Random 17 Indonesian 3 Flashcards
do you know, I rarely eat sweets here
please send your address
oh my god, wow!
wow, damn!
Tahu enggak, kalau di sini aku jarang makan manis
(“when here”)
kamu kirimkan alamat kamuh deh
(“deh” - please)
Oh my god, my mouth is smelly, my feet are smelly too (informal “I”)
I don’t know (informal)
for example (2)
Astaga! Mulut gue bau, kaki gue juga bau!
gak tau
contohnya, misalnya
Do you think she can understand us? I would be very surprised if she speaks your language bro
Kamu kira dia bisa mengerti kita? Aku bakal sangat kaget kalau dia bisa ngomong bahasa kamu, bro
- kira - think
- bakal - will (future marker)
- sangat - very
- kaget - surprised
This girl looks really cute and innocent, let’s prank her a little.
what do you think? (2)
Cewek ini kelihatannya imut dan polos banget, yuk isengin dia sedikit.
(1) bagaimana menurutmu?
(2) kamu pikir apa?
- Cewek - girl
- kelihatannya - seems
- imut - cute
- dan - and
- polos - innocent
- banget - very (intensifier)
- yuk - let’s
- isengin - to prank, to mess with (in a playful way)
- dia - her
- sedikit - a little bit
fine, enough with that / let it be
I love Indonesian food, but I’m afraid of petai !(stinky beans)
baik, sudahlah!
Aku cinta makanan Indonesia, tapi aku takut petai!
I once smelled the odor of petai at a market, I immediately got scared
This girl looks really cute and innocent, let’s prank her a little.
Pernah cium bau petai di pasar, aku langsung takut.
Cewek ini kelihatannya imut dan polos banget, yuk isengin dia sedikit.
- Pernah - once/ever
- Cium - smell/sniff
- Bau - smell/odor
- Petai - petai (stink bean)
- Di pasar - at the market
- Aku - I (informal)
- Langsung - immediately/right away
- Takut - scared/afraid
how often are you going to work there per week?
What do you mean?
seberapa sering kamu akan bekerja di sana per minggu?
Apa maksudmu?
I really hate that my brain forgets things so easily.
my memory is really bad
Aku benar-benar benci kalau otakku melupakan banyak hal dengan begitu mudahnya. Ingatanku sangat buruk.
- benci - hate
- kalau - if
- otakku - my brain (otak - brain, -ku - my)
- melupakan - forget
- begitu - so, like that
- mudahnya - easily (mudah - easy, -nya - making it an adverb)
- Ingatanku - ingatan - memory, -ku - my
- buruk - bad
in total, I spent almost 2 months over there, it’s really a shame I couldn’t speak Indonesian back then, I only started to learn it a bit last year.
I’m embarrassed!
Total, aku habis hampir dua bulan di sana, sayang banget waktu itu aku nggak bisa bahasa Indonesia, baru mulai belajar dikit-dikit tahun lalu.
jadi malu!
- habis - spent
- hampir - almost
- sayang - shame
- baru - just, recently, new
- dikit-dikit - a bit (colloquial for sedikit-sedikit)
I’ve been to your country twice
to be honest, if you have a strong mind, you can reach your goals, don’t you agree?
a country, a continent
aku sudah ke negaramu dua kali
Jujur aja, kalau kamu punya pikiran yang kuat, kamu bisa capai tujuanmu, setuju nggak?
sebuah negara, sebuah benua
- pikiran - mind
- kuat - strong
- capai - reach
- tujuan - goal
- setuju - agree
so annoying! what a shame!
I was super sad, it took me a full week to recover. the doctor thought it was dangue fever, but I was lucky, it was just a really strong flu
Nyebelin banget! Sayang banget!
Aku sedih banget, butuh seminggu penuh buat pulih. Dokternya kirain demam berdarah, tapi beruntung deh, cuma flu yang parah banget
- sedih - sad
- butuh - need
- seminggu - one week
- penuh - full
- buat - to (used here as “for”)
- pulih - recover
- Dokternya - the doctor
- kirain - thought (colloquial form of “mengira”)
- demam berdarah - dengue fever
- beruntung - lucky
- deh - (a particle often used for emphasis or relief, colloquial)
- cuma - just, only
- flu - flu
- yang - that, which (used here as a relative pronoun)
- parah - severe
- banget - very, really (used for emphasis)
Let me think. I guess the pronunciation of Indonesian is really easy, and there aren’t any conjugations, which makes learning verbs (become) more direct and easier.
to think (3)
thought of
send me your address
Biarkan aku berpikir. Kayaknya pengucapan bahasa Indonesia itu gampang banget, dan nggak ada konjugasi, yang membuat belajar kata kerja jadi lebih langsung dan mudah.
memikirkan, mikirin, berbikir
kamu kirimkan alamat kamu
- Biarkan - let
- Kayaknya - seems like/I guess
- pengucapan - pronunciation
- gampang - easy
- membuat - makes
- kata kerja - verbs
- jadi - become/so
- lebih - more
- langsung - direct
- mudah - easy
what makes Indonesian a bit more complicated, is the wide usage of informal words, which are often different from formal indonesian. It basically means you have to learn twice as many words.
Yang membuat bahasa Indonesia sedikit lebih rumit adalah penggunaan kata-kata informal yang luas, yang sering berbeda dari bahasa Indonesia formal. Ini pada dasarnya berarti kamu harus belajar dua kali lebih banyak kata.
- membuat - makes
- menjadi - become
- rumit - complicated
- penggunaan - usage
- kata-kata - words
- luas - widespread, extensive
- informal - informal
- berbeda - different
- bahasa Indonesia formal - formal Indonesian language
- pada dasarnya - basically
- berarti - means
Nice to meet you (2) (Indo)
Of course, bro!
Take it easy, relax, cute girl (slang)
Salam kenal ya! Senang bertemu kamu!
Boleh, bro!
Selow, santuy, cewek cakep!
- boleh - to be able to
- Selow - Chill/take it easy (slang)
- Santuy - Relax/stay cool (slang)
- Cewek - Girl/woman
- Cakep - Pretty/attractive
dengue fever is really dangerous, my friend had it at the same time, he spent 2 weeks in the hospital
Demam berdarah itu bahaya banget, teman gue kena juga barengan, dia sampe dua minggu di rumah sakit.
- Demam berdarah - dengue fever
- itu - that
- bahaya - danger/dangerous
- banget - very/really (colloquial for very)
- teman - friend (colloquial for “teman”)
- gue - my (slang for “saya,” meaning “I” or “my”)
- kena - got/had (in the context of contracting an illness)
- juga - also/too
- barengan - at the same time (informal)
- dia - he/she
- sampe - until (informal for “sampai”)
- dua - two
- minggu - week(s)
- di - in/at
- rumah sakit - hospital
is it true that local Indonesians are immune against dengue fever?
let’s joke around a little with him/her
Benar nggak sih orang lokal Indonesia itu kebal sama demam berdarah?
mari kita bercanda sedikit dengannya
- kebal - immune
!= kenal - to know - mari - let
when I was in Ubud, I discovered jamu juice, it’s a drink with turmeric, do you know it? Really delicious!
Pas aku di Ubud, aku nemuin jus jamu, itu minuman yang ada kunyitnya, tau nggak? Enak banget!
- Pas - when/during (informal)
- aku - I/me
- di Ubud - in Ubud
- nemuin - found/discovered (informal form of “menemukan”)
- jus jamu - jamu juice
- itu - it is/that is
- minuman - drink
- yang - that/which
- ada - there is/are
- kunyitnya - turmeric in it (“kunyit” is turmeric, “nya” indicates possession)
- tau - know (informal form of “tahu”)
- nggak - not (informal)
- Enak - delicious
- banget - very/really (informal)
it turned out to be just a dream
in my opinion Indonesian is not that hard to learn
difficult, complicated
itu terniyata cuma mimpi
menurut aku bahasa Indonesia tidak terlalu sulit untuk dipelajari
sulit, rumit
It took a lot of determination to upload this story! I experienced something really strange a few days ago, which made me unable to sleep, I kept thinking about that thing!
Perlu tekad yang besar untuk mengunggah cerita ini! Aku ngalamin hal aneh banget beberapa hari lalu, buat aku gak bisa tidur, terfikir hal itu terus!
- Perlu - need
- tekad - determination
- besar - big/large
- untuk - to/for
- mengunggah - to upload/post
- cerita - story
- ngalamin - experiencing (inf. of “mengalami”)
- hal - thing/situation
- aneh - strange/weird
- banget - very (informal)
- buat - for/to
- terfikir - thought about (continuously thinking)
- hal - thing/situation
- itu - that
- terus - continuously
I like your hair and your face, very beautiful
Aku suka rambutmu dan wajahmu, sangatlah cantik
- suka - like
- rambut - hair
- dan - and
- wajah - face
- sangatlah - very
- cantik - beautiful
you are also very adorably cute, age is just a number, it doesn’t represent our souls
sounds good
Kamu juga sangat imut gemesin, umur hanyalah angka, itu tidak mewakili jiwa kita
Kedengarannya bagus
- Kamu - you
- juga - also
- sangat - very
- imut - cute
- gemesin - adorable
- umur - age
- hanyalah - is just
- angka - a number
- itu - it
- tidak - not
- mewakili - represent
- jiwa - soul
- kita - our
The term “gemes” captures a feeling of irresistible affection, often used when something or someone is so cute or adorable that it triggers an emotional response, like the urge to hug.
The suffix “-in” in Indonesian can serve a few purposes, such as turning a noun into a verb (to indicate an action directed towards the noun), or making an adjective to imply a causative form. When added to “gemes,” creating “gemesin,” it transforms the expression of an emotion (“gemes”) into an adjective that describes something that evokes this specific feeling strongly. This structure is often used colloquially to add emphasis or convey a playful tone.
the suffix ** ”-lah” ** in “hanyalah” is used to emphasize the word it is attached to. In this case, it is attached to “hanya,” which means “only” or “just.”
we can become soul mates, fall in love
she has a pretty face, big eyes and long hair
kita bisa menjadi belahan jiwa, jatuh cinta
dia memiliki wajah cantik, mata besar dan rambut panjang
- menjadi - become
- belahan - other half
- jiwa - soul
- jatuh - fall
- cinta - love
- mata - eye
Hello, good evening sir. As we know, music is a universal language of communication.
Halo, selamat malam bapak. seperti yang kita tahu, musik adalah bahasa komunikasi universal.
- bapak - sir/father (formal address)
- seperti - like/as
Emotions and moods can be delivered through music even without knowing the meaning of the language itself.
I woke up at 02:20am because I was hungry
if we work hard without stopping, we will succeed
Emosi dan suasana hati bisa tersampaikan lewat musik bahkan tanpa mengetahui arti bahasa itu sendiri.
Aku kebangun jam dua lewat dua puluh karena lapar
jika kami bekerja keras tanpa henti, kami akan berhasil
- suasana - atmosphere/mood
- hati - heart/mind
- suasana hati - mood
- tersampaikan - to deliver
- lewat - through
- bahkan - even
- tanpa - without
- mengetahui - knowing
- arti - meaning
- sendiri - itself
My question to you mister is, what country’s traditional music do you mister really like… since/from the first time you heard the tunes? Thank You
Pertanyaan saya kepada bapak, musik tradisional negara apakah yang bapak sangat sukai … sejak awal mendengar nadanya? Terimakasih
- bapak - father, mister
- kepada - to
- negara - country
- apakah - which, what (interrogative particle)
- sukai - like/enjoy
- sejak - since
- awal - beginning
- mendengar - to hear
- nadanya - its tone/melody
Where is (the location of) the restroom?
Miss, please wait a moment!
I really want to go back to Indonesia, I can’t wait for my next trip!
Di mana letak kamar kecil?
Mbak, mohon tunggu sebentar!
Alu ingin sekali kembali ke Indonesia, aku tidak sabar menunggu perjalanan selanjutnya!
- letak - location
- kamar - room
- kamar kecil - restroom
- mbak - miss
- mohon / tolong - please
- sabar - to be patient
- tunggu / menunggu - to wait
- sebentar - a moment
The truth is, I don’t know!
I am not perfect
Truth (2)
kenyataannya adalah, aku tidak tahu!
Aku tidak sempurna
- kenyataan - reality, truth
- kebeneran - truth