Random 25 (mostly Zh) Flashcards
Hey nice to meet you! (Dk Danish)
Nice to meet you (Turkish)
hej godt at møde dig!
tanıstıgıma memnun oldum (don’t pronounce the g)
Let me think about some stereotypes about Chinese people. I guess in North America or Europe, everyone thinks that Chinese people are good at math. One thing I often hear is that Chinese parents are very strict and mothers like to control their children. Another typical stereotype is that everyone knows that Chinese people can do Kung Fu, is this true?
Kung Fu, you know martial arts, like Donnie Yen or Bruce Lee, you know what I mean?
Additionally, furthermore(2)
让我想想有没有关于中国人的刻板印象。我猜在北美或欧洲,大家都认为中国人数学很好, 对还是错?我经常听到的一件事是,中国父母非常严格,妈妈们喜欢控制孩子。另一个典型的刻板印象是,大家都知道中国人会功夫,这是真的吗?
- Ràng wǒ xiǎngxiǎng yǒu méiyǒu guānyú zhōngguó rén de kèbǎn yǐnxiàng. Wǒ cāi zài běiměi huò ōuzhōu, dàjiā dōu rènwéi zhōngguó rén shùxué hěn hǎo, duì háishì cuò? Wǒ jīngcháng tīngdào de yī jiàn shì shì, zhōngguó fùmǔ fēicháng yángé, māmāmen xǐhuān kòngzhì háizi.
Lìng yī gè diǎnxíng de kèbǎn yìnxiàng shì, dàjiā dōu zhīdào zhōngguó rén huì gōngfū, zhè shì zhēn de ma?
- Gōngfu, nǐ zhīdào wǔshù, jiù xiàng Zhēn Zǐdān huòzhě Lǐ Xiǎolóng, nǐ míngbai wǒ de yìsi ba?
此外,另外 - cǐwài, lìngwài
- 刻板印象 - kèbǎn yǐnxiàng - stereotypes
- 北美 - běiměi - North America
- 数学 - shùxué - mathematics
- 严格 - yángé - strict
- 妈妈们 - māmāmen - mothers
- 控制 - kòngzhì - control
- lìng - another
- diǎnxíng - typical
- 功夫 - gōngfū - kungfu
Compared to German, Chinese is a lot harder because of the 4 tones and the huge amount of unique characters
You are much better than me
Of course German grammar is more difficult, but pronunciation is easy.
Kungfu, you know martial arts, like Donnie Yen or Bruce Lee, you know what I mean?
- Gēn déyǔ xiāng bǐ, zhōngwén nán duōle, yīnwèi yǒu sì ge shēngdiào hé dàliàng de dútè zìfú.
- Nǐ bǐ wǒ yōuxiù duōle
- Dāngrán déyǔ de yǔfǎ gèng nán, dàn fāyīn hěn jiǎndān.
- Gōngfu, nǐ zhīdào wǔshù, jiù xiàng Zhēn Zǐdān huòzhě Lǐ Xiǎolóng, nǐ míngbai wǒ de yìsi ba?
- 跟 (gēn) - compared to, with
- 德语 (Déyǔ) - German
- 相比 (xiāngbǐ) - compared
- 中文 (Zhōngwén) - Chinese
- 难 (nán) - hard, difficult
- 多了 (duō le) - a lot more, much more
- 因为 (yīnwèi) - because
- 有 (yǒu) - have, there are
- 四个 (sì ge) - four
- 声调 (shēngdiào) - tones
- 和 (hé) - and
- 大量的 (dàliàng de) - a huge amount of
- 独特 (dútè) - unique
- 字符 (zìfú) - characters
brother, can you send some donair and baklava over? I’m hungry!
what’s your name?
I love turkish people!
Kardeş, biraz döner ve baklava gönderebilir misin? Açım!
Adın ne?
Türk insanlarını seviyorum!
- Kardeş - brother
- biraz - some
- döner - donair
- ve - and
- baklava - baklava
- gönderebilir misin - can you send
- açım - I’m hungry
Dude, of course I can speak Turkish, what’s the big deal?
Do you speak Turkish?
Unfortunately, I only know a few things.
Kanka, tabii ki Türkçe konuşabiliyorum, ne var bunda?
Türkçe konuşuyor musun?
Maalesef, sadece birkaç şey biliyorum.
- Kanka - dude
- tabii ki - of course
- Türkçe - Turkish
- konuşabiliyorum - I can speak
- ne - what
- var - is there
- bunda - in this
Can you really speak turkish? Awesome!
Hi, my name is Manu!
how are you?
I’m good, what’s your name?
Gerçekten Türkçe konuşabiliyor musun? Harika!
Merhaba, benim adım Manu.
iyiyim, teşekkürler, adın ne?
- Gerçekten - really
- Türkçe - Turkish
- konuşabiliyor musun - can you speak
- Harika - awesome
in the past I was a spy for Bolsonaro’s secret service, but now I’m retired.
Lula tried to hire me recently, but he wanted to pay me poorly, so I told him to stick the offer where the sun doesn’t shine.
no passado fui espião do serviço secreto de Bolsonaro, mas agora estou aposentado.
O Lula tentou me contratar recentemente, mas queria me pagar mal, então mandei ele enfiar a oferta onde o sol não bate.
de fato, na verdade
I’m actually pure latino, both of my parents are Colombians, but I have a skin decease that’s why I appear to be white. My older brother told me though that we had a white pool boy that my mother liked a lot, so …
I have my suspicions
apparently (3)
La verdad es que soy puro latino, ambos de mis padres son colombianos, pero tengo una enfermedad de la piel, por eso parezco blanco. Mi hermano mayor me dijo que teníamos un chico de la piscina blanco que le gustaba mucho a mi madre, así que…
tengo mis sospechas
según parece, por lo visto, aparentemente
I’m just kidding, I only know how to say a few things.
My turkish is really bad.
Hi, my name is Manu
Sadece şaka yapıyorum, sadece birkaç şey söylemeyi biliyorum.
Türkçem çok kötü.
Merhaba, benim adım Manu.
- sadece - just, only
- şaka - joke
- yapıyorum - I am doing (making)
- birkaç - a few
- şey - thing
- söylemeyi - saying (the act of saying)
- biliyorum - I know
- Türkçem - my Turkish (language)
- çok - very
- kötü - bad
do you like to eat spicy food? what’s your favorite spicy dish?
I can’t eat Sichuan food, it kills me, I’m just a white guy with a sensitive tongue
Small steamed bun, it’s still early, I haven’t started working yet, don’t worry!
!= stone
- Nǐ xǐhuān chī là de shíwù ma? Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de là cài shì shénme?
- Wǒ bùnéng chī sìchuān cài, wǒ yàosǐle, wǒ zhǐshì yīgè shétou [shöä] mǐngǎn de báirén
- Xiǎo mántou, tiān hái zǎo ne, wǒ hái méi kāishǐ gōngzuò, bié dānxīn a!
石头 - shítou - stone [shö]
I hope you will enjoy the video, follow and give a “thumbs up”
Little steamed bun, it’s still early and I haven’t started working yet, don’t worry!
How much time is left?
Espero vocês vão curtir o video, seguir e dar o “joinha”
- Xiǎo mántou, tiān hái zǎo ne, wǒ hái méi kāishǐ gōngzuò, bié dānxīn a!
还有多少时间啊 - Hái yǒu duōshǎo shíjiān a
I’m actually Mexican! I’m 100% sure I have Latino blood flowing through my veins. Both of my parents are Mexicans! I grew up eating rice, beans and enchiladas. however apparently my parents had a white cleaning lady in the past that my dad really liked, I’m not sure if that has any significance? Maybe that’s why I look like as white as a snowflake?
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit
that must be prove enough right?
¡De hecho soy mexicano! Estoy 100% seguro de que tengo sangre latina corriendo por mis venas. ¡Ambos de mis padres son mexicanos! Crecía comiendo arroz, frijoles y enchiladas. Sin embargo, aparentemente mis padres tenían una señora de limpieza blanca en el pasado que a mi papá le gustaba mucho, no estoy seguro si eso tiene algún significado. Tal vez por eso parezco tan blanco como un copo de nieve?
Estoy un poco avergonzado de admitir
Eso debe ser prueba suficiente ¿verdad?
So this one time I met this hot brazilian babe in a bar, I think she put something in my drink, because after that the entire night is a bit of a blur. We went back to her place and made passionate love all night until I completely passed out. The next day I woke up and suddenly realized that I can speak Portuguese, isn’t that weird?
Então, uma vez eu conheci uma gata brasileira (muito gostosa) num bar, acho que ela colocou algo na minha bebida, porque depois disso a noite inteira ficou meio turva. Fomos para a casa dela e fizemos amor apaixonado a noite toda até eu desmaiar completamente. No dia seguinte eu acordei e de repente percebi que posso falar português, muito estranho não?
Once, in Colombia, I went to an ayahuasca ceremony. A shaman told me to take a few cups of his special recipe and I embarked on a mind-blowing journey, flying throughout the universe in vibrant colors. After I completely passed out and when I woke up, I could suddenly speak Spanish. It was something super crazy!
Una vez, en Colombia, fui a una ceremonia de ayahuasca. Un chamán me dijo que tomara unas cuantas tazas de su receta especial y me embarqué en un viaje alucinante, volando por todo el universo en colores vibrantes. Después de que me desmayé por completo y cuando desperté, de repente podía hablar español. ¡Fue algo súper loco!
I’m quite confused too, it’s hard to explain! Do you think there’s some weird magic going on?
To be honest, I learn by myself online or use different apps.
What do think?
Maybe this is an illusion or you are dreaming
- Wǒ yě tǐng hútú de, zhè hěn nán jiěshì! Nǐ juédé shì bùshì yǒu shénme qíguài de mófǎ dǎozhì de?
- Bù mán nǐ shuō, wǒ zìjǐ zàixiàn xuéxí huò shǐyòng bùtóng de yìngyòng chéngxù.
- Yěxǔ zhè shì yīgè huànjué huòzhě nǐ zài zuò mèng
- 困惑 - kùnhuò - confused
- 糊涂 - hútú - confused
- 解释 - jiěshì - to explain
- 魔法 - mófǎ - magic
- 导致 - dǎozhì - to lead to, to cause
Actually, I went for the first time in my life to a Brazilian jiujitsu class. I felt really good about it and immediately submitted the teacher with a rear naked choke. After that I felt a strange power awakening inside me and started to speak Portuguese.
the poor guy started to cry
I was a bit nervous
De fato, fui pela primeira vez na vida a uma aula de jiu-jitsu brasileiro. Me senti muito bem e imediatamente finalizei o professor com um mata-leão. Depois disso, senti um poder estranho despertando dentro de mim e comecei a falar português.
o pobre rapaz começou a chorar
Eu estava um pouco nervsoso
Of course I’m just kidding, the truth is I never tried to do jiu jitsu. But I’ve already done some Muay Thai, Teakwondo and Kungfu in the past. I basically learned Portuguese at home. I already knew Spanish and French, so it was quite easy to learn.
But I keep confusing words with Spanish though.
Claro que estou só brincando, a verdade é que nunca tentei fazer jiu-jitsu. Mas já fiz um pouco de Muay Thai, Taekwondo e Kungfu no passado. Basicamente, aprendi português em casa. Já sabia espanhol e francês, então foi bem fácil de aprender. Mas continuo confundindo algumas palavras com espanhol.
Excuse me / forgive me
Welcome! It’s nice to meet you!
прошу прощения
- proshu proshcheniya
Добро пожаловать! Приятно познакомиться!
- Dobro pozhalovat’! Priyatno poznakomit’sya!
Portuguese Rapper names
Do you know anyone of those artists?
eu gosto muito de Haikaiss, Projota, Fabio Brazza, Rincon Sapiência, Djonga, Rapbox Orgânico, Criolo, Racionais, Black Alien
você conhece algum desses artistas?
I love … Spanish rapper names
… do you know any of those guys
me encantan los Alcolirykoz, AYAX Y PROK, Rapsusklei, Calle 13, Kronno Zomber y Zarcort, conoces a algunos de esos tipos?
French rapper names
I’m already dating a Taiwanese girl, but she grew up in North America and I think her values are very different from mainland Chinese. We’ve been dating for more than ten years.
J’aime bien le rap français! Par exemple, j’adore écouter OrelSan, I am, Oxmo Puccino, Bigflo et Oli et Davodka. Connais-tu certains de ces rappeurs ?
En fait
- Wǒ yǐjīng zài hé yīgè táiwān nǚshēng yuēhuìle, dàn tā shì zài běiměi zhǎng dà de, wǒ juédé tā de jiàzhíguān hé dàlù rén hěn bù yīyàng. Wǒmen yǐjīng jiāowǎng shí duō niánle
why do you want me to speak in Chinese, are you sure? as a white man, this language really causes me a headache
- Nǐ wèishéme yào wǒ shuō zhōngwén, nǐ quèdìng ma? Zuòwéi yīgè báirén, zhè zhǒng yǔyán zhēn de ràng wǒ hěn tóuténg
I’m always hungry for new knowledge, it’s a bit like an addiction, do you understand ?
Having motivation and consistency is essential to achieving your goals.
Actually, I am just a language enthusiast, you know?
Determination and perseverance
我总是渴望新 知识,有点像上瘾了,你懂吗?
- Wǒ zǒng shì kěwàng xīn zhīshi, yǒudiǎn xiàng shàngyǐnle, nǐ dǒng ma?
- Yōngyǒu dònglì hé yīzhì xìng duìyú shíxiàn nǐ de mùbiāo shì bùkě shǎo de.
基本上 - Jīběn shàng
- Qíshí ba, wǒ jiùshì tèbié mí xué yǔyán, nǐ zhīdào ba
决心和毅力 - Juéxīn hé yìlì
what do you study? Are you a highschool or university student? That’s awesome, you like what you study? When are you going to graduate?
my advice is
do you already know what you want to do after you graduate?
- Nǐ xué shénme? Nǐ shì gāozhōng shēng hái shì dàxuéshēng? Tài bàngle, nǐ xǐhuān nǐ xué de dōngxī ma? Nǐ shénme shíhòu bìyè?
我的建议是 - Wǒ de jiànyì shì
- Nǐ yǐjīng zhīdào bìyè hòu xiǎng zuò shénmele ma
honestly I recently had barely any chance to practice Chinese, it’s been a while since I had a real conversation with somebody, I feel a bit awkward.
Yes of course I understand you, you accent is very clear, thank you!
- Lǎoshí shuō, wǒ zuìjìn jīhū méiyǒu jīhuì liànxí zhōngwén, hǎojiǔ méi gēn rén zhēnzhèng liáoguò tiānle, yǒudiǎn gāngà.
- Shì de, wǒ dāngrán tīng dé dǒng nǐ, nǐ de kǒuyīn hěn qīngchu, xièxiè!
- hǎojiǔ - a long time
- méi - not
- gēn - with
- rén - person, people
- zhēnzhèng - real, genuine
- liáoguò tiān - had a conversation
- le - (indicates a completed action)
miss, can you please practice some Mandarin with me? It’s been a while since I had the chance to talk to a Chinese girl, maybe my Mandarin is a bit rusty.
Oh thank you, that’s so cool, you are like a very gentle flower
“Miss” in China
- Xiǎojiě, nǐ kěyǐ gēn wǒ liànxí yīxià pǔtōnghuà ma? Hǎojiǔ méi jīhuì gēn zhōngguó nǚhái shuōhuàle, kěnéng wǒ de pǔtōnghuà yǒudiǎn shēngshū.
- Ó, xièxiè nǐ, tài hǎole, nǐ jiù xiàng yī duǒ wēnróu de huā.
女士 (nǚshì) – “Madam” or “Ms.”
姑娘 (gūniang) – “Young lady” (more casual and neutral)
- duǒ - measure word for flowers
- wēnróu - gentle/tender
Is it possible that you can speak Chinese? I don’t believe it, is it true? Of course I can speak Chinese, I am very passionate about this language, and it is a big challenge for my German brain.
Please prove it. Who taught you that?
- Yǒu méiyǒu kěnéng nǐ huì shuō zhōngwén? Wǒ bùxìn, zhè shì zhēn de ma? Dāngrán wǒ huì shuō zhōngwén, wǒ duì zhè mén yǔyán fēicháng yǒu rèqíng, zhè duì wǒ de déguó nǎodai lái shuō shìgè hěn dà de tiǎozhàn.
- Nǐ zhèngmíng yīxià a shéi jiāo nǐ de a
then you’re definitely very smart, I heard Chinese is the hardest language on planet earth, is that true? Oh I don’t speak Chinese, what makes you think that?
- Nà nǐ yīdìng hěn cōngmíng, wǒ tīng shuō zhōngwén shì dìqiú shàng zuì nán de yǔyán, zhēn de ma? Ó, wǒ bù huì shuō zhōngwén, nǐ zěnme huì zhème xiǎng?
you often go to the gym, that’s good. How many times a week do you work out?
I like to stay fit as well, I love going to the gym, doing yoga, swimming or sometimes rollerblading.
- Nǐ jīngcháng qù jiànshēnfáng, zhè hěn hǎo. Nǐ měi zhōu duànliàn jǐ cì?
- Wǒ yě xǐhuān bǎochí jiànkāng, wǒ xǐhuān qù jiànshēnfáng, zuò yújiā, yóuyǒng huòzhě yǒushí huá hàn bīng
- 锻炼 - duànliàn - to work out, to exercice
- 保持 - bǎochí - to stay
- 健康 - jiànkāng - fit
- 健身房 - jiànshēnfáng - gym
- 做 - zuò - doing
- 瑜伽 - yújiā - yoga
- 游泳 - yóuyǒng - swimming
- 或者 - huòzhě - or
- 滑旱冰 - huá hànbīng - rollerblading
I have a personal question, I hope you don’t mind. I’m very curious how Chinese girls think when it comes to dating.
- Wǒ yǒu gè sīrén wèntí, xīwàng nǐ bù jièyì. Wǒ hěn hàoqí zhōngguó nǚshēng duì yuēhuì shì zěnme xiǎng de.
I’m very curiuos, what are your criteria for finding a boyfriend?
Do you prefer a nice guy or a bad boy, maybe a real gangster?
Are you single?
我非常好奇, 你找男朋友的标准是什么?
- Wǒ fēicháng hàoqí, nǐ zhǎo nán péngyǒu de biāozhǔn shì shénme?
- Nǐ xǐhuān hǎo nánrén háishì huài nánhái, yěxǔ shìgè zhēn hēibāng?
你单身吗 - Nǐ dānshēn ma
- 黑帮 - hēibāng - gangster
tell me, how tall are you? What if the guy is smaller than you, does he still have a chance?
What if he wears high heels to make up for his height, would you accept him?
Anyway …
- Gàosù wǒ, nǐ duō gāo? Rúguǒ nánshēng bǐ nǐ ǎi, tā hái yǒu jīhuì ma?
- Rúguǒ tā chuān gāogēnxié lái bǔ shēngāo, nǐ huì jiēshòu tā ma?
不管怎样 - bùguǎn zěnyàng
- 矮 - ǎi - short
- 高跟鞋 - gāogēnxié - high heels
- 补 - bǔ - make up
- 身高 - shēngāo - height
- 接受 - jiēshòu - accept
Wow, you are really short compared to me, I am 1.9 meters tall. But I am German, and many Germans are tall.
have you met a lot of Germans already?
- Wa ó, nǐ bǐ wǒ zhēn de hěn ǎi, wǒ yǒu yī mǐ jiǔ gāo. Búguò wǒ shì déguó rén, hěnduō déguó rén dōu hěn gāo.
- Nǐ yǐjīng jiànguò hěnduō déguó rénle ma?
- 矮 - ǎi - short
- 一米九 - yī mǐ jiǔ - one meter ninety
do you mind it if he smokes? Oh, by the way, I don’t smoke. Unfortunately, I already have a girlfriend, you’re a bit too late.
we’ve already been dating for more than 10 years
By the way (2)
By the way may I ask
- Nǐ jièyì tā chōuyān ma? Ó, duìle, wǒ bù chōuyān. Bùxìng de shì, wǒ yǐjīng yǒu nǚ péngyǒule, nǐ lái wǎnle diǎn.
- Wǒmen yǐjīng jiāowǎng shí duō niánle
对了 - duìle - by the way
顺便说一下 - shùnbiàn shuō yīxià - by the way
顺便问一下 - Shùnbiàn wèn yīxià
- 不幸的是 - bùxìng de shì - unfortunately
- 晚了 - wǎnle - late
what’s more important to you, that he makes a lot of money or that he is faithful?
- Duì nǐ lái shuō, gèng zhòngyào de shì tā zhuàn hěnduō qián háishì tā duì nǐ zhōngchéng?
- 赚 - zhuàn - makes
- 忠诚 - zhōngchéng - faithful
what would you do on the first date if the guy is stingy and wants you to pay?
I am a slow bird that flies first and I always work very hard to achieve my goals
you really flatter me / lift me up
I’m just a normal guy
- Rúguǒ dì yī cì yuēhuì shí nàgè nánshēng hěn xiǎoqì, yào nǐ fù qián, nǐ huì zěnme zuò?
- Wǒ shì yīgè bènniǎoxiānfēi de rén, wǒ zǒng shì fēicháng nǔlì gōngzuò lái shíxiàn wǒ de mùbiāo
(not that talented, but work extra hard)
哪里哪里, 你真是抬举我了
- Nǎlǐ nǎlǐ,nǐ zhēnshi táijǔ wǒle
我只是个普通人 - Wǒ zhǐshì gè pǔtōng rén
- 约会 - yuēhuì - date
- 小气 - xiǎoqì - stingy
- 付钱 - fù qián - to pay
very interesting, I think I gained some important insights today, thanks a lot for this information!
You praise/compliment me too much
- Zhēn yǒuyìsi, wǒ juédé jīntiān xué dàole bù shǎo zhòngyào de dōngxī, fēicháng gǎnxiè nǐ de xìnxī!
你太夸奖了 - Nǐ tài kuājiǎngle
I’m already dating a Taiwanese girl, but she grew up in North America, I think her values are very different from mainland Chinese people
We have been dating for more than ten years
- Wǒ yǐjīng zài hé yīgè táiwān nǚshēng yuēhuìle, dàn tā shì zài běiměi zhǎng dà de, wǒ juédé tā de jiàzhíguān hé dàlù rén hěn bù yīyàng.
- Wǒmen yǐjīng jiāowǎng shí duō niánle
- 北美 - Běiměi - North America
- 长大 - zhǎngdà - grew up
- 价值观 - jiàzhíguān - values
- 大陆人 - Dàlù rén - mainland Chinese people
- 很 - hěn - very
- 不一样 - bù yīyàng - different
Hello! How are you?
It’s nice to meet you
Përshëndetje! Si jeni?
Është kënaqësi të të takoj.
Do you have your period? Is your period coming?
I think you have great taste. Are you currently single or in a relationship?
Why are you so surprised? Did you underestimate me?
- Nǐ yǒu yuèjīng ma? nǐ yuèjīng láile ma
- Wǒ juédé nǐ pǐnwèi hěn hǎo, nǐ xiànzài dānshēn háishì zài tán liàn’ài?
- Nǐ zěnme zhème jīngyà? Shì bùshì xiǎo kàn wǒle?
- pǐnwèi - taste
- dānshēn - single
- tán liàn’ài - dating
I actually had some Turkish friends when I grew up in Germany, they thought me some stuff, I forgot most of it, but I still remember: I love you
Aslında Almanya’da büyürken bazı Türk arkadaşlarım vardı, bana bazı şeyler öğrettiler, çoğunu unuttum ama hâlâ hatırlıyorum: Seni seviyorum.
- Aslında - actually
- Almanya’da - in Germany
- büyürken - while growing up
- bazı - some
- Türk - Turkish
- arkadaşlarım - my friends
- vardı - there were
- bana - to me
- bazı - some
- şeyler - things
- öğrettiler - they taught
- çoğunu - most of it
- unuttum - I forgot
- ama - but
- hâlâ - still
- hatırlıyorum - I remember
- Seni seviyorum - I love you
Stop it, you’re praising me too much, I’m so embarrassed, I think my face is turning red.
how can that be possible, you must be joking
- bié zhèyàng, nǐ tài kuājiǎng le, wǒ hǎo gāngà, wǒ juéde wǒ liǎn dōu hóng le.
- Zhè zěnme kěnéng, nǐ yīdìng shì zài kāiwánxiào
have you heard much about German stereotypes? Apparently we work hard, we’re always on time, we eat a lot of sausages and drink a lot of beer. We’re also very tall and obviously good looking
He’s obviously good looking (2)
That is true
- nǐ tīngshuō guò hěn duō guānyú déguó rén de kèbǎn yìnxiàng ma? Kàn lái wǒmen gōngzuò nǔlì, zǒng shì zhǔnshí, wǒmen chī hěn duō xiāngcháng, hē hěn duō píjiǔ. Wǒmen yě hěn gāo, érqiě míngmíng hěn hǎokàn.
(1) 他显然很帅 - tā xiǎnrán hěn shuài.
(2) 他明显很帅 - tā míngxiǎn hěn shuài.
(3) 他明明很帅 - Tā míngmíng hěn shuài
看来 - kànlái - apparently
那是真实的 - Nà shì zhēnshí de
- 关于 - guānyú - about
- kèbǎn yìnxiàng - stereotypes
- 印象 - yìnxiàng - impression
- zhǔnshí - on time
- xiāngcháng - sausages
- píjiǔ - beer
Why are you so surprised? Did you underestimate me?
it’s funny that you’re so surprised, have you not met many foreigners that speak Mandarin? I have a secret, both of my parents are Chinese. I’m just joking, that was a lie. Actually, my parents are German.
The truth is
- Nǐ zěnme zhème jīngyà? Shì bùshì xiǎo kàn wǒle?
Nǐ zhème jīngyà zhēn hǎoxiào, nǐ méi jiànguò hěnduō hui shuō pǔtōnghuà de wàiguó rén ma? Wǒ yǒu gè mìmì, wǒ de fùmǔ dōu shì zhōngguó rén. Wǒ zhǐshì kāiwánxiào, nà shìgè huǎngyán. Qíshí wǒ fùmǔ shì déguó rén.
实话是 - shíhuà shì
Maybe I’m a little crazy. I’m currently learning about five languages at the same time, which is really hard, especially when I work full-time. You have to stick to a strict schedule and focus is key! I think it’s really important to enjoy the process and have fun
do you agree?
- Yěxǔ wǒ yǒudiǎn fēngkuáng. Wǒ xiànzài tóngshí zàixué dàgài wǔ mén yǔyán, zhēnshi tǐng nán de, yóuqí shì xiàng wǒ zhèyàng quánzhí gōngzuò de shíhòu. Dé yángé zūnshǒu shíjiān biǎo, zhuānzhù shì guānjiàn! Zài wǒ kàn lái xiǎngshòu guòchéng hé lèqù zhēn de hěn zhòngyào
你同意?- Nǐ tóngyì ma?
Lying is often as involuntary as breathing. I think it was the Brazilian author Machado de Assis who said this. Apparently I can’t control my tongue, sometimes it says something completely different, I’m sorry!
A mentira é muitas vezes tão involuntária como a respiração. Acho que foi o autor brasileiro Machado de Assis que disse isso. Aparentemente não consigo controlar minha língua, às vezes ela solta um disparate total, sinto muito!
So forget it and let’s share time
Leave all your worries to tomorrow
oh baby
Tonight we all forget the past
Humidify and filter all memory points
The wine glass is raised again because of whose laughter
Feelings are natural and don’t care who caused them
I never mind your nonsense
You say you don’t want to hurt, but it’s not that great
oh baby 今晚我们都忘记过去
Suǒyǐ nà jiùsuànle ba ràng wǒmen gòngxiǎng shíjiān
bǎ fánxīn shì dōu xiān liú gěi míngtiān
oh baby jīn wǎn wǒmen dōu wàngjì guòqù
bǎ jìyì diǎn dōu jiā shī guòlǜ
jiǔbēi yòu zàicì jǔ qǐ yīnwèi shuí de xiào shēng
gǎnqíng hěn lǐsuǒdāngrán bùzàihū shuí zàochéng
wǒ cónglái dōu bù huì jièyì nǐ shuō de guǐhuà
nǐ shuō bu xiǎng shānghài qíshí méi nàme wěidà
Creutzfeld Jakob - Anfangsstadium
Die Zeit ist reif für den neuen Scheiss
Geht rum wie Joints in meinem Freundeskreis
Creutzfeld Jakob endlich wieder Skills und Styles
Zwei eiserne Mics und Nadeln aus Diamant auf schwarzem Plastik
einzigartig, bombastisch, battle mich ich mach′ dich frisch
notier’ das, hier rotiert ein Meisterstück des deutschen Raps
Ich weiss, dass du von anderen Crews enttäuscht bist.
Das ist neu und fresh. Die Nachbarjungen bezeugen es.
Hier boomts - Das gibt ein Freudenfest,
denn Hip Hop ist in Deutschland meistens Mittelmaß und häufig whack
Ich bin erstaunt, dass euer Sound so schwach ist auf der Brust
Man welcher Trottel kauft den Mist
Den du als deutschen Rap ausgibst?
Verdammt, ich scheiß’ auf deine Songs!
Jetzt kannst du lernen, ergreif die Chance
Aber ey Jung, keine Angst, die erste Lektion is’ umsonst
My girlfriend was born in Taiwan but she moved to Canada as a kid when she was 4. She speaks Mandarin very well but has a limited vocabulary. Without a doubt, she speaks it much more fluently than I do, I still feel like a child when I speak Chinese.
Obviously (3)
- Wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu chūshēng zài táiwān, dàn tā xiǎoshíhòu sì suì shí jiù bān dàole jiānádà. Tā de pǔtōnghuà shuō dé hěn hǎo, dànshì cíhuì liàng yǒuxiàn. Háo wú yíwèn, tā shuō dé bǐ wǒ liúlì hěnduō, wǒ zài shuō zhōngwén de shíhòu háishì juédé zìjǐ xiàng gè háizi.
明显, 明明, 显然
- Míngxiǎn, míngmíng, xiǎnrán
量 - liàng - amount, quantity
限 - xiàn - limit, to limit
毫无疑问 - Háo wú yíwèn
you’re not single, that’s okay! in general what’s your opinion about men, what type of guy do you like
- Nǐ bùshì dānshēn, méiguānxì! Yībān lái shuō, nǐ duì nánrén yǒu shén me kànfǎ, nǐ xǐhuān shénme lèixíng de nánrén
看法 - kànfǎ - opinion, point of view
what’s the time over there right now? Here it’s 8 in the morning. I really enjoyed chatting with you. Have a good night and sweet dreams! Hope to chat with you again soon! What’s your WeChat?
it’s so late, you are still not sleeping, are you not tired?
- nǐ nàbiān xiànzài jǐ diǎn le? wǒ zhèbiān shì zǎoshang bā diǎn. wǒ zhēn de hěn xǐhuān hé nǐ liáotiān. zhù nǐ yǒu gè měihǎo de yèwǎn hé tiánměi de mèng! xīwàng hěn kuài zài hé nǐ liáotiān! nǐ de wēixìn shì duōshǎo?
- Zhème wǎn le, nǐ hái méi shuì, nǐ bú lèi ma?
** when 不 is followed by another fourth tone, it changes to the second tone (bú) to make the pronunciation smoother.
why are you still awake, are you not tired? Are you maybe a vampire, do you want to drink my blood?
I guess so
I speak Mongolian, of course
- nǐ zěnme hái méi shuì, bù lèi ma? nǐ shìbúshì xīxiěguǐ, xiǎng hē wǒ de xiě ma?
算是吧 - Suànshì ba
我当然讲蒙古语 - Wǒ dāngrán jiǎng ménggǔ yǔ
- xīxuèguǐ - vampire
- xuè - blood
I think I am a modern person, I don’t like to follow outdated rules, and I don’t believe in religion. Others may not agree with me, but I don’t think I need a ring and a piece of paper to prove that I love my girlfriend.
- Wǒ juédé zìjǐ shìgè xiàndài rén, bù xǐhuān zūnshǒu guòshí de guījǔ, yě bùxìn zōngjiào. Biérén kěnéng bù tóngyì wǒ de guāndiǎn, dàn wǒ juédé wǒ bù xūyào jièzhǐ hé yī zhāng zhǐ lái zhèngmíng wǒ ài wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu.
不管怎样 - bùguǎn zěnyàng
- 现代人 - xiàndài rén - modern person
- 遵守 - zūnshǒu - follow
- 过时 - guòshí - outdated
- 规矩 - guījǔ - rules
- 信 - xìn - believe in
- 宗教 - zōngjiào - religion
- 观点 - guāndiǎn - views
- 戒指 - jièzhǐ - ring
- 一张纸 - yī zhāng zhǐ - a piece of paper
- 证明 - zhèngmíng - prove
Anyway, I’m not working today, I’m a bit bored! what are you doing here?
Your abilities are undoubtedly the best.
Little steamed bun, it’s still early and I haven’t started working yet, don’t worry!
- Nǐ de nénglì háo wú yíwèn shì zuì hǎo de.
- Xiǎo mántou, tiān hái zǎo ne, wǒ hái méi kāishǐ gōngzuò, bié dānxīn a!
can you speak any other languages? which language would you like to learn?
By the way, did I tell you that I’m a Youtuber, I’m recording right now. I have a channel in which I talk to people from all over the world in diifferent languages, it’s a lot of fun!
- Nǐ huì shuō qítā yǔyán ma? Nǐ xiǎng xué nǎ zhǒng yǔyán?
- Duìle, wǒ yǒu méiyǒu gēn nǐ shuōguò wǒ shì yīgè yōu guǎn bó zhǔ, wǒ xiànzài zhèngzài lù shìpín. Wǒ yǒu yīgè píndào, zài lǐmiàn wǒ yòng bùtóng de yǔyán hé shìjiè gèdì de rén liáotiān, fēicháng yǒuqù!
- 优管博主 - yōu guǎn bó zhǔ
- 频道 - pín dào - channel
- 世界各地的 - shì jiè gè dì de - people from all over the world