Random 24 Farsi 4 Flashcards
I thought it was hard for you. (Formal)
You have to explore an unknown world and fight monsters.
(from) what time did you start (the) learning (of) Farsi? (Noun)
من فکر کردم سختتونه
- Man fekr kardam sakhtetuneh.
باید یک دنیای ناشناخته رو کاوش کنی و با هیولاها بجنگی.
- Bāyad yek donyā-ye nāshenākhte ro kāvesh koni va bā heyoolāhā bejangi.
از چه زمانی شروع به یادگیری فارسی کردید؟
- az che zamani shoru’ be yadgiri farsi kardid?
- sakhtetuneh - it is hard, it is difficult (polite)
- For him/her: سختشه
- sakhteshe - it’s hard for him/her
- For them: سختشونه
- sakhteshune - it’s hard for them
- For me: سخته
- sakhte - it’s hard for me
Okay, no problem, why do you want to learn Persian? (Formal + informal)
You have to perform language exercises, but at the same time you are going on an adventure. You have to explore an unknown world and fight monsters.
اوکی، مشکلی نیست، چرا میخواید فارسی یاد بگیرید؟
- Oki, moshkeli nist, chera mikhāhid Fārsi yād begirid?
اوکی، مشکلی نیست، چرا میخوای فارسی یاد بگیری؟
- Oki, moshkeli nist, chera mikhāy Fārsi yād begiri?
باید تمرینهای زبان انجام بدی، ولی همزمان در ماجراجویی هستی. باید یک دنیای ناشناخته رو کاوش کنی و با هیولاها بجنگی.
- Bāyad tamrin-hā-ye zabān anjām bedi, vali hamzamān dar mājerājooi hasti. Bāyad yek donyā-ye nāshenākhte ro kāvesh koni va bā heyoolāhā bejangi.
- Oki - اوکی - Okay
- moshkeli - مشکلی - problem
- nist - نیست - is not
- chera - چرا - why
- mikhāhid - میخواید - you (plural/formal) want
- Fārsi - فارسی - Persian
- yād - یاد - learn
- begirid - بگیرید - you (plural/formal) take (used here to mean “learn”)
Farsi is a very interesting and beautiful language, I really like the sound of it. Also, there are a lot of Iranians living in Vancouver, it’s nice to be able to speak to them.
Okay, no problem, why do you want to learn Persian? (Informal)
فارسی یک زبان خیلی جالب و زیبا است، من واقعاً صدای آن را دوست دارم. همچنین، خیلی از ایرانیها در ونکوور زندگی میکنند، خوب است بتوان با آنها صحبت کرد.
- Farsi yek zabān kheili jāleb va zibā ast, man vāghan sedāye ān rā dust dāram. Hamchenin, kheili az irāni-hā dar vankouver zendegi mikonand, khub ast betavān bā ānhā sohbat kard.
اوکی، مشکلی نیست، چرا میخوای فارسی یاد بگیری؟
- Oki, moshkeli nist, chera mikhāy Fārsi yād begiri?
- sedāye - sound (of)
- ān - it
- rā - object marker
- hamchenin - also
- betavān - to be able
- bā - with
- ānhā - them
- sohbat kard - to talk
did you understand what I said just now?
My game is called “Speechbound”, it’s going to be great. It’s kind of like “Dulingo”, but a hundred times cooler.
فهمیدی چی گفتم الان؟
- Fahmidi chi goftam alan?
بازی من اسمش “اسپیچباوند” هست، خیلی عالی میشه. یه جورایی مثل “دولینگو” هست، ولی صد برابر باحالتر.
- Bāzi-e man esmesh “Speechbound” hast, kheili āli mishe. Ye joorāyi mesle “Duolingo” hast, vali sad barābar bāhāl-tar.
- Fahmidi - فهمیدی - did you understand (past tense of “to understand”)
- chi - چی - what
- goftam - گفتم - I said (past tense of “to say”)
- alan - الان - now, just now
Someone who has an Iranian friend is a lucky person.
I need to go to the grocery store to buy food
Since when have you been studying Farsi?
کسی که دوست ایرانی داره آدم خوشبختیه
- Kasi ke doost-e Irāni dāre, ādam khoshbakhti-ye.
باید برم بقالی غذا بخرم
- Bāyad beram bāghāli ghazā bekharām.
از کی داری فارسی مطالعه میکنی؟
- Az key dari Farsi motale’e mikoni?
- kasi - someone
- ke - who
- doost - friend
- irani - Iranian
- dare - has
- adam - person
- khoshbakhtie - fortunate (is a fortunate person)
No, because of academic studies, I can’t leave the country.
even my chiropractor is Iranian and so are the nice people in the grocery store
I’m studying multiple languages every day, for this reason my progress with Farsi is a bit slow
نه بخاطر تحصیلات آکادمیک نمیتونم از کشور خارج بشم
- Na, bekhāter-e tahsilāt-e ākādemik, nemitoonam az keshvar khārej besham.
حتی کایروپراکتورم ایرانیه و همینطور آدمهای خوب توی بقالی.
- Hattā kāiroprāktor-am Irāni-ye va hamin tor ādam-hā-ye khub too-ye bāghāli.
من هر روز چند زبان رو مطالعه میکنم، به همین خاطر پیشرفتم تو فارسی یه کم کنده.
- Man har rooz chand zabān ro motāle’e mikonam, be hamin khātar pishraftam too Fārsi ye kam kandeh
- na - no
- bekhāter - because of
- tahsilat - studies
- academic - academic
- nemitoonam - I can’t
- az - from
- keshvar - country
- kharej - outside
- besham - become
Which country would you like to go first?
Where would you like to go first?
When did you start (the) learning (of) Farsi?
اول به کدوم کشور میخواهی بری؟
- avval be kodoom keshvar mikhahi beri?
اول کجا میخواهی بری؟
- avval koja mikhahi beri?
کی شروع کردی به یادگیری فارسی؟
- Key shoru’ kardi be yadgiri Farsi?
- avval - first
- be - to
- kodoom - which
- keshvar - country
- mikhahi - you want
- beri - go
- koja - where
I know that you know!
that makes a lot of sense!
what a strange language! It sounds like Arabic! Are you sure you’re not speaking Arabic?
میدانم که میدانی
- Midanam ke midani
این خیلی منطقیه
- In kheili manteghieh
چه زبان عجیبی! شبیه عربی میزنه! مطمئنی داری عربی حرف نمیزنی؟
- Che zaban-e ajibi! Shabihe Arabi mizane! Motma’eni dari Arabi harf nemizani?
- In - that
- kheili - a lot
- manteghieh - makes sense
The weather was great yesterday, I enjoyed the sun and went for a long walk with my dog
Don’t you know that a man becomes better with the passing of time?
When did you start to study Farsi? (2)
هوا دیروز عالی بود، از آفتاب لذت بردم و با سگم یه پیادهروی طولانی رفتم
- Hava dirooz ali bood, az aaftaab lezzat bordam va ba sagam ye piade-rovi-ye toolani raftam
نمیدونی که مرد با گذشت زمان بهتر میشود؟
- Nemiduni ke mard bā gozasht-e zamān behtar mishavad?
کی شروع کردی به درس خواندن فارسی؟
- (1) Key shoru’ kardi be dars khondan Farsi?
کی شروع کردی به مطالعه کردن فارسی؟
- (2) Key shoru’ kardi be motale’e kardan Farsi?
- Hava - weather
- dirooz - yesterday
- ali - great
- bood - was
- az - from
- aaftaab - sun
- lezzat bordam - I enjoyed
- va - and
- ba - with
- sagam - my dog
- ye - a
- piade-rovi-ye toolani - long walk
- raftam - went
how was your weekend? (2)
Is it true that in Iran the weekend is on Thursday and Friday, instead of Saturday and Sunday?
How long (that) have you been learning Farsi?
آخر هفتهات چطور بود؟
- ākhar-e hafte-at chetor bood?
درسته که در ایران آخر هفته پنجشنبه و جمعه است، به جای شنبه و یکشنبه؟
- Doroste ke dar Iran akhar-e hafte panj-shanbe va jom’e ast, be jaye shanbe va yek-shanbe?
چند وقته که داری فارسی یاد میگیری؟
- Chand vaghte ke dari Farsi yad migiri?
- Akhar-e - end of
- hafte-at - your week
- chetor - how
- bood - was
- Doroste - Is it true
- ke - that
- dar - in
- Iran - Iran
- akhar-e hafte - weekend
- panj-shanbe - Thursday
- va - and
- jom’e - Friday
- ast - is
- be jaye - instead of
- shanbe - Saturday
- yek-shanbe - Sunday
tell me something that makes you happy
are you sure?
my sweet little honeygirl, why are you so surprised? Do you not know many white men who can speak Farsi?
یه چیزی بگو که خوشحالت میکنه
- Ye chizi begu ke khoshhalat mikone
- Motma’eni?
دختر عسلی کوچولوی من، چرا اینقدر متعجبی؟ آیا تو نمیشناسی چند مرد سفید که فارسی حرف میزنند؟
- Dokhtar-e asali koochooloo-ye man, chera inghat mota’ajebi? Aya to nemishenasi chand mard-e sefid ke Farsi harf mizanand?
- Ye - A
- chizi - something
- begu - tell (imperative)
- ke - that
- khoshhalat - makes you happy
- mikone - does
by the way, I’m also a Youtuber, I hope you don’t mind that I’m recording right now?
You definitely look like you’re older than 20, maybe 23?
How long have you been studying Farsi?
راستی، من هم یوتیوبرم، امیدوارم اشکالی نداشته باشه که الان دارم ضبط میکنم؟
- Rasti, man ham YouTuber-am, omidvaram eshkali nadashte bashe ke alan daram zapt mikonam?
قطعاً به نظر میرسی بیشتر از بیست سالته، شاید بیست و سه؟
- Ghat’an be nazar mi-resi bishtar az bist sālet-e, shāyad bist-o-se?
چند وقته که داری فارسی مطالعه میکنی؟
- Chand vaghte ke dari Farsi motale’e mikoni?
- Rasti - by the way
- ham - also
- YouTuber-am - am a YouTuber
- omidvaram - I hope
- eshkali - problem
- nadashte bashe - don’t mind (literally: it doesn’t have a problem)
- ke - that
- alan - right now
- daram - I am
- zapt - recording
- mikonam - doing
I’ll write the name of my Channel in the chat, you should check it out, it’s called Speechbound
How old do I look? Take a guess!
I just started learning (noun) Farsi
اسم کانالم رو توی چت مینویسم، باید ببینیش، اسمش اسپیکباند هست.
- Esm-e kanal-am ro tooye chat minevisam, bayad bebinish, esmesh Speechbound hast.
چند ساله به نظر میرسم؟ حدس بزن!
- Chand sāleh be nazar miresam? Hads bezan!
من تازه شروع کردم به یادگیری فارسی
- man tazeh shoru kardam be yadgiri-e Farsi
- Esm-e - The name of
- kanal-am - my channel
- ro - (object marker)
- tooye - in
- chat - chat
- minevisam - I’ll write
- bayad - you should
- bebinish - check it out (literally: see it)
- esmesh - its name is
- Speechbound - Speechbound
- hast - is
On Monday I’m going to the cinema with my friends
it really helps to learn pronounciation and increase your vocabulary range
I just started to learn Farsi (verb infinitive)
دوشنبه میرم سینما با دوستام
- Doshanbe miram cinema ba doostam
واقعاً کمک میکنه تلفظ رو یاد بگیری و دایره لغاتت رو افزایش بدی.
- Vāgh’an komak mikone talafoz ro yād begiri va dāyere loghātat ro afzāyesh bedi.
من تازه شروع کردم به یاد گرفتن فارسی
- man tazeh shoru kardam be yod gereftan Farsi
- Doshanbe - On Monday
- miram - I’m going
- cinema - to the cinema
- ba - with
- doostam - my friends
What are your plans for next Tuesday?
learning song lyrics is a fun way of learning a language
Have you traveled to other countries before?
برنامهات برای سهشنبه بعدی چیه؟
- Barname-at baraye seshanbe ba’di chie?
یادگیری شعرهای آهنگها روش جالبی برای یادگیری زبانه.
- yādgiri-e she’r-hā-ye āhang-hā ravesh-e jālebi barāye yādgiri-e zabān-e.
قبلاً به کشورهای دیگهای سفر کردی؟
- Ghablan be keshvarhā-ye dige-i safar kardi?
- Barname-at - your plans
- baraye - for
- seshanbe - Tuesday
- ba’di - next
- chie? - what is?
Last Wednesday I went to the beach
Many Iranians live in my building, I get to practice a lot in the elevator. In addition, my city is full of Iranians.
چهارشنبه گذشته رفتم ساحل
- Chaharshanbe gozashte raftam sahel
خیلی از ایرانیها توی ساختمونم زندگی میکنن، تو آسانسور خیلی تمرین میکنم. علاوه بر این، شهر من پر از ایرانیه.
- Kheili az Irāni-hā too-ye sākhtemunam zendegi mikonan, too āsānsor kheili tamrin mikonam. Alāve bar in, shahr-e man por az Irāni-ye.
- Chaharshanbe - Wednesday
- gozashte - last
- raftam - I went
- sahel - to the beach
I’m going on vacation on Thursday
What about you, do you have a Persian boyfriend or husband?
پنجشنبه میرم تعطیلات
- Panj-shanbe miram ta’tilat
چطور تو؟ دوست پسر یا همسر ایرانی داری؟
- Chetor to? Doost pesar yā hamsar Irāni dāri?
- Panj-shanbe - On Thursday
- miram - I’m going
- ta’tilat - on vacation
I like to have a relaxed evening on Friday after work
No I don’t! My girlfriend is Canadian, but born in Taiwan.
جمعه بعد کار دوست دارم یه عصر راحت داشته باشم
- Jom’e ba’d kar doos daram ye asr rahat dashte basham
نه، ندارم! دوست دخترم کاناداییه، ولی توی تایوان به دنیا اومده.
- Na, nadāram! Doost dokhtaram Canadāyiye, vali tooye Taiwan be donyā omadeh.
- Jom’e - On Friday
- ba’d - after
- kar - work
- doos daram - I like
- ye - a
- asr - evening
- rahat - relaxed
- dashte basham - to have
On Saturday I usually practice a lot of vocabulary
I don’t know how it happened, an Iranian woman hypnotized me and when I woke up I suddenly could speak Farsi.
شنبه معمولاً کلی لغت تمرین میکنم
- Shanbe ma’moolan koli loghat tamrin mikonam
نمیدونم چطوری شد، یه زن ایرانی منو هیپنوتیزم کرد و وقتی بیدار شدم ناگهان تونستم فارسی حرف بزنم.
- Nemidunam chetori shod, ye zane Irāni mano hipnotizm kard va vaghti bidār shodam nāgahān toonestam Fārsi harf bezanam
- Shanbe - On Saturday
- ma’moolan - usually
- koli - a lot of
- loghat - vocabulary
- tamrin mikonam - I practice
What were you up to on Sunday, did you enjoy yourself?
Yes, I actually know a Persian song, I think it’s super old though, it goes like this:
یکشنبه چی کار میکردی، خوش گذشت؟
- Yek-shanbe chi kar mikardi, khosh gozasht?
آره، در واقع یه آهنگ فارسی بلدم، فکر کنم خیلی قدیمیه، اینجوریه:
- Are, dar vāqe’ ye āhang-e Fārsi baladam, fekr konam kheili ghadimiye, injooriye:
- Yek-shanbe - On Sunday
- chi kar mikardi - what were you up to
- khosh gozasht? - did you enjoy yourself?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
You made a mistake again! OK, I have another tip for you
دوشنبه، سهشنبه، چهارشنبه، پنجشنبه، جمعه، شنبه، یکشنبه
- Doshanbe, Seshanbe, Chaharshanbe, Panjshanbe, Jom’e, Shanbe, Yekshanbe
بازم اشتباه کردی! باشه، یه نکتهی دیگه برات دارم
- Bāzam eshtebāh kardi! Bāshe, ye nokte-ye dige barāt dāram.
- Doshanbe - Monday
- Seshanbe - Tuesday
- Chaharshanbe - Wednesday
- Panjshanbe - Thursday
- Jom’e - Friday
- Shanbe - Saturday
- Yekshanbe - Sunday
What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your spare time?
today is my lucky day, I’m so happy we met!
I’m currently learning to read Farsi, but I have to admit it’s quite difficult
الان دارم فارسی خواندن یاد میگیرم، ولی باید بگم که خیلی سخته.
- Alan dāram fārsi khāndan yād migiram, vali bāyad begam ke kheili sakhte.
Well, obviously I love to learn languages, I also like to meet my friends, go to the gym, watch movies and eat delicious food
that makes a lot of sense!
این خیلی منطقیه
- In kheili manteghieh
I love playing with my dog, listen to music, travel to awesome places and I also like to read interesting books.
Well done
دوست دارم با سگم بازی کنم، به موسیقی گوش بدم، به جاهای باحال سفر کنم و همینطور دوست دارم کتابهای جالب بخونم.
- Doost dāram bā sagam bāzi konam, be musiqi goosh bedam, be jāhāye bāhāl safar konam va hamintor doost dāram ketābhāye jāleb bekhoonam.
- Āfarīn - well done, bravo
- doost dāram - I love
- bā - with
- sagam - my dog
- bāzi konam - to play
- be - to
- musiqi - music
- goosh bedam - to listen
- jāhāye bāhāl - awesome places
- safar konam - to travel
- va - and
- hamintor - also
- ketābhāye jāleb - interesting books
- bekhoonam - to read
I know how to say golden penis
The sentence “” in Farsi is:
من میدانم چگونه بگویم آلت طلایی
Transliteration: man midânam chegoneh beguyam âlat talâyi
- Kheyli khosh gozasht bahat harf zadan, vāgh’an lezzat bordam!
* man - I
* midânam - know
* chegoneh - how
* beguyam - to say
* âlat - penis
* talâyi - golden
I’ve been lazy, I didn’t practice Farsi recently
rafeegh - buddy
Of course I speak Farsi, why are you so surprised?
So you want to know why I can speak Farsi right?
your German is great, since when have you been learning German?
Almâniyat âliye, az key dâri almâni yâd migiri?
- Almâniyat - your German
- âliye - is great
- az key - since when
- dâri - are you
- almâni - German
- yâd migiri - learning
I’m going to sleep, it’s late! Have a nice day!
Miram bekhabam, dir shode! Rooz-e khoobi dashte bash!
I’m going to sleep, it’s late! Have a nice day!
Miram bekhabam, dir shode! Rooz-e khoobi dashte bash!
Anything you want, you can achieve!
هر چی بخوای، میتونی به دست بیاری!
- har chi bekhay, mitoni be dast biari!
I have to make a confession, my real name is not Manu, I lied to you. The truth is, my name is golden penis!
I’m just kidding, I wanted to see your reaction. My friend told me about mothers calling their sons golden penis, I think it’s hilarious!
One other language that i know is Farsi, I’m wondering if you can speak this language?
My speaking knowledge is a bit limited but I really love this language it sounds quite elegant and noble