Random 15 Farsi 2 Flashcards
Which languages do you know?
which languages can you speak?
Take care!
Wow, Farsi is a really cool language!
چه زبانهایی رو میشناسی؟
- Che zabanhāyi ro mish(e)nasi?
به چه زبانهایی میتونی حرف بزنی؟
- Be che zabanhāyi mitooni harf bezani?
مواظب خودت باش!
- Movazebe khodet bash!
واااای، واقعاً فارسی زبان خیلی باحالیه
- Vāāāy, vāqe’an Farsi zabān kheili bāhāliye!
if you mix up “ra” and “ro” in a sentence, the meaning stays the same because both serve as the direct object marker in Farsi. The choice between the two does not affect the fundamental meaning of the sentence but rather the level of formality or the context in which it’s used. “Ra” is more formal and typically seen in written or formal contexts, while “ro” is more informal and commonly used in spoken Persian. Regardless of which one you use, the function—indicating the direct object—remains unchanged.
- zabanhāyi - languages (zaban means language, -hā is a pluralizer, -yi is a marker for indefiniteness)
- ro - (object marker, similar to ‘the’ in English)
- mishnasi - you know (mi- is a present tense marker, -i is a second person singular ending)
- Be - In/with (preposition)
- che - which
- zabanhāyi - languages
- mitooni - you can (mi- is a present tense marker, tooni is from ‘tavanestan’ meaning ‘to be able to’)
- harf - word/speech
- bezani - speak (bezan is the imperative form of ‘to strike’, but here it means ‘to speak’; -i is a second person singular ending)
- movazebe - be careful / be cautious
- khodet - yourself
- bash - be (imperative form)
do you speak any other languages?
I’m now/currently learning to read Farsi, but I have to admit it’s quite difficult
Yes, I have some Iranian friends here
زبانهای دیگهای هم صحبت میکنی؟
- Zabanhāyi dige’i ham sohbat mikoni?
الان دارم فارسی خواندن یاد میگیرم، ولی باید بگم که خیلی سخته.
- Alan dāram fārsi khāndan yād migiram, vali bāyad begam ke kheili sakhte.
بله، من چند دوست ایرانی اینجا دارم
- Baleh, man chand doost-e Irani injaa daram
- Zabanhāyi - languages (zaban means language, -hā is a pluralizer, -yi is a marker for indefiniteness)
- dige’i - other (dige means other, -‘i is a marker for indefiniteness)
- ham - also/too
- sohbat - speak/talk
- mikoni - you do (mi- is a present tense marker, -koni is the second person singular ending of ‘to do’)
is there a particular language that you would be interested in learning?
I love you baby!
زبان خاصی هست که دوست داشته باشی یاد بگیری؟
- Zaban-e khāsi hast ke doost dāshte bāshi yād begiri?
Dosted daram, azizam.
- Zaban - language
- khāsi - specific/particular (khās means specific, -i is a marker for indefiniteness)
- hast - is there
- ke - that
- doost dāshte bāshi - you would like (doost dāshtan means to like, -e bāshi is a subjunctive ending)
- yād begiri - to learn (yād is memory/learning, begiri is the subjunctive form of ‘to take’, here meaning ‘to learn’)
I agree, French is very interesting! (Farsi)
that’s very interesting!
I understand!
موافقم، فرانسوی خیلی جالب است!
- Movafegham, Faransavi kheili jaleb ast!
خیلی جالب است!
- Kheili jaleb ast!
من متوجه شدم!
- Man motevajeh shodam!
- Movafegham - I agree
- Faransavi - French
- kheili - very
- jaleb - interesting
- ast - is
- motevajeh - understand
- shodam - became/have
I speak about 10 languages. German is my mothertongue.
Ah, okay, I understand
lately (indo)
حدوداً ده زبان صحبت میکنم. آلمانی زبان مادری من است.
- Hodoodan dah zaban sohbat mikonam. Almani zaban-e madari-e man ast.
آها، باشه، فهمیدم
- Āhā, bāshe, fahmidam.
akhir-akhir ini - lately
- Hodoodan - About
- dah - ten
- zaban - languages (sing/plural look the same)
- sohbat - speak
- mikonam - I do
- Almani - German
- zaban - language
- madari - mother (as in mother tongue)
Since I live in Canada, my English is pretty much at native level.
I love you baby 🥰
next week I want to memorize 15 new words
چون در کانادا زندگی میکنم، انگلیسی من تقریباً در سطح بومی است.
- Chon dar Canada zendegi mikonam, Engelisi man taghriban dar sath boomi ast.
Dosted daram, azizam.
هفته دیگه میخوام پانزده کلمه جدید حفظ کنم.
- Hafte dige mikhām pānzdeh kalameh jadid hefz konam.
- Chon - Since
- dar - in
- Canada - Canada
- zendegi - live
- mikonam - I do
- Engelisi - English
- man - my
- taghriban - pretty much/almost
- dar - at, in, about
- sath - level
- boomi - native
- ast - is
I also know French, Spanish and Portuguese very well.
I need to go to the grocery store to buy food
من همچنین فرانسوی، اسپانیایی و پرتغالی را خیلی خوب میدانم.
- Man hamchenin Faransavi, Espaniai va Portug(h)ali ro kheili khoob midanam.
باید برم بقالی غذا بخرم
- Bāyad beram bāghāli ghazā bekharām.
- hamchenin - also
- Faransavi - French
- Espaniai - Spanish
- va - and
- Portugali - Portuguese
- ra - (direct object marker)
- kheili - very
- khoob - well
- midanam - know
For the last 2 years I’ve been mainly studying Chinese
Can you guess where I’m from?
طی دو سال گذشته عمدتاً به مطالعه چینی پرداختهام.
- Tayye do sal-e gozashte omdetan be motale’e Chini pardakhteh-am.
میتوانی حدس بزنی که از کجا هستم؟
- mitavāni hads bezani ke az kojā hastam?
(Use “betavāni” for informal)
- Tayye - For the last
- do - two
- sal - years
- gozashte - past
- omdetan - mainly
- be - to
- motale’e - studying
- Chini - Chinese
- pardakhteh-am - I have devoted/paid attention
but recently I’ve also been learning some Farsi, Tagalog, Russian and Indonesian.
lately (indo)
اما اخیراً من همچنین کمی فارسی، تاگالوگ، روسی و اندونزیایی یاد گرفتهام.
- Ama akhiran man hamchenin kami Farsi, Tagalog, Russi va Indonesiayi yad gerefteh-am
akhir-akhir ini - lately
- Ama - But
- akhiran - recently
- man - I
- hamchenin - also
- kami - some
- Farsi - Farsi
- Tagalog - Tagalog
- Russi - Russian
- va - and
- Indonesiayi - Indonesian
- yad - learn
- gerefteh-am - have taken/grasped
what’s your favorite language?
Are you Iranian? I love Iranian people!
I love the people of Iran. They are very kind.
زبان مورد علاقهت چیه؟
- Zaban-e mored-e aloghe-at chie?
ایرانی هستید؟ من عاشق مردم ایرانم!
- Irānī hastid? Man āshegh-e mardom-e Irānam!
Man mardom-e Irān rā dust dāram. Ānhā kheili mehrabān hastand.
- Zaban - language
- mored - favorite
- aloghe-at - your interest (your favorite)
- chie - what is
that’s a good question. I like all languages that I speak.
have you traveled to any other countries before?
این سوال خوبیه. من از همه زبانهایی که صحبت میکنم خوشم میآد.
- In soal khoobiye. Man az hame zabanhai ke sohbat mikonam khosh-am miad.
قبلاً به کشورهای دیگهای سفر کردی؟
- Ghablan be keshvarhā-ye dige-i safar kardi?
- In - This
- soal - question
- khoobie - is good
- Man - I
- az - from
- hame - all
- zaban-hai - languages
- ke - that
- sohbat - speak
- mikonam - I do
- khosh-am miad - I like
But maybe my favorite language is Portuguese, because I like Portuguese music so much.
It was so nice talking to you, I really enjoyed it!
“اما شاید زبان مورد علاقهام پرتغالی است، چون خیلی از موسیقی پرتغالی خوشم میآید.
- Ama shayad zaban-e mored-e alaghe-am Portughali ast, chon kheili az musighi Portughali khosh-am miayad.
خیلی خوش گذشت باهات حرف زدن، واقعاً لذت بردم!
- Kheyli khosh gozasht bahat harf zadan, vāgh’an lezzat bordam!
- Ama - But
- shayad - maybe
- zaban - language
- mored alaghe-am - favorite of mine
- Portugali - Portuguese
- ast - is
- chon - because, since
- kheili - so much
- az - from
- musighi - music
- Portugali - Portuguese
- khosh-am miad - I like
Do you know how to read Farsi?
can you read or write Farsi?
فارسی بلدی بخونی؟
- Farsi baladi bekhooni?
فارسی بلدی بخونی یا بنویسی؟
- Farsi baladi bekhooni ya benevisi?
- baladi - know (informal)
- bekhooni - to read (you)
- ya - or
- benevisi - write
I can’t read Farsi, I’m too busy to learn reading, I don’t have time.
نمیتوانم فارسی بخوانم، خیلی سرم شلوغ است برای یادگیری خواندن، وقت ندارم.
- Nemitavanam Farsi bekhanam, kheili saram sholoogh ast baraye yadgiri khandan, vaght nadaram.
- Nemitavanam - I can’t
- Farsi - Farsi
- bekhanam - read
- kheili - very, too
- saram - my head (implying “I am”)
- sholoogh - busy
- ast - is
- baraye - for
- yadgiri - learning
- khandan - reading
- vaght - time
- nadaram - I don’t have
I’m currently learning how to read Chinese, this itself is already difficult enough.
در حال حاضر دارم یاد میگیرم چطوری چینی بخوانم، این خودش به اندازه کافی سخت است.
- Dar hal-e hazer daram yad migiram chetori Chini bekhanam, in khodash be andaze kafi sakht ast.
- Dar - In
- hal hazer - currently
- daram yad migiram - I am learning (continuous action)
- chetori - how
- Chini - Chinese
- bekhanam - to read
- in - this
- khodash - itself
- be andaze kafi - enough
- sakht - difficult
- ast - is
I speak a little Farsi now, it’s fun!
I think it’s not too difficult to learn.
الان کمی فارسی صحبت میکنم، جالب است! فکر میکنم یادگیریاش خیلی سخت نیست.
- Alan kami Farsi sohbat mikonam, jaleb ast! Fekr mikonam yadgiri-ash kheili sakht nist.
- Alan - Now
- kami - a little
- Farsi - Farsi
- sohbat mikonam - I speak
- jaleb - fun/interesting
- ast - is
- Fekr mikonam - I think
- yadgiri-ash - its learning
- kheili - very, too
- sakht - difficult
- nist - is not
Iranian food is really delicious
do you know bogali polau or Ghormeh sabzi? So delicious!
thanks, but you’re much better than me. Hopefully I can learn from you!
غذای ایرانی خیلی خوشمزه است.
- Ghaza-ye Irani kheili khoshmaze ast.
بقالی پلو یا قورمه سبزی بلدی؟ خیلی خوشمزهان!
- Baghali polo ya ghormeh sabzi baladi? Kheili khoshmaze-an!
ممنون، ولی تو خیلی بهتر از منی. امیدوارم بتونم ازت یاد بگیرم!
- Mamnoon, vali to kheili behtar az mani. Omidvāram betoonam azat yād begiram!
- Ghaza-ye - Food of (Iranian food)
- khoshmaze - delicious
- Baghali polo - Baghali polo (rice dish w beans)
- ya - or
- ghormeh sabzi - Ghormeh sabzi herb stew)
- baladi - do you know
- Kheili - very
- khoshmaze-an - delicious (informal plural form)
- azat - from you, of you (-at suffix you)
I’m well, thank you (Farsi)
it’s a pleasure to meet you my friend!
من خوبم، متشکرم.
-Man khubam, motshakeram.
خوشحالم از دیدنت دوست من!
- Khoshhalam az didanet doost-e man!
- Khoshhalam - I’m happy/glad
- az - from
- didanet - seeing you/meeting you (informal)
- doost - friend
- man - my
my Persian friends are sometimes teaching me silly things, for example:
Cheers to us, fuck sadness!
دوستان ایرانیام گاهی به من چیزهای مسخره یاد میدهند، برای مثال:
- Doustan-e Irani-am gahi be man chizhay-e maskhare yad midahand, baraye misal:
سلامتی جمع، کوسته خواهر غم
- Salāmati-ye jam, kooste khāhar-e gham.
- Doustan - Friends
- Irani-am - My Iranian
- gahi - sometimes
- be man - to me
- chizhay-e - things (of)
- maskhare - silly
- yad midahand - teach/give (me) knowledge
- baraye misal - for example
I would love to practice more, unfortunately I’m very busy
I’m sorry
my day is going great, thanks!
دوست دارم بیشتر تمرین کنم، متاسفانه خیلی سرم شلوغه.
- Doost daram bishtar tamrin konam, motaasefane kheili saram sholooghe.
motasefam - I’m sorry
rooz-e man aali pish miravad, mamnoon!
- Doost - Love
- daram - I have
- bishtar - more
- tamrin - practice
- konam - do
- motasefane - unfortunately
- kheili - very
- saram - my head (implying “I am”)
- sholooghe - busy