Random 35 Indonesian 6 Flashcards


Monica really didn’t want to believe me that I couldn’t speak a word in Indonesian when I went there last time in two thousand and nineteen. Am I not a trustworthy guy? Did I give her a reason to doubt? In fact, I learned everything I know in the last 12 months.

what does this word mean in english?

My older sister’s toenail


Monica bener-bener nggak mau percaya sama gue kalau gue nggak bisa ngomong sepatah kata pun dalam bahasa Indonesia pas gue ke sana terakhir kali tahun dua ribu sembilan belas. Emangnya gue bukan cowok yang bisa dipercaya? Emang gue kasih alasan buat dia ragu? Padahal gue belajar semuanya yang gue tahu dalam dua belas bulan terakhir.

apa arti kata ini dalam bahasa inggris?

Kuku kaki kakakku

  • kalau - if/that > bahwa
  • sepatah kata - a single word
  • pun - even
  • terakhir kali - last time
  • emangnya - is it true that (informal “am I”)
  • bukan - not
  • dipercaya - be trusted
  • emang - is it true (informal “did I”)
  • kasih - give
  • alasan - reason
  • ragu - doubt
  • padahal - actually
  • semuanya - everything
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you know, I just realized, has anyone ever told you that you resemble a rare beautiful moon orchid growing in a hidden place on mount bromo? When you smile it’s like the orchid opens its petals for the first time!

What are you hiding from me, my little rainbow?

Apparently I can’t control my mouth, sometimes I say silly things

This basically means


Eh, tau nggak, gue baru nyadar, ada yang pernah bilang ke lo kalau lo mirip anggrek bulan langka yang tumbuh di tempat tersembunyi di Gunung Bromo? Pas lo senyum, kayak anggrek itu lagi buka kelopak buat pertama kalinya!

Apa yang lo sembunyin dari gue pelangi kecilku?

Rupanya gue nggak bisa ngendaliin mulut gue, kadang gue ngomong hal-hal konyol

Ini pada dasarnya berarti

  • baru - just, recently
  • nyadar - realize (informal; from “sadar”)
  • mirip - resemble, look like
  • anggrek - orchid
  • bulan - moon, month
  • langka - rare
  • tumbuh - grow
  • tersembunyi - hidden
  • lagi - currently, in the process of
  • kelopak - petal
  • buat - for
  • pelangi - rainbow
    ** Peter’s language is like a rainbow 🌈
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Why don’t you believe me? I’m not lying, why would I lie to you, for what? Am I not a trustworthy person, have I ever given you any reason to doubt me?
Oh well that was a genuine mistake, I mixed up the facts!
Could it be that I’ve got that famous brain disease, the one called Oppenheimer?

Does it make sense? Do you understand what I mean, my fried banana?
It makes sense, my snack! It makes perfect sense!


Kenapa lo nggak percaya sama gue? Gue nggak bohong, emang gue bohong ke lo buat apa? Emangnya gue bukan cowok yang bisa dipercaya? Emang gue pernah kasih alasan buat lo ragu?
Yaudah, itu beneran salah gue sih, gue kepleset fakta aja!
Jangan-jangan gue kena penyakit otak terkenal itu, yang disebut Oppenheimer?

Masuk akal nggak? Ngerti nggak maksudnya, pisang gorengku?
Masuk akal cemilanku! Masuk banget!

  • emang - indeed, actually; often used informally to emphasize or question
  • bohong - lie
  • emangnya - indeed; “emang” + “-nya” for added emphasis or rhetorical questioning
  • dipercaya - trusted
  • kasih - give
  • alasan - reason
  • ragu - doubt
  • yaudah - okay then, well
  • kepleset - slip (used figuratively here for “mess up”)
    ** Kevin pledges his set, then slips
  • fakta - fact
  • jangan-jangan - what if; used to suggest a possibility
  • kena - to have, got
  • penyakit - disease, illness
    ** Peña’s kitten has a disease
  • otak - brain
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Come on, admit it, you probably scroll through TikTok for at least a few hours every day. Can you spare half of that time to learn a language? Don’t be lazy, work hard! (Break bone)

Honestly, if you have a strong mind, you can achieve your goals, don’t you agree?

I only study on the side


Ayolah, ngaku deh, lo pasti scrolling TikTok minimal beberapa jam tiap hari, kan? Bisa nggak lo sisihin setengah waktunya buat belajar bahasa? Jangan malas dong, banting tulang!

Jujur aja, kalau kamu punya pikiran yang kuat, kamu bisa capai tujuanmu, setuju nggak?

Gue sih belajarnya cuma sampingan aja

  • ayolah - come on
    ** Aioili (sauce)
  • ngaku - confess, admit (informal; from “mengaku”)
  • deh - particle for emphasis or urging
  • sisihin - set aside (informal; from “menyisihkan”)
  • setengah - half
  • waktunya - the time (possessive; “waktu” + “-nya”)
  • malas - lazy
  • banting - slum
  • tulang - bone
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Hey, tell me, do you like animals? Do you have any pets? I have a small Pekinese and Japanese Chin mix named Olive. She is so cute, her fur is soft like silk!

I really want to show you my dog, but she’s not here right now, she’s in the bedroom. She’s so lazy, it’s like her job is to sleep all day!

Why are you so excited my little rainbow?


Eh, kasih tahu gue, lo suka binatang nggak? Lo punya peliharaan? Gue punya anjing hitam kecil campuran Pekinese sama Japanese Chin, namanya Olive. Dia lucu banget, bulunya halus kayak sutra!

Gue pengen banget nunjukin anjing gue ke lo, tapi dia lagi nggak di sini sekarang, dia lagi di kamar tidur. Dia malas banget, kerjanya tidur mulu seharian!

Kenapa kamu begitu bersemangat pelangi kecilku?

  • binatang / hewan - animal
  • peliharaan - pet
  • campuran - mix
  • lucu - cute
  • bulunya - her fur
  • halus - smooth
  • kayak - like (informal for “seperti”)
  • sutra - silk
  • nunjukin - show (informal for “menunjukkan”)
  • lagi - currently, in the process of (informal)
  • kerjanya - her job, her thing (informal, used to describe habitual actions)
  • tidur - sleep
  • mulu - always, all the time (informal for “melulu”)
  • seharian - all day
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I’m sure, my head is going to explode soon, maybe I should take some medicine, what do you think?

Why do you look after them?

Do you know what I mean?

Am I not a trustworthy guy? Did I give you a reason to doubt me?

Please watch over my pets while I leave on vacation.


Gue yakin kepalaku akan segera meledak, mungkin gue harus minum obat, bagaimana menurutlo?

Mengapa lu merawat mereka?

Lo tahu maksudku?

Emangnya gue bukan cowok yang bisa dipercaya? Emang gue kasih alasan buat lu ragu gue?

Tolong jagain binatang peliharaanku selama aku pergi liburan.

  • yakin - sure/confident
  • kepalaku - my head (kepala = head, ku = my, informal possessive suffix)
  • akan - will
  • segera - soon
  • meledak - explode
  • mungkin - maybe/perhaps
  • minum - drink
  • obat - medicine
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show me your tongue, is it true that Indonesians sometimes have green tongues because they eat too much stinky bean?

I’m proud of you, your pronunciation is amazing, you seem talented.

you are like sugar, so sweet!

most of the pretty girls on this app are boring


Tunjukin lidahmu dong, bener nggak sih orang Indonesia lidahnya kadang-kadang hijau gara-gara kebanyakan makan petai?

Gue bangga sama lo, pengucapan lo luar biasa, lo tampaknya terbakat.

kamu seperti gula, manis sekali!

kebanyakan gadis cantik di aplikasi ini membosankan

  • tunjukin - show (informal, from “tunjukkan”) > nunjukin (even more informal)
    ** Tuna juice kingdom show
  • tunjukkan - show (non-informal/formal)
  • lidah - tongue
  • mu - your (informal possessive suffix)
  • dong - a casual particle used to make a request softer or more polite
  • lidahnya - their tongue (possessive suffix)
  • hijau - green
  • gara-gara - because of (informal, casual expression) > karena
  • kebanyakan - most, too much/many
  • makan - eat
  • petai - petai (stink beans, a type of food in Indonesia)
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You can add me on Instagram and send me a message anytime if you have any questions or want to talk about girl problems or stuff like that!

For me, the shape of the buttocks and face are the most important and of course personality.

What about you? How can you be so clever, my little sesame ball? I’m proud of you!

Please send me your address!


Lu bisa tambah gue di Instagram dan kirim pesan kapan aja kalau ada pertanyaan atau mau ngobrol soal masalah cewek atau yang kayak gitu!

Buat gue, bentuk bokong dan wajah yang paling penting dan tentu saja kepribadian.

Lo gimana? Lo bisa pintar banget begitu onde-onde kecilku? Gue bangga sama lo!

kamu kirimkan alamat kamuh deh!

  • kamu - you
  • bisa - can
  • tambah - add
  • aku - me
  • di - on
  • Instagram - Instagram
  • dan - and
  • kirim / kirimkan / mengirim - to send
  • pesan - message
  • kapan aja - anytime
  • kalau - if
  • ada - there is / have
  • pertanyaan - question(s)
  • atau - or
  • mau - want
  • ngobrol - chat / talk
  • soal - about
  • masalah cewek - girl problems
  • atau yang kayak gitu - or stuff like that
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Earlier on my way home from the office I got caught in the rain! I was all wet!

Hmm, I’m trying to guess what you were thinking about to the point that you could get wet like that.

Her shirt is wet, hey!

Don’t worry, be happy!

the fur is as soft as silk


Tadi pulang kantor aku kehujanan! Basah semua!

Hmm, gue kira-kira apa yang lu mikirin apa, sampai bisa basah gitu?

Bajunya yang basah woi!

Jangan khawatir, bahagia saja!

bulunya halus kayak sutra

  • tadi - earlier
  • pulang - go home
  • kantor - office
  • aku - I/me
  • kehujanan - caught in the rain
  • basah - wet
  • semua - all (everything)
  • baju - clothes/shirt
  • nya - his/her/its (possessive suffix)
  • yang - that/which (used for emphasis)
  • basah - wet
  • woi - hey (informal exclamation, often used to get attention)
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It seems like everywhere is experiencing extreme weather, in Vietnam there are floods and storms.

I’m studying law, I want to be a judge or a lawyer!

Let me think. It seems Indonesian pronunciation is really easy, and there are no conjugations, which makes learning verbs more direct and easy.
But what makese Indonesian a bit more difficult …


Kayaknya dimana-mana sedang mengalami cuaca ekstrem, di Vietnam banjir dan badai.

Gue belajar hukum, gue mau jadi hakim atau pengacara!

Biarkan aku berpikir. Kayaknya pengucapan bahasa Indonesia itu gampang banget, dan nggak ada konjugasi, yang membuat belajar kata kerja jadi lebih langsung dan mudah.
Tapi yang membuat bahasa Indonesia sedikit lebih rumit …

  • kayaknya - it seems / looks like
  • dimana-mana - everywhere
  • sedang - currently
  • mengalami - experiencing
    ** men gather salami experience
  • cuaca - weather
  • extreme - extreme (borrowed from English)
  • di - in
  • Vietnam - Vietnam
  • banjir - flood
  • dan - and
  • badai - storm
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My grandfather is an orange farmer

I study computer science, I want to be a programmer. I’m also interested in biology, I’d like to be a researcher.

What do you mean? I have a request, a wish. Can you sing me a song? I’m sure your voice is really nice to listen to!

The reality/truth is, I’m currently trying hard to be good at this language.


kakek gue adalah petani jeruk

Aku belajar ilmu komputer, pengen jadi programmer. Aku juga tertarik sama biologi, pengen jadi peneliti.

Apa maksud lo? Gue punya permintaan, sebuah harapan. Bisa nyanyiin / menyanyikan gue sebuah lagu? Gue yakin suara lo enak banget didengerin!

Kenyataannya adalah, gue lagi berusaha keras biar jago bahasa ini.

  • petani - farmer
  • ilmu komputer - computer science
  • pengen - want (informal)
  • tertarik - interested
  • sama - with/about (informal for “dengan” or “tentang”)
  • biologi - biology
  • peneliti - researcher
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The housekeeper is late, but the waiter is on time!

In what field do you work my little fried banana?

Is it true that Indonesians have a special technique when making love called the horny monkey and the naughty goat? My friend said so, do you think he was joking?

I only study it on the side


Pelayan rumah terlambat, tapi pelayan tepat waktu!

Lo kerja di bidang apa pisang goreng kecilku?

Benarkah kalau orang Indonesia punya teknik khusus saat bercinta yang disebut monyet bernafsu dan kambing nakal? Teman gue bilang begitu, menurut lu dia bercanda ngak?

Gue sih belajarnya cuma sampingan aja

  • bidang - field
    ** bitte danke
  • pelayan - servant, attendant, waiter
  • terlambat - late
  • pelayan - servant, attendant, waiter
  • tepat - on time, accurate
    ** tetris patterns on time
  • waktu - time
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I’m the boss of a small video game company, our video game is similar to Duolingo, but 100 times cooler. You will travel around the world to meet new acquaintances, have to solve puzzles, and fight evil monsters. The name of the video game is Speechbound. You should check it out, I can send you a link!

I want to improve this month and increase my vocabulary.

Now I have to deal with the annoying rain here, in Canada, for the next eight months.

For example (2)


Gue bos di perusahaan video game kecil, video game kami mirip-mirip sama Duolingo, tapi seratus kali lebih keren. Lo bakal jalan-jalan di dunia buat ketemu kenalan baru, harus nyelesain teka-teki, dan lawan monster jahat. Nama video gamenya adalah Speechbound. Lo harus cek deh, gue bisa kirim lo link-nya!

Aku ingin meningkatkan bulan ini dan menambah kosa kata aku.

Sekarang gue harus ngadepin hujan ngeselin di sini, di Kanada, selama delapan bulan ke depan.

misalnya, contohnya

  • mirip-mirip - similar (repetitive form for emphasis)
  • jalan-jalan - stroll/travel (repetitive form for casual activity)
  • kenalan - acquaintance(s)
  • nyelesain - finish/solve (informal contraction of “menyelesaikan”)
  • teka-teki - puzzle(s)
  • lawan - fight
  • jahat - evil
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Do you understand? Do you get it? Is it clear?

he hesitated because he was anxious and embarrassed

Wow! Damn! I was just kidding, you don’t have to answer that.

So you can ask me anything you want to know about German!

Because your voice and accent are very distinctive like Indonesian people.

I have a request, a wish.


Nangerti nggak? Paham nggak? Apakah sudah jelas?

Dia ragu-ragu karena dia cemas dan malu

Astaga! Anjirr! Gue cuma bercanda, lu nggak perlu jawab itu.

Jadi lo bisa menanyakan apapun yang ingin lo tahu tentang bahasa Jerman kepada gue!

Karena suara dan logatmu itu khas banget kayak orang Indonesia.

Gue punya permintaan, sebuah harapan.

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It’s still a bit early here, it’s now nine in the morning, I’m still a bit tired, last night I went to bed too late! But actually my work is starting a bit late today, so let’s just relax, we have plenty of time to chat!

Glad to hear! Sorry for the very late reply, my little rainbow!

I’m not sure what this means!

I already have a girlfriend, you’re a bit late. We have been dating for more than 10 years!


Masih agak awal di sini, sekarang jam sembilan pagi, aku masih agak capek, tadi malam tidurnya kemaleman! Tapi sebenarnya kerjaanku mulai agak telat hari ini, jadi santai aja, kita punya banyak waktu buat ngobrol!

Senang mendengarnya! Maaf balasannya terlambat banget, pelangi kecilku!

Aku nggak yakin apa artinya ini!

Udah punya pacar sih, kamu agak telat nih. Kami udah pacaran lebih dari 10 tahun!

  • tadi malam - last night
  • tidur - sleep
  • nya - (possessive particle; here used informally to refer to “my” sleep)
  • kemaleman - too late, late at night (in the context of going to bed)
    ** Keven made lethal maneuvers too late at night
  • telat - late (informal for “terlambat”)
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Hey, cute snack, don’t just assume that foreigners can’t speak your language. Never underestimate your opponent, okay?

Damn! Wow! My job involves handling a lot of money, take a guess!

What makes Indonesian a little more complicated is the extensive use of informal words, which are often different from formal Indonesian. This essentially means you have to learn twice as many words. A bit annoying right?

You will travel around the world to meet new acquaintances, have to solve puzzles, and fight evil monsters.


Hei, cemilan imut, jangan asal berasumsi kalau orang asing nggak bisa ngomong bahasa lo. Jangan pernah remehkan lawan, ya kan?

Astaga! Anjirr! Pekerjaanku berkaitan memegang uang yang banyak, tebak ayo!

Yang membuat bahasa Indonesia sedikit lebih rumit adalah penggunaan kata-kata informal yang luas, yang sering berbeda dari bahasa Indonesia formal. Ini pada dasarnya berarti kamu harus belajar dua kali lebih banyak kata. Agak nyebelin, ya kan?

Lo bakal jalan-jalan di dunia buat ketemu kenalan baru, harus nyelesain teka-teki, dan lawan monster jahat.

  • cemilan - snack (can be used playfully to refer to someone cute)
    ** Check Milan for snacks!
  • imut - cute
  • asal - randomly/just
  • berasumsi - assume
  • asing - foreign/stranger
  • pernah - ever
  • remehkan - underestimate
    ** remember, can’t underestimate!
  • lawan - opponent
    ** laugh Wanda at your opponent
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I really hate the rainy season I prefer the dry season

Did you sleep well? I slept very well! I had a beautiful dream last night

You’re like sugar, so sweet!

You’re really tempting, huh! I have to be careful!

You will travel around the world to meet new acquaintances, you have to solve puzzles and fight evil monsters


gue benar benci musim hujan gue lebih suka musim kemarau

Apakah kamu tidur dengan nyenyak? Tidurku sangat nyenyak! Aku mimpi indah semalam

kamu seperti gula, manis sekali!

Kamu benar-benar menggoda, ya! Aku harus hati-hati!

lo bakal jalan-jalan di dunia buat ketemu kenalan baru, lo harus nyelesain teka-teki dan lawan monster jahat

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How do you feel?
I hope you feel better! It’s getting better!

Glad to hear! I think that’s a great idea, let’s do it my little rainbow!

Can you sing me an Indonesian song? I bet your voice is beautiful, right (slang)?

My channel isn’t that big, I have about eight thousand followers. But it’s growing, I’m sure the hard work will pay off!


Bagaimana perasaanmu?
Gue harap kamu merasa lebih baik! Udah mendingan kok!

Senang mendengarnya! Menurutku itu ide yang bagus, ayo kita lakukan, pelangi kecilku!

Apakah lo bisa nyanyiin gue sebuah lagu Indonesia? Gue pasti suaramu indah, masa sih?

Channel-ku nggak terlalu besar, aku punya sekitar delapan ribu followers. Tapi terus tumbuh, aku yakin kerja keras ini bakal terbayar!

  • mendingan - better (informal)
    ** Men discussing ants is better
  • kok - particle for emphasis (used to reassure)
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I was sick yesterday! What are you going to do the day after tomorrow?

My head hurts so much because I learn so many languages, I’m afraid my brain will explode any minute!

Do you understand? Do you get it? Is it clear?

Can you help me translate something?

What languages ​​do you know?


Gue sakit kemarin! Apa yang akan lu lakukan lusa?

Kepala gue sakit banget gara-gara belajar banyak bahasa, takut otak gue meledak sebentar lagi!

Ngerti nggak? Paham nggak? Apakah sudah jelas?

Bisa membantuku terjemahin sesuatu?

Kamu tahu bahasa apa saja?

  • sebentar - a moment
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Ears, nose, cheekbones, lips, eyebrows, eyelashes, throat

I was chosen because I am handsome and rich

Wow! Damn! Don’t be sad but I understand if you are disappointed

He said (formal) he would come, but until now he hasn’t shown up

Please take care of my pets while I leave for vacation.


Telinga, hidung, tulang pipi, bibir, alis, bulu mata, tenggorokan

Gue dipilih karena gue tampan / ganteng dan kaya

Astaga! Anjirr! Jangan sedih tapi aku paham kalau kamu kecewa

Dia bilang / mengatakan kalau bakal datang, tapi sampai sekarang nggak muncul

Tolong jagain binatang peliharaanku selama aku pergi liburan.

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Ma’am, you are too kind, I don’t deserve so many compliments. Can I give you a compliment back?
Your smile is like a gentle breeze on the beach, it makes me forget all the problems in life.

The orange fruit is called orange by us.

Okay, so you must be very busy, huh?

You’re already good at using everyday English.

Don’t worry, be happy!

I’m already back!


Mbak, lu terlalu ramah, gue nggak pantas mendapat begitu banyak pujian. Boleh nggak gue kasih pujian balik ke lu?
Senyum lu kayak angin sepoi-sepoi di pantai, bikin gue lupa semua masalah hidup.

Buah oranye itu disebut jeruk oleh kami.

baik, jadi kamu pasti sangat sibuk, sih?

Kamu sudah jago menggunakan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari.

Jangan khawatir, bahagia saja!

Gue udah balik nih!

  • boleh - may/can
  • kasih - give
  • pujian - compliment
  • balik - back/return
  • senyum - smile
  • angin - wind
  • sepoi-sepoi - gentle breeze
  • pantai - beach
  • bikin - make (informal for “membuat”)
  • semua - all
  • masalah - problems
  • hidup - life
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Yesterday, I was given a gift by a friend, he said (informal) he wanted to give me something special.

Wow! Damn! Tell me the truth, I’m sure
(I bet) there are lots of guys who want to flirt with you here, right?

Let me speak from the heart, I want to be completely honest. What would I lie to you for? I promise, I wouldn’t say the same thing to another girl.


Kemarin aku diberi hadiah sama teman, katanya dia mau memberi sesuatu yang spesial buat aku.

Astaga! Anjirr! Katakan padaku kebeneran, gue pasti banyak cowok yang pengen mengodamu di sini masah sih?

Biarkan gue bicara dari hati, gue mau jujur sepenuhnya. Emang gue bohong ke lo buat apa? Gue janji, gue nggak bakal ngomong hal yang sama ke cewek lain.

  • diberi - was given
  • hadiah - gift/present
  • sama - by (informal)
  • teman - friend
  • katanya -he said (informal contraction of “dia mengatakan”)
  • dia - they/he/she (informal)
  • memberi - to give
  • sesuatu - something
  • hal yang sama
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You must have lots of secrets, don’t be shy, just tell me everything, I’m a good listener! I promise, my little candy.

What about you? How can you be so smart? What’s your secret? What are you hiding from me my little rainbow?

I’m proud of you, happy birthday!

Don’t worry, be happy


Pastilah lo punya banyak rahasia, jangan malu, cerita aja semuanya ke gue, gue pendengar yang baik! Gue janji, gula-gula kecilku.

Kamu gimana? Kamu bisa pintar banget begitu? Apa rahasia lo? Apa yang lo sembunyin dari gue pelangi kecilku?

Gue bangga sama lo, selamat ulang tahun!

Jangan khawatir, bahagia saja!


Your eyelashes are so long and pretty, you look very funny when you raise your eyebrows like that!

Very funny, lately I’ve met a lot of Indonesian people here, I don’t know why! Why is this application so popular in your country?

don’t be sad but i understand if you are disappointed my darling

By the way, I have a request, a wish. Hope you don’t mind!


Bulu matamu panjang banget dan cantik, lu kelihatan lucu banget pas ngangkat alis kayak gitu!

lucu sekali, akhir-akhir ini gue bertemu banyak orang Indonesia di sini, gue nggak tahu kenapa! Kenapa aplikasi ini populer banget di negara lo?

jangan sedih tapi aku paham kalau kamu kecewa sayangku

Omong-omong, gue punya permintaan, sebuah harapan. Semoga lo nggak keberatan!

  • bulu mata - eyelashes
  • ngangkat - lift/raise (informal for “mengangkat”)
    ** Nancy and Kat lift the box 📦
  • alis - eyebrows

You can teach me your language, maybe some slang, okay? For example, what expressions do you usually use with your friends?

that’s a weird story, I don’t really understand it, I’m still quite confused, maybe you can explain it to me my little sesame ball?

after that (2)

experience, lesson, to share, to introduce


Bisa nggak lo ajarin gue bahasa lo, mungkin beberapa bahasa gaul, ya? Contohnya / misalnya, espresi apa aja yang biasanya lo pakai sama teman-teman lo?

Itu cerita aneh, gue nggak terlalu ngerti, masih agak bingung, mungkin lu bisa jelasin ke gue onde-onde kecilku

Setelah itu, abis itu

pengalaman, pelajaran, membagikan, memperkenalkan


Eh, can I give you a compliment back? I want to be completely honest, let me speak from the heart!
I think your smile is like a gentle breeze on the beach, making me forget all life’s problems!

Gosh, how is that possible! I’m definitely not flirting, I’m really shy! I’m just giving you praise, because it’s true!

That’s impossible! I swear, I won’t say the same thing to another girl, you have to believe me!


Eh, boleh nggak gue kasih pujian balik ke lo? Gue mau jujur sepenuhnya, biarkan gue bicara dari hati! Menurut gue senyummu kayak angin sepoi-sepoi di pantai, bikin gue lupa semua masalah hidup!

Astaga, kok bisa! Pastilah gue nggak merayu, gue pemalu banget! Gue hanya kasih lo pujian, karena itu kenyataan!

Nggak mungkin lah! Gue sumpah, gue nggak bakal ngomong hal yang sama ke cewek lain, lo harus percaya sama gue!


Why are you raising your eyebrows like that, are you worried? Maybe you are anxious?

Hey, cute snack, don’t just assume that foreigners can’t speak your language. Never underestimate your opponent, okay?

This language you’re using sounds so funny. What is it called, my little fried banana?

I don’t agree with war, I prefer peace


Kenapa lu ngangkat alis kayak gitu, lo khawatir? Mungkin lo cemas ya?

Hei, cemilan imut, jangan asal berasumsi kalau orang asing nggak bisa ngomong bahasa lo. Jangan pernah remehkan lawan, ya kan?

Bahasa yang kamu pakai ini kedengarannya lucu sekali. Namanya apa, pisang goreng kecilku?

Gue nggak setuju sama perang, gue lebih suka perdamaian

  • ngangkat - raise/lift (informal for “mengangkat”)
  • alis - eyebrows
  • khawatir - concerned/worried
  • cemas - anxious/concerned

Your newspaper was released today by him. Then I was considered old by him.

Honestly, It took a lot of effort to get here, but finally I am able to talk to native speakers without being nervous. That makes me really happy, like a cat finding fish in the kitchen!

what will you do later / next?

Hope to see you again!


Koranmu dirilis hari ini olehnya. Terus aku dianggap tua olehnya.

Jujur aja, ke sini susah payah, tapi akhirnya gue bisa ngobrol sama penutur asli tanpa gugup. Itu bikin gue senang banget, kayak kucing nemu ikan di dapur!

apa yang akan kamu lakukan nanti?

semoga ketemu lagi ya!

  • dirilis - released
  • olehnya - by him/her
  • dianggap - considered
  • susah - difficult
  • payah - tiring, difficult
  • penutur - speaker
  • asli - native
  • tanpa - without
  • gugup - nervous

Do Indonesians celebrate Christmas? Is there a Christmas holiday?

We celebrated our friend’s birthday at a restaurant last night.

what are you doing here? Are you bored?


Apakah orang Indonesia ngerayain Natal? Apakah ada libur Natal?

Kami merayakan ulang tahun teman kami di restoran tadi malam.

apa yang kamu lakukan di sini? Apakah kamu bosan?

** Megan raced yawning calmly, to celebrate.


Earlier this morning, I had the chance to have breakfast at a café before leaving for work.

Tonight I want to go out with my friends, we’re going to a bar and after that clubbing, I might get drunk!

The king and queen are considered evil

I promise, I won’t say the same thing to another girl.

I only learn it on the side


Tadi pagi, aku sempat sarapan di kafe sebelum berangkat kerja.

Malam ini aku mau keluar sama teman-teman, kita bakal ke bar dan abis itu clubbing, mungkin aku bakal mabuk!

Raja dan ratu dianggap jahat

Gue janji, gue nggak bakal ngomong hal yang sama ke cewek lain.

Gue sih belajarnya cuma sampingan aja

  • abis - finished
  • abis / setelah itu - after that

Why do you doubt me? What if I said I was born in Jakarta, very close to Monas? When I was a baby, everyone called me stinky bean because that’s all I wanted to eat!

The child is tall like their mother; on the contrary, the other one is short like their father.

Of course I speak your language, my little candy! I look like an Indonesian, what do you think? Isn’t it obvious ?


Kenapa sih lo ragu sama gue? Gimana kalau gue bilang gue lahir di Jakarta, pas banget dekat Monas? Waktu bayi, semua orang manggil gue petai karena itu doang yang gue mau makan!

Anaknya tinggi seperti ibunya, sebaliknya yang satu lagi pendek seperti ayahnya.

Pastilah gue ngomong bahasa lo, gula-gula kecilku! kelihatan kan gue kayak orang Indonesia, bagaimana menurutlu?
Emangnya nggak jelas?

  • pas banget - just right
  • pas - just right, during
  • Monas - Refers to Monumen Nasional di Jakarta
  • bayi - baby
  • doang - just, only
  • sebaliknya - on the contrary, instead of
  • satu - one
  • lagi - another/other

Apparently I can’t control my mouth, sometimes I say silly things. I’m sorry, little candy, don’t be angry okay?
I promise I will be a good boy.

You will travel around the world to meet new acquaintances, you have to solve puzzles and fight evil monsters

Could you please speak a little slower, it would be very helpful


Rupanya gue nggak bisa ngendaliin mulut gue, kadang gue ngomong hal-hal konyol. Maafin gue ya, gula-gula kecil, jangan marah dong. Gue janji bakal jadi anak baik.

lo bakal jalan-jalan di dunia buat ketemu kenalan baru, lo harus nyelesain teka-teki dan lawan monster jahat

Bisa tolong bicara sedikit lebih lambat, itu akan sangat membantu.

  • rupanya - it seems/apparently
  • ngendaliin - control (mengendalikan, informal form)
    ** Nena dances, Lyn controls.
  • mulut - mouth
  • kadang - sometimes
  • konyol - silly/ridiculous
  • maafin - forgive (memaafkan, informal form)
  • gula-gula - candy/sweets
  • marah - angry
  • janji - promise

My voice is so ugly and noisy, however look what happened instead, everyone rather enjoyed it.

You can add me on Instagram and send me a message anytime if you have any questions or want to talk about girl problems or stuff like that!

You’re like sugar, so sweet! You’re really tempting, huh! I have to be careful!

I promise, I won’t say the same thing to another girl.


Suaraku jelek sekali berisik, namun lihat apa yang terjadi sebaliknya, semua orang malah menikmatinya.

Lu bisa tambah gue di Instagram dan kirim pesan kapan aja kalau ada pertanyaan atau mau ngobrol soal masalah cewek atau yang kayak gitu!

Lo seperti gula, manis sekali! Lo benar-benar menggoda, ya! Gue harus hati-hati!

Gue janji, gue nggak bakal ngomong hal yang sama ke cewek lain.

  • jelek - bad
  • sekali - very
  • berisik - noisy
    ** Barry is sick and noisy
  • namun - but/however
  • lihat - look
  • terjadi - happened
    ** terminate Jakarta disasters before they happen
  • sebaliknya - instead, on the contrary
  • semua - all
  • orang - people
  • malah - rather, instead
  • menikmatinya - enjoyed it

Even though yesterday’s material should have already been studied, I was rather lazy and went shopping. We will graduate this year and there will be another exam tomorrow, I don’t want to fall behind during the exam.

I haven’t warmed up yet, you’re already hot
You try to fly but have no runway
Your foundation is bad so don’t try to race
Talking about flying hours, you’re clearly way behind
Move, I’m a Sumatran tiger, if I come you turn on the danger signal


Padahal materi yang kemarin harusnya udah dipelajari, tapi gue malah malas dan pergi belanja. Kita bakal lulus tahun ini dan besok ada ujian lagi, gue nggak mau ketinggalan pas ujian.

Ku belum pemanasan engkau sudah kepanasan
Kau coba tuk terbang tapi tidak punya landasan
Pondasi mu buruk jadi jangan coba balapan
Bicara jam terbang jelas kau jauh ketinggalan
Move, kku harimau Sumatera, jika ku datang kau nyalakan tanda bahaya

  • padahal - even though/although
  • materi - material
  • malah - instead/on the contrary
  • malas - lazy
  • belanja - shopping
    ** Benni landed in Jakarta to go shopping
  • lulus - graduate
  • ujian - exam
  • lagi - again
  • ketinggalan - fall behind (verb, passive)
    ** Kevin tinkles gallantly but falls behind
  • pas - during (informal for ‘ketika’)
  • ujian - exam

The first time I went Indonesia during rain season on my way to Thailand in 2016, honestly I didn’t enjoy it too much because it often rained. In fact, I just stayed there only one week. Then in 2019, I went back there again for 6 weeks to explore Flores, Nusa Lembogan as well as Ubud and Sanur in Bali, I absolutely loved it! Although back then, I didn’t yet know the language, I only communicated using just English.



Waktu pertama kali gue main ke Indonesia selama musim hujan tahun dua ribu enam belas, pas perjalanan ke Thailand, jujur aja, gue nggak terlalu nikmatin karena sering hujan. Padahal gue cuma di sana seminggu doang. Terus di tahun 2019 gue balik lagi ke sana selama enam minggu buat eksplor Flores, Nusa Lembongan, juga Ubud sama Sanur di Bali, gue benar benar suka banget! Walaupun waktu itu gue belum bisa bahasanya, gue cuma komunikasi pake bahasa Inggris aja.


  • padahal - in fact, even though
  • doang - just

Hi everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself and share some photos I took.

Why do you doubt me? What if I said I was born in Jakarta, very close to Monas? When I was a baby, everyone called me petai because that’s all I wanted to eat! I swear this is the truth my little fried banana!

No problem! Good night, sleep tight! I just woke up


Hai semua! Saya hanya ingin memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan foto yang saya ambil.

Kenapa sih lo ragu sama gue? Gimana kalau gue bilang gue lahir di Jakarta, pas banget deket Monas? Waktu bayi, semua orang manggil gue petai karena itu doang yang gue mau makan!
Gue sumpah ini kebeneran, pisang goreng kecilku

Tidak masalah! Selamat malam, tidur yang nyenyak! Aku baru saja bangun tidur

  • memperkenalkan - introduce (verb, active)
  • diri - self
  • membagikan - share/distribute (verb, active)
  • ambil - take (verb, root)

Your younger sibling is known to many people.

This hat was made by my mother.

Your (pl) children are considered smart by the teachers at school.

These books were released yesterday by your father.

Apparently I can’t control my mouth, sometimes I say silly things. I swear this is the truth my little fried banana


Adikmu dikenal banyak orang.

Topi ini dibuat oleh ibuku

Anak-anak kalian dianggap pintar oleh guru-guru di sekolah

Buku-buku ini dirilis kemarin oleh ayahmu

Rupanya gue nggak bisa ngendaliin mulut gue, kadang gue ngomong hal-hal konyol. Gue sumpah ini kebeneran pisang goreng kecilku


Your wallet was taken by whom?

I don’t know, it suddenly just wasn’t there anymore!

How come? When did you realize it?

Just when you were about to pay at the shop, you don’t know if it fell or someone took it.

Oh, be very careful. Have you tried looking around?

Already, I can’t find it. It seems like it was really taken.


Dompetmu diambil siapa?

Aku nggak tahu, tiba-tiba udah nggak ada aja!

Kok bisa? Kamu nyadar pas kapan?

Baru aja pas mau bayar di warung, nggak tahu jatuh atau diambil orang.

Aduh, hati-hati banget deh. Udah coba cari di sekitar?

Udah, nggak ketemu. Kayaknya beneran diambil deh.

  • sekitar - around, approximately

I am suspected of helping the police, I should call my lawyer

This couple is supported by their parents, but their relationship is great

Can you introduce yourself and share the lessons you took away from that experience?


Aku diduga membantu polisi, aku harus manggil pengacaraku.

pasangan ini didukung oleh tua mereka tapi hubungan mereka hebat

Bisakah kamu memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan pelajaran yang kamu ambil dari pengalaman itu?

  • diduga - to be suspected
    ** Dina dug gardens, suspecting treasure.
  • manggil (informal) - to call
    ** memanggil (formal)
  • didukung - to support
    ** Dina dusted kung fu mats, supporting the team
  • hubungan - relationship
    ** Hugo’s bungalow anchors relationships
  • pelajaran - lesson
    ** Peter launches jars randomly, teaching a lesson
  • pengalaman - experience
    ** Penny gallantly manages experiences

Can you introduce yourself and share the lessons you took away from that experience?

Apparently I can’t control my mouth, sometimes I say silly things. I’m sorry, little candy, don’t be angry. I promise I will be a good boy. I swear this is the truth, my little fried banana!


Bisakah kamu memperkenalkan diri dan membagikan pelajaran yang kamu ambil dari pengalaman itu?

Rupanya gue nggak bisa ngendaliin mulut gue, kadang gue ngomong hal-hal konyol. Maafin gue ya, gula-gula kecil, jangan marah dong. Gue janji bakal jadi anak baik. Gue sumpah ini kebeneran pisang goreng kecilku!

  • pelajaran - lesson
    ** Penny launches jars randomly, teaching a lesson
  • pengalaman - experience
    ** Penny gallantly manages experiences

We were given a simple house but the kitchen is so luxurious!

I am suspected of helping the police, I should call my lawyer

So my mother tongue is German. Then my second best language is English, because I have lived in Canada for more than ten years.

Does it make sense? Do you understand what I mean, my fried banana?
It makes sense, my snack! It makes perfect sense!


Kami diberi rumah yang sederhana tapi dapurnya mewah banget!

Aku diduga membantu polisi, aku harus manggil / memanggil pengacaraku.

Jadi bahasa ibu gue adalah Jerman. Kemudian bahasa kedua terbaik gue adalah Inggris, karena gue telah tinggal di Kanada lebih dari sepuluh tahun.

Masuk akal nggak? Ngerti nggak maksudnya, pisang gorengku?
Masuk akal cemilanku! Masuk banget!


Why aren’t they given food? They are poor and can’t afford to buy it.

We are supported by our family, luckily their budget is massive.

I really hate it when my brain forgets things so easily. My memory is so bad.

Their relationship is complicated


Megapa mereka nggak diberi makanan? Mereka miskin dan nggak mampu membelinya.

Kami didukung oleh keluarga kami, untungnya anggaran mereka gede banget!

Aku benar-benar benci kalau otakku melupakan banyak hal dengan begitu mudahnya. Ingatanku sangat buruk.

Hubungan mereka rumit.

  • mampu - to afford
    ** Mum’s purse can afford it
  • untungnya - luckily
    ** unterwegs tunkt niemand glücklicherweise
  • anggaran - budget
    ** Angie gathers random budgets carefully
  • gede - big
  • hubungan - relationship
    ** Hugo’s bungalow anchors relationships

Who was brought by her husband?

Due to my good grades, I was accepted at this university

Vancouver is a cool city, but (often) it’s raining a lot

Miss, please wait a moment! By the way, where is the location of the restroom?

it makes me as happy as a cat finding fish in the kitchen


Siapa yang dibawa oleh suaminya?

Karena nilai-nilaiku yang bagus, aku diterima di universitas ini.

Vancouver itu kota yang asyik, tapi sering hujan banget.

Mbak, mohon tunggu sebentar! Omong-omong, di mana letak kamar kecil?

itu bikin gue seneng banget kayak kucing nemu ikan di dapur

  • nilai - grade
    ** Nina lays out her grades
  • diterima - to be accepted
    ** Dieter imagines being accepted
  • mohon / tolong - please
  • sebentar - a moment
  • letal - location

I was the one who wrote this email earlier, but that letter was not written by me.

We brought your keys, but your shoes were not brought by us. Did you already find your keys?

I want to take this book to school tomorrow, but the book has already been taken by my younger sibling

I’m just studying on the side.


Aku yang tadi nulis email ini, tapi surat itu tadi nggak ditulis olehku.

Kami bawa kuncimu, tapi sepatumu nggak dibawa oleh kami. Udah ketemu kunci lo?

Aku mau bawa buku ini ke sekolah besok, tapi buku itu sudah dibawa oleh adikku.

Gue sih belajarnya sampingan aja.

  • kunci - key
    ** Kunal chills, that’s key!

Can ten be divided by two?

four plus six equals ten, isn’t that obvious?

This school was officially opened.

My tea was refilled by the waiter earlier while I was in the middle of chatting.

Turn down guys who ask you out to dinner


Apakah sepuluh bisa dibagi dua?

Empat tambah enam sama dengan sepuluh, emangnya nggak jelas?

Sekolah ini dibukan dengan resmi.

Tehku tadi ditambahin sama / oleh pelayan pas aku lagi ngobrol.

nolakin cowok-cowok yang ngajak lo makan malam

  • lagi - again, next, currently, in the middle of
  • ditambahin (informal) - added, refilled
  • ditambah (formal)
  • pas - while, when, during > selama
  • ketika - when, at the same time as

Your food is divided into four plates

The prices of things here have gotten really expensive because (3) the tax was increased

Summers are great here, but winters can be tough because of the rain.


Makananmu dibagi menjadi empat piring

Harga barang-barang di sini jadi mahal banget, soalnya pajaknya ditambah.

Musim panas di sini asyik banget, tapi musim dingin bisa berat karena hujannya.

  • piring - plate
  • barang - goods, things
    ** Barry rang to sell goods
  • soalnya - because (gara gara, karena)
  • pajak - tax
    ** Pamela jacks up taxes
  • berat - heavy, tough
    != ringan - light

The fried rice is super delicious, especially (2) with added chili sauce

This drink tastes weird because too much sugar was added

How did you learn so many languages? You can do it too. It takes a lot of dedication and motivation, my advice is to study at least two to three hours a day. Consistency is very important! Let’s go!


Nasi gorengnya enak banget, apalagi ditambah sambal.

Minuman ini rasanya aneh karena ditambah terlalu banyak gula.

Lo gimana bisa belajar begitu banyak bahasa? Lo juga bisa kok. Butuh banyak dedikasi dan motivasi, saran gue sih belajar setidaknya dua sampai tiga jam per hari. Konsistensi itu penting banget! Yuk, ayo pergi!

  • apalagi, terutama - especially

You must have a lot of secrets, don’t be shy my little butterfly, just tell me everything, I’m a good listener!

We are supported by our family, luckily their budget is huge!

Honestly, getting here was a struggle, but in the end I was able to chat with native speakers without being nervous. That makes me really happy, like a cat finding fish in the kitchen!


Pastilah kamu punya banyak rahasia, jangan malu kupu-kupu kecilku, cerita aja semuanya ke aku, aku pendengar yang baik!

Kami didukung oleh keluarga kami, untungnya anggaran mereka gede banget!

Jujur aja, ke sini susah payah, tapi akhirnya gue bisa ngobrol sama penutur asli tanpa gugup. Itu bikin gue senang banget, kayak kucing nemu ikan di dapur!


Does that make sense? Do you get what I mean my fried banana?

Makes sense my little snack! Makes a lot of sense!

Right now I’m more focused on learning Chinese, but I’m also learning Tagalog, Russian, and Farsi, pretty crazy huh?

That makes me really happy, like a cat finding fish in the kitchen!


Masuk akal nggak? Ngerti nggak maksudnya, pisang gorengku?

Masuk akal cemilanku! Masuk banget!

Sekarang aku lebih fokus belajar bahasa Cina, tapi aku juga lagi belajar Tagalog, Rusia, dan Farsi, lumayan gila ya?

Itu bikin gue senang banget, kayak kucing nemu ikan di dapur!

  • akal - reason
  • masuk akal - sense
  • masuk - to enter
  • maksud - meaning

So you want to know when I started to learn this language? I’ll try to think about it first. To be precise, I started learning from September 2023. I’m just studying on the side, because (3) I’m always busy, but my progress is quite good. What do you think, do I sound like a native speaker yet?


Jadi lo mau tau kapan aku mulai belajar bahasa ini? Coba gue pikir-pikir dulu. Tepatnya, gue mulai belajar dari September tahun dua ribu dua puluh tiga. Gue sih belajarnya cuma sampingan aja, soalnya gue selalu sibuk, tapi ya lumayan lah kemajuan gue. Gimana menurut lo, apakah gue udah terdengar seperti penutur asli?

  • dulu - first
  • Tepatnya - specifically, exactly, to be precise
    ** tepat - precise
  • sih - informal particle used to emphasize or soften a statement
  • sampingan aja - just on the side.
    ** Sam pings an on the side
  • soalnya - because (informal)
  • lah - particle for emphasis / casual tone
  • terdengar - to sound

I have to admit, you’re right! I respect your opinion, my gentle little butterfly.

Their support is not official

when I was in Ubud, I discovered jamu juice, it’s a drink with turmeric, do you know it? Really delicious!

Why are you so surprised by my little fried banana?


Gue harus ngaku, lo benar! Gue hormati pendapat lo, kupu-kupu kecilku yang lembut.

Dukungan mereka tidak resmi

Pas aku di Ubud, aku nemuin jus jamu, itu minuman yang ada kunyitnya, tau nggak? Enak banget!

Kenapa lu gitu kaget banget pisang goreng kecilku?


I could talk all day about how much I love Indonesia,
but because I’m attracted to you, I want to know your secret, what are you hiding from me?

You must have lots of secrets, don’t be shy, just tell me everything, I’m a good listener! I promise, my little butterfly!

When I first saw you, I immediately thought this name really suited you. What do you think my little sesame ball?


Gue bisa ngomong seharian tentang betapa aku cinta Indonesia,
tapi karena gue terpikat sama lo, gue lebih pengen tau rahasia lo, apa yang lo sembunyiin dari gue?

Pastilah lo punya banyak rahasia, jangan malu, cerita aja semuanya ke gue, gue pendengar yang baik! Gue janji, kupu-kupu kecilku.

Pas pertama kali gue lihat lo, gue langsung mikir nama ini cocok banget buat lo. Gimana menurut lo onde-onde kecilku?


So, when I first saw you, I immediately thought this name really suited you. What do you think my little sesame ball?

My head hurts so much from learning so many languages, I’m afraid my brain will explode soon!

thousands of soldiers are killed in the Ukrainian war every day

That makes me really happy, like a cat finding fish in the kitchen!


Jadi, pas pertama kali gue lihat lo, gue langsung mikir nama ini cocok banget buat lo. Gimana menurut lo onde-onde kecilku?

Kepala gue sakit banget gara-gara belajar banyak bahasa, takut otak gue meledak sebentar lagi!

ribuan tentara/prajurit tewas dalam perang Ukraina setiap harinya

Itu bikin gue senang banget, kayak kucing nemu ikan di dapur!


Oh my! Indosian food is the best, I would love to go to a Warung to eat some [ … ]! OMG, now I’m really hungry, can you please send me some food? I’m starving!

for example (2)

This basically means

Keep learning and stay motivated, girl!


Astaga! Makanan Indonesia itu yang terbaik! Aku pengen banget ke warung buat makan cimol, cireng, pentol, cilok, onde-onde, nasi campur, nasi kuning atau mungkin oncom! Ya ampun, sekarang aku beneran laper banget, bisa nggak kirim aku makanan dong? Gue kelaparan!

misalnya, contohnya

Ini pada dasarnya berarti

Terus belajar dan tetap semangat, cewek!

  • cimol - Fried tapioca flour balls
  • cireng - Fried tapioca fritters. Sometimes filled with cheese, meat, or other ingredients.
  • pentol - Tapioca meatballs (chicken or beef). Often sambal or peanut sauce.
  • cilok - Boiled tapioca balls. Similar to pentol, but boiled instead of fried.
  • oncom - fermented soybean cake.

Tell me, what do you usually like to do? Wait, let me guess! So I’m sure you like scrolling through TikTok, going out for a walk and turning down men who ask you to dinner, and then say, ‘Oh, I’m too busy, I already have a boyfriend!’ Is that true?

Tell me (2,3)

Your smile is so pretty, do you have permission for that? It seems so tempting, my little gentle butterfly


Eh, kasih tahu gue, biasanya lo suka ngapain aja? Tunggu, coba gue tebak! Jadi gue pasti lo suka scrolling tiktok, pergi belanja dan nolakin cowok-cowok yang ngajak lo makan malam, terus bilang, ‘Aduh, aku terlalu sibuk, aku udah punya pacar!’ Bener nggak?

beritahu ke gue, katakan padaku

Senyummu cantik sekali, punya izin untuk itu? Sepertinya sangat menggoda, kupu-kupu kecilku yang lembut

  • kasih
  • nolakin - refuse
    ** No lady kindly refuses
  • ngajak - to invite
    ** Nate jacks off then invites his friends
  • belanja - shopping

No way! You can even speak Indonesian, what a coincidence! You are truly full of surprises, so nice to know you!

By the way, have you been to Indonesia, my friend? I hope you can go later when you have more money!

You should come visit!

That’s an interesting question, think about it first, I speak about 6 to 10 languages ​​at different levels


Nggak mungkin! Lo bahkan bisa bahasa Indonesia juga, kebetulan banget! Lo benar-benar penuh kejutan, senang banget bisa kenal lo!

Ngomong-ngomong lo udah pernah ke Indonesia, kawan? Gue harap lo bisa pergi nanti kalau lo punya lebih banyak uang!

Kamu harus datang berkunjung!

Itu pertanyaan menarik, coba pikir pikir dulu, aku bicara sekitar 6 hingga 10 bahasa pada tingkat yang berbeda

  • kebetulan - (by) chance, coincidental
    ** Kelly’s Best Turtle Lands coincidentally.
  • nanti - later, in the future