hai) - Yes
少し (Sukoshi) - a little
中国語 (Chūgokugo) - Chinese (language)
が (Ga) - (subject marker)
話せます (Hanasemasu) - can speak (polite)
do you speak any other languages? (Tagalog)
May iba pa bang wika kang nasasalita?
May - May - have/there is
iba - iba - other
pa - pa - still/additional
bang - ba + ng (combines the question particle “ba” and the linker “ng”)
wika - wika - language
kang - ka + ng (shortened form of “ka ang”, where “ka” is the informal second person singular pronoun “you”)
nasasalita? - nasa + salita (root word “salita” meaning “speak” with prefix “na-“ and infix “-sa-“ indicating an action that is habitually done or capable of being done)
do you speak any other languages? (Indo)
please ask me in another language (informal)
to add
Apakah kamu berbicara bahasa lain?
tolong tanya aku dalam bahasa lain
menambah - to add
dalam - in, inside, within
* Apakah - (question marker)
* lain - other
Russian grammar blows my mind. I really hate it. Why does it have to be so complicated?
рУсская граммАтика взрывАет мнЕ мОзг. Я её прям ненавижу. Почему она должна быть такой сложной?
- rUsskaya grammAtika vzryvayet mnE mOzg. Ya yeyo pryam nenavizhu. Pochemu ona dolzhna byt’ takoy slozhnoy?
взрывАет - blows up
мОзг - brain
её - it/her
прям - just
ненавижу - hate
должна - must
быть - be
такой - such
сложной - complicated
The arabic language is beautiful
اللغة العربية جميلة جداً.
- Allugha-tu laarabiya-tu Jamila-tan jidan
Allogha (اللغة) - The language
laarabiya (العربية) - Arabic
Jamila (جميلة) - beautiful
jidan (جداً) - very
What languages do you know? (Tagalog)
Ano ang mga lenggwahe na alam mo?
- ano means “What”.
- ang mga is a combination where “ang” is a definite article often used to specify a noun and “mga” indicates plurality, translating to “the” in English when referring to multiple items or a group.
- lenggwahe means “languages”.
- na is a linker that connects words or phrases to denote possession or association, similar to “that” in English in this context.
- alam means “know” or “knows”.
- mo means “you” in the possessive form, indicating ownership or relation to the person being spoken to.
Are you from Iran? (plural)
Are you Iranian? I love Iranian people!
شما از ایران هستید؟
- Shoma az Iran hastid?
ایرانی هستید؟ من عاشق مردم ایرانم!
- Irānī hastid? Man āshegh-e mardom-e Irānam!
āshegh-e - عاشق - in love with
mardom-e - مردم - people
Russian grammar, this is fucked up
рУсская граммАтика Это пиздЕц
- rUsskaya grammAtika Eto pizdEts
Why? For what reason? (Tagalog)
You can call me Mae, like
Bakit? Sa anong kadahilanan?
Pwede mo akong tawagin Mae, tulad ng
anong - what
mo - you
tawagin - call
My name is Manuel but you can call me Manu (Tagalog)
what is your job?
Ang pangalan ko ay Manuel ngunit maaari mo akong tawaging Manu
Anong trabaho mo?
ngunit - but
maaari - can
mo - you
tawaging - call (by specific name)
Anong - is a contraction of “Ano ang,” where “Ano” means “what” and “ang” is a marker used for the focus of the sentence
How many languages can you speak? (Tagalog)
What languages do you know?
Ilang lenggwahe ang kaya mong sabihin?
Ano ang mga lenggwahe na alam mo?
Ilang - “How many”
lenggwahe - “languages” (from the Spanish “lenguaje”)
ang - a marker that often indicates the subject or focus of the sentence
kaya - “can” or “able to”
mong - “you” (the form of “mo” used when followed by a verb, indicating possession or relation)
sabihin - “say” or “speak”
- Ano - “What”; a question word used to ask for information about something.
- ang - a marker that often indicates the subject or focus of the sentence.
- mga - a plural marker
- na - a linker that connects nouns to descriptive phrases or clauses; in this case, it links “mga lenggwahe” to the clause that follows.
- alam - to know
my mothertongue is German (Tagalog)
Ang katutubong wika ko ay Aleman
Ang - a marker indicating the subject or focus of the sentence.
katutubong - “native” or “indigenous”. It is a compound word, with “katutubo” meaning native, and the suffix “-ng” linking it to the following noun.
wika - “language” or “tongue”.
ko - “my”, indicating possession.
ay - is a verb that often functions as a copula to equate the subject with the complement, similar to the verb “to be” in English.
Aleman - “German”, referring to the German language.
Tagalog 1-10
Indonesian 1-10
1 - Isa
2 - Dalawa
3 - Tatlo
4 - Apat
5 - Lima
6 - Anim
7 - Pito
8 - Walo
9 - Siyam
10 - Sampu
satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh
I speak English like a native (Tagalog)
and I also speak French, Spanish and Portuguese fluently
I speak only a little Tagalog
Nagsasalita ako ng Ingles na parang katutubo
at mahusay din akong nagsasalita ng Pranses, Espanyol, at Portuges
Konti lang ang alam ko sa pag-sasalita ng Tagalog
- Nagsasalita - speak (present progr.)
- pag-sasalita - speaking (noun, action)
- na parang - “like/as if”
- katutubo - “native”
- at - “and”
- mahusay - “fluent” or “skillfully”
- din - “also”
- konti - a little
- lang - just
I’m currently learning Chinese (Tagalog)
Sa ngayon, natututo ako ng Tsino
Sa ngayon - “Currently” or “right now”. It sets the time frame of the action being discussed.
natututo - “learning”. This is the active form of the verb that indicates the action of learning.
ako - “I”. This is the pronoun used to refer to oneself.
ng - a particle used before the object of the action. In this case, it indicates what is being learned.
Tsino - “Chinese”
and on the side I’m also learning Indonesian, Tagalog, Russian and Farsi
At bilang karagdagan, natututo rin ako ng Indones, Tagalog, Ruso, at Persyano.
At - “And”
bilang karagdagan - “on the side” or “as an addition”
natututo - “learning”. Indicates the action of acquiring knowledge or skill.
rin - “also”
ako - “I”
ng - a marker indicating the object of the action.
Indones - “Indonesian”
Tagalog - “Tagalog”
Ruso - “Russian”
Persyano - “Farsi/Persian”
I’m producing a video game to learn languages, it’s called Speechbound
Gumagawa ako ng video game para matuto ng mga wika, ito ay tinatawag na Speechbound.
Gumagawa - producing/making
ako - I
ng - of (particle indicating the object of the action)
para - for
matuto - to learn
ng - of (used before the object of action)
mga wika - languages
ito - it
ay - is (linking verb)
tinatawag - called
na - that (particle often used for specification or emphasis)
I’m also a youtuber, I’m recording right now (Tagalog)
YouTuber din ako, nagre-record ako ngayon.
din - also
ako - I
nagre-record - recording
ako - I
ngayon - now
I love Japanese food, I’m a Ramen addict and sushi is delicious too
- Wǒ chāo ài Rìběn cài, lāmiàn shàngyǐn, shòusī yě chāo hǎo chī de.
超 - chāo - to exceed, to surpass, to overtake, super-
how is your day going? (Farsi)
روزت چطور میگذره
- Roozet chetor migzareh?
roozet - your day
chetor - how
migzareh - is going/passing
have a nice day (Farsi)
روز خوبی داشته باشید
- Rooz-e khobi dashte bashid.
rooz - day
khobi - good
dashte bashid - have
I can probably understand more than I can say, my vocabulary is very limited (RU)
Наверное, я понимаю больше, чем могу сказать, у меня очень ограниченный словарь.
- Navernoye, ya ponimayu bol’she, chem mogu skazat’, u menya ochen’ ogranichennyy slovar’.
Наверное (Navernoye) - Probably
понимаю (ponimayu) - understand
больше (bol’she) - more
чем (chem) - than
могу (mogu) - can
сказать (skazat’) - say
ограниченный (ogranichennyy) - limited
словарь (slovar’) - vocabulary
currently it’s all a bit insane, I have a full time job and at the same time I’m also learning 5 languages, I always work hard to achieve my goals (Zh)
- Mùqián yǒudiǎn fēngkuáng, wǒ yǒu quánzhí gōngzuò, tóngshí hái zài xuéxí 5 mén yǔyán, wǒ zǒng shì nǔlì gōngzuò lái shíxiàn wǒ de mùbiāo.
it’s quite interesting, last year I could barely speak Chinese. But then I pushed really hard and now I added even more languages to my study list, hard work really pays off!
- Tǐng yǒuyìsi de, qùnián wǒ jīhū bù huì shuō zhōngwén. Dàn hòulái wǒ zhēn de hěn nǔlì, wǒ bǎ gèng duō yǔyán jiā dàole wǒ de xuéxí lièbiǎo lǐ, nǔlì zhēn de yǒu huíbào!
但后来 - dàn hòulái - But then
列表 - lièbiǎo - list
回报 - huíbào - to return, to payback
why are you so surprised? Did you underestimate me? (zh)
惊讶 (jīngyà) - surprised
小看 (xiǎokàn) - underestimate
Are you Korean? That’s so cool! Nice to meet you! Do you speak English or Chinese? (Ko)
I’m starving (Indo)
너 한국 사람이야? 진짜 멋져! 만나서 반가워! 영어나 중국어 할 수 있어?
- Neo han-guk saram-iya? Jinjja meotjyeo! Mannaseo bangawo! Yeong-eona jung-gugeo hal su isseo?
aku kelaparan - I’m starving
너 (neo) - you
한국 사람이야? (han-guk saram-iya?) - Are you Korean?
진짜 멋져! (jinjja meotjyeo!) - That’s really cool!
만나서 반가워! (mannaseo bangawo!) - Nice to meet you!
영어나 (yeong-eona) - English or
중국어 (jung-gugeo) - Chinese
할 수 있어? (hal su isseo?) - Can you do/speak?
Yes, I speak a little English (Ko)
No, I don’t speak Chinese
응, 영어 조금 할 수 있어
- eung, yeong-eo jogeum hal su iss-eo
네, 영어 조금 할 수 있어.
- Ne, yeongeo jogeum hal su isseo.
(‘Ne’ is more polite)
아니, 중국어는 못해.
- Ani, junggukeoneun mothae.
네 (Ne) - Yes
영어 (Yeongeo) - English
조금 (Jogeum) - a little / slightly
할 수 있어 (Hal su isseo) - can do / can speak
아니 (Ani) - No
중국어는 (Junggukeoneun) - Chinese (with “는” indicating the topic of the sentence)
못해 (Mothae) - cannot do / cannot speak
I greet you! (Elvish)
Do you speak Elvish?
Gi suilon!
/gi ˈsuj.lɔn/
Pedig edhellen?
/ˈpɛ.dig ɛ.ˈðɛl̡.lɛn/
Your head is empty (Elvish)
Be gone, kiss an orc
I can say what I wish, and you won’t understand me
Dôl gîn lost
/ˈdɔ:l ˈgi:n ˈlɔst/
Ego, *mibo orch
/ˈɛ.gɔ ˈmi.bɔ ˈɔrx/
Pedin i phith in aníron, a nin ú-cheniathog
/ˈpɛ.din if ˈfiθ in a.ˈniˑ.rɔn a ˈnin uˑ.xɛ.ˈni.a.θɔg/
I’m now learning about 5 languages at the same time, that’s really rather tricky especially when working a full time job like me. You need to maintain a strict schedule, focus is key!
- Wǒ xiànzài tóngshí zài xué dàgài wǔ mén yǔyán, zhēn shì tǐng nán de, yóuqí shì xiàng wǒ zhèyàng quánzhí gōngzuò de shíhòu. Děi yángé zūnshǒu shíjiānbǐao, zhuānzhù shì guānjiàn!
小型 - xiǎoxíng - small scale, small size
型 - xíng - type, model, pattern
得 (děi) - “must” / “need to”
严格 (yángé) - “strictly”
遵守 (zūnshǒu) - “adhere to” / “abide by”
时间表 (shíjiānbiǎo) - “schedule” / “timetable”
专注 (zhuānzhù) - “concentration” / “focus”
关键 (guānjiàn) - “key” / “crucial
you know what my dream is?
My dream is to become a better version of myself
To be able to let myself feel proud of myself,
to be to able to withstand the blows of life
able to seize all opportunities
Able to see a bigger stage
Then try your best
grab it
to breathe calmly
Nǐ zhīdào wǒ de mèngxiǎng shì shénme ma?
Wǒ de mèngxiǎng shì chéngwéi yīgè gèng hǎo de zìjǐ
shì nénggòu ràng wǒ juédé jiāo’ào de zìjǐ
shì nénggòu káng zhù shēnghuó de dǎjī
nénggòu zhuā zhù suǒyǒu de jīhuì
nénggòu kàn dào gèng dà de wǔtái
ránhòu pīn jìn quánlì
zhuā zhù tā
平静呼吸 - Píngjìng hūxī
扛住 - káng zhù - to withstand
扛 - káng - to carry on one’s shoulder, to bear
住 - zhù - to live, to reside
打击 - dǎjī - blow, to hit, to strike, to attack
舞台 - wǔtái - stage
拼尽 - pīn jìn - to exert to the utmost
拼 - pīn - to join together/to spell,
尽 - jìn - to exhaust/to use up
全力 - quán lì - all one’s strength
全 - quán - whole/entire
力 - lì - strength/effort
I’m the CEO of a small video games company. We’re building a cross-platform RPG video game in which players can learn languages, it’s going to be amazing!
- Wǒ shì yī jiā xiǎoxíng shìpín yóuxì gōngsī de shǒuxí zhíxíng guān. Wǒmen zhèngzài kāifā yīgè kuà píngtái de juésè bànyǎn shìpín yóuxì, wánjiā kěyǐ zài yóuxì zhōng xuéxí yǔyán, huì fēicháng bàng de.
跨平台 - Kuà píngtái - cross platform
玩家 (wánjiā) - “players” / “gamers”
席 - xí - a mat, a seat
When you feel that you’re stressed, taking a deep breath somewhat helps, breathing calmly can relax the body and mind
I am recording right now (zh)
- Dāng nǐ gǎndào yǒu yālì shí, shēnhūxī huì yǒu suǒ bāngzhù, píngjìng dé hūxī kěyǐ fàngsōng shēnxīn
我正在录像 - Wǒ zhèngzài lùxiàng
I am recording right now (zh)
呼吸 - hū xī - to breathe, a breath
有所 - yǒu suǒ - somewhat, to some extend
平静 - píngjìng - calmly, quietly
nice to meet you (jp)
please be kind to me, please look favorably upon me
I am recording right now (zh)
- Hajimemashite
- Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
我正在录像 - Wǒ zhèngzài lùxiàng
Excuse me, I don’t understand. I can only say a few things in Japanese (jp)
- Sumimasen, wakarimasen. Nihongo wa sukoshi shika hanasemasen.
Sumimasen - Excuse me/I’m sorry
Wakarimasen - I don’t understand
Nihongo - Japanese language
wa - (topic marker particle)
Sukoshi - A little/few
Shika - Only/just
Hanasemasen - Cannot speak
where are you from (jp)
- Doko kara kimashita ka?
どこ (Doka) means “where.”
から (kara) means “from.”
来ました (kimashita) is the past tense of 来る (kuru), which means “to come.”
か (ka) is the question marker.
I’m German, I’m from Germany. But I live in Canada (jp)
- Doitsujin desu. Doitsu shusshin desu kedo, Kanada ni sunde imasu.
Doitsujin desu - I’m German.
Doitsu shusshin desu - I’m from Germany.
Kedo - But
Kanada ni - In Canada
Sunde imasu - I live/am living.
Please give me one bowl of ramen and one soft-boiled egg (JP)
- Rāmen hitotsu to hanjuku tamago wo hitotsu kudasai.
Rāmen - Ramen
Hitotsu - One (object counter)
To - And
Hanjuku tamago - Soft-boiled egg
Wo - (object marking particle)
Hitotsu - One (object counter, repeated for the egg)
Kudasai - Please (making a request)
I can give you some advice (Indo)
your answer is wrong, I think/feel you are wrong
aku bisa memberimu beberapa saran
Jawaban kamu salah, aku rasa kamu salah
the other day I ate some delicious nasigoreng. I ate so much until I fell into a deep slumber. When I woke up, I suddenly could speak Indonesian, weird right?
Beberapa hari yang lalu aku makan nasigoreng yang enak banget. Aku makan sampai kekenyangan sampai-sampai aku terlelap dalam tidur yang nyenyak. Pas bangun, tiba-tiba aku bisa ngomong bahasa Indonesia, aneh kan?
- sampai - until
- kekenyangan - full
- sampai-sampai - to the extent that
- terlelap - fell asleep
- nyenyak - deep
- Pas - When (colloquial)
- bangun - wake up
- tiba-tiba - suddenly
- aneh - weird