Random 2 Flashcards
in normal rpgs the goal is to level up, strengthen your character and to proceed in the game, in Speechbound the goal is to improve your language skills in order to make progress
En RPGs normales, el objetivo es subir de nivel, fortalecer tu personaje y avanzar en el juego. En Speechbound, la meta es mejorar tus habilidades lingüísticas para progresar.
So the name of the main character is Zero. They’re a young explorer who’s ventured to the farthest reaches of space looking for their missing dad. When Zero arrives on the planet Babyl Moon, he discovers that the usually peaceful Babyl Moon Station is now overrun by these mean aliens who’ve actually taken away the language from the native folks! Apart from finding his father, Zero’s mission will be to recover the stolen language, defeat the evil forces and rebuild the community to restore its original splendor. The whole galaxy’s fate rests on this!
to raise (pt)
Entonces, el nombre del personaje principal es Zero. Es un joven explorador que ha viajado a los rincones más lejanos del espacio buscando a su padre desaparecido. Cuando Zero llega al planeta Babyl Moon, descubre que la usualmente pacífica Estación Babyl Moon ahora está invadida por estos malvados alienígenas que realmente le han quitado el idioma a la gente nativa! Aparte de encontrar a su padre, la misión de Zero será recuperar el idioma robado, derrotar a las fuerzas malévolas y reconstruir la comunidad para restaurar su esplendor original. ¡Todo el destino de la galaxia depende de esto!
So the name of the main playable character is Zero. They’re a young explorer who’s ventured to the farthest reaches of space looking for their missing dad. When Zero arrives on the planet Babyl Moon, he discovers that the usually peaceful Babyl Moon Station is now overrun by these mean aliens who’ve actually taken away the language from the native folks! Apart from finding his father, Zero’s mission will be to recover the stolen language, defeat the evil forces and rebuild the community to restore its original splendor. The whole galaxy’s fate rests on this!
Então, o nome do personagem principal jogável é Zero. Ele é um jovem explorador que viajou para os cantos mais distantes do espaço à procura de seu pai desaparecido. Quando Zero chega ao planeta Babyl Moon, ele descobre que a usualmente pacífica Estação Babyl Moon agora está dominada por esses alienígenas maliciosos que realmente tiraram o idioma das pessoas nativas! Além de encontrar seu pai, a missão do Zero será recuperar a língua roubada, derrotar as forças malignas e reconstruir a comunidade para restaurar seu esplendor original. O destino de toda a galáxia depende disso!
So the name of the main playable character is Zero. They’re a young explorer who’s ventured to the farthest reaches of space looking for their missing dad. When Zero arrives on the planet Babyl Moon, he discovers that the usually peaceful Babyl Moon Station is now overrun by these mean aliens who’ve actually taken away the language from the native folks! Apart from finding his father, Zero’s mission will be to recover the stolen language, defeat the evil forces and rebuild the community to restore its original splendor. The whole galaxy’s fate rests on this!
Alors, le nom du personnage principal jouable est Zero. C’est un jeune explorateur qui s’est aventuré aux confins les plus éloignés de l’espace à la recherche de son père disparu. Lorsque Zero arrive sur la planète Babyl Moon, il découvre que la Station Babyl Moon, habituellement paisible, est désormais envahie par ces méchants extraterrestres qui ont véritablement pris la langue des autochtones! Outre retrouver son père, la mission de Zero sera de récupérer la langue volée, de vaincre les forces maléfiques et de reconstruire la communauté pour restaurer son éclat d’origine. Tout le destin de la galaxie en dépend!
in normal rpgs the goal is to level up and to proceed in the game, in Speechbound the goal is to improve your language skills in order to make progress
Dans les RPG normaux, le but est de monter de niveau et de progresser dans le jeu. Dans Speechbound, le but est d’améliorer tes compétences linguistiques pour avancer.
in normal rpgs the goal is to level up and to proceed in the game, in Speechbound the goal is to improve your language skills in order to make progress
to raise (money)
Em RPGs normais, o objetivo é subir de nível e avançar no jogo. Em Speechbound, o objetivo é melhorar suas habilidades linguísticas para progredir.
language learning is unfortunately not like riding a bicycle. If you stop practicing you will eventually forget certain things, unless you have photographic memory, which is not the case for most people
Aprender un idioma, lamentablemente, no es como montar en bicicleta. Si dejas de practicar, eventualmente olvidarás ciertas cosas, a menos que tengas memoria fotográfica, que no es el caso para la mayoría de personas.
Actually, once you stop learning and become stagnant, the plasticity of your brain can decrease, leading to possible cognitive decline and less adaptability to new situations.
The best plan of action is to continue learning new things.
to raise (money, pt)
De hecho, una vez que dejas de aprender y te estancas, la plasticidad de tu cerebro puede disminuir, lo que lleva a un posible deterioro cognitivo y una menor adaptabilidad a nuevas situaciones.
El mejor plan de acción es continuar aprendiendo cosas nuevas.
I might be paraphrasing here
Knowledge that does not increase every day decreases.
The German poet Goethe said this
to raise, to collect (pt)
Puede que esté parafraseando aquí.
El conocimiento que no se incrementa cada día disminuye.
El poeta alemán Goethe dijo esto.
I might be paraphrasing here
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his native language, that goes to his heart
[ who said it? ]
Puede que esté parafraseando aquí.
Si hablas a una persona en una lengua que entiende, llegarás a su cabeza. Si le hablas en su lengua materna, llegarás a su corazón.
Speechbound’ is a cross-platform RPG in which players will learn a language. They will be immersed in a captivating narrative, interact with various characters, go on quests, battle challenging enemies, and engage in entertaining language exercises.
Our goal is to revolutionize how people learn languages, we want to provide a memorable experience and show that gamification can lead to rapid learning success.
“Speechbound” es un RPG multiplataforma donde los jugadores van a aprender un idioma. Se sumergirán en una historia atrapante, interactuarán con varios personajes, harán misiones, lucharán contra enemigos difíciles y participarán en ejercicios de idioma divertidos.
Nuestro objetivo es cambiar la manera en que la gente aprende idiomas, queremos ofrecer una experiencia inolvidable y demostrar que la gamificación puede llevar a un aprendizaje rápido y exitoso.
Speechbound’ is a cross-platform RPG in which players will learn a language. They will be immersed in a captivating narrative, interact with various characters, go on quests, battle challenging enemies, and engage in entertaining language exercises.
Our goal is to revolutionize how people learn languages, we want to provide a memorable experience and show that gamification can lead to rapid learning success.
“Speechbound” é um RPG multiplataforma onde os jogadores vão aprender um idioma. Eles vão se envolver em uma narrativa cativante, interagir com vários personagens, fazer missões, lutar contra inimigos desafiadores e participar de exercícios de idioma divertidos.
Nosso objetivo é revolucionar a maneira como as pessoas aprendem idiomas, queremos oferecer uma experiência inesquecível e mostrar que a gamificação pode levar a um aprendizado rápido e bem-sucedido.
Speechbound’ is a cross-platform RPG in which players will learn a language. They will be immersed in a captivating narrative, interact with various characters, go on quests, battle challenging enemies, and engage in entertaining language exercises.
Our goal is to revolutionize how people learn languages, we want to provide a memorable experience and show that gamification can lead to rapid learning success.
“Speechbound” est un RPG multiplateforme où les joueurs vont apprendre une langue. Ils vont être plongés dans une histoire captivante, interagir avec différents personnages, faire des quêtes, combattre des ennemis coriaces et faire des exercices de langue amusants.
Notre objectif est de révolutionner la façon dont les gens apprennent les langues, on veut offrir une expérience inoubliable et montrer que la gamification peut mener à un apprentissage rapide et réussi.
all of that visualized in a beautiful art style that yook us more than 2 years to develop
todo eso visualizado en un hermoso estilo de arte que nos llevó más de 2 años desarrollar
In the past, I was the cofounder and visual effects supervisor at Stormborn studios. I helped to turn the startup into a successful, award winning visual affect studio.
En el pasado, fui el cofundador y supervisor de efectos visuales en Stormborn Studios. Ayudé a transformar la startup en un estudio de efectos visuales exitoso y galardonado.
I’ve always been working full-time, so I was only able to study languages in my spare time
Siempre he estado trabajando a tiempo completo, entonces sólo estaba estudiando idiomas en mi tiempo libre.