Random 39 RAP Flashcards


Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

Is it the Don, or is it the Volga flowing, A bag on the shoulder,
Pain in the chest, there’s a stash, opened with a crowbar, not a key.
How many miles are left, the short flight didn’t count.
A long, dusty drive, the van is packed with boxes of merch.
We believe in luck, our beds are portable
The minstrel has two paths: a corporate party or a house party
The schemes are the same, everyone is now an MC, after all
Having generated a change, we have achieved a paradigm shift here

You know, my whole rap, in short, is about the fact that
For years now, a city under the sole
Uphill, when it’s going well; then downhill, when it’s sick
I’m not like Gulliver, but still a city under the sole
A city under the sole, a city under the sole
Traffic lights, state duties, fees and customs
I don’t know whether this path is fordable or to the bottom
You live under the heel, I have a city under the sole


Дон ли, Волга ли течёт котомку на плечо
Боль в груди там тайничок, открытый фомкой, не ключом
Сколько миль ещё, перелет короткий был не в счёт
Долгий пыльный чёс, фургон набит коробками с мерчом
Верим подфартит, наши постели портативны
Менестрелю два пути корпоратив или квартирник
Схемы однотипны, все теперь MC, ведь
Смену породив, мы здесь достигли смены парадигмы
(Ты знаешь) Весь мой рэп, если коротко, про то, что
Уж который год который город под подошвой
В гору, когда прёт; потом под гору, когда тошно
Я не то что Гулливер, но всё же город под подошвой
Город под подошвой, город под подошвой
Светофоры, госпошлины, сборы и таможни
Я не знаю, вброд или на дно эта дорожка
Ты живёшь под каблуком, у меня город под подошвой

  • Don li, Volga li techyot kotomku na plecho
    Bol’ v grudi tam taynichok, otkrytyy fomkoy, ne klyuchom
    Skol’ko mil’ yeshcho, perelet korotkiy byl ne v schyot
    Dolgiy pyl’nyy chyos, furgon nabit korobkami s merchom
    Verim podfartit, nashi posteli portativny
    Menestrelyu dva puti korporativ ili kvartirnik
    Skhemy odnotipny, vse teper’ MC, ved’
    Smenu porodiv, my zdes’ dostigli smeny paradigmy

(Ty znayesh’) Ves’ moy rep, yesli korotko, pro to, chto
Uzh kotoryy god kotoryy gorod pod podoshvoy V goru, kogda prot; potom pod goru, kogda toshno YA ne to chto Gulliver, no vso zhe gorod pod podoshvoy
Gorod pod podoshvoy, gorod pod podoshvoy
Svetofory, gosposhliny, sbory i tamozhni
Ya ne znayu, vbrod ili na dno eta dorozhka
Ty zhivosh’ pod kablukom, u menya gorod pod podoshvoy

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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

Is it the Don, or is it the Volga flowing,
A bag on the shoulder,
Pain in the chest, there’s a stash,
Opened with a crowbar, not a key.


Oxxxymiron - City under the sole

Дон ли, Волга ли течёт котомку на плечо
Боль в груди там тайничок, открытый фомкой, не ключом
- Don li, Volga li techyot kotomku na plecho
Bol’ v grudi tam taynichok, otkrytyy fomkoy, ne klyuchom

  • Дон - Don (a river in Russia)
  • ли - whether/if
  • Волга - Volga (a river in Russia)
  • течёт - flows
  • котомку - a bag/sack
    ** Kobe’s tomcut cuddles in the bag
  • на - on
  • плечо - shoulder
  • боль - pain
  • в - in
  • груди - chest
    ** Grumpy dinosaurs flex their chests
  • там - there
  • тайничок - a small hiding place/stash
    ** tiny chocolate in the stash
  • открытый - opened
  • фомкой - with a crowbar
  • не - not
  • ключом - with a key
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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

not with a key
How many miles are left, the short flight didn’t count.
A long, dusty drive, the van is packed with boxes of merch.


Oxxxymiron - City under the sole

не ключом
Сколько миль ещё, перелет короткий был не в счёт
Долгий пыльный чёс, фургон набит коробками с мерчом
- ne klyuchom
Skol’ko mil’ yeshcho, perelet korotkiy byl ne v schyot
Dolgiy pyl’nyy chyos, furgon nabit korobkami s merchom

  • ключом - with a key
    ** Clouseau chomping on the key
  • skol’ko - how many
  • mil’ - miles
  • eshchë - still/left
  • perelet - flight
    ** Peter really lets the flight continue
  • korotkiy - short
    ** Carrot’s key is short
  • был - byl - was
  • не - ne - not
  • v schyot - into account
  • dolgiy- long
  • pyl’niy - dusty
    ** pills nearby covered in dust
  • chës - drive/journey
  • furgon - van
  • nabit - packed/filled
    ** Nadja bitte pack mal
  • korobkami - boxes
    ** Koalas robbed kangaroos, mixing boxes
  • с - s - with
  • мерчом - merchom - merch (short for merchandise)
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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

Is it the Don, or is it the Volga flowing, A bag on the shoulder,
Pain in the chest, there’s a stash, opened with a crowbar, not a key.
How many miles are left, the short flight didn’t count.
A long, dusty drive, the van is packed with boxes of merch.


Дон ли, Волга ли течёт котомку на плечо
Боль в груди там тайничок, открытый фомкой, не ключом
Сколько миль ещё, перелет короткий был не в счёт
Долгий пыльный чёс, фургон набит коробками с мерчом
- Don li, Volga li techyot kotomku na plecho
Bol’ v grudi tam taynichok, otkrytyy fomkoy, ne klyuchom
Skol’ko mil’ yeshcho, perelet korotkiy byl ne v schyot
Dolgiy pyl’nyy chyos, furgon nabit korobkami s merchom

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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

Boxes of merch
We believe in luck, our beds are portable
The minstrel has two paths: a corporate party or a house party


Верим подфартит, наши постели портативны
Менестрелю два пути корпоратив или квартирник
- korobkami s merchom
Verim podfartit, nashi posteli portativny
Menestrelyu dva puti korporativ ili kvartirnik

  • verim - we believe
  • podfartit - will get lucky (colloquial)
    ** Podrick farms tits luckily 🍀
  • nashi - our
  • posteli - beds
  • portativny - portable
    ** Portable Tiffany needs portable beds
  • menestrelyu - to the minstrel
  • dva - two
  • puti - paths
  • korporativ - corporate event
  • kvartirnik - home concert/intimate gig
    ** Quarrel tires Nick at the house party
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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

house party
The schemes are the same, everyone is now an MC, after all
Having generated a change, we have achieved a paradigm shift here


Схемы однотипны, все теперь MC, ведь
Смену породив, мы здесь достигли смены парадигмы
- kvartirnik
Skhemy odnotipny, vse teper’ MC, ved’
Smenu porodiv, my zdes’ dostigli smeny paradigmy

  • skhemy - schemes
  • odnotipny - identical/monotonous
    ** odd nomads tip neatly
  • vse - everyone/all
  • teper’ - now
  • MC - MC (Master of Ceremonies, rapper)
  • ved’ - after all/because
  • smenu - change
  • porodiv - have produced / generated
    ** poor rodents diverge, generating confusion
  • my - we
  • zdes’ - here
  • dostigli - have achieved
    ** Does Timmy glimpse achievement?
  • smeny - a shift/change
  • paradigmy - of paradigm
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Oxxxymiron - Город под подошвой

boxes of merch
We believe in luck, our beds are portable
The minstrel has two paths: a corporate party or a house party
The schemes are the same, everyone is now an MC, after all
Having generated a change, we have achieved a paradigm shift here


Верим подфартит, наши постели портативны
Менестрелю два пути корпоратив или квартирник
Схемы однотипны, все теперь MC, ведь
Смену породив, мы здесь достигли смены парадигмы
- korobkami s merchom
Verim podfartit, nashi posteli portativny
Menestrelyu dva puti korporativ ili kvartirnik
Skhemy odnotipny, vse teper’ MC, ved’
Smenu porodiv, my zdes’ dostigli smeny paradigmy

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(Tagalog) Flow G - Rapstar

even I shook my head.
Those who believed, I can’t fail them
I can’t show them something lacking
Ears that need to be satisfied
I still have to, even if I already know how to tickle them.


Flow G - Rapstar

pati ako napailing
Mga naniwala, ‘di ko puwedeng biguin
‘Di ko puwedeng pakitaan ng bitin
Mga tainga na kailangang busugin
ko pa din kahit kabisado na kilitiin

  • pati ako napailing - even I shake my head
  • mga naniwala - those who believed
  • ‘di ko puwedeng - I can’t
  • biguin - to fail, to let down
  • pakitaan - show
    ** Patrick kicked tables angrily, showing frustration
  • ng bitin - anything lacking
  • mga tainga - the ears
  • kailangang - need to be
  • busugin - to satisfy
    ** Bunnies supply ginger to satisfy me
  • ko pa din - I still have to
  • kahit - even if
  • kabisado na - already know by heart
    ** Karla biked Saturday downtown, knowing it by heart
  • kilitiin - how to tickle
    ** Kilian tickles intensely
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(Tagalog) Flow G - Rapstar

I still have to, even if I already know how to tickle them.
I know there are eyes watching how I’ll fail
Patiently waiting for when I’ll grow weak and falter


Flow G - Rapstar

ko pa din kahit kabisado na kilitiin
Alam ko na may mata na nagbabantay kung pa’no ako sasablay
Matiyagang nag-aantay kung kailan ako tatamlay at lalaylay

  • may – there are
  • mata – eyes
  • nagbabantay – watching
    ** Nagasaki bakers banned Thais from watching
  • kung – how
  • pa’no – (colloquial) how
  • sasablay – will fail
    ** Sarah sadly blames failure
  • Matiyagang – patiently
    ** Matthias’ gang is patient
  • nag-aantay – waiting
    ** Nagoyas antsy taylors wait
  • kung – when
  • kailan – when
  • tatamlay – will grow weak
    **Tanya tames lazy weaklings
  • lalaylay – will falter
    ** Larry lays lazily, faltering
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(Tagalog) Flow G - Rapstar

Those who are drooling to see me weak, sick of tearing me down,
Exhausted from trying to drag me down because I’ve shown nothing but deadly moves.


Flow G - Rapstar

‘Yong mga laway na laway na makita ako na mahina, umay na umay na manira
Ngalay na ngalay na manghila kasi nga walang pinakitang hindi pamatay

  • ‘Yong – those
  • laway – drool
    ** Larissa why are you drooling?
  • makita – see
  • mahina – weak
    ** Mary hits naturally weak
  • umay – sick of, fed up
    ** U maybe be sick of this
  • manira – tear down
    ** Manny ravages, tearing things down
  • Ngalay – tired/exhausted
    ** Naddie lies tired qnd exhausted
  • na – already
  • manghila – drag down
    ** Monkeys hilariously drag me down
  • kasi – because
  • nga – indeed
  • walang – nothing
  • pinakitang – shown
    ** pineapples kick tangerines, showing skill
  • hindi – not
  • pamatay – deadly moves/killer instincts
    ** Paul masters Thailand’s deadly moves
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(Tagalog) Flow G - Rapstar

You can’t blame me anymore for why I’m like this.
I’m just acting naturally.
And I already prevented myself from stuttering.
I fought, gambled, crawled, and loved.
Over time, I learned to endure.


Flow G - Rapstar

‘Di niyo na puwede masisi kung ba’t gan’to
Ginaganapan ko lang nang natural
‘Tsaka inagapan ko na mautal
Nilaban, sinugal, ginapang, minahal
Katagalan, natutunan ko nang tumagal

  • Di - not (hindi)
  • niyo - you (plural/formal)
  • na - already
  • puwede - can/be able to
  • masisi - blame
    ** Mark’s a sissi and blames others
  • kung - if
  • ba’t - why (bakit)
  • gan’to - like this/this way (ganito)
  • Ginaganapan - performed/acted upon
  • lang - just/only
  • nang - in a way/with
  • natural - natural
  • ‘Tsaka - and also/then (at saka)
  • inagapan - addressed early/prevented beforehand
    ** Ina gathers pancakes to prevent hunger
  • mautal - stammer/stutter
  • Nilaban - fought for
    ** Nina launched bananas to fight
  • sinugal - gambled/staked
    ** sinus galaxy gambling
  • ginapang - crawled/suffered through/worked hard for
  • minahal - loved
  • Mina hallucinates about love
  • Katagalan - over time
    ** Kate gathers language over time
  • natutunan - learned
  • tumagal - to endure, to last
    ** Turkeys marched gallantly to endure the winter.
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In time, I learned to endure
And I know of course that it’s already being awaited
Hoping that what’s released would be ignored so it won’t be anticipated
But the thing is, the kid from Alabang is a fighter


Flow G - Rapstar

Katagalan, natutunan ko nang tumagal
‘Tsaka alam ko naman na inaabangan na
sana tabangan ‘yong papakawalan para ‘di na abangan
Kaso nga lang, palaban ang batang Alabang

  • Katagalan - over time
    ** Kate gathers language over time
  • natutunan - learned
  • tumagal - to endure, to last
    ** Turkeys marched gallantly to endure the winter.
  • ‘tsaka - and also/then (at saka)
  • naman - of course/indeed/anyway (n/a)
  • inaabangan - being awaited (verb, progressive aspect)
    ** Ina abandons ganja that’s being awaited
  • sana - hopefully (n/a)
  • tabangan - ignored/disregarded (verb, passive aspect)
    ** Tanya banishes ganja that’s ignored
  • ‘yong - the/that (iyon)
  • papakawalan - will be released (verb, future aspect)
  • ‘di - not (hindi)
  • na - anymore (n/a)
  • abangan - be awaited (verb, infinitive)
  • kaso - but (conjunction)
  • nga - indeed/actually (particle)
  • lang - just/only (particle)
  • palaban - fighter/combative (adjective)
    ** Patrick launches bananas as a fighter
  • batang - child/kid (noun, modifier form)
  • alabang - Alabang (proper noun, place name)
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(Tagalog) (90%)
But the thing is, the kid from Alabang is a fighter
Grew up striving to excel
So I got used to creating with intensity
I didn’t realize that you had actually come so far, and even I shook my head.


Flow G - Rapstar

Kaso nga lang, palaban ang batang Alabang
Kinalakihan na galingan nang galingan
Kaya nakasanayan kong makabuo nang madiin
‘Di ko namalayan na malayo na malayo na pala na ‘yong narating, pati ako napailing

  • kaso - but (conjunction)
  • nga - indeed/actually (particle)
  • lang - just/only (particle)
  • palaban - fighter/combative (adjective)
  • batang - child/kid (noun, modifier form)
  • alabang - Alabang (proper noun, place name)
  • kinalakihan - grew up with (verb, past aspect)
  • na - already (n/a)
  • galingan - to excel (verb, infinitive)
  • nang - by/with (conjunction)
  • galingan - excellence/skill (noun)
  • kaya - so/therefore (conjunction)
  • nakasanayan - got used to (verb, past aspect)
  • kong - I (ng pronoun, first person singular, linker)
  • makabuo - to create/form (verb, infinitive)
  • madiin - intense/firm (adjective)
  • ‘di - not (hindi)
  • namalayan - realized (verb, past aspect)
  • malayo - far (adjective)
  • pala - actually, it turns out (particle)
  • na - that (conjunction)
  • ‘yong - what/the/that (iyong)
  • narating - reached/achieved (verb, past aspect)
  • pati - even (conjunction)
  • napailing - shook my head (verb, past aspect)
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But the thing is, the kid from Alabang is a fighter
Grew up striving to excel
So I got used to creating with intensity
I didn’t realize that you had actually come so far, and even I shook my head.


Flow G - Rapstar

Kaso nga lang, palaban ang batang Alabang
Kinalakihan na galingan nang galingan
Kaya nakasanayan kong makabuo nang madiin
‘Di ko namalayan na malayo na malayo na pala na ‘yong narating, pati ako napailing

  • kaso - but (conjunction)
  • nga - indeed/actually (particle)
  • lang - just/only (particle)
  • palaban - fighter/combative (adjective)
  • batang - child/kid (noun, modifier form)
  • alabang - Alabang (proper noun, place name)
  • kinalakihan - grew up with (verb, past aspect)
  • na - already (n/a)
  • galingan - to excel (verb, infinitive)
  • nang - by/with (conjunction)
  • galingan - excellence/skill (noun)
  • kaya - so/therefore (conjunction)
  • nakasanayan - got used to (verb, past aspect)
  • kong - I (ng pronoun, first person singular, linker)
  • makabuo - to create/form (verb, infinitive)
  • madiin - intense/firm (adjective)
  • ‘di - not (hindi)
  • namalayan - realized (verb, past aspect)
  • malayo - far (adjective)
  • pala - actually, it turns out (particle)
  • na - that (conjunction)
  • ‘yong - what/the/that (iyong)
  • narating - reached/achieved (verb, past aspect)
  • pati - even (conjunction)
  • napailing - shook my head (verb, past aspect)
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Open your hands (or fists) with me immediately,
You know that you and I together,
The world is in our fist.
I believe in the power of words,
I go beyond limits and boundaries.
I go for the conquest of rap.

(Say that again, you)


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

دستارو وا کن با من آناٌ
اینو میدوني که من و تو با هم
دنیا توی مشتمونه
من قدرت کلمه رو باور دارم
میرم بی حد و مرز
من میرم تا فتح رپ
- dastāro vā kon bā man ānan
ino midooni ke man o to bāham
donyā tooye moshtemoone
man ghodrate kalamaro bāvar dāram
miram bi had o marz
man miram tā fathe rap

دوباره همینو بگو تو
- dobāre hamino begō to

  • dastaaro - the hands (or fists)
  • vaa kon - open / release
  • baa - with
  • man - me
  • aanan - immediately
  • ino - this
  • midooni - you know
  • ke - that
  • o - and
  • to - you
  • baaham - together
  • donyaa - world
  • tooye - in
  • moshtemoone - in the fist
  • ghodrate - power of
  • kalamaro - words (kalaam)
  • baavar - belief / faith
  • daaram - I have
  • miram - I go
  • bi had - without limit
  • marz - boundary
  • taa - until
  • fathe - conquest of
  • rap - rap (music or style)
  • dobāre - again
  • hamin - this very
  • o - (object marker)
  • begō - say (imperative)
  • to - you
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(Farsi) adjust
You tell me you’re the protector of my work.
I have consideration in rap.
Tell me, where did those with the vibe of struggle get to?
Everyone’s scattered and messy.
Some groups are intoxicated and messed up.
Some groups are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger
بهم میگي محافظ کارم
تو رپ ملاحضه دارم
هه) بگو به کجا رسیدن اونایی که فاز مبارزه دارن)
همه پخش و پلا
یه سری که نعشه خراب
یه سری که دنبال بچه عروسكا با کفش طلان
- behem migi moḥāfeze kāram
too rap molāḥeze dāram
begoo be kojā residan [onātchie] fāze mobāreze dāran
hame pakhsh o palā
ye seri ke na’she kharāb
ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā

  • behem - to me
  • migi - you say
  • moḥāfeze - protector
    ** most hawks fear zebras’ protector
  • kāram - my work
  • too - in
  • rap - rap
  • molāḥeze - consideration
    ** most laws help zebras with consideration
  • dāram - I have
  • begoo - say, tell
  • be - to
  • kojā - where
  • residan - reach, get to (past)
  • oonāyike - those who
  • fāze - vibe/phase
  • mobāreze - struggle
    ** most baboons resist zebras’ struggle
  • dāran - they have
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Everyone’s scattered and messy.
Some groups are intoxicated and messed up.
Some groups are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger
همه پخش و پلا
یه سری که نعشه خراب
یه سری که دنبال بچه عروسكا با کفش طلان
- hame pakhsh o palā
ye seri ke na’she kharāb
ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā

  • hame - everyone
  • pakhsh - scattered
  • o - and
  • pelā - chaotic/messy
  • ye - some/a few
  • seri - group
  • ke - who/that
  • na’she - intoxicated
  • kharāb - messed up/ruined
  • ye - some/a few
  • seri - group
  • donbāl - looking for
  • bache - kids
  • arūskā - dolls
    ** a Russian skater doll
  • bā - with
  • kafsh - shoes
  • talā - gold
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You tell me you’re the protector of my work.
I have consideration in rap.
Tell me, where did those who are all about the struggle reach?
Everyone’s scattered and messy.
Some are intoxicated and messed up.
Some are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

behem migi moḥāfeze kāram
too rap molāḥeze dāram
begoo be kojā residan [onātchie] fāze mobāreze dāran
hame pakhsh o palā
ye seri ke na’she kharāb
ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā

  • behem - to me
  • migi - you say
  • moḥāfeze - protector
  • kāram - my work
  • too - in
  • rap - rap
  • molāḥeze - consideration
  • dāram - I have
  • begoo - say
  • be - to
  • kojā - where
  • residan - they reached
  • oonāyike - those who
  • fāze - vibe/phase
  • mobāreze - struggle
  • dāran - they have
  • hame - everyone
  • pakhsh - scattered
  • o - and
  • pelā - chaotic/messy
  • ye - some/a few
  • seri - group
  • ke - who/that
  • na’she - intoxicated
  • kharāb - messed up/ruined
  • ye - some/a few
  • seri - group
  • donbāl - looking for
  • bache - kids
  • arūskā - dolls
  • bā - with
  • kafsh - shoes
  • talā - gold
How well did you know this?
Not at all

Open your hands (or fists) with me immediately,
You know that you and I together,
The world is in our fist.
I believe in the power of words,
I go beyond limits and boundaries.
I go for the conquest of rap.
(Say that again, you)

You tell me you’re the protector of my work.
I have consideration in rap.
Tell me, where did those who are all about the struggle reach?
Everyone’s scattered and messy.
Some are intoxicated and messed up.
Some are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

dastāro vā kon bā man ānan
ino midooni ke man o to bāham
donyā tooye moshtemoone
man ghodrate kalamaro bāvar dāram
miram bi had o marz
man miram tā fathe rap
dobāre hamino begō to

behem migi moḥāfeze kāram
too rap molāḥeze dāram
begoo be kojā residan [onātchie] fāze mobāreze dāran
hame pakhsh o palā
ye seri ke na’she kharāb
ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā


Some are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.
You say I sing for fame.
You say I rap for the show.
When you say, “No more,” I know it shocked.
That’s when I shock you back.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

میگی من واسه شهرت میخونم
میگی من واسه شو رپ میکنم
وقتی که میگی دیگه شوک كرد میدونم
اونوقته که شوکت میکنم
- ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā
migi man vāse shohrat mikhoonam
migi man vāse sho rap mikhoonam
vaghti ke migi dige shok kard midoonam
oonvaghte ke shokkat mikonam

  • migi - you say
  • vāse - for
  • shohrat - fame
  • mikhoonam - I sing
  • sho - show
  • vaghti - when
  • ke - that
  • dige - anymore, no more
  • shok - shock
  • kard - did
  • midoonam - I know
  • oonvaghte - then
  • shokkat - your shock
  • mikonam - I do

That’s when I shock you back.
I am weave dreams, but in my dreams, I am deep because
Whatever I built in my dreams exactly became the truth for me.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

اونوقته که شوکت میکنم
من رویا بافم ولی تو رویام عمیقم چون
هرچی که تو رویام ساختم ، دقیقا واسم حقیقت شد
- oonvaghte ke shokkat mikonam
man roya bāfam vali too royam amigham chon
harchi ke too royām sākhtam , daghighan vāsam haghighat shod

  • oonvaghte - then
  • shokkat - your shock
  • mikonam - I do
  • royā - dream
  • bâfam - I weave (related to dreaming, “dreamer”)
  • vali - but
  • to - in
  • royām - my dream
  • amigham - I am deep
  • chon - because
  • harchi - whatever
  • ke - that
  • to - in
  • royām - my dream
  • sākhtam - I built
  • daghighan - exactly, precisely
    ** Dan’s Hyena hammers exactly
  • vāsam - for me
  • haghighat - truth
    ** Hanna’s hyena hates truth
  • shod - became

Whatever I built in my dreams exactly became the truth for me.
My thought is about how far
We are from the center of the goal.
All these mines and reservoirs,
these all exist, brains


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

هرچی که تو رویام ساختم ، دقیقا واسم حقیقت شد
فکر من اینه که چقدر فاصله داریم از مرکز مقصد
این همه معدن و مخزن
این همه هستن مغزن
- harchi ke too royām sākhtam , daghighan vāsam haghighat shod
fekre man ine ke cheghad fāsele dārim az markaze maghsad
in hame ma’dan o makhzan
in hame hastan , maghzan

  • fekre - thought
  • man - I, my
  • ine - this is
  • ke - that
  • cheghad - how much, how far
  • fāsele - distance
  • dārim - we have
  • az - from
  • markaze - center of
  • maghsad - goal, destination
  • in - this
  • hame - all
  • ma’dan - mines
  • o - and
  • makhzan - reservoirs, storage
  • hastan - they are, exist
  • maghzan - minds, brains (creative or metaphorical usage)

these all exist, brains
But when there are walls around you,
Surrounded by unemployed people,
You become fed up with this situation and go seeking a visa.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

این همه هستن مغزن
ولی وقتی که دورت دیواره
دورت پره بی کاره
شدی از این دورت بی زار و میری دنبال مورد ویزا
- in hame hastan , maghzan
vali vaghti ke doret divāre
doret pore bi kāre
shodi az in doret bizār o miri donbāle mored vizā

  • in - this
  • hame - all
  • hastan - they are, exist
  • maghzan - minds, reservoirs (metaphorical use)
  • vali - but
  • vaghti - when
  • ke - that
  • doret - around you
    ** Do retaliate around you
  • divāre - is a wall
  • pore - full of
  • bi kāre - idleness, unemployed people
  • shodi - you became
  • az - from
  • in - this
  • doret - situation, cycle
  • bizār - fed up
  • o - and
  • miri - you go
  • donbāle - after, seeking
  • morede - a case, matter
  • vizaa - visa

You say I sing for fame.
You say I rap for the show.
When you say, “No more,” I know it shocked.
That’s when I shock you back.
I am weave dreams, but in my dreams, I am deep because
Whatever I built in my dreams exactly became the truth for me.
My thought is about how far
We are from the center of the goal.
All these mines and reservoirs,
these all exist, brains
But when there are walls around you,
Surrounded by unemployed people,
You become fed up with this situation and go seeking a visa.


Yas - mosāfer (مسافر) - traveler or passenger

migi man vāse shohrat mikhoonam
migi man vāse sho rap mikhoonam
vaghti ke migi dige shok kard midoonam
oonvaghte ke shokkat mikonam
man roya bāfam vali too royam amigham chon
harchi ke too royām sākhtam , daghighan vāsam haghighat shod
fekre man ine ke cheghad fāsele dārim az markaze maghsad
in hame ma’dan o makhzan
in hame hastan , maghzan
vali vaghti ke doret divāre
doret pore bi kāre
shodi az in doret bizār o miri donbāle mored vizā


(portuguese) HAIKAISS

I don’t give a damn about what they say
I’m standing tall, keeping the faith until
On my side, I keep running like the underdog
Guessing is what you want
Losers want it, but who doesn’t, right?
I want to see money with responsibility, be friends with the sly
A slacker crocodile ends up as a bag
So, bro, show me your face
Living with hustlers who’ve been through hell
Talk too much, then scratch yourself
If you like it too, man
Losers see the boots but don’t see the feet
But they don’t want to see me standing, man
I even know who they are, I’m holding it down
“babarababarababaraba” – nonsense talk from cowards


Quero que se foda o que disser
Tô de pé, vou mantendo a fé até
Do meu lado eu vou correndo igual ralé
Adivinhar é o que tu quer
Vagabundo quer, mas e quem não quer, né?
Quero ver dinheiro na responsa, ser amigo da onça
Jacaré que pangua vira bolsa
Mano então me mostra a cara
Em convivência com malandro que já foi da fossa
Fala pra carai, então se coça
Se gosta também zé
Vagabundo vê a bota e não vê o pé
Mas não quer me vê em pé jão
Sei até quem são, to na contenção
“babarababarababaraba” papo de cuzão


(portuguese) Haikaiss - Raplord

What do you want to prove?
I’ve already proven I know well, I represented you.
I took you along the journey when you were a nobody, no.
Words of comfort, I received from my life.
It all boils down to my gift, bro.

Go, go, I hope your ego doesn’t mess with your behavior.
If it does, vagabonds fall.
And how they fall, depending on where.
I know this fever well, and maybe you won’t get up again.

Member of Haikaiss, I’m one tough guy.
Too much rap, I’m capable.
Of making this crowd an ally in the mission,
Granted in the life from some time ago.


O que cê quer provar?
Já provei que sei bem, te representei
Levei para a caminhada quando nem era ninguém, não
Palavra de conforto, recebi da minha vida
Se resume no meu dom jão
Vai, vai, espero que seu ego não atrapalhe sua conduta
Se não vagabundo cai
E como cai, dependendo aonde
Eu sei bem dessa febre e talvez não levante mais
Membro do Haikaiss, sou cabra da peste
Rap demais, sou capaz
De fazer essa multidão, aliada na missão
Concedida na vida de um tempo atrás


I like the rhythm getting heavier and heavier,
more violent, fiercer—it doesn’t hurt no matter how it hits.
Can’t stand still, the sound waves keep crashing,
just follow the flow and let yourself feel good.


黃立行 Stanley Huang - 音浪 Sound Wave

越来越猛 越来越凶 怎么撞也不痛
站不住 音浪一直撞就
- Xǐhuān jiézòu yuè lái yuè zhòng
yuè lái yuè měng yuè lái yuè xiōng zěnme zhuàng yě bù tòng
zhàn bù zhù yīn làng yīzhí zhuàng jiù
gēnzhe liúdòng ràng zìjǐ shuǎng

  • 节奏 - jiézòu - rhythm
  • 越来越 - yuèláiyuè - more and more
  • 重 - zhòng - violent, fierce, energetic
  • 猛 - měng - intense
  • 凶 - xiōng - fierce, vicious
  • 怎么 - zěnme - no matter how
  • 撞 - zhuàng - to hit, to crash
  • 不痛 - bù tòng - doesn’t hurt
  • 站不住 - zhàn bù zhù - can’t stand still
  • 住 - zhù - to live, to reside, to stop
  • 音浪 - yīn làng - sound waves
  • 一直 - yìzhí - continuously
  • 跟着 - gēnzhe - follow
  • 流动 - liúdòng - flow
  • 爽 - shuǎng - bright, clear, crisp, to feel good

Like a comet passing through a black hole
Diving, jumping into a unfamiliar outer space
a new beginning, a new universe
can accept my freedom as a meteor
I like the rhythm getting heavier and heavier,
more violent, fiercer—it doesn’t hurt no matter how it hits.
Can’t stand still, the sound waves keep crashing,
just follow the flow and let yourself feel good.


新的开头 新的宇宙
越来越猛 越来越凶 怎么撞也不痛
站不住 音浪一直撞就
- Xiàng gè huìxīng chuānyuè hēidòng
tiàoshuǐ tiào dào mòshēng tàikōng
xīn de kāitóu xīn de yǔzhòu
néng jiēshòu wǒ zhège liúxīng de zìyóu
Xǐhuān jiézòu yuè lái yuè zhòng
yuè lái yuè měng yuè lái yuè xiōng zěnme zhuàng yě bù tòng
zhàn bù zhù yīn làng yīzhí zhuàng jiù
gēnzhe liúdòng ràng zìjǐ shuǎng


Kronno Zarkot VS Zomber (IAN)


Con cada letra que te canto, yo lo bordo
Intentan imitarme, pero solo tocan fondo
K-R-O-N-N-O, si no entiendes lo que digo significa que estás sordo
No sé por qué plagias, si yo te rapeo
Pensarás que te hago magia, pero te equivocas
Trata de pararme, yo soy un bazooca
Yo solo me paro cuando impacto con tu tropa

Tiro, tiro, mato a mi enemigo
No me giro, pero miro
Por la mira te persigo
No me para ni un vampiro
Yo le quemo con mi piro
Siempre digo lo que pienso
Pero nunca me retiro primo,
Soy como un zafiro
Mi rap es oro fino
Lo afino y lo defino como quiero
Pego urgiendo te lastimo
Cada tema que te escribo, no delirio
Esquivo balas con mi estilo
Contagioso como un virus


Kronno Zarkot VS Zomber (IAN) (PT1 90%)


Con cada letra que te canto, yo lo bordo
Intentan imitarme, pero solo tocan fondo
K-R-O-N-N-O, si no entiendes lo que digo significa que estás sordo
No sé por qué plagias, si yo te rapeo
Pensarás que te hago magia, pero te equivocas
Trata de pararme, yo soy un bazooca
Yo solo me paro cuando impacto con tu tropa


Kronno Zarkot VS Zomber (IAN) (PT2)


Tiro, tiro, mato a mi enemigo
No me giro, pero miro
Por la mira te persigo
No me para ni un vampiro
Yo le quemo con mi piro
Siempre digo lo que pienso
Pero nunca me retiro
Primo, soy como un zafiro
Mi rap es solo fino
Lo afino y lo defino como quiero
Pego urgiendo te lastimo
Cada tema que te escribo, no delirio
Esquivo balas con mi estilo
Contagioso como un virus


Kronno Zarkot VS Zomber (IAN) (PT2 90%)


Tiro, tiro, mato a mi enemigo
No me giro, pero miro
Por la mira te persigo
No me para ni un vampiro
Yo le quemo con mi piro
Siempre digo lo que pienso
Pero nunca me retiro primo
Soy como un zafiro
Mi rap es oro fino
Lo afino y lo defino como quiero
Pego urgiendo te lastimo
Cada tema que te escribo, no delirio
Esquivo balas con mi estilo
Contagioso como un virus


Eminem - Godzilla 100%


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade
I’m finna kill ‘em and dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate a renegade em
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Godzilla 100% (IAN)


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade I’m
finna kill ‘em AND dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate a renegade em
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Godzilla 90% (IAN)


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade I’m
finna kill ‘em AND dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate a renegade em
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Godzilla 80% (IAN)


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade I’m
finna kill ‘em and dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate a renegade em
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Godzilla 90%


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade
finna kill ‘em and dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate a renegade em
I’m here to make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Godzilla 80%


Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em, other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did, I’m in a fit of rage, I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade him
finna kill ‘em and dump all their fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliteratin’ everythin’, incinerate and renegade em
and I make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Part 2 80%


‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Eminem - Part 2 90%


‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Attila, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You bringin’ the killer within me outta me
You don’t wanna be the enemy of the demon who went in me


Tagalog Flow G Rapstar - full first part 90%

You can’t blame me anymore for why I’m like this.
I’m just acting naturally.
And I already prevented myself from stuttering.
I fought, gambled, crawled, and loved.
Over time, I learned to endure.
And I know of course that it’s already being awaited
Hoping that what’s released would be ignored so it won’t be anticipated
But the thing is, the kid from Alabang is a fighter
Grew up striving to excel
So I got used to creating with intensity
I didn’t realize that you had actually come so far, and even I shook my head.
Those who believed, I can’t fail them
I can’t show them something lacking
Ears that need to be satisfied
I still have to, even if I already know how to tickle them.

I know there are eyes watching how I’ll fail
Patiently waiting for when I’ll grow weak and falter
Those who are drooling to see me weak, sick of tearing me down,
Exhausted from trying to drag me down because I’ve shown nothing but deadly moves.


‘Di niyo na puwede masisi kung ba’t gan’to
Ginaganapan ko lang nang natural
‘Tsaka inagapan ko na mautal
Nilaban, sinugal, ginapang, minahal
Katagalan, natutunan ko nang tumagal
‘Tsaka alam ko naman na inaabangan na
sana tabangan ‘yong papakawalan para ‘di na abangan
Kaso nga lang, palaban ang batang Alabang
Kinalakihan na galingan nang galingan
Kaya nakasanayan kong makabuo nang madiin
‘Di ko namalayan na malayo na malayo na pala
Na ‘yong narating, pati ako napailing
Mga naniwala, ‘di ko puwedeng biguin
‘Di ko puwedeng pakitaan ng bitin
Mga tainga na kailangang busugin
ko pa din Kahit kabisado na kilitiin

Alam ko na may mata na nagbabantay kung pa’no ako sasablay
Matiyagang nag-aantay kung kailan ako tatamlay at lalaylay
‘Yong mga laway na laway na makita ako na mahina, umay na umay na manira
Ngalay na ngalay na manghila kasi nga walang pinakitang hindi pamatay


Tagalog Flow G Rapstar - full first part

You can’t blame me anymore for why I’m like this.
I’m just acting naturally.
And I already prevented myself from stuttering.
I fought, gambled, crawled, and loved.
Over time, I learned to endure.
And I know of course that it’s already being awaited
Hoping that what’s released would be ignored so it won’t be anticipated
But the thing is, the kid from Alabang is a fighter
Grew up striving to excel
So I got used to creating with intensity
I didn’t realize that you had actually come so far, and even I shook my head.
Those who believed, I can’t fail them
I can’t show them something lacking
Ears that need to be satisfied
I still have to, even if I already know how to tickle them.

I know there are eyes watching how I’ll fail
Patiently waiting for when I’ll grow weak and falter
Those who are drooling to see me weak, sick of tearing me down,
Exhausted from trying to drag me down because I’ve shown nothing but deadly moves.


‘Di niyo na puwede masisi kung ba’t gan’to
Ginaganapan ko lang nang natural
‘Tsaka inagapan ko na mautal
Nilaban, sinugal, ginapang, minahal
Katagalan, natutunan ko nang tumagal
‘Tsaka alam ko naman na inaabangan na
sana tabangan ‘yong papakawalan para ‘di na abangan
Kaso nga lang, palaban ang batang Alabang
Kinalakihan na galingan nang galingan
Kaya nakasanayan kong makabuo nang madiin
‘Di ko namalayan na malayo na malayo na pala
Na ‘yong narating, pati ako napailing
Mga naniwala, ‘di ko puwedeng biguin
‘Di ko puwedeng pakitaan ng bitin
Mga tainga na kailangang busugin
ko pa din Kahit kabisado na kilitiin

Alam ko na may mata na nagbabantay kung pa’no ako sasablay
Matiyagang nag-aantay kung kailan ako tatamlay at lalaylay
‘Yong mga laway na laway na makita ako na mahina, umay na umay na manira
Ngalay na ngalay na manghila kasi nga walang pinakitang hindi pamatay


(zh) Sound wave all


新的开头 新的宇宙
越来越猛 越来越凶 怎么撞也不痛
站不住 音浪一直撞就
飞 到太空游泳 绕着月亮潜入地球
骇到过头想保留永久 脑袋一直找着出口
水星里面泡个温泉 意识飞的越来越远
金星海滩冲个音浪 自由穿梭在低音之上

  • Xiàng gè huìxīng chuānyuè hēidòng
    tiàoshuǐ tiào dào mòshēng tàikōng
    xīn de kāitóu xīn de yǔzhòu
    néng jiēshòu wǒ zhège liúxīng de zìyóu
    Xǐhuān jiézòu yuè lái yuè zhòng
    yuè lái yuè měng yuè lái yuè xiōng zěnme zhuàng yě bù tòng
    zhàn bù zhù yīn làng yīzhí zhuàng jiù
    gēnzhe liúdòng ràng zìjǐ shuǎng
    Fēi dào tàikōng yóuyǒng ràozhe yuèliàng qiánrù dìqiú
    hài dào guòtóu xiǎng bǎoliú yǒngjiǔ nǎodai yīzhí zhǎozhe chūkǒu
    shuǐxīng lǐmiàn pào gè wēnquán
    yìshí fēi de yuè lái yuè yuǎn
    jīnxīng hǎi tān chōng gè yīn làng
    zìyóu chuānsuō zài dīyīn zhī shàng
    Yīn làng tài qiáng bù huàng
    huì bèi zhuàng dào dìshàng

Creutzfeld Jakob - Anfangsstadium

The time is ripe for the new shit!
Spreads around like joints in my clique
Creutzfeld, Jakob—finally, skills and styles are back
Two iron mics and diamond needles on black plastic
Unique, bombastic—battle me, I’ll take you down fresh!
Take note! A masterpiece of German rap is spinning here
I know you’re disappointed by other crews
This is new and fresh! The neighborhood kids vouch for it:
It’s booming here, there’s a party
Because hip-hop in Germany is mostly mediocre and often whack!
I’m amazed that your sound is so weak in the chest
Man, which fool buys that crap
That you pass off as German rap?
Damn, I don’t give a shit about your songs!
Now you can learn—seize the opportunity
But hey, kid, don’t be scared—the first lesson is free!


Die Zeit ist reif für den neuen Scheiß!
Geht ‘rum wie Joints in meinem Freundeskreis
Creutzfeld, Jakob, endlich wieder Skills und Styles
Zwei eiserne Mics und Nadeln aus Diamant auf schwarzem Plastik
Einzigartig, bombastisch, battle mich, ich mach dich frisch!
Notier das! Hier rotiert ein Meisterstück des deutschen Raps
Ich weiß, dass du von anderen Crews enttäuscht bist
Das is’ neu und fresh! Die Nachbarjungs bezeugen es:
Hier boomts! Das gibt ein Freudenfest
Denn Hip-Hop ist in Deutschland meistens Mittelmaß und häufig whack!
Ich bin erstaunt, dass euer Sound so schwach ist auf der Brust
Man welcher Trottel kauft den Mist
Den du als deutschen Rap ausgibst?
Verdammt, ich scheiß’ auf deine Songs!
Jetzt kannst du lernen, ergreif die Chance
Aber ey Jung, keine Angst, die erste Lektion is’ umsonst


Yas - Mosafer - Full

Open your hands (or fists) with me immediately,
You know that you and I together,
The world is in our fist.
I believe in the power of words,
I go beyond limits and boundaries.
I go for the conquest of rap.
(Say that again, you)

You tell me you’re the protector of my work.
I have consideration in rap.
Tell me, where did those who are all about the struggle reach?
Everyone’s scattered and messy.
Some are intoxicated and messed up.
Some are looking for kids’ dolls with golden shoes.

You say I sing for fame.
You say I rap for the show.
When you say, “No more,” I know it shocked.
That’s when I shock you back.
I am weave dreams, but in my dreams, I am deep because
Whatever I built in my dreams exactly became the truth for me.
My thought is about how far
We are from the center of the goal.
All these mines and reservoirs,
these all exist, brains
But when there are walls around you,
Surrounded by unemployed people,
You become fed up with this situation and go seeking a visa.


dastāro vā kon bā man ānan
ino midooni ke man o to bāham
donyā tooye moshtemoone
man ghodrate kalamaro bāvar dāram
miram bi had o marz
man miram tā fathe rap
dobāre hamino begō to

behem migi moḥāfeze kāram
too rap molāḥeze dāram
begoo be kojā residan [onātchie] fāze mobāreze dāran
hame pakhsh o palā
ye seri ke na’she kharāb
ye seri ke donbāl bache arūskā bā bā kafshe talā

migi man vāse shohrat mikhoonam
migi man vāse sho rap mikhoonam
vaghti ke migi dige shok kard midoonam
oonvaghte ke shokkat mikonam
man roya bāfam vali too royam amigham chon
harchi ke too royām sākhtam , daghighan vāsam haghighat shod
fekre man ine ke cheghad fāsele dārim az markaze maghsad
in hame ma’dan o makhzan
in hame hastan , maghzan
vali vaghti ke doret divāre
doret pore bi kāre
shodi az in doret bizār o miri donbāle mored vizā