Arabic, Norwegian 01 Flashcards
صباح الخير
saba(h) el(kh)eir - good morning
Have a nice day, everyone! (>no)
Ha en fin dag, alle sammen!
strait (>fr)
le détroit
yes, thank you too (>no)
jo takk du også
> også = also, too
stable (>fr)
une écurie
traitor, disloyal person, treachery, disloyalty (>fr)
un/une parjure
tough, chewy (meat) (>fr.)
A seasoned fighter (>fr, sp, pt)
> fr. Un combattant aguerri
> sp. Un luchador experimentado
> pt. um lutador experiente
Between a hammer and an anvil. (>fr, sp, pt)
> fr. Entre un marteau et une enclume. (=dt. Amboss)
> sp. Entre un martillo y un yunque.
> pt. Entre um martelo e uma bigorna.
انا اعيش في القاهرة
ana a3eesh fe alqahera - I live in Kairo
I live in Kairo (>ar)
انا اعيش في القاهرة - ana a3eesh fe alqahera
cheekbone (>fr)
une pommette
( = dt. diegetisch )
“diegetic” stems from the Greek word “diegesis,” which means narration. Sound is diegetic when the viewer perceives it as coming from within the world depicted in the video.
A character’s speech, the roar of a speeding car, or the bang of Clint Eastwood’s revolver are all examples of diegetic sound. The source of diegetic sound doesn’t necessarily have to be on screen – the rumbling of thunder or background piano music in a restaurant scene are also diegetic sounds.
Simply, if the source of a sound is in the story world and a character could hear it, it’s diegetic. Conversely, the soundtrack or narrator’s voice-over are non-diegetic sounds.
(sp.) el yunque (>dt, engl, fr, pt)
dt. der Amboss
engl. the anvil
fr. une enclume
pt. a bigorna
Lying is often as involuntary as breathing.
A mentira é muitas vezes tão involuntária como a respiração.
villain, scoundrel, rogue (>fr.3)
> un scélérat, une scélérate [selera, at] (littéraire)
un villain, une villaine
> une canaille (scoundrel)
to cripple, to maim (>fr)
estropier [ɛstrɔpje]
to gag, to muzzle (>fr.)
magnanimous (fr, de)
f. magnanime
de. grossherzig, edelmütig
to slit the throat (>fr.)
How is it going? (>no)
to cut up (2) (Fr)
hvordan går det?
couper, débiter - to cut up